Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Suzuki LT250R F Quadracers 1976 Moto Guzzi 850-T3 1 9 85 KTM 250MXC Now i n stock at B08 FOSTER 'S SUPER CYCLES . (12512 7) Call for pr ices . (6 19) 375-8606. 1()()()CC pistons. 36mm cams. twin plug heads. Rabid Transit fai ri n g. disc brakes w ith steel brake li nes. 9000 miles on ground up rebuild.This bike is a copy of 1000SP. but with more power and style. $ 1895 /0BO . Call Rich at (303) 665 -7261. (125NWX) 5 rides. l ike new. must see to bel ieve . $2295. (213) 945-8144. or (2131867-9236. (324125) '84 Yamaha YZ80 Perfect condit ion. Boy esen . ext ra t ir e. $82 5. (408) 262-9316. (125) RZ500 Yamaha Seat cowl. N. Dakota l icense and tit le. $3800. Steve at (701 ) 852·3404. or (701 1852-0268. (125 / 261 a Side Step Motorcycle Stand Simp le sturdy des ign. foot operated with non ·sl ip neoprene surf ace w ide enough for skidplates. Zinc pla ted. $49.95 + sh ipping . Specify y••r, make. model. MX Ot' Enduro. CUSTOM METAL WORKS. P.O . Box 234. Br ightwood. OR 9701 1. (503) 6224403. (123 / 26 1 Steering Damper Kits Ninja 600 & 900. RZ35O. GPz55O . 750. Vis ion FJ600 and F2750 soon . 169.95. RSC. (404) 982· 0138. (224/25NEl .. Ninja And GPz Owners" '83 Montesa 349 Cota Clean Tail conversion kll . Sta inl ess ste el mounts for li ght s. license and sig na ls . Easy bolt on assembl y. $34.95-$49 .95. COMPETITION WERKES (2 13 ) 602 -1319. V isa /MC/COD . (2 25 NWX) Ughts. sk idplate. seeedo. Michelin tires. only 380 m iles. $1195. (BI BI 845-8738. or (4 15) 447-7705. ( 125 / 26) 1 982 CX Turbo Best Buy in Townl Remember the CBX7 Here 's ano ther on e of a ki n d Honda. Or iginal owner. lots of TlC. Newborn racing team forces sale . 38 ,000 mil es. 62400 or so. Fly to Phoen ix on me . see the si gh ts. and ride home on t he bike l Call 1602) 968-2838. or (602) 258·1290 alter 5 p.m . IMTN) for negotiations. (124 / 2 5) 1984 Husky 500XC and 25OXC. 500XC has Brembo d isc. Both in great shape, $1700 and $1400 fi rml (805) 882 -3785 even iogs. (125 / 26) 1984% KTM 125 Never raced . ridden very linle. ATK fork kit . Boyesen reeds. $1095. (805) 944-2310. (125 /26) '85 Honda XR250R $ 1450 W ife 's bike . under warranty. new Oun~ rear. 8 h o urs. i m m ac ulate condi t ion. (714) 593·3247. (325/26) D&D 500, 7001750 & 1000 . Interceptor Performance Exhaust Systems. 4 into 2. 10% horsepower i ncrease. access to oil drain and f ilter. alumin um can with steel core & street baffles. (8001 327-1109 . (224TFN) New In Crates '85 F2750. '8 5 V-Max. ' B5 Maxim X. ' B5 Gold W ings (all models). All at unbelievable prices. A lso '8 4 RZ350 11995. '84 Interceptor 750 13496. (801) 882·3344 ask for Bruce. (325 /2B) 19 84 Yamaha YZ1 2 5 Brand new top and bottom end, FMF works pipe, runs great. modified carbo plus extras, rac e ready , 1825. (213) 835-0507. (225 /261 19 84 YZ490 Ant icavitator. OG exhaust. new Metzelers. shock mods. never raced. musl sell. 11500. (818) 9694431 alter 6 p.m. (325/26) 125cc Firepowerl SO Racing has been concentratingforthe past year on perfecting a state of the art i nt ake system. Now we are proud to say we have accomplished our goa l. SO's prejened 36mm F/S Mikuni Carburetor used i n con junction with SO Racing"s own Pro-Tension Reeds (patent pending) will give your 12 5cc Motocrosser a greater increase in horse· power over any other modification on the market today. Power output leve l on all 125s is increased and broedened from 44()() rpm. WE GUAR· ANTEE ITI Order nowl SO RACING. 50112 Balsa Ave.• Unit #108. Huntington Beach. CA 92649. (714) 898-6613. (225 /26) 1979 Suzuki GS1 0 0 0S Blue/white. rare factory cafe race model. Smoothbore cares. Sport ElitBS. more extras. 13.000 m iles. bea ut if ul condit ion . Must .... 12000/090. Call Dick or Deana .. (7141979-6098. or(714) 979-1498. 14 Foot Pro Trac Trailer 14 h . Pro Trac . re in forced roof . aide door. custom cabinets. excellent condition. used very little. $1700. (2 14) 363-4236. or (214) 742·1988 Da llas. TX. (12512 6) '84 YZ250 Test Bike '83 750 Interceptor Faster than ·85s. very low hours. used as test bike for SO RACING . race re ady . Call fOt' details . (7 14) 898-6613 days. or (7 14 ) 962 -2766 even ings. (3 25 / 2 6) Box stock racer, runs strong. 1700 miles . many ext ras. all street equipment. $2400/080. (702) 972-3322.- (125 / 26) (324125) Cheap Leathers (415) 948-1 095 Roadraee. BluelVellow. f ilS 5'8-5 '11 -. 135-170 Ibs .. $125. (125) '80 Ducati Super Sport 1985 Yamaha RX500N Rare Oarmah Super Spon w ith 4Omm's and Conti ·s. ve ry nice and clean. 7500 m il es. j ust fully ser vi eed. S3 150 . (4081 353 -4 18 1. (12 5) Li cen sed, t it led . i mm ac ulate. 3000 miles. best of all modern m iss i les . (503) TI4-4254 days. (6031 653 5689 eve nin gs. (12512 6) Shoei Helmets Z- I00. $139.95 . RF105 sol ids. $126.45. RF105 tr i color. $ 158.95. ER-7 . $110. BOULDER YAMAHA BMW . (3031 447-9 559 . (124 / 2 51 Cycle News P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 213/427-7433 WEEKLY RATES WANT AD DEAD LINE Ad s are accepted on a f irst come ' u st eerved bas,s. Cv c le News r e serves t he nghttO edIt coPy An y dIscr e pa nc Ie s (Multiply by number of weeks ordered) MUST BE REPORTED WITHIN ONE WEEK OF PUBLICA · TION to r eceive a ny adj u st me nt . No cere enenc ns ah er 5 p.m . Thu rsday Fri d ay noon tor the fo llOWin g W ed ne sday 's l nus , In Ihe Visa / Master Cha rge bla nk o r se nd che ck or _ mo ney order t o; AbOItIe Add re ss REGIONAL RATES NATIONAL RATES Fill (Cycle News/West only) (Cycle News/West Bnd Cycle News/East) CREDIT CARD LIMIT MINIMUM 15.00 PLUS . 6 0 POSTAGE and HANDLING PRIVATE PAR TY PRIVATE PARTY Per word •• •• •• • •• •••• ••• • ••••• 25C Head lin e in bold type • • • • • • • •• • • 13 extra Phot o • ••• .• •• • • • ~ • •• • • • •• • 14 extra (O n e ph ot o per ad tug h. 2 11." WIde ,) Per word • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • •• 4SC Headli ne in bol d type • • ••• • •• • •• IS extra Photo s INo larg er th an 5 x7 ) 7 Prtnt ed image si ze hm lted t o 1 v.." lO ne photo per ad - I25CSl IQ2J S ignature Gaerne GMX Closeout $99.95 _ Ca rd Expire s hi g h . 2 '4 " wtde.) COMMERCIAL AND HELP WANTED COMMERCIAL AND HELP WANTED Per word • •••• • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • • • SOC Headline in bo ld type • • • •• •• • • •• 1 5 Ixtr. 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WIth l he agreIInM nt the use of such card I I I I I I PHOTOS RETURNED ONL Y WITH SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE I Please run my ad __ weeks in West I ___________________....,Please run myad__weeks in East I Name Address PRINT BOLD HEADLINES HERE .oId"...... 110 . ., EXTRA COIfal , • • •, .. . . . N.".n ~ $ 1 10 11 12 .13 14 1S 18 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 28 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 :IS 38 39 40 41 42 36 _ _ _ _ ____ 37 43 _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 16Ft. Pro Trac Trailer Excellent co nd it ion . ta nde m axle . work ben ch. ewning . side door. cabinets. lighting . $2500. (91 6) 527 · 03 15. or 1 16) 527·32 16 . 9 (124 / 2 5 Want Ad minimum ... $2.50 4 8 Kawasaki H2R Ex-Works Eng ine complete . fr ame. se at . tank,. ne w chambers. excelle nt condit io n. $1300. Call Dan at (8 18) 76885 72 . (125NWXI Zip State City (Ieav~ spaces I State of th e art. Ita lian made. Gaerne top quality BMX boots i n si zes 6 ~12 1 Available i n black and yell ow only. wh il e supply las tsl ORDER NOWI Only $99.95 plus sh ippi n gl Call (805) 257-4411 (in Califo rn ial. or (8001323-447 3 (ou tsi de Cal ifornial. (32 5126 NWX) 44 4S 46 47 so SI 52 S3 '" 48 49 55 __Cycle News eennot be responsible for illegible phone n l} m bers. _____________________________________________________ Aree Code/Phone No. ~---J KNIGHT ROTAX 500: Fresh. first class. STITT set up. 13850. 1505) 526·B332. (125128NWXI 83 Honda XR500 new on 10/84 Less than 15 rid es. front and rear suspension mods. 11650. Call Dava at (714) 772-2929 alter 5 (124125) pm . Freel Yamaha XS11 00 W ith the purchase of my ATP Turbo kit. $695 takes all . 1 (31 9 15 68- 3 4 7 1 or (3 191568-4419. (325NE) ... Bark Busters - Bark Busters BY PERFORMANCE PROOUCTS . Free sh ipp ing. 549.95. Pro Spans. 1800 ) 257-5557. (2 25127 NE)

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