Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Team S uzuki 's Bob " Hurricane" Hannah crashed and broke his collarbone while practicing on a private. supercross-type track near Carlsbad . California on February 11 . The injury kept Hannah out of the Seattle Supercross and he's expected to be sidelined for about four weeks . T he 1986 AMA roa d race schedule h as been expa nded 10 a record 10 events. New tracks added ar e Road Atlanta a nd Seb ring Internation a l Racewa y. P romot ers ar e free to feature th e Fo rmula I ra ce or th e Su perbike race as the ma in a ttrac tion . So me promoters h ave said th ey wi ll run th em bot h as main events on the ir Sunday p rogr am. Also , look for up to six AMAlCCS U.S. Endurance Champ ionsh ip 500km even ts 10 be he ld on Saturda ys o f C:,mel Pro road race weeken ds. The AMA /CCS road races scheduled for March 2 at Daytona Int e rnat ional Speedway in Daytona Beach. Florida 'are open to preentries only. and entries are already closed . accord ing to CCS Director Roge r Edmondson . CCS received 721 entries piror to the pre-entry cut-off. 2 C.B. Rice of Santa Barbara , Ca lifornia 's Ren nsport ha s been named h ead of Lectron Fu el System s' Californ ia T ech Center. Rice will assist owners of a ll brands of m otorcycles, ATVs a n d snowmobiles with tuning information, a nd wi ll be in th e pits a t Daytona 10 assis t rac ers with Lectron ca rbs and parts d urin g next month 's Speed Week. More in form ation is available from Ren nsport at 805/ 962-5543. Tom Howson and Phil Flack have formed Asheville, North Caro linabased Motorsports Services and will represent Dun lop. Spectro. Bell. Progressive Suspension and M ikuni at Camel Pro Series races (except Sears Point and laguna Seca) and at various rallies around the country. More information is availab le from Flack at 704/2529487. SMX has reach ed an agr eem ent with th e new G len H elen mo tocross tra ck nea r San Bern a rdino , Ca li forn ia to hold races on th e fourt h Su nday o f eac h m onth beginnin g February 23. T he trac k ha s a new starti ng ga te, modern facil iti es an d advanced tra ck water ing system. For in fo, ca ll 714/ 831-3482 or 714/ 643-8776. The title of " M ost expensive single accessory of the season" may have to go to Yoshimu ra R&D of America's $2850 dry clutch kit for the Suzuki GSXR750. The com pany also offers a Stage-3 racing parts kit for the GSXR750 at $6645 .65 . More information is availab le from Yoshimura R&D at 714/628-4722. Neil Hudson, th e 1981 250cc MX World Champion, has signed with Ca giva . Hudson wi ll contes t theBritish 125cc MX Champion sh ip Series fo r Cagi va. H e'll also co ntest th e Bri tish 500cc MX Cham pions hi p Series aboard Kawasakis. The open ing round of the AMA National Champio nship Enduro Series in New ldri a, California, February 16, was postponed due to rain. The Qu ick Silver Enduro has been reschedu led for March 9 . but will be a regional event only . New schedu les will be sent to all riders already entered, and they will be contacted by the Salinas Ramblers Motorcycle Club . For more informat ion or refunds. contact Sandy Deaton. 408 /4495561 . T he Daytona 200 will be bro adcast live o n Su nday, March 9. As o f Febru ar y 17, th e MOlOr Raci n g Network (MR N) had 155 sta tio ns o n line for th e bro adcast which begins a t noon (EST). Addi tiona I sta tio ns ca rry ing the bro ad cast a re expected . Team Marlboro Yamaha recently returned from a successful test sessionat the Goianialnternational A utodrome in Brazil on Saturday. Februa ry 15. Surprisingly. the fo ur-day session saw 1984 500cc World Champion Eddie lawson and new teammate Rob McElnea circulating the four-kilometer track at roughly the same speed. The 250cc team was also on hand with West Germany's Martin Wimmer and Japan's Tadahiko Taira; lawson afso rode a few laps on the new 250s. A bit of hi gh-tech new s is tha t th e AMA has purchased Hewlett -Packard co mpu ters to be used for Ca me l P ro Series road rac e scoring and o ther trackside ad mi n is tra tion, T he svstem software was developed by Mi tchStein o f Spectrum Digi ta l Servi ces. Vetera n AMA offi cial Do n Abbott wi ll oversee introduction o f the system at 1986 Camel P ro road ra ces. Sunday. March 9 has been set as the opening round of the 1986 SMX Yamaha California Classic 1 O-race motocross series. featuring over $100.000 in prizes. contingency and purse money. The series will consist of one race per month w ith four events each at southern California's Perris Raceway and De Anza Raceway and two events at the new Glen Helen track. More information is available from 714/831-3482 or714/ 643-8776. Bro oks Leather Sportswear has announced a five-year limi ted warrant y on its leath er garme n ts. More information is availa ble from Bro o ks a t 800/521-0254 (in Michigan, 313/5488633). Three Husqvarna racebikes belonging to desert racer and Husqvarna dealer George Erl and a partner were stolen February 7 from behind Erl's Up-Tite Husqvarna in Santa A na. California. while Erland racer Chris Cranda ll worked on a machine inside the shop. Included in the theft were two 1986 Husky four-strokes . both mod ified with oil pumps and coolers, and a 1985 Husky four -stroke engine in a two-