Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r Wind (Contin ued from pag e 27) Banzai Brothers Racing (BBR). manufacturer and distributor of the Banzai Brothers Pipe Skid. is offering a $2.00 discount per order to all customers. dealer or retail. who has pledged. or will pledge. a donation of any amount to the Danny Chandler Benefit or the Pro Riders Benefit Fund. For more in formation ca ll BBR at 213 /2564922 . Randy Morales will join Rock y Cycle. the excl us ive im po rters of Izum i cha in, in usin g a nd en dorsi ng Izum i cha in in 1986. Rocky will a lso su pport many club-level road race rs na tionwide as well as th e U.S. ISDE team. AJ-~- E~hiAt\ PhlAU4! SANCTIONED SILVER ANNIVERSARY 2 5 - la p ATIO N AL TT SATURDAY APR 5 IL 7:30 pm Bob Hannah was the first rider to sign up for the Magoo Invitational to be held at the Prairie City OffHighway Park in Sacramento. California. according to Danny Chandler's manager. Mike Collins, The Magoo Invitational will benefit Chandler and is being promoted by Collins and former motocross World Champion Brad Lackey. 1 4th. ANN UAL T he Keysto ne Rall y schedu led for J u ne 20-22 in Pennsylvania has been ca nce lled by th e Keysto ne Road R iders , In c.. According to a story in the February 27 San Francisco Chronicle. a 66-acre parcel of hills was permanently closed to motorcycles . in January by directors of the East Bay Regional Park District. The Chabot Regional Park was reportedly closed because the runoff from the terrain was carrying silt into the reservoirs of Chabot and Upper San Leandro reservoirs. Sea rs Point Internationa l Raceway has a nnounced the cancellation of its AMA-sa nctioned Pro- Am roa d race origina lly scheduled for August 3031. A Sears Po in t press release said th e AMA's decision to ru n Su perbikes. lo ng the major a ttraction of traditio na l Pro-Am weekends, ca used the track to cancel; accordi ng to the release, there's a shortage of co mpetitive Su pe rb ikes. T he AMA event will be re placed on th e sched ule by an AFM race o n the same weekend. GARDENA GOLD CUP REGIONAL HALF•MILE (EXPERTS. JUNIORS. NOVICES) FRIDAY, APRIL 4, h ... .... ........ MQTORCYCLE INDUSTRYS CflANGE Bom Travis Robert Hawkes, to Ascot Park Directo r of Operations Ri cha rd (Rico ) Hawkes a nd wife Melisa, on March 5. Bought The Lubri-Tech trade name and product formulations from .H ench y Industries of Gurnee, Illinois by H ydrosol , Inc.; for more in fo rmatio n call Hydrosol at3 I2/7890840. ..... .-.. Qe- RESERVBI SEATS AVAllAIIU AT Qe- ~~.-nr.-._ National TT S17.00 S8.50 S15.00 S7.50 APRIL 5 Gardena Gold Cup -.. S10.00 S5.00 DoIy DoIy APRil. 4 -- -" 011 CllARGE BT I'IlOlIE ......... (213) 480 -3232 (714) 740 -2000 (A chid,.. I Ind under I4milted 1m 111 gene,lI 14m/ 'on only I " .) AND HOBART AVE. OFfICE GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS ON SALE AT ASCOT ON RACE DAY ONLY - - MAIL O R D ER TICKET FORM -Enclosed is my check tor Octane Boost Corporation of Dallas. Texas. will be sponsoring its first dirt track racer in Junior Mark Witham. who will compete in the Camel Pro Series on a Honda 500. For more information call Octane Boost at 817/870-1128. - .cwo SANCT IONED Tlckets @ $ eacn- Total $ _ Please enc lose a sell addressed stMlP8Cl enve lope along with check or money order payable to - AGAJANIAN ENTERPRISES P. O. Bo.98 Gardena , Calli . 90247 NAME C IT Y PHONE _ AOORESS ST AT E 18300 VERMONT AVE. GARDENA, CALIF. (213) 323-5056 (213) 321-5323 _ FREE VIP PARKING FOR STREET MOTORCYCLES Z IP Kitschand Lusk Win 1986Florida Triple Crown Se.-ies with PJ1 Oils Ezra Lusk and over 40% of the top ten riders in the 65cc 7 -'-; yrs. 85cc 7-11 . 85cc 1 2 -1 3. 85cc 14-15 and 125cc B c lasses made the switch up to PJ1 Goldfire Pro 2-stroke oil. PJ 1 Octane Plus. PJ1 Fork Tuner Oil. PJ1 2-stroke Gear Oil and PJ1 Chain Lube to dominate these highly competitive c lasse s. John Kitsch, Jared KinK and Matt Brake sweep 1st. 2nd and 3rd pl aces Ove rall in the 85cc 14 - 1 5 class also using the w inning li ne of PJ 1 oils and lubricants. M~ke the Switch In '86 to P J 1 It's time JOT you to suiitch. up! Ask for PII, th e exact hi-performance blend of oils and lubricants that factory race teams use. 39

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