Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 03 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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at the top of the track because I found if I didn 't I had trouble through th e m iddle of the tu rns ." IJl ~ - z z w J: >- '" o IJl .... o J: a. (Above) Ted Boody (12) beat Steve Morehead (42) in the Expert main. (Below ) Bryan Villella (65x) edged Robert Lewis (SSe) in the Junior final. Wiseco Daytona Dirt Track Series: Round 1 Boody wins Daytona Busch Half Mile By Henny Ray Abrams BARBERVILLE, FL, MAR. 2 College Bike Shop's Boody used a daring Morehead to win the Busch Half Mile, the fo ur-race $36,000 Wiseco-Davt D' tT k Seri es at Voluc;:ma ir r a e , sta Co unt y Speedway. Morehead, on the KK Mo tor- 26 cycle Supp ly/Tex Peel H-D, grabbed th e hol eshot and led u nt il Boody went under h im between tu rn s th ree and four on th e 10th of 14 laps. Once pas t, Boody spe d 10 the win with Moreh ead second and . Gardner Racin g 's Pete Ham es third. A unique format gave all 36 of the Experts a cha nce to ru n for a titl e, with th e ride rs who did n't quali fy for the feature event running in B an d C final s. T he B final, for those riders who fin ished fourth to sixth in their heat races. was won by th e on ly fema le holding an Expert dirt tra ck license, T ammy Kirk , ah ead o f Rog er Durkee Honda-moun ted Ted late-race pass of Steve 12th Annual Daytona opening round in the and Sco n Ada~s. ~xpert fina l C, for the last t~ree n ders m.each ht;at, ~ent 10 Donme H owa rd with David Mi ller second and Steve Labordus third. In on ly h is second ride on the Mike Camphouse-.sponsored Ron Wood R~tax, Bryan VIllella edged R? bert LC\~ ls . on th e J. L.&H Sales, LeWIS Grocenes Wood-ROlax to ta ke the Ju~ ior rac~. Bryan McDow ell on theS hoeI~ B ru~e s Body Sh?p Wood-Ro~ax ~me m And in th e NOVICe fina l, W III ~e M.cCo y overcame a bad start on his RIchard Bates-sponsor:ed ~onda to pull a~a~ from T .M. R~cml:. ~ 26-year-o ld NOV ICe Tom Maj ewski ~ nd SCOll Sau nders H on da for the wm. Pro-Am With the track being constant ly wa tered an d groomed, th e hard, narro w, dark groove gave way to a loose Pro-Am winner Willie McCoy pulls away from the pack. cus hion, making for three and four abreast racing. Willie McCoy of Garland, Texas, won the fastest of the eig ht hea t races wh ich narrowed the 45-rider P ro -Am field to a 12-ri de r fina l. After one red flag, which put Rob Churchill out of th e final, Saund ers bolted to the front with Majewski, Tyler, Mike Merrill a nd Mark Wyskiel in p urs uit. Tyler dispa tched Majewski just before the halfway mark and just past the crossed flags was by Saunders for the lead. O nce clear, he cruised to the win. Majewski p ushed Saunders back 10 third ahead of Wyskiel; Merrill held fifth . " I kn ew I co u ld win it if I ca ugh t up wi th th e gu ys in th e front," T yler sai d in vic tory lane. : 'Th e tra ck got slic ker as th e day wa rme d up a nd I adj usted to it." Vision, or lack of it, was Saunders' problem . " I ran ou t o f tear-offs in the early laps. I th ought I had to stay ou t front just to make th e fini sh ." Junior Eight heats and two Sem is whinled th e 64 Juniors down to a 12-main main. . Eric Sassaman was th e fast heat win ner , and sin ce the second semi was red-flagged with a lap to go and didn't ge t a time , Sassaman 's semi win was also the fast o ne putting h im on the po le for the fina l. Bryan Ville lla wo n the secon d semi . Sassaman went fro m the pole to the lead in the fina l with Ville lla and Robert Lewis foll owing. Bryan MeDowell was fourth a head of Houston Short Track J un ior winner Bru ce Johnson. , Villella was maki ng his Wood- Rotax work on th e low , slippery groove, with Lewis scooting by in the cushion. MeDow ell, in third, lost a shot at the win after overshooting turn three, but held th ird to th e end. Sassaman dropped back to fourth where he would hold off Recil Hart at the fini sh . With Villella and Lewis using different parts of the track it was only at th e sta rt-fin ish lin e that you cou ld tell who th e leader was and on the fin al lap it was Villella, bu t just barely. " I rod e thi s bike for the first time at Jacksonville and really started to feel co mfortable on it in the second practice," Ville lla said. He went o n to win th e race a t J acksonville and after his win here said, " I won my firstthree as a Novice and I'd lik e to wi n my first th ree as a Junior." Lewi s was passed by Villell a on th e backstretch during th e fin al lap and adm iued it was his o wn mistake. "I just slip ped off going up the top." With the short half m ile Vol usia Co unty Speedway track bein g almost egg -sha ped, it was a com mon mi stake. After being put on th e pena lty lin e for jum ping th e first star t, McDowell was pleased with his fin ish . " I was hoping to do everything I could from th e back line. I was riding th e high line Expert Ted Boody led the Experts in q ualifying, turn ing a 21.839 second lap whi ch was close 10 two seconds slowe r than Randy Gass ' 1980track record of 19.918. Morehead was second fastest, followed by Dan e Ingra m, Don Estep and George Roeder Jr. " It' s real slippery here," Boody said after picki ng up $200 for being fast qualifier. " I went out in practice and th at hi gh lin e was th e one th at worked real well." . Bood y stayed hi gh in his heat an d quickl y built up such a com ma nding lead th at he co u ld pick hi s left foot up halfway through th e turn and power h is way out. Canada 's Jon Cornwell used th e middle of th e track to finis h second and George Roeder passed the low-running Roger Du rkee for third. R un n ing even higher than Boody was Morehead who, desp ite a misfire toward the end of the race, held on to beat Ronnie Jones by 30 yards wi th Sam my Sweet edging defen di ng series champ Terry Poo vey for th ird. Pete Hames split from the third heat and let Dan Ingra m and Will Davis battle for second with Ingram getting the nod at the flag. The final heat went to Tim Mertens with R usty Rogers second and Don Estep the last transfer into the main . With the sun rapidly dropping, the main was waved off at 5:30 in the afternoon with Morehead and Boody in a class by themselves. They were using th e cushion so well that the rest of the pa ck was nearl y blinded by the dust in th eir wak e. Hames and Ingram were contesting third while Mertens , Sammy Sweet and Cornwell went at it for fifth . Boody pressured Morehead the entire race and looked read y to pounce at an y second . It would have to be an inside move since Moreh ead was riding the outside rim o f the track. The move cam e on lap 10 with Boody coming underneath Morehead and moving him out just enough to get by. Once Bood y went by, Morehead had no chance of catching him and settled into second, seven seconds ahead of the Hames-Ingra m duel which went in H ames' favor. Sweet narrowly edged Mertens for fifth with Roeder sevent h. "What can I say," was Moreh ead 's im mediate reaction after th e race. "I was watching his shadow and I knew where he was every lap. He tried to come underneath me and I didn't think that was called for. He hit my bars with his leg and it knocked them out of my hands." "Steve beat me off the line," Boody said, " I tested him on one side and I knew I couldn't go around him on the outside. I slip ped a lilli e bit going in and I don 't kn ow if I even touched him, .a lth ough he said I did. There • were no marks on my bike." Results PRO· AM FINAL: 1. Willie McCoy (Hoo); 2. Tom Majewski (H-Dt. 3. Scott Saunders (Hoot. 4. Marl: Wyskiel (Hont. 5. M ike Merrill (W-Rl; 6. Eddie Howe (W -Rt. 7. Chance Derling (W ·R); 8. J ames Ma goon (Hont. 9 . Dave Cook (Hon); 10. John 80va (C·A); 11. Larry Amett (H-D); 12. Bob Yboma (W-R). JR FINAL: 1. Bryan Villella (W-Rt, 2. Robert Lewis (W-R); 3. Bryan McDowell (W-R); 4. Eric Sassaman (H·D); 5. Rocil Hart (C-A); 6 . BrueeJohnson (W-Rt. 7 . Brad Furlong (H-Dt. 8 . Danny Ange l (W·RI; 9. Jack Mayer (H· D); 10 . Ron Bertrand (W-R); 11. John Holmes (Hon ); 12. J im Slaug hter (H·D). EX FINAL C: 1. Donn ie Howard (H-D); 2 . David Miller (H-D); 3. Slave Labordus(H -Dt. 4. Bryan Hardin (H-D); 5. Randy Green (H-D); 6 . Curt Rehm ert (H-D); 7. Rich King (Hon); B. Delbert Beck (Han): 9. Gary Conk· ling (H-D); 10 . M art in Lavoie (H-D); 11. Randy Texter (H-D); 12. Robert Sweeten (H-D). EX FINA L B: 1. Tammy Kirk (H· D); 2. Roger Durk ee (H-D); 3. Scott Adams (H· D); 4 . Guy Hughson (H-D); 5. Doug Davis (H· D); 6. John Parker (H·D); 7. Eric Rausch (H-D); B. Rendy Triplett (W-Rt. 9. M ike Ragan (H-D); 10. Davey Durelle (H·D); 11. Tony Pitcock (H-D); 12. Terry Poovey (H·D). EX FINAL: 1. Ted Boody (Hoot. 2. Steve Morehead (H- D); 3. Pete Hames (H- D); 4. Dan Ing ram (H-Dt. 5. Sammy Sweet (H· Dt. 6. Tim M ertens (H-Dt. 7 . George Roeder (H· Dt. 8. Jon Cornwell (H-D); 9. Ronnie Jones (Hont. 1D. Don Estep (H-Dt. 11. RustY Rogers (H-D); 12. Bill Davis (H·D).

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