Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 11 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.' ~ ~ ~ 00 m ...... • • ~ (,Q .... Q.) ..0 ~ 60TH INTERNATIONAL SIX DAYS ENDURO. AL~ SPAIN. ZSEPT 30-00: 5, 1985. While the competition fell, mainly on the plain, Kawasaki'sJeff Fredette rode to a gold medal in the 250cc class of the grueling, but prestigious ISDE. Fredette's gold . medal performance was all the more brilliant, since he did it in the 250 class on his smaller, practically box-stock KDX200. That's not surprising, because the KDX200 is engineered to outperform big 250's. And it does. With 200cc's ofbrute power, Kawasaki's Integrated Power-valve System (K.I.l? S.), a front disc brake, and UniTrak' suspension. Jeff mastered Spanish in six days on KaVl8S8ki his KDX. Pick out a KD~ enduro atyour Let the good times roll. local Kawasaki dealer. And rule the competition, rain or shine. Foroff-road use only. Specifications subject to chanle without notice. Availability may be limited. Alwaysweara helmet and appropriate apparel. ... .. . '-',"

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