Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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o ver a ll a nd fi rs t 250cc. Comple te co verage next week . ~ 00 BYPAP.A Wf.ALfY Q') ...... T h e openi ng ro und o f the AMA Nat ional h are arid ho und ser ies got u nde r wa y in Lu cerne Vall ey, Ca lifornia , J anuary 26. Team Husq varna 's Da n Smith a nd Dan Ashcraft finished first and second overa ll, aboard 500cc H usk ys. Smith finished o ne a nd-a- ha lf mi n utesahead of his teamma te Ash cra ft af ter th e 105-mil e desert race. P aul Krause fin ished th ird Riders in favor of tra il riding in Cal ifornia's Sequo ia National Forest should write to the Forest Supervisor. Seq uo ia National Forest. 900 West Grand Ave .• Porterville. CA 93257. T he proposed L io n Country Ra cewav in Irvin e, California. is still seeking pu blic support via le tters a nd pe titions, whic h shou ld be se n t [Q sent to Mayor David Baker. Citv o f Irv in e C ity Council , 17220 j am boree Rd .• Irvin e, Ca lifornia 92702, At the 1986 AMA National Amateur Ice Racing Championships January 26 in Port Huron. Michigan. Jeff Fredette (Kaw) won the 200cc Open class while the other studded tire classes were topped by Ron Kimmel (2 50 cc B). Dan Crawford (250cc A . Senior). Tim lowe (500cc A ), Rust y Hendershot (500cc B). and D an Watson (Open ). Three si decar di vi si o ns were won by Ed Kischnick /G regg laPo n sey (li ght w eight). Keith Root / J im M urray (Middlew eight) and D av id Scofield /Scot t Har per (Open) . Darrell La ffoon from G reeley, Colora do is th e winn er in the H a rlev Owner G roup 's Mot orcycle Schola(ship co n test, La ffoo n was selected as the wi n ner o n h is qua lifica tions, h is letter of recommen da tion a nd hi s a ns wer to a n essay questio n en ri rled Wh y I wou ld like to he a motorcycle tech ni cian. Ron Dearden has announced that Starfire Raci ng will not be involved with road rac ing in 1986. Starfire sponsored Wes Cooley and Todd Brubaker in 1985 AMA Superbike rounds; the team's racing equipment has been donated to the Pro Rider Benefit Fund and will be auctioned off to raise money for Cooley. who was injured in May of 1985 at Sears Point International Raceway. A 1985 Honda Interceptor Superbike with second engine and parts. plus a Honda NS250 less the ta il section and bubble will be awarded to the highest bid der. Valued at $29.000. minimum bid s will be taken at $10.000 and must be rece ived by February 25; for more information call 818 178 7 -349'7. Th e Al\IA /NMA T ri-Sta te Series will fall betw een th e Dayton a a nd Hangto wn break in Marcil. T he series will start with Phoen ix, Arizona , on March 16 before moving 10 La s Vegas, Nevada, on March 23 a nd wrapp in g up in Ade lanto , California on March 30. The 15th An nual World ' Mini G P will be hel d o n Apri l 18-20 in Las Vega s, Nevada. Nippondenso Spark Plugs and Castrol lubricants are sponsoring the 250 and 125cc AMA/lnsport Supercross Tour for 1986. Nippondenso will provide payout in two categories in the 250cc class: overall and privateer. The overall series awards will total $60.000 with prize money going to 10 riders with the highest point accumulation at the end of the series. First place will pay $20.000. The privateer series awards will go to the top 10 privateer riders with firstplace earning $8000 from a $28.000 fund . Nippondenso will also be offering $1 000 per event 2 to be paid to the top three privateer finishers. Castrol will sponsor the 125cc Supercross Series and will be posting awards of over $16.000. T h e Ca li fornia Indoo r Cham p io nsh ips wi ll be held a t th e Cow Pa lace in Sa n Fran cisco. Ca lifornia o n Feb ru a ry 7-9 in co nj u nction with th e Grea t America n Mot orcycle and ATV Shows. T he races a re bei ng p roduced by Mike Kidd Pro mo tio ns with speedwa y o n Fr iday ni gh t, mot ocross on Sa turday ni ght a nd A"n' races on th e S u nday alternoon. For more informa tion ca ll Mik e Kidd at 8 1712841766. Thanks to the success of a designan-obstacle contest held prior to the Ja nuary 18 Anaheim (Californi a) Su percross. Stadium Motorsports is holding similar contests for February 8 supercross in San Diego. California and the February 22 supercross in Atlanta. Georgia. To enter. draw a supercross track obstacle on a plain. 8-1 /2x11inch piece of white paper. des cribe the obstacle. indicate w hich event it's for. exp lain why it's u nique. and in cl ude your name. address and telephone number. M ud and water cannot be used in obstacles. according to Stadium Motorsports. The w inning obstacle. selected by an expert panel. will be used in the track design. and the winner will receive four tickets to the event plus parking passes. event program and t-shirt. Send 'o bst acle designs to Stadium Motorsports Corp.• 22941 Mill Creek Dr.• Laguna Hills. CA 92653. - Will o w Spri n gs In terna tional Racewa y o wne r Bill Huth has purchased a n add itiona l 143 ac res o f land su rrounding th e Rosa mon d, Ca lifornia tra ck o n the n ort h a nd west sides. Huth p la ns to build a new test faci lity including a 1.0-mile road co urs e and skid pad o n th e new propert y. and is interested in bui lding m o tocro ss a nd ova l or TT dirt tracks as well. He's look in g for input fro m interested moto cro ss or d irt track ra cin g clubs a nd p romot ers, a nd ca n be reached a t 805/256-24 71.