Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Motorcycle Sa le s 5-da y sh op w ith up to 35 .000 per ye ar incom e. Sales experie nce req uir ed. As k f or J i m at (805) W~NT 526 -4 122 or (8 18) 702 -0662. (223TFN) Partspersons/ Experienced Mechanics Needed Now!! ! Excell en t opportun ities. Apply to OUTR IDER of LA. 10545 Pico 8Ivd .• Los Ang eles. CA. (213) 87 9 -3350. H• •ry . (2 12TFNI ~DS Mechanic Grow ing Thousand Oaks dea lership w ants a m echanic with a mi nimum of 3 years expe r ience. ref erences. and his own tools. Phone (805) 497-1783 after 2 p.m. for appointment. (224 / 2 5) Sa lespersons Wanted 821-4989. US (8001 854 -1060. Mech anic Needed Fast growing high performance independent shop, 3 years minimum experience on high performance. , 0 year s experience as a mechanic. 50/SO co m- missin split . Contact Benny at CAFFEW CYCLE PERFORMAN CE. (714) 988-5644. (22 5 /26) year expe (22 5 /28) Partsperson Wanted to : STARKUTE CYCLE 1101 -H Eest Ash. Fulle rt on. . (12 5) CA 9263 1. Help wanted new Honda agency All pos itions open . Pref er Honda or au tom otive experien ce. Near Riv er sid e Raceway and M arc h A FB. Send resumes to : AI ·Tho mp son , Raceway Hond a. 25 1 N. Perr is Bl vd.• Per ts. CA 92370. (3 25/26) * Sa les I Service I Parts I * L A. City· s LARGEST KAWASAKI YAM AHA deal er has IM ME DtATE OPENINGS for qu alif ied applicants. Ask for Art at (8 18) 35 2-7 897. (22STFN) Long establ ish ed Southern cal ifornia Suzuk i dea lership looking fo r experi enced m echanic. Excellent working conditions a nd pay /ben ef its in award winn ing service de part m ent. Ask for Ken or Jack. 1 15TFN) 2 Experienced Harley Mechanic Bu sy H-D de aler need experie nced m ech anic. Top w ages. be nefit s and commissi ons . Con ta ct Rich ard OF ORLANDO . 46 Nort h Ora ng e Blossom Trail, Or lando. Fl or ida 3 2 805 . (3 05) 423 - 5491 . (222 125NE). Service Writer Wanted Is look in g for on e sharp parts or accessory person to wo rk i n on e of the top 10 parts depart m en ts in the U.S. Yama ha expeoe nce a plu s. but will train the right person . Good wortc.i ng condit ions and benefit s. Call or write .to Bob at : 24020 Narbonne Ave .• ity . Call Dick at (805) 259 -8500 . (225TFN) Honda Service W riter Exper ien ced. Good salary an d comm ission working w ith th e publi c. Apply to: HOUSE OF HONDA. 4904 EI Cajon Blvd.• San Diego. CA 92 115. Or ask fo r R;ck at (6191286 -3488. (225 12 6NWX ) Order Desk Exper ien ced w ith str eet perform ance products requ ired. gr owth opportunity. Cycl e Sport . (8 18 ) 78 1- 0738. (22 5) Service Manager /Mechanic Exper ien ced w it h tools. Imm ediate op en ing , good pay. great po sit ion w ith growin g m ulti -brand in depen dent deal e r sh i p i n su n ny M i s si on V i ejo. MOTORCYCLE CITYUSA (714 )495-3352. (219TFN) Whittier . CA 90602. (224 / 25NWX) saki dealer sh ip. 554.500 buys alii ca ll (303) 2595400. (224 /26NWX) Beautiful location in San Juan mountains. Kawa- A LO HA 8EAVERTON MOTORCY CLE W ORKS. 18950 SW Shaw. Aloha. OR 97007. (503) 64 22269. (3 24 125) Honda Technician (224/25) Service Manager/Honda So uthern calif orn ia's #1 perform ing Honda dea lersh ip n eeds a top fli ght service m anag er. M us t be abl e to ma nage people and paperwork . M echan ica l experience a m us t . Big bu sy shop . salary and comm iss ion . Rel oca t io n ass istan ce po ss ibl e for the ri ght person. Sen d res umes to : Dept . F. CYCLE NEWS. P.O. 80x 498. Long Beecn. CA 90 80 1-Q498. (224 / 27NW X) Sales o r General Manager Kawasaki Dealership So~thwest Montan a location. Contact RCI Real ty . Mam M oll 4-G. Bozeman . MT 597 15. (406) 587443 7. (125) Dealership For Sa le Bea utif ul sunny So ut h ern California location. W ell establ i sh ed. profitabl e and bus y year rou n d. Mod ern air con ditioned faCility. sales. parts. service. High vol u me used motorcycle an d ATV busi n ess. Franch ised KTM motorcycle and Nissa n generator dea ler. A ll equ ipment and i nventory included. Price negotiable. te r ms avail able . co n sider tra de for real estat e. MO TORCYCLE CITY USA. Miss;on Viejo. CA. (7 14) 495 -335 2. (22 4TNF) Kawasaki Dealership For Sa le Beaut if ul well -establishe d Kaw asaki de al ership in Florida -.Brand ne w bu ild ing . Reply to Cycle News East. Dlv. FL. P.O. 80x 805. Tucker. GA 300850805. (224 / 27NEX) floor. i m m ediate deliv ery. Di sco unt on h ard to get parts an d racin g NCR parts. Bring cash. m ak e a deal. GHOST MOTORCYCLES. Port Washin gton . NY. (51 6) 883- 5300 or (7 18) 895 -3678. (325NEX) AD ENA SUZUKI YAMAHA. (8 18) 7 95-4129 ask for Kirk or 8r ian. (224 /25) Full -t im e position. Ca ll or w rite NA PA HO NDA . Works Ultrasportl (223TFN) Custom bui lt to you r re quirements for ro ad raci ng. tour ing . and canyo ns . Con structed from the f inest aircraft-qual ity materials. For all GPz. Ninj a. FJ. FZ. RZ.lntercept or . Suzuki E. ES. Sabr e. and other si n gle shodt st reet machines. Sat isf act ion guaranteed Exper ien ce helpful. PaKi vacations. benefits. Contact or your money back . WORKS PERFORMANCE PROOUCTS (81 8) 70 1-10 10. (225 / 26) INC.• 218 Soscol Ave.. Napa. CA 94559. (70 7) 255 1472 ask for Bill for Fransis . Partsperson W anted Kawasaki Parts Manager 1 9 8 2 KTM 250MXC Fresh ti res . n ew rear suspe n sion compon ents. ATK for k k it . excell ent condi t ion. $6 95. (6 19) 375 -8601. (12 5) D & D FZ750 Performance Exh. ' 8 5 Husky 51 OTX a -stroke. 6 speed. exce llent con ditio n. never raced. M i ni mu m 2 year s experience. benef its. (7 14 ) 623· 64 51. (225) 10 rides. sacr if ice. 52250 extras. (805) 25 1-1010. (325 / 26) Sa lespeople / M echanics Partsman ag er EXPERIENCEO SALESPERSON needed. 8ELL FLOWER YAMA HA (213)' 92 5- 5097. • (223TFN) Large Honda dea ler i n So uthern Cali forn ia h as an immedi at e openi n g for a strong partsm an ager with the followi ng qu alifi cat ions . 1. Kno wled ge of Honda pap erwork syst ems . 2 . A bil it y to manage 6 cc u n terceop te. 3. Ab i l ity to coordinate service/parts f unct io ns . Kawasak i, BMW. S uzuk i exp erie nce helpf ul. Sal ary com mensurate w ith experi enc e. Relocat ion assi sta nc e poss ible. Send re sumes to: DEPT. F. Cycle News. P.O. 80 ;1( 498. Long Beach. CA 908 01 -04 98. (224 12 7NWXI Honda Sa les Service Parts Immediate openi ngs fo r qualified applicants in 20 year old delllership in Culver City. (213) 39 1-6 2 17 ask for 8i11. (22512 7) Pro Hel met s needs rep s. Ma ny area s open . (91 6) 678-5668. (224 / 26) EAST COAST CYCLE (800) 327-1109; Fla. (800) 432-7762. (22 5ITFNNE) RZ350 RZ350 RZ350 RZ350 Ducati A lloy Tanks New N.C.A.. M .H.R. and IM OLA confi g ura t ions . 532 5. Call or wr it e for catalog l DUCATI AM ERICA CORP.• 1438 2 Hoov er St .•W es tm inster , CA 92683. (7 14) 898-12 11. (42 5 /26NWX / ALT) 1984. 800 m ile s. pro fess ion all y set up for WE RA D-Prod. f ork spr ing s. damper . h ead bearings. brai ded l i nes. Boyesens, M etze lers. gearing. spa res. m an u al. $2.000 offer . Wi ll consi der sport bike tr ades . Possib le spo nso rsh ip deal with pu rch ase. (30 1) 934-1484 . (32 5126) ' 8 2 B M W R 1 0 0 Spo rt '84 VF 1OOOF Honda Int ercept or 8l ack. 33 00 mi les. li ke new . 53500. (516 1 75 253 28. (1251271 w it h tail sect ion . 4000 mi le s. showroom cond it ion . Exot ic M otorcy cl e Imports A ll mode ls o f Japanese ma de exotics avail able . Yamaha: FZ750. 400 . 250. and R2V500R . Hond o: NS400R. NS25OR. Suzuki: GSXR750. 400. Gam ma 500. 4 00. 2 50 . M a ny mo re mod els, m any in stock. (2 13) 824 -7 160. Road Reps Wanted 4 i nto 1. 10% HP increase. weighs 12 pounds less than stock system. del ivers wide powerband. stee l pipe s. anodized aluminum silencer w ith stee l co re r HONDA PARTS: SOCH/DOHC 7 50 -11 OOF. mo to r/ chessis. Stock/performance. (60 8) 222 -9 694 . (125) We need hig hly m ot ivated sal espeople and mechenics . Yea r round w ork . excell ent ear ni ng potentia l. San Diego ar ea. im m ediate openin g ava ilable. Seek ing mo t ivated. exper ienced mechanic . com mission KAWA SAKI. P.O. 80x 130 . Ger ing. NE 6934 1. (222 / 25) 13.000 m il es. Pi relli Phantoms. featured in Motor cyclist magazin e Aug .l·84. legal t itle. mo ne tary crisis forces sale . $4200. (2 13) 5 42-5357 eve nings. (5AAAA) mi les ; 197 4 Ducat i 75 0 Super Sport ; 197 3750 GT; 1975 860 GT; also old Sin gl es Ma ch III. etc. All on HOLLYW OOD KAWASAKI YAMAHA (2131 466845 1. (225 / 26) District Manager Pos it ion Avail. '84 Honda CBX750 Eurobike Partsmgr.lMechanic Wanted Du e to the expa nsion of ou r busi ness . we n eed a partsperson and mechanic with 2 years experience on Yamahas. High salary. comm ission. plus health ins ur an ce. Work all yea r round. Apply now to PA S- Mechan ic W ant ed Rocky Mount ain Kawasaki, distributors of Kawa sak i product s in sev en Mid -west ern an d Rocky Mount ain st at es is lookin g for a distr ict m an ager for our m oto rcycl e and sn owm obile division . P ositio n req uire s extensive t ra ve l. Looking for an in di vidual w it h strong sales and pro mot iona l backg rou nd . M otorcycle and sno wmobil e experience an asse t. but not a requir emen t . Ter r if ic incom e opportunity . Send resum e to Bi ll Gray at ROCKY M OUNTAI N (125/ 27) spon sibi lity. Call (2 131854-77 88 ask fo r M arshall . (224/25NWX) Mangement Opportunity (123 / 26 ) 323 1. M ik e Hailwood rep lica. n ew. last chance: 1984 Ouca t i 600cc Panta h. new. last chance; 1984 Duc at i 900cc Mike Ha il wood rep lica: 19 82 Du cat i 600cc Pan ta h. used. m in t; 198 1 Ducat i 500cc Pan t ah, used ; 19 75 Du cat i 7 50 Super Sport. 1 3000 Mecha n ic Blvd .• on t he mile of cars . Why Pay More $750 D ico tr ai ler and st or age bo x. carr ies 2 bike s. fol di n g d in ing area becomes queen size bed . (81 81 799· Ducati 1985 1000cc (M ille) W est Los A n gel esdeal er wants an aggessiv e ma n ager to take cha rg e of a fast growing dealership. Suzuki Kawasak i experienc e essential. P&l re- Excell ent p ay and benef its . i mm edi ate opening. and benefit s. Ask for M ike 01(6 19) 474-2025. NA TIONAL CITY MOTORCYCLES. 1900 National City '83 Honda ATC250R BMW Technician COVINA KAW A SAKI (8 181967 -4 181 ask for Me l. (2221 25) (224 /25) t oday for only 5249 . PROTOPIPE EXHAUST SYSTEM S. INC.• 1165 N. 5th St.• San Jose. CA 95112. (408) 29 2-78 66. (325 /26NWX) 9 19 -3301 . or ( 7 14 ) 845 - 147 5 ask for Rick . (125/26) shop. Call Fr;!Z at (6 19) 488 -1712. or (6 19) 48 8 1252. FRITZ'S MO TORCYCLE SHOP. (124 / 25) Salmon at (8181 781 -3828. (2 14NWXITFN) So . Colorado Dealership Live and work i n beau t ifu l San Diego, Cali fo rn ia. Excellent work in g conditi on s and pay for experienc ed BMW Honda mech anic in small in dependent California Ac cesso ry W ar eho use . t he natio n 's largest motorcy cle mail order busin ess is seek ing management person n el. Good opportunity for experienced i ndivi dual w ith upward mobi li ty . Positions open in store m anagement and ma il ord er . Call Bob M ot or cy cl e pi pe and co ne division fo r sale . In cl ud es i n ven tory and spec ia l tool ing. Price negot iable. deal ership.46 87 Convoy. San Diego. CA(6 191278 6635. 80b Hart ley. manag er. (208TFNNWX ) Dev in at WH ITTIER HOND A. (2 13) 698 -0065. (223/2 6) BMW Honda M ech ani c Air Cone Inc. Las Vegas. NV Bolt On RZ Horsepowerl Bolt on a n ew set of patented Protop ipe RZ350 Super Pip es. and veu't t bo lt on 10 m ore ho rse po wer to your rear wheel . That 's w itho ut cha nging j ets . air f ilters, or any ot h er m od if ica t io ns. Not on ly w ill you get a n increase of 10 rea r wheel horsepower. yo u'lI get great styl in g too w ith baked on cera mic coa ti ng and a nodi zed aluminum silencers. Ord er yours Exce lle nt condi tion. ridde n very linle• • 1300. (8 18) Honda Kawasaki Mecha nic Honda Mechanic Large Oran ge Cou nty dealers hip needs experienc ed Hon da mecha nic . Honda register ed techn ician gets bonus of $2 50 after 30 days employm ent . Sala ry or commission pla n s. med ica l/denta l plan . pa id vaca tion s. Sen d resume attn: J oh n. 14432 Bronte Or.• low overhea d. bl ow-o ut location and lease; Gross over on e m illion in 1982 ... reti ring . Call (6 19)4 23 · 0073 day s or a fte r 7p m . (61 91 479 -3 209 . (20lTFN) 2.1 mill;on.Agent. Don at (818) 98 1-76 00 . (323 / 25) Need q ua li f ied t rai ned personne l for m ult i -l ine d or Karl at (805) 526-4122. For HondalYama ha sho p. per ma ne nt pos ition in San ta Clarita Valley. Pay co mmensurate with abi l - So. Cal Franchised Dealership Beautiful Southern California. Kawa saki /Su zuki / Yam aha . Dow n paymen ts f rom $5 0.000. sales to Mechanic Mechanic (12312 6NWX) Motorcycle Dealership Mechanics - ACCESSORIES STORE: Great Southern California locati on. 558 .000. Term s. (7 14) 534 -7248. (2 14TFN) 8 ill at CHAM PION MO TORCYCLES in Costa Mesa. (219TFNI CA. (7 14)642-231 1. 3 years experience m in irg um . On e of th e n icest service depa rtments i n So uthern California. Year round po sit io n. commissi on and benef its . Call Dave Independent shop in South 8ay. (2 13) 676-2264 ask for Lou . (225/26) (405) 765-2471. (702) 456 -4177. Lom ita [Torr ance). CA 90717. (2131 534 ·2311 . (225 / 26NWX) Full -t im e. own tools. Japa nese bike exper ience. Injury f orces . ale. ca ll John. (4 13) 667 -3037. (12 5NE) - Establ ished 197 4 . on e m illion a year gr oss sales. l oc ate d in Ponc a City. OK. Contact To m Woodfin at M u st kno w so mething about m ot orcyc les. be good w ith peopl e. and have good pe nma nsh ip. Con tact Posit ion open for experienc ed person at Port land' s only elU:lusive BMW dealershi p. Contact Ferrell at T&O Yamaha stree t exposure. PRICED RIGHT. (916 ) 275-1739 even ings. (223TFN) Honda Yamaha Dealership Motorcycle Mechanic Former at DICK FARMER 'S HARLEY-OAVI OSON Previou s experie nce requ ired . Mu st be w i ll ing to .leern about anti que mo to rcycl e parts. Send resu m es C alif~rni.a . Very product iv e w it h large complete repair shop. dr iv e in customer parking. and main Custom Honda Cycle Seats Tool ing. plate &. foam molds. cov er panerns. foa m en em., samples & su pplies. Fit Sab re. Magna. In tercept or & more. Qua li tY &. special fea t ures. (22 8/lJ'N) OCEANSIDE SUZUKI (619) 433 -5464. Partsman Needed By motorcycle impo rt er. m in imum rience. (2 13) 538 -9337. Business Opportunities MOTO RCYCLE ACCESSORYSTORE in Northern Ixi on. an establ ished Oist rib ut or llmport er wants hard-worki ng sales reps; many prime areas open. jo in a good group of people. A sk for No r m . CA (800) Help W anted 1981 HONDA C8 1100R : Mint condit ion. stock. 53800. (81 8) 989-7671 . (125 / 28NWX) (32 5 /2 6) THREE RAIL MOT ORCYCLETRAILER: W;th stor age box and overhe ad rock. (2 131425-4 56 2. (425) (3 17) 54 8 -2 835 or (812) 235-4 767 leave name and number. (3 25 / 26NE) FZ750 Delivered To Y o ur Door FZ7 50 de live red freigh t FREE. Complete w it h all papers neces sary to li cen se in any st ate . Irv. (3 19) 56 8-3471 or (31 9) 5 68-4419. (3 25NE) HONOA XRSOO. 80ss fra me. and CR250 Astro. Bot h eng in es fr esh. w ell cared fo r. some spares. Call Roger at (503) 38 6 -3 817. (1 24125) 59

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