Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1986 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 119 of 119

You're looking at a ,wonderful symbol of the holiday spirit The Rebel'" Limited, that is. And that means it's Honda Holidays time. Dtrring the next few weeks your Honda dealer will be filled with the spirit of giving. VISit your local Hmda dealer displaYing the Honda Holidays banner, and he'n give you a free ~ Honda calendar.* While yrnire in, you'n haVe the chance to see a terrific bunch of Christmas gifts. Like the ZSOR Special, the XR80R and ,.XR100R, and the Four1rax 'iU and 125. N All great ways to get you or your kids in on the fun of off-road riding. And, of course, the Rebel Limited, featuring c4tssic American styling embellished with special gold plating. just wait till you see the bottom line on these great gifts, too. You'll think Santa Oaus in disguise. were The Rebel has a 12-month urilimited mileage warranty. See)'OOF kx:aI Honda dealer llr CIXIqlIete details. SpecIficatims and awII8IJiIlsy subject to ~ without notice. Rearview min'ors are standard ~ Rr a free II'OeIIure, see)'OOF Honda dealer. Or write: AmericaDB\II¥Ia; Dept. 22l, p.G Box '1066. No. HoIJywood, CA 9l6lJ9.!1066. © Ill86 Amerk:aft tilMro MoIor Co., • Inc. (ll/85)*Limitoneperperson. Suppliesarellmited. '&0.0&, FOLLOW THE LEADER

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