Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I , Wind (Con tin ue d fro m pag e ; ) Santa Fe Speed wa y. located in th e su burb of H in sda le. just outside C hicago. Illino is. will no lo nger host regul arl y sched uled p ro motorcycle races. T he speed way was th e home for week ly. Wedne day n igh t professional short track rac ing Jor the past 33 consecu tive years. The eighth annual D-36 Prairie City Grand Prix w ill be he ld March 16 at the Pra irie City OHV Park in Sacramento. California. Dave Achison of Auburn Blvd. U-Haul has donated almost $1 000 in merchandise to be given away at a race day drawing benefitting wellknown injured motocrosser Danny Chandler. Former 500cc MX World Champion Brad Lackey will be the official starter at the event. For more information. call 415/2292158. For the third straight year, Dodge Trucks and the Dodge Swift Group will sponsor the Hangtown National Mo tocross. April 5-6. at the Pra irie City Off-H igh way Vehicle Park in Sacramen to, California. Sa turda y's racing begins at 9:00 a.m . with Sportsman classes, while the firs t 125cc _ Natio nal race beg ins Sunday a t 12:00 noon. For more informatio n. call 916/920-1121. Adventure Treks. Inc. has a schedule of Spring and S um mer offroad motorcycle expeditions into Baja California. Trips are three and four days l ong. concentrating on the northern 1 / 3 of the Baja pen insula. The Adventure Treks crew ha ndles everything f rom full coverage insurance. t o food. guides. chase trucks. accommodations and bike rentals . For more inf orm at ion. contact Adventure Treks. Inc.• 714/859 -1207 Acer bis Mo tor cycle Plastics of Ital y is pro mo ti ng a two-week, 2500 mile o ffroad rall y ca lled th e Rall y De Los In cas in Peru , March 25 th rough Ap ril 9. So far \4 0 ent ries have been accepted fro m a ro u nd the world; non e are from the U. S. Entries are sti ll ava ila ble at $1700 a p iece. For mor e in format ion wri te Casey Fo lks, 3475 Bo ulder H wy.. Las Vegas. NV 89 12 1. or call 702/ 457-0343. Police officers from across t he U.S . met at Willow Springs Raceway in Rosamond. California on February 21 to q ualify for the J uly 20 ru n ning of the International Po lice Olympic Road Race. Officially sanctioned by t he Police Olympic Committee. t he event was int roduced by Los Angeles Police Department officer Bruce Wilson. "I got the idea after attending a California Superb ike School session," Wilson said. "So I ca lled Keith Code and asked him to let officers around the world compete on his 600 Ni njas. " The top U.S . qualifier ran consistent 1 :42s at the California track that w ill be the site of the July 20 race. Randy Mamo la is again spo nsor ing mo tocrosser R icky Ryan in h is chase for the top priva teer spo t in the N ipponden so Su percross Series. Mamola a nd Ryan ha ve the sa me bu siness manager in J im Doyle; Mamol a first sponsored Rya n in 1985. - (Co n tin ued to page 39) WLU' PRESENTS PO 'lAC SUPERCR055 AT THE SILVERDOME IN PONTIAC, .MICHIGAN * 8102 ~ PRESENTS DALLAS SUPERCROSS AT TEXAS STADIUM . IN DALLAS, TEXAS * Sat ApriID-7:00 PM Su':' April13 - 2:00 PM * TICKET PRICES: $14 1 $12 1 $8 FOR KIDS ALL.TICKETS ONE DOLLAR MORE DAY OF THE RACE! Ticket s are available at the Si,v~rdomde ~~ Office Ticketworld at Hudson s ~n. : . AM Branches, partiCipating , Penneys , S ross outSuzuki Dealers and regular uperc lets in Michigan. Saturday, April 26 8:00 PM * TICKET PRICES: $14 / $12 / $10/ $7 FOR KIDS ALL TICKETS ONE DOLLAR MORE DAY OF THE RACE! Tickets are a.vailable at all Rainbow Ticket- mas~er 'o~tlons, all major Sears Stores Hastln~s In Arlington, and participatin ' Su~ukl Dealers (also at Texas Stadium Bo~ Office the week of the race). * CHARGE BY PHONE (313) 456-1635 * AMATEUR SUPERCROSS SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 13 CALL (214) 787-2000 OR (214) 787-1500 AMATEUR SUPERCROSS SUNDAY, APRIL %I * -DENSO * * * CHARGE BY PHONE For Entry Informa tion, Call MMDA 1 at (517) 321-435 U-GROOVE 5F!IIUa< PLUGS Q102 SCOTTUf9A For Entry Information, Call SUPERSPORTS at (813) 822-8929 Castrol 27

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