Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 08 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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are matchi ng regulations on the federa l level. Help us, don 't h inder us. We are all working for the same goal , to keep lands open for off-reading. JIM UVERMORE Victorville, CA L iv ermore is a m ember and past chai rm an of the Cal ifornia State Department of Parks and Recreation Of/Highwa y 1I10tor Vehicle Recreation Commission . H~ is cu rren tl» chairman of the Legislatiue, Governmental Affairs and Policy Comm ittee for the Comm ission . . . Editor. WEST A merica's weekly motorcycle newspaper Tire wars I was upset when I opened Cyclt! Neurs, August 7 and saw a Michelin tire ad (abou t Laguna Seca ) th at read " Randy Mamo la on Michelin ra di a ls beat Kenny Roberts o n Dunlop radials in the Fo rmu la One race." An yone wh o a tte n de d Laguna Seca knows how fa r that is stretch in g the truth. Randy Mamola did win the second segmen t and the race but it had nothing to do wi th tires. Before Kenny Roberts' bike quit.shifti n g properly, h e had won the first segment, set a new lap record and simply smoked everyone else, a ll on Dunlop radials. Let's keep 'e m honest. Sharon ClayIon. Publ ish" Mik(' Klingn,Compttolln Skip j ohnson , Assocuur Publ ish"l Nalio~aI Snks ManagtT Caroline Gt-ndry, Executive S'C1t'lar)' to tht' Publisllrr Editorilll John Ulrich. Editor Kit Pa lmer, Associalt' Editor ~.all H ilgen berg, Associate Editor Jim Wolrou. Associalt' Editor Paul Carruthers. Associtue Editor Advertising T~ Prau Saks ManaK" Tim Ryan. Saln ManaK" M.ark Thome, Sa~s Manag" Linda Brown AdvntiJinJ Coordinator Nancy Wasldl. Adl,",'isrngl Editorial AUllum, G.. phlc:a end Production Cinf(n' Devaul, Graph ;c Artist Malcolm WiIKXt. Grt1phic Art ist Marion Hawh ita. Typt'St'u" Carolyn Branham. Typt'st'ttn Dennis Greene, LAb. Te ch , DA VID PELLETIER Guy Urq u hart Yamaha San Diego, CA Ac:counti ng /Oat8 Proc:esaIng Donna 8IY dn. A ccounts Rn't'noablt' Coordi nato r Cnk-\'a Rrpau. Au utd"' Froio lhmwr-y. Cr,.di, Circulation Rh eba Smi th. Managt'T Sarah Tay lor, Assistant Lyna Hood. Assista nt RdX'CGI Br aak, Au islan t Alma Anguiano. Assista nt Oeeler S.les .nd Service Bob Ell io ll . lHa ln Sa les Ma nllgt'T W.ntAds Ca ndy Ha nd , Wan t Ad Soles Service .nd Suppon Oris Altcb eso n. Recept ionist Leonard Herring. SiTS West 220 1 Cherry Ave., Lo ng Beach. CA 90806 . P .O. Box 498. Lon g Bea ch . CA 90801·04 98 (2 13) 427·7 '135; LA. Lim' 6.'16-884-1 . 4190 First An"•• T ucker, G A, 30084. P .O . Bo x 805. T uc ker , GA 50085·0805. ( 104) 954 ·7850. C:yd r N t'w !o l\\'~ l ( US P~ 141·340) l'li publiehed wee-kl v ex re pt the fi rst a nd lasl week of th e ra lendar vear for $25 JX'r year by C~'dt' News. In c••2201 alerT}' Avenue.Long 8c..u h , C \ 90806 . Seco nd cia ....postage paid Oil Long Beach , CA . r POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to Cycle News. P.O . Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 -0498. S u~iplion ra tes: O ne yea r, ~('ond da!lS mat I. S25: IwO years. seco nd da!lo!l mai l, S'15: three )'t'a ~ . -econd da!lo!lo mail. $6M; 25 weeks, $13. For eign ra tes availa ble-on request. C )'CIe S {'\Il," welcom es unsolicited edit orial mat erial including sto nes. cart oons. photos. e tc. Su~h rruuerial , ir published. becomes the exc lusive propert v o f Cycle News, Such arcepeed material is subject 10 revision as is necessa ry in th e sol e discre tion o f C vcle New s. Unsolicited ma teria l w hi ch is no t u'o('t! will be ret ur ned if accompanied b~' ,I M'1r addrn\t'\l sta rnpn:l m\·dopt". All ull '\Oliol lod mat cri a l will be- handled willt rt~...'\OnabJtO ca rt"o howtO\'er . Cyril' ~ t" w s a":" U lnlOj, n o rMponsi bi l! t~, (or I htO s.a(t"I" , J ~s o r dam;'l ht' 10 "urh moutOn"! I.. R t"pr i nl i n ~ in ",ho lt" or part on!) ' by pt.T'!n~of t~("publi "htT. Adu-rti!'litlK rdl("~ a nd nrculauon mfonnalion ~'ill bt. ~.'n l "IX'" rt'q U~lo St-t- S.R, D,S , 0 Copyright @Cycle News, lnc. 1985. Tradem.rtc Cycle News registered U.S. P.tentOffoce. All rightsreserwd . ON THE FRONT PAGE: U.S . Captain Bobby tIed for second on individual po ints (1 1) with teammate Shawn Moran auhe World Team Cup Championship, Race coverage begins on page 7. Photo by Mitch Friedman. R ich Richards . R ich R ichards died June 24, after a five-year battle with cancer. He was 7 I. One magazine article in the 19505 listed Eugene, Oregon as his home but he lived in Duart e and Corona' California the past 40 yea rs. ' During his career as a motorcycle rider, tuner, and builder, h e set many records at drag strips and at Bonneville. In 1954, Rich set a n unstrearnlined 650cc record of 149.56 mph at Bonneville. With his son, Gary, as the rider, R ich 's 650cc Bonneville broke the record in 1961 wi th a spe ed of 159.64 mph and again in 1965 go ing 161.79 mph. Gary also rode Rich's650Triumphatl 41.50mph,a record (or " u n blo wn " en g ine s in the mile. With Ri ch as tuner , Gary lat er set a 750cc streamliner record a t Bonneville of 221.7 mph in 1969. Ri ch was a lso a m ember of th e Triumph World Speed Record crew in 1962. H e helped Bill J ohnson set a new record of 230 mph in a stream line d 650 Tri umph. This record p lus many of h is own still stand in th e 650cc class. For yea rs, R ich bu ilt mo st of h is eq uip me nt in th e Serv ice Department o f Mason Mot ors, a T riumph deal er shi p i n Pasad en a . H is racing T rium phs were a lways sponsored bv his close fri end , Dave Mason . An o th 'er o f Ri ch 's sponsors, especially o n tr ips IO.Bon ne.ville, was Cycle World maga Zl n~. Ri ch was a lso quick to give cred it to th ose who hel ped him. On severa l occasio ns he mentioned T im Witham , Bud H are, J oe Dudek , Art Spa rks, a nd Ca l Mak ela . .R ich will be mi~sed by h is man y (nends. Everyone lIk ed h im beGluse h ~ ~'a s a lway s smili ng, happy, a nd willIng 10 h elp a nyone he co u ld . That is why I will a lways remember him as " Kin g o ( th e 650cc Triumph Tuners. " PAT OWENS T empl e Cit y, CA ~eam 4 Green stickies Rega rd i ng Ste ve H ollister 's letter ( Cycl~ News, August 7)on BLM 's new re~ulations .which incl ude a green Slicker reqUIrement a nd a function ing spark arrestor: the green sticker requirement and the Iu ncrio ni ng spark arrestor requirement are a direct re~ult of an edict issued by the O ££H ig h wa y Motor Vehicle Recrea tio n Commission to BLM, the Forest Service, and those persons applying (or future grants. California's green sticker program is the source (or funding for ORV activity within the state of Ca lifornia, Most of th e areas available have green sticker funds in them wheth~r yo u kno~ it or not . I£ you are gomg 10 be usmg an area which has green sticker funds in it , it would seem logical that you sho u ld yourself have a green sticker on your vehicle to su p p o rt the Iun that you are using. Spar~ arre~tors will he lp co m ba t the ma jor noise problem we ha ve in California. As a result of th e noise probl ~m s, we I~s~ acreage dail y that ISa va ila ble (or riding, As a resident of Victorville, I can attest to th e fact that the desert does burn an d when it ~u.rns: t~ e fir es sp rea d so rapidl y th at I! IS ~Ifftcult to contain. The vegetalion I.S dry and the winds are ge ne ra lly m the 20 mph ra n ge in th e a ftern oon. Contrary 10 yo ur leiter, BLM is not broke a nd th e o n ly wa y they ge t more o f o ur tax dollars from th e sa le of g reen stickies is wh en th e Off-Highway Motor Veh icle Recreation Commission gives it 10 th em. Th e monies can not be used for en fo rceme nt a nd ca n o n ly u sed 10 h elp o ff-reading. not hurt 11. The free rid e is o ver. 1£ yo u want to use p u blic lands to ride o n o r lands th at hav e public funds in th em (from gree~ sti ck ers), yo u need to sta rt supportmg. the sys tem by purchasing a g n :en Slicker a n d by cu tt in g down on nOise. Wh en your neig h bor co m p lain s abo u t th e lOad that got ran over or th e so iI th~t was displaced or are they screa m m g about the noise the lillie kid is making in the dirt lo t next door? We are go ing to lose itall if wedo not co nq uer th e noise problem. The laws are on the books, we ha ve not made an y new laws, we have just as ked the agenc ies to enforce the laws that are cu rr en tly in (orce which you sho u ld have known about and should have commented on when they went before the Senate a nd Assembly. There ?e Street racing I was disappointed to read (Cycl~ News. August 7) of the injuries to the members of th e motorcycle industry, people in vo lved in the advertising, p romotio n s and publishing, d uring the ir trip to Laguna Seca. That same weekend I rode with another group of industry people (manufacturers , not me dia) u p the same Ca lifornia coast. We had no accidents or eq uipment problems, but then we were not u sin g the highways as a race track. As man ufacturers we 're concerned about th e image we portray o n th e pu blic h igh wa ys. I wo u ld encourage th e Southern Ca lifornia P ro fessional Bench Racer 's Association and the Sons o f Danger to save their raci ng and daring-do for non-publ ic h ig h way display s. How can we convince th e ~nera l public that motorcyclists are responsib le, law-abiding citizens. n ot dangerous anti-social outlaws if our industry m edi a members sh~w suc h open disregard for th e law, the sa fety of o the rs using th e highwa ys a nd th eir own pe rso na l safet y? I.shudder to think o( th e n egative national 1\1 and other media expo sure we wo u ld have received if one or more of those invol ved in the accident had been. killed . Is all th e motorcycl e media h ype a bo ut image just so much BS? Who, if n ot th e media , should set th e exa m p le for th e read ers to follow? Do we h ave tw o sta ndard s of behavior, o ne (or th e ge nera l public and a nother for people in th e media? JOHN WYCKOFF, P resident FWI, Inc. Fullerton, CA Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Inc. Send letters to Voices. P .O . Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801,

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