Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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to those individuals who are interested in providing positive input on the subject. Dunlop Tires has sig ned a n a greeme nt wi th Ken n y Ro bert s to co m pe te o n Du n lop Grand Prix Radia ls a t Lag u na Seca a nd perhaps o ne o th er race this year. According 10 Dunlo p , sig ni ng Ro berts is par t o f the co m pa ny's co nti n uing development o f its radia l raci ng slick. first used by Eddie Lawson in win ni ng th e 1984 Ma la ysia n GP a nd cam paigned by Ro n H asla m and Wayne C a rd ne r in World Championsh ip roa d races thi s season, Lawson switched from Dunl op 10 Michel in for th e 1985 season. The CMC/Skoal Bandit Golf Tournament will be held on July 20 from 10:00 a.m . to 2:00 p .m. at the Thunderbird Golf Course in Mt. Carmel Junction, Utah prior to the running of the July 20 and 21 Skoal Bandit Western States Motocross Championship. Spectators are invited to watch the golf tournament for free with practice at the Fly-N-LD Ranch following the round. T he Jersey pi ne Cru iser Mo torcycle T ourin g Club o f Des Pl ain es. Illino is will spo nsor th e T h ird An n ual Ru ssell Swover land Mem or ial Cysti c Fibros is Poker Run o n Sunday. J ul y 7 at 10:00 a. m. T he run will be ap pro ximately 80 miles on backroads sta rt ing a t th e H onda H ou se o f Elmhurst. Illinois. For m ore informat ion co n tact the Cruiserli ne a t 3 12/ 9653745 o r 312/ 629- 1579. The Pro Rider Benefit Fund will hold an auction at the Laguna Seca Camel Pro Series road race to benefit injured racer Wes Cooley. Cooley, hurt in a crash last month at Sears Point International Raceway, faces $75,000 in medical expenses. The auction will be conducted by Larry Huffman at the winner's circle immediately fol lowing the races on Sunday, July 14. Items to be auctioned off will include memorabilia from top racers and products donated by various companies. More info rm a t io n on donating items for auction is available from Penny Nicolai at 818 /787-3497 or Nancy Wagar at 714 /760-0164 . The Pro Rider Benefit Fund has a lready committed $6000 to aid Cooley. Denn is "Curl y" Wa lter. th e Mana g ing Director o f Brirish Ca led o n ian Aircraft Tradin g wi ll rid e a Sun beam Model 80 TT350cc vintage motorcycle in th e Grea t American Race for vinrag e ca rs and motor cycles. C la rk' s 1930 Su nbeam is one o f 19 vintage mo torcycles in his personal co llectio n. Due to a great response in the Cycle News two for one jersey closeout we only have lim it e d sizes available. The " O nc e A Month " baseball jersey is now only available in small and medium and the "We don 't care .. ." baseball jersey is now only available in small, medium and extra large. T he motorcycle tra il rid er volu n teer pro gram a t th e Seq uoia Nat ional Forest that was ment ion ed in last week 's issue will sta n a t 11 :00 a.m. a t the Troy Ca m pgro un d . The dales o n the events a re Ju ly 6. August Sv-l a nd September I. For m ore informatio n Gill 2 13/255-58 15. Racecrafters South Bay in lawndale, California will raffle Wes Cooley Arai Supervent Helmets with proceeds going towards Cooley's medical expenses. Only 40 tickets per helmet will be sold with each ticket selling for $5 . A second raffle w ill offer a chance to w in enrollment in the California S u pe rbike School with only 5 0 t ic ke ts being sold per enrollment for $5 . For more information call Race crafters at 2 13/370-5552 . Sea rs Po int Intern a tio na l Ra cewa y in Sonoma ; Ca lifornia ha s a n no unced 635.000 wo rt h of new construction a n d im p rovements to be co m p leted in mid -Au g u st . Rep a vin g of the 320.00 0 sq ua re -foo l pit a rea h a s a lready been fin ished at a COSI of S250.000. Still under co ns tructio n with a p roj ect ed fin al price ta g o f S385,OOO are three new pedes trian br id ges 10 a llo w specta to r access 10 formerly-inaccessible infi eld areas. T h e track has co me u nd er hea vy cri tici sm for not mak ing safety improvem ent s recommended by riders over a year ago ; in Ma y two-time AMA Su pe rbike Cha m p io n Wes Coo ley su ffered ser io us inj uri es in a cra sh in rum o ne. wh ich is bordered by a di rt cli ff; Cooley hit th e cl iff a fter cras hin g . Press releases detailin g th e paving a n d br idge work do not m enti on a ny attentio n to th e controv ersial turn , w h ich ha s seen two rid er s die in th e last 18 m onths. Walnut. Creek Honda in Walnut Creek, California was recently awarded the Gold Level Dealer Award and the Hondacare Award for outstanding service. The Gold Level Award was given to eight dealers in six regions while the Hondacare Award was presented to 19 dealers throughout the country. A memorial fu nd has bee n set up in the nam e o f Mart v Webb w ho was ki lled o n M a v 27 ;; 1 Port lan d Raceway in Oregon. We bb d ied in sum tly after crashi ng h is 600 Ni nj a ; it was rheIirs . rnor o rcvcle Ia ralitv in the h istorv of Po nlan ;l In lern at lon a l Racewa ;" Do nations are being a ccep ted to help pay fOT th e ma nufa rture and m oun tin g o f a bronze p laque in memory o f W~ bb a t th e racewa y. Writt'; Ma rrv Web b Memoria l Fu nd, cl o Jdf T illlobe lw O MR RA 1'55, (0103 W , lith St rei -t = IIi, E ugen e. O R 97402. Spectro O ils of America has posted contingency money for the August 27-September 7 Iron Butt ' 8 5 Ra lly, the 11-day, 8 ,560-mile perim e t er r ide around the U.S . Tourin g riders or O R V adv en turers who pla n o n going to Alaska may want 10 ch eck o u t Th e Milepost. av a il ab le fr om Alas ka l orrhwest Pu bl ish ing Co . COS I is 12.95. plus I shipping. Wrile I30 Second Aven ue Sou th , Edmonds. WA 98020 . Floridian Kenny Keylon, who has been living in Brazil and competing in that country's National MX Series, won the 250cc class and placed second in the 125cc ranks at the June 2 series round held near San Paulo. Keylon, supported by the Brazilian Yamaha importer, will also compete in the August 18 Argentine 125cc GP and the Aug ust 25 Brazilian 125cc GP. Californian Rodney Smith, who has also been racing in Brazil with a similar support package, returned to the U.S. for hand surgery in early June. Smith is expected to return to Brazil soon . A&ARaci ng Service of Red wood Cit y. Ca ifo rnia is now ha n dli ng Co n tinental T KVII andTKVI2Collli Competition Series tir es. A&A wi ll supply the ti res a t AF M road races h eld a t Sears Po in t Ra cewa y a nd Will ow Springs In terna tiona l Racewa y: more in form a tion is avai la ble from Chris Carter a t 4 15/368-6259. Wit h practice and racing combined, riders at t h is ye a r' s Is le of Man TT rode a total of 4538 1aps for a total of 171,218.74 mil e s . Joey Dunlop was the big w inner at this year's TT w ith w ins in the Formula One, the Junior TT (250cc) and the Senior TT. T he la test news from E urope indica tes th a t a special practice sessio n set u p by the orga nizers o f rh e Belgian Road Race G .P. a t Francorch arnps, prov ed to be pos itive a nd th e race will be run as sched u led on J ul y 7. Seve ra l 500cc a nd 250cc riders, including 500cc Champion Edd ie Lawson. pa rticip at ed in th e pra ctice session o n T uesday and gav e the resurfaced track th e o kay. T he recent Belgian Fo rm u la One ca r G P was ca nce lled beca use o f poor track co nd ition s. Promoters of the new motocross track in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico have rescheduled their July 7 race for July 14. The race will feature a $1 000 Pro purse and $500 in amateur prizes; for more information call 619/429-7271 . Bo b's Cycle o f Southbridge, Massach useus is now o ffer in g a free SVIA ride r tra in ing COUTsewith every ATV so ld . The cou rse. co nduc ted by recentIy-cert ified SVIA ins tr uc to r Bobby O sow ski (h is father . Bob O sow ski , ow ns Bob's Cycles). will be ava ila ble for a no m ina l fee 10 rid ers who didn ' t bu y th eir ATVs from Bo b's Cycles, T he S VIA co urse is co m p rehens ive a nd its effecti veness in addressing typ ical ATV injury scena rios ha s impressed CPSC ATV ' T ask Force members. Mor e inf orma tion o n the p ro gram is a vaila ble by ca lli ng Bo b's Cycles I 6 171764-4643 OT 765-5509. The President of Cagiva North America, GianFranco Castiglioni, has announced that all Cagiva street motorcycles imported into the U.S. will soon meet not only Federal Department of Transportation exhaust emission standards, but also the requirements of the California Air Resources Board . The Cagiva 650 Alazzura is curre ntl y a 49-state motorcycle, but has not passed the em ission standards of California . Dis tri ct 37 w ill h ol d the C heckers River R u n Ra ffle on O cto ber 13 wi th proceeds going 10 Rescu e 3, the medical service fOTDistrict 37 desert race s. Ti ckers wi ll sell for I at the Su ndance Sa loon wi th p rizes in clud in g a 1985 Yamaha YT60N th ree-wh eeler donat ed by Mo nt cla ir Yama ha . • MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRYS CNANGE Not married Christine Ba uer a nd T ea m Ho nda mech a ni c Phi l Mclfonald , co n trary to prior reports in itia ted by McDona ld. who told reporters a t th e Loudon. New H a m pshi re Camel Pro Series road race th at he was "o n hi s honeymoon;" a ll o f which tu rn ed out to be a su rp rise to Ba uer , who is en gage d to McDo na ld . Married Stephan ie H u th . general manager o f Will ow Springs In ternationa l Raceway, and racer Jay Tanner, June 23; th e couple will live in Rosa mo nd . California . N amed Coordinator of the Black H ill s Motorcycle Class ic Rally scheduled for Stu rgis. So u th Dak ot a Au gust 5- 11. Nei l H ultma n , by th e Stu rg is Cham ber o f Comm erce; in formation a bo u t the a n n ua l rally is a vaila ble fro m H u lt ma n a t 605/34 759- . 11 .... Quit R.C. En gin eering 's G eo rge H uebner. effective July I; Hueb n er p lans to take a few weeks o ff for recreationa l therapy before throw ing hi s ha t bac k into th e em p loyment ri ng. Huebner ca n be reached a t 213/ 538-4656. • Top speed test lTV, 18.5 mph Bicycle, 14.5 mph By John Ulrich CAR LS BAD. CA. J U NE 25 Top speed tests with a sevenyear-old riding a kid -sized ATV and a 20-inch bicycle disp ro ved sta te m e nt s m ad e b y C PSC Comm issio ne r St uart " Ban 'em " SIaller a nd Dr. E. S ieve rs Golla day a t a CPSC h earing in Da llas June 17 suggesting that a ll sma ll ATVs tra vel in excess o f 30 m ph a n d shou ld be OUlla wed . The tests . co nd uc ted on Carlsbad In tern a tiona l Racewa y's dragstrip, showed th at a Ya maha YT 60 T ri Zin ger , with stoc k resrrictor de vices in pl ace. is a bo u t h a lf as fast as a seve n -year-o ld o n a bicycle; with a ll the speed restric tor devices rem oved . the T ri -Zinger is 4.0 mph fas ter than a seven -yea r-o ld o n a bicycl e. T h e speeds reached o n the pa ved racet rack were higher th an they 'd be o n dirt: an ATV 's soft tires typ ica lly sin k in to of f-road surfaces. in creasin g ro lling resistance, T he ATV a n d bicycle were ri dden bv seven -vea r-o ld H a yley Ulrich, a n experienced ATV rider. under close ad u lt su pervision. Wi th th e exhaust restricto r plate (ba sica lly a Ilat was her with a 10mm hol e . placed in the exha ust header pipe ) in p lace and the throttle-li mi tin g bolt backed o u t to a llo w full thro tt le travel . th e YT60 co vered the I320-foot dragstrip in 100 seconds, a t 9.0 mph. Wi th th e restricror pl at e in p la ce a nd th e ihro ule-Iimi ting bo lt bac ked o u t u nti l the machine wo u ld j ust start 10 move. it loo k 122 seco n ds to cove r the 1320 feel. a t 7.36 mph. Wi th th e restric tor p late rem oved a nd th e th ro tt le-limiti ng bo lt backed a ll th e wav o ut. th e ATV took 48,6 seco nds to co ver 1320 feet. a t 18.5 mp h. Wi th th e restricror p lat e removed a nd the th ro tt le-lim iti ng bo lt backed o u t u n til th e ma chi ne just sta rted to m ove. the T ri-Zin ger ran at a speed less th an a slow walk an d th e ru n wa s a bo rte d when it took H a yley severa l m in ut es 10 reach th e 500-foo t mark on the dragstrip. Rid in g h er o ne-speed H uffy bicycl e w i t h 20 -in ch wh eel s. H a yl ey reach ed th e en d of the 1320-foot dragstri p in 62 seco nds. a t 14.5 mph. T he tests were w itnessed by C PSC ATV Task Force Chairma n Nick March ica a nd Chief Engin eer Roy Deppa , a lo ng with two CPSC hum a n factors specialists. • 3

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