Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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move go t Scarapiel lo th ir d overa ll, wh il e Leitner held on to hi s lead th e entire m oto LO tak e first overa ll. Fan revs' 1-2 nett ed h im seco nd for the ni ght. Results 60 : 1. Er ic Haug (Kaw) ; 2. .Ar mando Over land (Suz). BO BEG OIV 1: 1. Tom Gr ell e (Vam ): 2. Lvre Thompson (Yam); 3 . Ronnie Redd (Kaw) . 80 BEG OIV 2: 1. Harrv Leitn er (Kaw): 2. Oann v Fonte ys (Yam); 3 . Shan e Scarapiello (Kawl. 80 JR : 1. Rusty Some rs (Kaw); 2. Sh eryl Fedorow (Vam); 3 . M ike Cox (Kaw). 80 INT: 1. Robert Sh ipman (Suz); 2. Gu v Deckert (Kaw) ; 3. Kevi n Bussey (Kaw) . .80 EX: 1. Jodv Tapia (Kaw) . 12 5 BEG DIV 1: 1. Jo hnnV Jo hns on IKaw); 2. Matteo Cosen t ino (Cag); 3 . Don M ill er (Suz).. 125 BEG DIV 2: 1. M ike lucas (Kaw); 2 . M Ichae l Howell (Vam ); 3. Marc laidler (Kaw) . . . 125 JR : 1. Charlie Brown (Kaw); 2. Nick NIch ols (Kaw); 3 . J im Watki ns (Hon) . 12 51NT: 1. Eric Cosas (Kaw); 2 . J im Perry (Kaw); 3 . Chr is Wallis (Han ). . 125 PRO: 1. Ron Turner (Cog); 2. Bnan Manlev (Han ); 3 . Kennv Clifton (Suz ). 250 BEG DIV 1: 1. Doug las Brooks ISuz ); 2 . Stev e Maas (Suz); 3 . J im Stentz (Han ). . 250 BEG DIV 2 : 1. DeWa vne Rav (Han ); 2 . Vince Baion i (Hon); 3 . Daniel McKinley (S uzl. 250 BEG DIV 3; 1. John Jackson (Kaw) ; 2. Mark Sieja IHon ); 3 . Rick Mulder IHonl . 250 JR : 1. Dennis Chafe (Vam); 2 . Man Petru (Han); 3 . Ken FaughtIVam }. . 250 INT: 1. Chr is Boice (Hon): 2 . Craig Westergaard (Vam); 3 . Jim Perry IKaw). 250 PRO: 1. Brian Manlev (Han) ; 2. Rob Trone (Han); 3 . Rick Atk ins ISuz). 500 BEG: 1. Jim Clark IHon) ; 2 . Tad Malonev (Honl ; 3. Tonv Wright (Vam). 500 JR : 1. Scott Kinni er (Hon) ; 2. Scott Graham (Han); 3 . Robert Johnson (Han ). 500 INT: 1. Chri s Boice (Hon) ; 2 . Marc Pete rs (Kaw) . 500 PRO: 1. Ron Turne r (Cag); 2. Pete Murrav (M ·SI; 3. MI ke M cM ill er (Han). WOMEN : 1. Merced es Gonza les IKaw) ; 2. Ja n Murray (Yam); 3. Sh eryl Fedor ow (Kaw). VET JR : 1. Reb ert Johnson (Hon); 2 . Ric h Hc rs en (C-A); 3. Tim Kn ight (Vam). VeT INT: 1. Kar el Kramer (Hus); 2. Terr y J ud d (Vam l. OT MASTER : 1. Mi ke M cM illen (Han) . Brunerbags Expert Sweepstakes By Mike Ross CHANDLER, AZ, J UN E 7 Bobb y Whi te and Bryan Bruner .traded wins in the l l-Iap Expert Sweepstakes on th e tight an d twi sting Firebird Park motocross track with Bruner tak ing th e overall w in by virt ue of hi s seco n d moto victory. White ove rca me j ohn U rnbria le's hol eshot in the firs t mot o to tak e th e lea d with heavy pressure comin g from Robert Ma son a n d Bruner. White' s 250cc m achine open ed up a four-second lead with th e 125s o f Bruner a n d Ma son h otl y debat ed seco n d sp o t until ' Bru ner finall y got th e upper hand . Bruner go t a lo ngside White' s H onda afte r wh ite flag was shown, but couldn 't overcome th e 250's accelera tion a t th e chec kered flag. Mota two sa w Wh ite lead th e p ack to tum o ne w it h Urn bria le, Bruner and Ma son in tow. A ha rd- ch argin g Bruner took secon d from Um briale and, letting it all hang o u t, whittled awa y a t Whi te's lea d . At th e hal.fw~ y point, Bruner had closed to within five seco nds a nd by lap eight, wa s chom p ing at White's rea~ fender. Whit e slowed m omentaril y a fter nearly ba il in g o ff in th e whoops, allowing Bruner to ge t by. Bruner started LO pull away, on ly to be slo wed by lapped tra ffic. White was now h o t on hi s heels, but Bruner would not be denied th is o ne as he took th e checke rs and th e trophy. Results MINI BEG: 1. Sean Meara; 2. John Read; 3 . Billv Demostry, . JR OPEN: 1. Ron Gamble; 2. Bruce Buchanan (Han); 3 . Mike Kuh lin (Suz). JR MOD: 1. Ora; Nichols (Kaw); 2 . Bart Blake (Vaml; 3 . Evan Ne.lev IKaw). BO STK NOV (9 ·11); 1. Brent White; 2. Kerry Mulligan. . BO STK NOV (12 '): 1. SCali Frevmu llen ; 2. Chris Pogino ; 3. Scon Connellv. 125 BEG: 1. Marcus Ellison (Kawl; 2. Steve _ Brown; 3. Cliff Rispon. 125 STK NOV : 1. Jerrv Stewan (Kaw); 2 . Don Gaddis (Suzj . . 125 MOD NOV : 1. Jeff Smith (Kaw); 2. Stuart Kellv; 3 . Jerry Stewart (Kewl. 125 STK AM : 1. Bryon Pryor; 2 . John Moran; 3. Curtis Culben. 12 5 MOD AM ; 1. Curt is Culber t; 2 . 171: 3 . Mike Ba iley. . 250 STK NOV: 1. David Bi rm ingham : 2. Wy man Gladden ; 3. Bru ce Bur r. OPEN AM : 1. Sean Thomp son . OT: 1. Rick M eyes. SWEEPSTAKES: 1. Bryan Br un er (Kaw l; 2. Bcbbv White (Han); . 3. Robert M a s~ n (Kaw) . Green sweeps Bellingham FT By Clay Light BELLI N GHAM, WA, J U N E 7 Na tiona l number 24 Rand y G reen an d his Hondas were n o match for the com petition in th e 250cc a n d Open Pro mai n events duri ng th e Se m i - P r~ qu a rt e~ mi le flat track ac tion a t Bellingha m s H annegan Speedway. Gret;n a lso wo n h is h ea t races, th e matching trophy dash es a nd se t th e even ing's fast time a t 16.80. . The 125cc A main saw Shawn Ven ne bles (Yam) w in n ing th e 12-lap m ain ove r cla ss dominator Dann y Sta n ley an d fem ale whiz Kath y Hubbl e. St anl ey was Ven ne bles' closest fo e a r th e fini sh , and Hubble to ok th ir d . Ven ne bles won th e 125cc A trop hy dash to line up with Green a t th e victory podi um . Green won the 250cc trop hy das h wit h rela tive ease, bu t th e Open dash was a no~ her st<.>ry - G reen had AMA j u nior MI ke Kearn ev (Ya m 500 ) a nd Na tio na l num ber 78 Don Wil son (R tx) to co ntend with and wo n by a sma ll margi n. Another great race was the 30 and o lder race. These boys st ill go plenty fast and Al\IA Novice Pro j o h n Engelecke (Han) is o ne suc h exam ple, as were Roger Stan ley (Tri) and Tom L indquist (Ya m 750). Sta n ley won th e troph y das h, but Engelecke took the m a in whi le Sta nley, Lin dqu ist a nd Ca na dian Murray New man (Rtx) a nd Bill Fogg (Ya m) ro u nded o u t th e to p five. _ T rack co nd itions were we t, but th at d id n' t sto p G reen , who like m an y o f th e P ro s, ha s ridden very little du e to all th e Oregon ramou ts. Green gra bbed th e lead o n the ope~ in g lap o f th e 250cc m ~m event o n hi s Hi -P oint/Pro-Fuel/Simpson/ Am er ican H onda /W o odland H ond a back ed a ir-cooled CR250 whil e Ste ve Aseltine (Yam) , Kirk Stro ng (Sea tt le Honda ) and H onda -m ounted M!k e McClain gave chase. Green rode with hi s a mazi ng feet- on-th e-peg s-andgassi n'-it style tha t made th e specta tors cheer as he took his fir st o f tw o killings for th e secon d week in a ro w a t H annegan . Ase lti ne gra bbed seco nd -p lace loot o n hi s water -pum per a n d Strong fini shed third. Nex t, Green burned up th e l 2-lap 0 O pen P ro ma in , pulling aw~y by 4. feet early in th e race over an d in credible duel between Aselti ne (H -D) and R ick Albee (R tx) , Al bee crashed and q uickly remounted in sixt h, runn ing . five a breast with Wil son (R tx), Randy Roose (BBR P Racing KTM 560), Strong (Han), and Bria n McGo ni gal (KTM). Albee began a cha!ge th at : took h im first p ast McG olllgal a nd nex t aroun d Roose. His g rea test cha llen ge, ho wever, was ~~ t h St rong ~ n d Wi lso , who were di cing for 'th ird . Albee dro ve th e hometo wn fan s cra zy when h e pa ssed th e duo LO tak e ove r th ird . Green wa s long gon e a n d ca p pe d-o ff hi s double win over Aseltine, Albee, Wil son a nd St rong . Results OPEN PRO: 1. Randv Green (Han) ; 2. Steve Aset t ine (H-D); 3 . Rick Albee (Rtx); 4. Donald WIlson (Rtx): 5. Kirk Strong (Han). 250 PRO; 1. Randv Green (Han); 2. Steve Asel t ine (Vam); 3 . Kirk Strong (Honl. 125 A: 1. Shawn Vennebles; 2. Danny Stanlev; 3 . . 3. Kathv Hubble. TROPHV DASHES . OPEN PRO: 1. Randv Green (Han). 250 PRO: 1. Randy Green (Han). 125 A : 1. Shawn Vennebles (Yam). OVER 30: 1. Roger Stanlev FAST TIME : Randv Green. 16.80 . rr-u .. 47

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