Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ezra Lu sk (2 9 8) wo n the 7- 11 m ain ev ent s in both the 65 and 8 5cc divisi o ns. Eric A rlet (5) was f ifth overa ll in the 85cc c lass.. ing heal and ove rca me a slow sta rt in th e final 10 win over H onon Brown and Ch ris Jen kins . Fourteen -yearo ld Nea l made th e mo ve up from 80cc m ach inery j ust a few week s ago a n d h as put together a p erfect str ing of 10 moto wins o n h is 125cc H onda . • Result s 65 (7-11): 1. Ezra Lusk (Kawl; 2. Patrick Sla te (Yam); 3 . M ichael Fann (Kaw) . 85 (7-11 ): 1. ezra Lusk (Kaw l; 2. 8 rett Melton (Hon); 3 . Brock Bull ard (Yam) . . 85 112-13): 1. Damon Bradsh aw (Yam); 2. Hank Moree (Kaw ); 3. Daryl Youngb lood (Yam ). 85 ( 14- 15): 1. John Kitsch (Kaw ); 2. W illiam Mutim er (K aw); 3 . M ich ae l Bry a nt (Kaw) . 125 C (GROUP 1): 1. Marc Weddle (y am) ; 2. Joe Thornton (Kaw); 3 . Johnn y Sh ield s (Kaw). 125 C (GROU P 2): 1. Todd Neal (Hon); 2. Honon Brown (Hon); 3. Chr is J enkins (Hon ). 125 B: 1. Sean Duk es (Hon); 2. Bobby M ann (Kaw ); 3. J im Chester (Kaw). 2 50 C; 1. Grant Wood (Hon); 2. Chris W ilson (Yam ); 3. Steve Kiesler (Kaw) . 250 B: 1. J im Che ster (Kaw); 2 . Tony Bull ard (Yam); 3 . Ru sty Sayres (Hon) . OPEN AM: 1. Vic k Dyer (Hon); 2. Jeff Ste inrock (Hon); 3. Shannon Hawkins (Hon) . SR (30+): 1. Robby Neeley (kaw) ; 2. Walter St eph ens (KTM ); 3. Bill Darling (Hon) . 125 PRO/ AM : 1. M ark M elton (Hon); 2. M ike Jones (Kaw); 3 . M ike Roth (Yam ). 125 A : 1. Jamie M iller (Yam ); 2. Ker rt is Barr on (Hon); 3. Darryl Heisl er (Kaw). 250 PRO / AM : 1. M ike Jones (Kaw); 2 . Ma rk Me lton (Hon); 3 . Toby Harr is (Hon). 25 0 A : 1. Jeff Sta nto n (Yam ); 2. Keith Fox (Kaw); 3. Rick Undell (Yam) . OPEN A: 1. Jeff Stanton (Yam ); 2 . Rick U ndell (Yam ); 3. Kre ig Constantino (Yam ). Mark Melton leads Mike J o nes t o win the 1 2 5 c c Pr o f Am c on test at roun d one of the T riple C row n S X Seri es in Atlanta. Georg ia . S· R" #1 ~~~ iIJIJI4.u ~W" !g-ry * EXCEL * TRAVELEZE TRAILER - CAMPER SALES ENCLOSED CARGO TRA ILERS FIAT BED TRAILERS 8', 12', t 6' & 20' FLOO R LENGTHS i • • So lid 3 X 2" rectangular . Iee l lu blng MIG welded In .. Jig • Ra ilin g fronl an d ~ Ideli . Ia nd.rd ' 0 ' easv t ie-down 4ln d _ Iety • Optiona l expanded met a l bed a"alI.ble • O pt io na l loa di ng ramp or tilt tw d • C olors: wb lte - re d - black -blue D_lgne d fo r haulin g m o lo rcvcle s . ATe '.. o r m1K eUan f>OU5 c a rgo • Solid lamina t ed con.tructlon with f1b. rgla"s ext.rlor • Rea r doo r serves as ramp an d I. 10clt,41bl. • Inte ri o r ligh t. roof "ent a nd skle e ntranc e door s ta nda rd • MIG welded . t••1tram. with Jac k pos t a nd eeeeer JET SK I TRAILERS RAIL MOTORCYCLE TRAILERS A VA IlABLE IN 1 TO 5 RAI L CO MBINATIONS * TAURUS * MANOR • STANDARD FEATURES • Greal lo r Iran.po rtlng dirt or slreet blk•• • 1200 lb. 10 1800 lb. GVW • 13 " or 14 " wheel•• nd Ur_ a"anable • C o lo r.: white - red - b lack bl ue • Ample tltHlown hoo k. • Loa d ing ramp . ta nd.rd • • • • • 5TH WHEELS - CAMPER 18' - 40' 7'6" - 11 '5" S tylish 13" . po ke wheel. Double lip H a ls In hubs Bearin g proleetors Walerproof lig htlnl Ru. tproo' a",'omo'l"e en a mel pa lnl fin .... a"aUa ble In: whl te _ red - blu e Model J ST weig ht 280 lb e. GARAGE + Kitche n + Dinette. Large RefJ'iQerator + Bed room + Queen Bed . BEAUTIFUL LIVING AREA + Bathroom + Shower + Roof Rack & Ladder. FULLY SELF CO NTAI NED PULL TRAILERS 18' - 34' ._. ~. _~ SALES - (818) 787-3377 MODEL 24CC 7854 Sepulveda Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91405

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