Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 INT DIY iWO: 1. Michael Craig (Vam ); 2 . Lowell Thomson (Kawl; 3. Jell Mabery (Vam) . 500 BEG: 1. Donny Moore (Hon ); 2. Chr is Sm it h; 3. Erik Brown (Yam). 500 JR 1. Kirk Sm ith (Yaml; 2 . Todd Brou ssard (SUl); 3. Ma n Petr o. 500 INT: 1. J effrey Reynold s (Ho n ); 2 . Kevi n Frin ger (Yam I; 3 . Steve Pian on i (Hon). YET JR : 1. Bob Hedland J r . (Yam); 2 . Bruce Rust (Varni; 3. Scan Rich mond (Va m). VETINT: 1. Stu a rt Do uglas (Hon); 2. Tim Ken nedy (ya m l; 3. Gary Ja ehn e (Kaw) . YET M ASTE R: 1. Gary W, lson (Ho nl: 2. Andy Jan ning s (Ha n); 3 . Rick Long (Han). OTJR : 1. Terry Pra n (Ya m); 2. Gary Trow er (Hon l; 3 . Tom Bristol (Yam). OT INT: 1. J i m M cCra ck en (Kaw); 2. Thomas Spurgin (Hon) ; 3 . J im Ricc i (5 uz). OT MASTER; 1. Bob Kra h (Kawl; 2. St eve Machado; 3. Car l Nelson. SIDECARS; 1. Pete W hitn ey (Hon); 2. Donald Harte (M ai); 3. Ralph Whitn ey (Varni . Mike Baker cooked the finest riders from both worlds: desert and motocross, the best from: Lo-Point, AXMO. D-DeiL and others. It's only fitting that MS Racing rider Mike • Baker should win the MS Racing sponsored • '86 View Finders Grand Prix. And the way Mike rode his Yamaha250forthe overall. let's just-say ... the competition got Baked in Riverside. ~ 00 Ci) ..- sc ..c: • u .... ro ~ You can win with illS Producta. look rOl' 'e m at your local dealer MS RKing . ~ Indiana A~ Rtvt:nddc . Ca . 1714) 687·1300 By Unda Blum ANT IO CH, IL, FEB.23 wir e-to-wire fashion , claiming hi s seventh straight Senior class victory and add in g cus h io n to his a lready clinched Senior title. Pi ekos domi n at ed Open cl ass raci ng as well for a double class victory o n th e da y. " If o n ly I had o ne m ore lap," co ntended Sen ior class runner-up Dave Rawlings, " I be lie ve I could have changed the o u tcome ." Rawlings, aboard his j o hn Flescher-prepped Yamaha , proved h is intentions w it h a hard cha rge o n P iekos right down to the checkers. Kawasaki-moun ted j eff Parks finished third, leadi ng Bill Waldbuesser jr. Blazing spe ed £rom the starting lin e followed by absolute co ntrol has been P iekos' key to success a board his co n verted Yamaha road racer. T he story wa s no different in th e Open cla ss where P ieko s co m m a n ded the earl y lead over Tom Costell o, current poi nts leader jeff P icha , and heat wi nner Steve Swatscheno, In a no th er p ower-pack ed pe rforma nce, Carmen Del Sasso na iled the S uper Se n ior win a board h is 750 T riumph . " I finall y did it. I beat th ose g uys ," sai d Del Sasso a fter collecting hi s first series win. Runner-u p No rm Gruber tigh tened up th e po ints chase, edgi ng th ird- pl a ce fi n isher R ich W aldbuesser by one. In hi s last a ttemp t to reinforce h is cu rre nt P ro class p o ints lead before lea ving for the Flo rida d irt track series, R otax -m ounted Vern Browne ham m ered the P ro final leading Mark Gruber, Mike Drd la , R ick Gru ber a nd Tim Farrell to the checkers. Bro wne finished secon d to H ondamou nted R ick y Gruber in the Pa bst 250 Challen ge. Chad Bierle and Frank Kai ser were inseparable in a bat tle tha t put a stretch o n the I25cc field . Both Kaw asaki-mounted, Bierl c topped h eat winner Kai ser in th e final. Kawa sa ki-m o u n ted Bill Shoemak e ran a way with th e 200cc final , putting da ylight on cu rrent points leader St eve Sw at sch en o a nd thi rd -pl ace T om Costello . Yamaha-mounted Don Waldbuesser won h is hea t th en ca me ba ck for a co m p lete sweep. taking it Ilag-t o-Ilag in th e 250cc fina l o ver Tim Klouser , Da n Peterso n a nd heat winner Ro b M cG ee, who dropped ba ck to fourth with motor proh lems . In Pee Wee action. M ike Gibson got the ho leshot on h ea t winner Brad Flarneru for the adva ntage in th e fi nal. Current 60cc points leader Karter Bu sse ca rried th e wi n [ro m th e starting line in that class, ch ecking the race-long efforts of Nielson-sponsored heat winnner j aso n Sensabaugh. In the 80cc final, the Ro b McGeel Tom Fos ler blanket race was de cided e c-r Piekos wires L.oon L.ake ice Cycle Craft 's Larry Pi ekos stretched Loon Lake Ice Racing Series' lo ngest winning streak even further today in ..• ~ Baked in Riverside THE 4TH ANNUAL Early Bird Speciall SUPERCROSS Save! $3.00 on top price ticket TH Saturday, April 19th 7:30 P.M. II SANCTIO N E D Orlando Stadium (Citrus Bowl) See The *EarlyBirdSpecial Sun 01 Saperuoss In Ac:tiOfI Amateur Supercross Su nday, April 20th l ide 1JIe TrKlf 1JIe Advanced TICket Prices (Preferred seat in g ) $ 12.00 At The Gate $15.00 B~metf, B~;/ey, Glo'er,O'Mara St.Irs Ilide!! · Off er expires Ap ril 1. 1986 For Early Bird Ticke t Disco unt Send Cashiers Check/Money Order WIth self addressed stamped en velope to : I SuperSports Tickets ~~ RAMADA: P.O. Bo. 13246. St . Petersb urg. FL 33733 RESORT HOTEL 813 / 822-8929 ~------------ Race Information. Call S uperS po rts. 8 13 /822 -8929 -----------~ For Cycle News readers--the first to know! • LARGEST MX DEALE 800/343-1374 ~.iIl1 WE HAVE THE PARTS & WE HAVE THE BIKES! HUSQVARNA. KAWASAKI. KTM • SUZUKI DEAtER DIS COUNTS AVAILABLE NEXT DAY PARTS DELIVERY. WE SHIP BIKES ! II-C KaM..8kj .--- CYCLE DESIGN-..-... H U S QV A RN A can-am® Motorcycles & Parts 11 yrs. experience With Can-Ams Enduro & Hare 47

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