Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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started gelling around better up o n top when I cou ldn 't get past the rider . in front of me, " Carr said , " so I did it again in the sem i. " The final transfer 10 th e main went 10 Pete Hames, wh o withstood th e advances o f Rodn ey Fa rr is for th e fir st eig h t laps until Farris backed off. For J ones to ta ke th e series titl e, h e had to win th e main event, with Boody fin is hi ng no bett er than third. With th e fast sem i win a nd th e tr ea sured pole position on th e packed gr oove, J ones wa s sta rti ng o u t wit h a stac ked deck . The fin al featured 11 National numbers an d Jun ior Villella. Wh en starter Pooch ie Cox flash ed th e green light, J ones wen t. " I o n ly looked back o nce ," he sai d . " I just wanted 10 co nce n tra te." Jones sp lit with Davi s in fur io us and fruitl ess pursui t. T hose two stayed on th e developing groove, but behind th em Hern do n wa s running sligh tly ahead of Carr by taki ng th e lo w line to Carr's ride th rough th e cus h io n. In gra m , Poovey a nd Boody were racin g as a tr io for fifth . By th e fifth lap, J ones h ad a straigh taway lead , a nd barr ing mi sha ps, wou ld be th e series winner. Davis was o n the wa y to his best finish of the series a n d Herndon was making it work in third. Carr had dropped ba ck to sixth aft er gelling run into a few times. " I got sh oved into th e wall by a couple o f guys," Carr explained. " I wa s us ing th e high line, whi ch gave m e great er drive out of th e co rners a nd more straightaway speed. I wa s going into th e co rner a bo u t four mph faster than the others and th ey co u ld m ove o u t a n d move m e o ver. " Slowl y wat chin g hi s series title slip away wa s Bood y, but he was far from dis consolate. "T he bik e is ba sicall y a TT bi ke. It 's not set up for this tra ck. I just put a 500cc cylin der a nd piston o n it and used it for this a n d th e Houston Short Track. It went as fa st as it cou ld . This is the first time th at I've co me down h ere in five years th at I m ade th e ma in all three n ights." Bood y's second-pl a ce seri es prize money wa s $ 1200. Comi ng out of turn four o n th e 14th and fin al la p, Jones rai sed his cle nc hed fis t in victory as h e took th e checkered flag . Dav is wa s next , fol lo wed by Herndon , Ingram , Poovey, Hames and Boody. " T here wa s no tra cti on o ff th e corners," Jones sa id a fter hi s win ning ride. " We wer e spinning and st eering with th e back end instead o f pushing the front end . I kn ow th e cushion would go away, so we set th e bike up to work on th e bottom wh ere it had been working a ll wee k. I kn ew that winning all three would be hard to do and I was pumped even though th e half mil e I won last Frida y at Jacksonvill e wasn 't a series event. It ma kes me feel a lot better going into the Camel Pro Seri es." Davis wa s at a lo ss for words 10 ex plain h is success. "You got me. Basicall y, I just rode th e same line and got a bunch o f lucky breaks. " Herndon wa s back on tra ck after accepti ng some unproduct ive advice earlie r in the week . " T he first night it was working rea l good, th en we put o n some trick tires. I went out in the hea t a n d felt lik e I was on grease. T hat was th e end o f th at. The other ni ght we a ll ta n gl ed in the firs t turn .'. _ "THE BEST IN THE END" North Shore Racing's Gary Gibson and Ed Key were the best at the end of the first round of AMA's Endurance Series atFirebird Raceway. Ouester Racing took fourth place. Both teams were on SUPERTRAPP equipped Fl-750's that outlasted and outperformed the competition. In Camel Pro Series action from the Houston short track, Scott Pearson started outthe season with a credible second place. FAST. NOT FICTION SuperTrapp division of Moller Corporation 1222 Research Park Drive, Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-5069 MICHELIN HI-SPORT -. CONGRATULATIONS and thanks for choosing SUPERTRAPP. COM ING SOON W atch for SUPERTRAPP's newest line of street systems: the all stainless steel Superlights. Ught weight and infinite durability. and '\ 6 ,.f'\ '\ Results FINAL: 1. Ronn ieJones (Hon); 2. W ill Dav is (H-O); 3. Billy Hern don (Hon); 4. Dan Ingram (H-D); 5. Terry Poovey (H-D); 6 . Pete Hames (H-D); 7. Ted Boody (Hon); 8. Chri s Carr (W·R); 9. SCOll Pearson (H· D); 10. M ickey Fay (H-D); 11. Bryan Villella (W-R); 12. Charl ie Orr (Hon) , FINAL SERIES POINTS: 1. Ronnie J ones (55); 2. Ted Boody (4 9); 3. Dan Ingra m (46); 4. Chris Carr (40); 5. Pete Hames(39); 6. Wi ll Davis(29); 7. SIeve Morehead (24); 8. Sammy Swe el (22 ); 9. Terry Poo1 10 . "l''! ~~rso~ (~L 1~ i I . r;rP h -( ', ' I '\60~ HI-TOUR Stock Now In ~~ < ,. • ...

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