Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Two-time Grand National Champion Randy Goss, winner of the 1984 and 1985 Houston Short Track rounds of the Camel Pro Series, missed t his year's opener. Goss entered the hospital on Wed nesday, January 29, to undergo an operation on his lo w e r left leg w hich he broke at the San J ose Mile in 1984 and re injured at Ascot in 1 9 8 5 . " The original b rea k never really healed rig ht after I hurt t he leg again at Ascot. I'm really n ot sure what the surgeon is going t o do, but whatever it is it has to be done: ' Goss said in a phone conversation from his Hartland, Michigan, ho m e. " I' ll be hos pitali zed fo r th ree or fo u r days. I wo n 't know how long I' ll be sidelined until after the operation, but I hope it 's not for long:' T he AMA recently announced it will no t approve for profession al din track competi tion any newl y submitted. single-cylinder engi ne with di spl acement exceeding 600ce. All previousl y approved single-cylinder din trac k engi nes in excess of 600cc still ar e ap proved. but must be restr icted by the mandat ory use of 38mm carburetors, Effective J anuary I, 1987, no si ng le-cy li nder engine exceed ing 2 600cc wil t -be- allowed at a ny AMA, professional 'din "trac k competition. Any current ly approved single-cylinderengine may be sleeved upordown LO meet 600cc di splacement requirements. When conven ing an engine, the stro ke may not be altered; original ap proved cra nkcase, cylinder a nd cyli nde r head s may be altered, but not repl aced ; bor e, no t stroke, may be , changed to ach ieve maximum disp lacement; an additiona l .045 overbore is permissi ble. Scott Pearson, who fin is hed second at the Houston S hort Tra ck opener, has been riding w ith new California rasident Bubba Shobert. S hobert, who di dn't m a ke the main, la te r said he rode like a pelican . Later, w he n a sked a bo ut S hobert in t he post -race pre ss co nference, Pearson said " Bubba rode like he had five t o ns o n his s hould ers tonig ht. I've been rid ing w ith hi m and he 's been rig ht on, but tonight he lo ok e d like a pe lic an." A pel ican? The televisio n show T he Supercha rgers was filming both races a t the Febru ary 1-2funning of the AMA/Camel Pro Series opener and ro und two of th e Nippondenso Supercross Series in the H ou ston Astrodo me. Former Grand National Ch am p ion Gen e Romero was'doing the color work fo r th e short track while Warren Reid did th e sam e for the supercross. The Moto rcyc le Road Raci ng Police Olympics w ill now be run in conjunctio n w ith the J uly 18-20 AFM road races at Willow S p rings in Rosamond, california . Shrevepon, Lou isiana's I)usty :Wh~els M.C. will be h osting a National Hare Scrambl es event February 23 in Lu cky, Louisiana . The even t is a week before the Gainesvi lle National H are Scrambles and just a few days befor e the Alligator Enduro, so riders traveling to Florida may want LO a ttend. Staning numbers will be assigned by th e ord er in which ent ries are received. For en try informat ion . call June at 318/ 424-5176 da ys arid 318/ 929-2110 even ings. For genera l in forma tio n call 3181746-1668 even ings. Motocrosser Johnny O 'Mara has joined the Bell Racing development team for t he 1986 s e as o n . The factory Honda pilot w ill use the Be ll Moto-4 in his quest for the supercross, 250 a nd 500cc Na t io na l Champio nships in 1 9 8 6. Bates "Leath ers has joined the evergrowi ng list of conti ngency progr am spo nso rs for riders co mpeting in 1986 AMA din track and roa d race Na tionals wi th its S25,000-p lus pr ogram . Contingencies will also in clude awards for din track Ro oki e of th e Y~ar and Junior Nati on al Ch ampion wh ile th e road ra ce program will cover Superb ike, Formula One, For mula Two and Battle of The Twins. For more information and app lication forms, contact Bat es at 213/43 56551. Team Pro-Motor will represent Yokohama t ires in the WERA Nat ional Endurance Race Series and will also develop and test new Yokohama racing slicks in the AMA Superbike Series and selected AMA /CCS events. Ted van Beek and Ji m Tribo u teamed up to w in the WERA National Endu ra nce ChlllmPi~n.hip in the 600c.c. Pro-. duction class in 1983 and a third rider is expected to be named prior to the ..ason's opening event. The Kayo Corporation, the importer and d istributor for Yokohama, is currently establishing a racer support program through the Yokohama dealer network and details will be released shortly. For more info rm ati o n call Ted van Beek at 212 /607-2680. Doug T oland used hi s Vanc e & Hines Performan ce Cente r of T orrance (Ca lifornia ) GSXR750 Suzuki to break th e 750 Box Stock class record a t Rosam ond , Cal iforn ia 's Willow Sp rin gs Raceway during an ARRA road race February 2. Despite mud in fast tu rn nine from recent rains , T ol and notched a 1:33.94, breaking th e I:34.49 record he set last year on an FZ750 Yama ha . T oland ent ered th e race as a warm -up for the GSXR Series , whi ch reaches Will ow with th e Februar y 23 A ~M race. Terry Vance made a single drag strip pass o n his Suzuki GS1150 . for a Fram / Autolite television commercia l being filmed at the NHRA Winternationals car race in Pomona, California on February 2 and went faster and quicker than the existing Pro Stock motorcycle record . Va nce, who holds the class record at 8 .28 sec. and 161 .56 mph , turned-8 .10 sec., 163.01 mph in his first and only trip down the strip fo r t he cameras. Californ ia Assembl y Bill AB2335. w hich wo uld requ ire drivers of din and gravel trucks LO cover th eir loads