Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 01 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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T he AF M S uzu ki GS XR Cup road race seri es has been expan ded from th e o rig ina l eig h t races 10 16. In addi tion to th e eig h t races sched u led for Will o w Spri ngs. Ca lifo rn ia. there wi ll be eight more a t Sears Po in t In rernarional Racew a v in So no ma . Ca liforni a . Actio n a t Will o w p rin gs ge ts un der wa y o n February 23 wh ile the first race a t Sears Po int will be held o n March 30: for m ore informat ion rega rd ing th e Sears Po int series ca ll Mike Gl isso n at Cycle Im po rt s. 4081 246-0200 . The Bureau of Land Management has closed several parcels of federal public desert land in t he Wh itewater floodplain near the ponds in Indio, California. The BLM says the closure was necessary to re duce the public safety hazard due to the construction of wind turbines in the area . According to the BLM , several accidents involving off-road veh icles on the pond dikes have necessitated t his im m ed iat e action . T he Los Ang eles Co u n rv (Ca lifo rn ia ) Orr-Hi g hwa y Vehi cle Com m itlee wa lli s to kn o w a bo u t a rea s cu rrent ly being used fo r dirt rid in g a nd areas riders wo ul d like 10 ride o n . The co m mittee is develop ing a n o ffhi ghwa y ma ster p la n fo r L os Angeles Cou n rv a n d is in u-n-sted in a si te in nort h i. os Angeles COUIll\, w irhin a 20 m ile rad iu s o f In d ia n Dun es: inp ut fro m rid ers wi ll Ix· di",ussed a t a J anua ry 23 meer in g in Lo s Angeles. In p u t shou ld be sen t to L os An gell' C n tv Depa rtmen t o f Pa rks and ou R ecrea t io n . 433 So u t h Verm on r Avenu e. Los Angel es. CA 90020 by Decem ber 27. Dodge Trucks will be the officia l vehicle of the Continental Motorsports Club (CMC) and all CMC racing events in 19B6. Dodge Trucks presents the 1986 Skoal Bandit GoldenState Nationals that began on January 4-5 at Quail Canyon in Gorman. California; the company will give a Dodge Ram 50 to the 1986 CMC Pro number one plate holder in southern California and another to the northern California champion. l n ter n a t ion a l S p ee d wa y h a s an no u nced its earlv sea so n da les. The Spring Class ic in COS la ;"Iesa . Cali fornia wi ll be held o n Ma rr h i whi le th e Spring Classic in Lo ng Beach . California will lake place o n March 15. April 4 is th e regul ar sea so n o pe ner in. Cos ta Mesa a nd promo ters Joh n Sm ith a nd H arr y O xley a re a lso work in g o n a Feb ru a ry 15 ra ce in H aw aii. Double World C ham pion Fre d di e S pence r was ch o sen by the A sso ci ated Press as one of t he top 1 0 International Sportsm en f or 1 985 . Tom Sh eppard ha s a n nou nced the formation o f th e Cycl e P ro Na tio nal En d u ra nce ro ad raci ng team . bas ed in Atla n ta, Cvcle Pro riders Dea no Swi ms. Ro n E\~'erth and Do nn ie Ro we w ill co n test th e 1986 WER A Nat io nal End ura nc e Cha m p ionshi p o n Vic Fas o la-prepa red Suz u ki GSX R 11 00s. Suzuki J apan ' s sales of new bikes was up by eight percent over 1984, according to figures for t he finan ci al year that ended o n March 31 , 1 985 . The fig ures refl ect the compa ny's slightly expanded export ma rket which has co m pensat ed f or it s poorer domestic sales perf o rm ance. said Preside nt Osami Suzuki. rider in th e m o tocross tea m with Hu sky shifting irs major m o tocro ss resea rch a nd pro totype tes ting 10 Europe due to the 1986 AMA produclion-based -b ike ru le. U noc al (f o rmerly Union Oil Co . of Calif o rn ia) is the only major gas c ompany in the country selling premium lead ed gasolin e with 92 octane. Th at's made it a favorit e of o lder m otorcycl es and vans in weste rn stat es; anybody in t er est ed in enco u ra g ing the c ompan y t o k eep m aking an d selling leaded prem iu m gas shou ld write to Fred Hartley. Pres ident, U nocal, 911 Wilsh ire Blvd . Su it e 1 4 0 0, Los A ngeles, Calif orn ia. 90017. A repl ica of th e Da imler / Mavbach Ei nspur, th e first m ot orcycle. and a n o ngoi ng film festi val feat uring O n An y S u nda y will be pan o f th e fift h ann ual series o f G reat American Mo torcvcle a nd ATV Shows in 1986. T Ill" first show wa s held Ja nuary 3-5 in 1"1. Worth . T exa s. with futu re shows in Po m ona . Ca lifo rnia ; AIlanta . Georgia ; San Franci sco. Cal ifo rnia: Ch ica go . Ill ino is; Ph iladel phi a . Pennsylva n ia : a nd New York. New York. M aru shin Helmet s. recently named the official he lmet of t he Calif o rni a M otorsport Club (C M C ) Go lden St at e N ati o nal Mot ocross S er ies. has an no u nced a cash and helm et contingen cy progra m worth over $25,000 t o competing riders. Ca sh awards w ill be ava ilab le t o qualifi ed ri d ers in 1 2 5. 250 and 500cc Pro cla sses, ($3 0 0 f or first; $200 f or second; $1 OOf or third; $75 for f o urth; $50 fo r f ifth; an d $25 f o r sixth). In addit io n. a $1000 co nti ng ency w ill be award ed to the overa ll series w inner in eac h Pro division . Qualif ied amateur w inners i n " M ar u sh in M otos " w ill w in Marushin he lmets. 8 8 ~ AMA-sanct ioned vi n tage mot or cycle roa d raci ng a nd co ncourse will be fea t u red March 3 a t Da ytona ln terna ( C Ol/ til/ li ed to p ag e 9) Dick Burl eso n . H u sq va rna 's Ra cing/ Resea rch and Develo p men t Ma nager, has a n no u nc ed H usk y's 1986 raci ng p la ns. Bur leso n wi ll be th e Nat io nal Racin g Manager a nd oversee four tea m s which will each ha ve its o wn coord ina to r. N iles Usserv w ill coo rdi na te the desen /off-road team ; th e enduro team will be ru n by T erry Cu n n ing ha m; Ma rk H yd e will coo rdina re [he hare scra m bles lea rn a nd Charles Halco m b will coor d inate th e mot oc ross team. Dan Ash craft , SCOI H a rden . Ku r t Pfeiffer. Darvl Fo lks. SCQ( Morris a nd Larry Roe~el er wi ll ride in the desert/ off-road team: Dave Bert ra m, Rand y H awk in s. Mike Mel ro n , T er ry Cunn in g ham . J eff Ir wi n an d J eff R ussell wi ll ma ke up th e end uro [earn ; Tom Buckles. Mark H yde. Fred H oess, Fritz Ka dl ec a n d Ed Loj a k wi ll form th e hare scra mbles learn ; Andy Stac y will be th e so le 3

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