Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. ., ... ,-. '- PROTECT ALL s Z _ IX: o LL Fastest and Easiest Way Yel to Clean & Polish Your Motorcycle . ::::; s <, <{ First Polish E r to be Recomve mended for Vinyl, Rubber,' Plastic, Paint, Fiberglass & Chrome o C leans, Polishes and Protects o Just Spray On, Wipe Off Beautifies Instantly o Save Time - Save Money o Formulated Especially for Motorcycles IX: w ~ s >- '" o le J: "- Perfect for a "Full Dresser'· Call o r wri te for c omplete info. 216/244-4136 3709 W. Erie Ave .. Lorain. OH 44053 . What is your problem7 T.II it to the editor - --w rite him a le tter. ~ OPEN7DAYSAWEEK HO URS : Mo n·Fro !J-7 Sal 9-6 Sun 10-5 We shi p UPS Dail y • III - :-. ill • . . , 2i • • Dave' Bertram rode his 430 Husky to the Open Expert c lass victory at the Richmond Rambler's hare scrambles in Patterson, Ca lifornia. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL SCHOTT BROS. PEACOAT BIKER JACKET $ Reg. $99.95 Bertram tops 39.95 Hi-Point HS 2 Southern Californ Stores ! ia Westminster, CA (7141894-9829 By James Gillis 3104 EI Cajon Blvd. San Diego. CA (619) 284-7617 13682 Beach 81 vd. PATrERSON, CA . FEB. 23 1985 THOUSAND OAKS J4~ YAMAHA-KAWASAKI 1985KX2SO . . ' ..-, $1995.00 ~ " . or ~ ., Immediat. Delivery $2,895.00 w. Ha.... Customs Broil. . . . All 1986 KX ": mode ls in stock .-.c -"'.1111 ". Yamaha RZSOON Special Discounts on Bikes & Pa rts. " Drive A Little . s.v. A Lot " - - C.II Us B.fore You Buyl - 2 388 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd . Thousand Oaks. CA 91360 (ioS) 4.7-3765 and ShIppInc _~n!!=1 JJOJ Wa lbr Road Wmdsar. Olltario Naw 3R9 Info: 5 t 9/966-6035. Ask For Bruce Charge your Cycle News subscription with your Visa or MasterCard!! MOTO-STEEL St••18.lted Tough To Con qu.r The Gnar Motoc ro ss or Enduro Course s I 6.28 ·18 5.10·18 4 .10·18 6.28·17 5 .10-17 4.10·17 Dlstrillolteol By: IIOTO RACE • 800/628-4040 CEP£ INC. . 21 564-4541 ~ " ' PERFORMANCE YOUR CRANKSHAFT EXPERTS! CIta.-,. fL 33575- a Huw:n' 9 BERNIES EAS T VA llEY @ '"Jlle F• • ' ur. Movies - Motoc ros s Ro.t Rac:e- Vin 1-oe-MUCH MORE l UPS P.QBox474 Dept F.LewiS1on,N.Y. 14 0 92 • fftiAC/NG ~5: .1 Modifle4 Ilaciq 813/756-5762 54 ~ e-t/on" Full Servi ce . HALMAR VIDEO 6027 Hwy. 301 • Bradenton , FL 34 203 Results · Harrell wins White Wolf TT 813/461-4897 Free! Catalogue scrambles put on by the Richmond Ramblers . Some 250 riders from all over California as well as out of state gathered to do bail ie on the challenging eigh t-mi le course which featured 65 percent inclines and declines, cro ssbacks and tight fire trails. J eff WailS diced it out with Bertram for most of the race, but came up short at the checkered to take second place honors. The leg endary Bra d Lackey placed sixth for the day . "There were some real third gear railers out there." co m me nt ed Lackey, referring 10 some of the high berms a lo ng th e tra ck. OPEN EX: 1. n eve Bertram (Hus); 2. Je ff Watt s (Hus); 3. Jo hn Haaker (Hus). 200/ 250 EX: 1. Ouke Oowell (SUl) : 2. Eric Harvey (Yam): 3. Oan Nielson (Hus). VET EX: 1, Rich ard Mathers (Hus): 2. Tom Berbaro (Yam): 3. Joe Cody (Yam). OT EX: t. Gery Vanderpool (KTM); 2. Walt Feyling (KTM): 3. Doug M cCaleb (KTM). OPEN AM : 1. Phil Douglas (Hon); 2. Jim Ash ley (Hon): 3. Kirby Wells (Yam). 250 AM : 1. Steve Shumaker (KTM ): 2. Roben M ihovich (KTM): 3. Oean Swea t (KTM), VET AM : 1. Bob Shannon (Hus); 2, Rob M cBroom (Hon): 3. Dave Woldon (Hus). OT AM : t . Ken Marecak (Bul t, 2. Gary McGann • (Hon ); 3. Phil Ray (Hon). OPEN NOV: 1. Br ian Aubry (Yam); 2 . Vic Linares (Hon); 3. Bud Wilkerson (Hon). 250 NOV: 1. Jim Stanley (Hon): 2. Bill Fargo (Hon); 3 . Doug Abrames (Yam). 1251250 NOV: 1, Robert A ustin (Kaw); 2. Jerry Berkowiu (Kaw): 3. Ken Cederling (Hon). VET NOV: t. Steve Goodwin (KTM): 3. Terry Brown (Han); 3. Brian McClean (KTM ). OT NOV: 1. Den Okeefe (KTM); 2. Dan Baker (Hus t, 3. M ike Sprague (Yam). 4·STRK: 1. Karl Henning (Han ); 2. Mark Exley (Hon ); 3 . Pau l Eicard (Yam). TCRAFLCX , Dave Bertram rode his 430 Husky to the Open Expert class victory in the first round of the Hi- Point Spring Series hare Doily Parts. Apparel 3 4 E. Sou thern Ad ., M.... AZ 85202 (602) 835-1420 BOYESEN REEDS OSC Distributing 4232 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains. Mich . 48020 (313) 673-3366 U.P.S . Daily By Rick Sazama BAKERSFIELD, CA. FEB . 23 Honda-mounted Tony Harrell of Visa l ia was the to p 500cc Expert a t White Wolf Raceway's TT season opener. Tommy Lynch of Bakersfield held off th e hot cnm pet it i on 10 take second plar«. The 500cc Pro program finall y got going a fter four sta rts . The fir st three starts had some great action . but it seeme d th at all th e bike s wanted th e co rner a t the sa me instant, which ca used severa l riders to go down ea ch time. On th e fourth start . Tony H ar- rell pulled a holeshot and led the whole race. The battle wa s for second through fifth with Mik e Hale, Lynch, Donnie H arrell a nd Sean Sweaney di c~ng a t every corner of the nine-lap mam. After taking last in hi s heat race. Joe Winston from Motorcycl e City U .S.A. out o f Mission Viejo came back to show th e Old-Timer and Veteran cla sses what he had and stormed th e main event. James Reed of Corcoran ca me in second. Winston sa id. aft er his trophy p ick-up. th at on March 23 h e will also show us how the short track is won. Results 50 : 1, Bucky Martin (Yam). _ 80: t . Joey Winston (Hon). 250JR: 1. Doug Hulsey (Hon~ 2. Jack Clay (Yamt, 3. Bryan Berna (Yam). 500 BEG: 1. Chad Ellis (Yam): 2. Billy lewis (Yam); 3. Arnold Mincher (Yam). 5OOJR: 1. Paul Cates (KTM): 2. J im Hestily(Kaw): 3. Kir by Shropshire (Hon), 500 EX: 1. Tony Harrell (Hon): 2. Tommy Lynch (Yam~ 3. Sean Sweaney (SUl). VET: 1. Randy Griffith (Yam): 2, Rick Reed (Yam). OT: 1. J oe Winston (Yam); 2. James Reed (Yam); 3. Steve Manin fTri). Gutierrez goes at DeAnza By Bob Alloy . SUNNYMEAD. CA, FEB . 23 Gab e Guti err ez took the Expert cl a ss top honors at DeAnza as 45 red-j erse yed Old Timers met under su n ny skies with 800 temperatures. Gutierrez took th e overall via hi s seco nd mota victo ry. ahead o f secon d overall R icha rd Beal er and Iirss-rnoto winner Dan Sanch ez. Sanchez grabbed th e holeshot in moto one of th e Expert contest and aggressivel y held that lead to the finish . Buzz Moeller gassed his Husky into second, and Bea ler took third. In moto two. it was Gutierrez out in front for most of the race. until Al Smith passed him and held the first position 10 the checkered. Gutierrez' second-place finish was good for the overall win. Beal er came in th ird . good for second overall. Third overall belonged 10 Sanchez. Jim Smith captured firs t ove rall in the Masters class by going wire-towire in the lead in both rnotos, Ron Way's 2-2 rides on the day were good for second overall. David Bree twor led 16 Ama teurs to the checkered flag in bo th moros 10 wrap up first overal l. In moto one. second place finisher Milton R oybal held off the cha rge s of Hal Grady (H on) , and in m oto tw o the order reversed , giving the seco nd overall honors to Grady.

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