Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 02 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Iol ks tha t live in abject poverty as the result of o u r in ability to generate eno ug h revenue 10 fund o u rselves or flourish . DC co urse, we enco urage yo u to " kic k-i n" a nd h elp these peopl e in th ei r tim e o f need , th ey a re pan o f us, but bevo nd th at , we urge yo u 10 open thedis~uss ion on what ca n bedone to en ha nce mo torsport in America , thus assuri ng Cinancial via bility . A go~ begin ning is 10 write to your favo ri te rno torsport publication and ask th em to faci litate co m m u n ica ting a bo u t th is issu e. BILL WI LDT President Mot orspo rt Adva ncement Crusade Ch icago, lL NATIONAL America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon C lay to n. Pu blisher Mik f' Klinger , Com p troller Skip johnson. Associtur Pu blish rr t N ation al S oles M anager J ac,," Mangus. A ssociate Pu. bl isht'r! S,."in r Ed tlor R Sm ith . C ircu latio n M atJa1( · n Ca ro lin e Gendry, Execut ive St'c r~ tary to th ~ Pub lisher Concerned dirt-track enthusiast In regard to th e art icle in th e February 5th Cycle N ews a bo u t a ltered di n tra ck ru les, I th ink it is tim e th at th e AMA listen s 10 w hat Ron Wood a nd o thers have to say or th is is going to be a dead sport! Espe cia lly the last paragraph about th e AMA worki ng more on th e grass-root level to get kid s more in volved. I, too, ca n rem ember wh en there were a t least 100 10 150 Novices a t a rac e, in stead o f 191 in th e nation. From wh ere I live yo u used to be a ble 10 go 100 mil es in a ny directi on a nd find a race o f so me kind every week end. No w th ere a re none! Editorial J uh n Ulrich. Editor . Kit Pal mer. Ass()C1at~ Edit or Ma ll Hi lgen berg . A ssociat e Editor Pau l Ca rru thers. A s.mciatt Edito r Farren W ill ia m s. Associat e Editor Advertising T erry Prall . U'~st t"rn Sales Mana gn Tim Rvan. Jrt's t~rn Sal t's M ana gt'r Ma rk. i hom e. Wi'st"n Sal t's Ma1la.~ t'1 Mi kt' Church . Eastern Sal t's .u a na~t'r lI y Brown . East ern Salt's M ana /{t'1 Thomas R. Genter . Eastern Sait's M ana g t'1 Linda Brown . W~stt"Tn Ad. Coo rdinator Carla Bord en. Easter n Ad. Coo rdinator S an er WaMdl . A doertising t Eduoriei AoUt. Graphics and Product ion G in Kt'r Machado . Prod uct ion M a na,f{t'r Ma lco lm Wil ;on. Gra p hic Ar tist Dian a H ilgenberg, G rap hjr A rtis t Mari on H ara ..hita . TY~M'IIt"r Carolyn Branham. T }'Pt'st'll ,:' . Denni s Gr eene, La b. T echnician Acco unting /Data Processing Donna Bryan. A erts . R ut'RltJ. bl, Coordinato r Gt"Ilt'\~ Re pa ss, A ssistant a f rail Hamw ev. Credi t Circulat ion Sar ;lh T a,,·IOI A ssistant Alm ;1 '\n~uiano Assistant L iluLll.aln;lrril.KJ Ass istant Cht ',i Cha pm;1Il A ssista nt Want Ads Stan Bt'1H l1'n"t Ad Sal,.~ Service and Support Chri s Au cheson . H eod o uartrrs Recep tion ist Leonard H errin g, St'TVfU and Support Nati onal Headquarters 220 1 C hc.-r ry Ave.• L on g Beach . CA 90806; mai fing address P.O . Bo x 498. Lo ng Bea ch . C A 90 1Ul 1·0498: 213 /4 27·743 ~ . 213 /6~6·88H. Eastem Office 4 190 Finl Ave., T ucker. GA 30084; ma ili ng address P.O . Box 805. Tucker. GA 300850805 : 41W934·78S0. Cycle News ( U S P~ 141-3'10) is published wee kl v except the fm,l and last week of the calendar vear fOT $25 pt' r vear by Cycle News . In c.• 220i Cherry Ave nue. Lo ng Beach. CA 9OK06. Second class pos tag e paid OI l Lo ng Bea ch . CA . POSTMASTER : Send form 3579 to Cycle News, P.O . Box 498 , Long Beach. CA 90801-0498. Subscription rat es: One year, seco nd cla ss mail. $25: tw o year s, second clan mail . $45; three yean. second class mail. 68: 25 weeks, 113. For eign ra tes a vai la ble o n request . Cycle ~ ews welc omes unsol icited edirot ia l material including stori es. ca rtoo ns. p hotos . etc. Su ch m a te ria l. if p ubl ish ed . bec o mes the excl usive property o f Cy cle S ew s. Suc h accepted mat er ial is su bject 10 revis ion as is m-cn""TY in the so le discretion o f Cyc le New s. Unsolici ted ma teri al wh ich is n OI used will be retu rned if accompanied by a self addressed sta mped em dope. A ll un sol icited ma ter ia l w ill be h andled wit h reasona ble can', ho w. ever, Cy cle S ew s ass umes no respon vibi fir y for Ih t"s:lft"ry. 10000s or dam; I~t' lo su ch matt"ria l. Rc.' print inl': in wh o le o r pa rt o n ly by IXTIni!i' n o f th t' publ i ~h (' r . Ad,·er lisinJ.: ra lt'!> a nd circu lalio n in fo r mation will bf" 'lot"nl upon f( ·q ut·Sl . Sec.. S.R. D.S . Co pyrig ht ® Cy cle Ne ws, Inc..198 6 . Trad emark Cycl e Ne ws regIstered U.S . Patent Offic e. All rig hts reserved. 4 O N TH E FRO NT PAGE: Danny Storbeck (1 9 ) leads Sat urdaY night's 2 5 0 cc main in Seattle , W A . (In set) Ri ck Johnson (5 ) and Jeff Wa rd (1 J starred . Photos by Kit Pal m er and Brian Barn es. Story on page 6 . AMA dirt track Is a nyone list ening 10 Ron Wood? T he ma n makes a gr eat deal of sense. The new ru le cha nges (in AM A d in track racing ) Cor 1987 are goi ng to do severa l th in gs. but ma king rac ing less expensive is n ot o ne c:>Cth eJ!l. O ut la wi ng two-cycl es (using Bill Amick 's reas on in g of d in track rac in g is traditionally a four-strok e sport) is like say in g black peop le traditiona lly ride on th e bac k o f th e bu s. In credibl e! N ow th ey are going 10 wo rk o n the big bore four-strokes. . Bill Amick. it's lime Harley Dav idson leaves home (the AMA ) and ge ts a . job on its own. They are big boys. Bill, they will make it. (They a lways have). O r, in some dark co rner a t Harley-Davidson, I mean th e AMA, is so m eo n e trying 10 figure out how 10 oullaw the RS750 Honda ? It is th e next likely target. Mak e the rules sim p le, Bill Ami ck, just say a ny body wanted to com pete in d irt track racing must ride a n XR7 50 Harley. It wouldn't be any more ridiculous than what yo u have done for th e last 10 years. JEFF SEE Kala ma zoo, MI money 10 give BL M a nd th e Forest Service a mi nor amou nt of m oney 10 build a co uple o f tra ils o nce in a whi le. This is the big one, th e anti -O R V groups are goi ng after us right where it hurts. they are rrymg 10 ba n krupt vour Green Sticker program. AB 27 10 iledS 10 be ki lled before it even ge ts rolling.The bill 's effects would be Cell Crom Cow Mounta in to Gl am is.1 would encourage yo u to wri te yo ur local asse m blyma n a nd express you r presonalviews o n AB 2710 10 h im or her. T hey ca n be reach ed a t th e Stat e Ca p ito l. Sacrame n to, CA 958 11. An y int erested parties a re more th an wel co me to co n tac t myself or th e Depa rt ment o f Parks a nd Recrea tion for fur th er information. JI M LIVE RMO RE P.O. Box 2449 Pomona , CA 91766 714/ 629-4001 Jim L iverm ore is a me"!ber of the Off-H igh w ay Mot or Vehicle R ecreation Commission and serves as th e chairm an of the Policy, L eg islat ive and Governmelltal R elations Com mittee .'.. Editor. Economics of racing California off-road California Assembl ym an Roos recent ly int ro d uce d AB 2 ~ 1 0. bill will revi se th e method III which th e Green Sti cker Iund recei ves gas tax monies. The bill is brand new a nd proj ect ions are still being. ru n as t? the financi a l impact. At thi s pOint , It appears tha t th e bill co u ld cu t revenues to suc h an ext ent tha t th e program would becom e to tall y ineffective. Pismo Beach SVRA would ha ve to be closed as would HUligry Valle y, O coti llo Wells, Ho lli ster Hills a nd Carnagy. Th ese areas a re open C or your use right now an~1 a re C b ~ .ast co m ing the last p laces m CallCorIlla where motocross races ca n be held. Open ridin g is a lso a vaila th e~e ar eas. Th e pl an C sta te-wide trdl1 or svstem Cor OR \'s would have to be sCra p ped. Th ere mi ght be eno ugh The rece n t Da n n y " Ma goo" Cha ndler tragedy once a ga in forces the d esperate economic p light of the rnotorsport community into the foreIront. It is bo th outrageous and sad that we are so impoveri shed tha t we ca n n ot afford 10 properl y insure our co m pe tito rs while th ey are perCor~ ing. Hopefully, enou ~h revenu~ \~' III be realized from th eir fund ra ismg effort (cen a in ly, we sem a lo ng a sm a ll contribution ) to keep Danny from being twi ce victimized. U n C or tunate!v , that woil't solve th is agon y Cor our ·com m u n itv. Dan ny is a star, well-li ked, a nd widely known. The Cacl-is that m~st oC those that su ffer permanent ly dISabl ing injuries a re no t stars. T hey are th e .a ma teu rs w ho ra ce local motocro ss or th e mid-pack novi ce Cl a ttTacker. The landscape o f o ur community is littered with permanently d isa bled GUY CRUZEN East Mol in e, IL Glover fan I wo u ld li ke 10 th ank Pau l Carru thers C his terri fic story on Brae or Gl over . For many yea rs Brae has been one o f m y favorite riders and I th in k he deservers more recogn ition tha n he ha s rece ived . A few years back I ca n rem em ber meet ing Brae after a su percross race a n d co mi ng away a wed at how ni ce h e was just 10 ta lk 10. H e c:>r really is good C th e sport, and I ~m an x ious ly look in g forward 10 seemg him this yea r a nd Cor years 10 co me. Good luck Broe! I like th e new Cycle N ews Na tio nal better tha n the o ld east/ west edit ion s. It prov ides more na tional coverage an d I lik e tha t. Keep up the exce llent work , Cycl e N ews, a nd thanks aga in 10 Pa u l Carruthers. PA UL L. WHITE Pa lm yra , MO Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters for publication must be typed a!"'d double-spaced; letters must include the author's correct name and address; unsigned or anonymous letters cannot be used; due t o the vol ume of ma il no letters ca n be return ed or ac knowledged , Se nd letters to Voi ces, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach. CA 9080 1.

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