Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'ra n a distance ba ck from J arrett, wh ile Enyart was slicing through th e pack a fter a last-pl ace start . En yart p a ssed G arca o n th e last lap 10 ga in firs t o vera ll in th e Intermedi at e cl ass, a nd J arrett look th e 250cc No vice wi n . P ick in g u p so me o f hi s brother's fas t racin g h abits, Doug Sch u mac her had a fin e day. winning both motos in the I25ccI ntermedia tes. J ason j arret t, rid in g in the Novice class, an d Brian Emig , a board a m inicycle, ga ve Sch u macher fits a ll day. The seco n d moto wa s great - Schumacher led ri ght o ff th e ga te with Em ig and J arre tt g lued 10 hi s rear fender. At th e end o f th e rnoto, bo th Em ig an d j arrett were covered with mud , whil e winner Schumacher took th e checkered £la g clean.' ...... Results Ron Turner flies his Cagiva to victory in 125cc motocross action at Ascot Park; Turner also won the 500cc Pro class. in g /Loveland Yam aha ) a n d Turner keeping close co m pan y. Kiyota had ridd en ca u tious ly in th e four- lap heat race. n ursing a heal ing broken wrist. a nd had q ual ified for o n ly a fif th- row sta rt. O vercom ing 16 riders by the m id point of th e race, Kiyot a 's smooth style belie d h is speed. T en laps into wha t was to have been a 16-lap race. Kiyot a dr opped hi sTZ in turn o ne, bringing o u t a red flag . Briefly knocked o u t by a m ild co ncussion , Kiyo ta was cred ited with the win by ha ving led th e race th ro ughout the la st co m p leted lap. Walker took seco nd and Chuck Lee was th ird. MRA cham p Sass was forced ou t by a tangl e with another rid er in th e first lap o f th e Formula race, bu t lat er logged two w in s. Leading th e FJ parade in th e 600cc Superbike, Sass took the win a hea d of MRA number two Turner and MRA number three Walker, in third. Sass had a more difficult cha llen ge in the Open Production race, in which he was shadowed by Walker a nd n ewcomer Lee. The FZ750-m ounted fro nt runners never co u ld qu ite sha ke Le e on hi s G S750ES. Lee 's rid e was lat er revealed as a trade-in 10 sponso rin g shop Alpin e Suzuki. The race fini shed with Sass first. Walker second a n d Lee third. The fin al race of the da v, however . reversed th is fin ishing order as former di rttracker Lee dem o ns tra ted th at hi gh-speed sl id ing wa s a via ble road rac ing sty le in th e Open S upe rbike race. T urbo Kawasaki-mounted J ohn H opperstad (B&K Motorsports) led the first laps of th e ra ce, but soo n fo u n d hi mself ou tha n d led by th e new-wave sport bik es. The top three finisher in Open Production were u nable 10 p u ll th e Turbo down th e straight , bu t ma neuvered around th e bi g Kawasaki in the tight sectio ns o f th e track. T he Lee/Walker/Sass show m oved p ast a lmos t th e ent ire field in th e 12-!a p ba ttl e. sta rt li ng man y riders w ith th eir fairing-bashing antics. Lee presented th e MRA veterans w ith a su rp rising cha lle nge as th ey chased him a ro un d th e nine-turn co urse in th e tightest ac tion seen a ll day. Results NOV : '1. Dieter Lane (Yam ); 2 . Steve Wands (Yam): 3 . Ted Wedermeyer (Hon ). . 46 4505: 1. John Hopperstad (Vam): 2. Keith Ma r saco (Yam): 3. John Hje lm (Vaml . 6005: 1. Bruce Sass (Yam); 2. OanTurn er (Yam ): 3. Danny W alker (Yam ). OPEN 5 : 1. Chuck Lee ISuz): 2. Dann y Walk er (Vaml; 3. Bruce Sass (Vam). FORM CO: 1. Keilh Kiyola (y am): 2. Bruce Sass (Yam); 3. Dan Turner IYam). FORM ONE: I . Keilh Kivela (Vam); 2. Danny Walker (Yam): 3. Chuck Lee (Suz). 600 PROD: t . Norm Myer (Yam); 2. Greg Sm ith (Vam): 3. Jim Johnson (Kaw ). OPEN PROD: 1. Bruce Sass (Vam); 2. Danny Walker (Yam); 3. Chuck Lee (Suz). Fullerton grabs Hepler motocross By Brad and Sharon Jones HEPLER, KS, J UNE 9 Oklahoma rider Bill Fullerton made the trek to H epl er's motocross races to take first overall in the 250cc Expert class. The 250cc an d Open Expert s were co m bined to provide actio n- pac ked ra cin g as Fullerton slin gs hot himself ou t o f th e ga te to lead th e p ack. Open Expert Brad Jones was seco nd wi th National number 82 J eff Schumacher in third. Schumacher, who finished ninth in the Atlanta National th e week before, wasted no time in fIying past Jones on a ca mel jump. Schumacher then closed in o n Fullerton a n d fIew pa st on th e next lap. Th e two front runners left th e pack in th eir wa ke as th e rest o f th e ride rs fou ght over th e scra ps . Schumach er won while Fullerton put in a n exce lle nt ride, fini shing j ust a few bikel en gths back. In rnoro two it was J ones ou t front, but Sch umacher qu ick ly m oved into firs t after half a lap a nd sta rted 10 pull away. On th e seco nd lap . Sch umacher 's bike started to slo w an d th e p ack began to ca tch up. Schumach er wav ed J ones by th en decided to tr y an d hold o ff the charges of Luther Burch and Fullerton. Fullerton go t by Burch , but co u ld not find an open ing arou n d Sch u mac her's coughing bike. Finall y, th e ai ling m achine quit, pu tt in g Schumach er o ut o f th e race. Jones finished out front o n h is O pen-class H onda with Fullerton close beh ind for th e 250cc overall win. In th e co m bined 250cc Intermed iat e/Novi ce ra ce, G ar y Enyart look th e holesh ot with J oe Garca ru n n in g seco n d. Nov ice ace Jason J arrell wasn 't sa tisfied best in g the Nov ices - he rod e lik e a wild man a nd zipped pa st G ar ca a n d closed o n Enyart. Jarrett crashed o n lap IWO . lett in g Garca back by. Jarrell wa sn ' t through yet, he ca u gh t a nd passed bo th Garca a nd Enya rt o n the las t la p . In mo ta I W O , Jarrett took th e start a nd was n ever 10 be seen again , wi nning by a la rge m argin. Ma tt Murra y 80 BEG: 1. Doug Slone (Kaw); 2. Jason Shellay (Hon). 125 BEG: t . Randy Eickoff ISuz); 2. David Mil· chall (Hon ); 3. Rob Wagner (Suzl. 125 NOV: 1.JasonJarren (Kaw); 2. Kelth tewendowski (KTM); 3. Bryan Elsey IKaw). 1251NT: 1. Doug Schumacher(Hon); 2. Jeff Emig IKaw); 3. Mall Murray (Kaw). 250 8EG : t . David England (Hon); 2. Greg SCOIl; 3. Tim Miller {Suzl. 250 NOV: t. Jason Jarrell (Kaw) ; 2. Robbie Wei · born (Kaw); 3. Tracy Latham IHonl. 2501NT : 1. Gary Enyart (Hon); 2. Joe Garee (Hon): 3. Man Murray (Kaw) . 250 EX: r . Bill Fullerton (Kaw) ; 2. Luther Burch (Vaml; 3. Jeff Schumacher (Yam). OPEN EX: 1. Brad Jones (Hen); 2. Bill Wi ll iams (Hon); 3. Mike Burke (Kaw) . Lynn, Dodrich thunder to Sf. Louis drag wins FAIRMONT CITY, IL, J UNE 2 c The thundering horsepower of Keith Lynn 's Kawasaki and Jim Dodrichs clutch work yielded victories to these top riders at the a ll new SI. Louis International Ra cewa y's Fourth Annual Gat ewa y Cycl e National s. In T op Fu el el imi na tio n s, L ynn kn ocked ou t Mike Sh eils on the Mik e's Motorcycle Repai r 1200 Kaw asaki, 5.32- 134.32 to 6.24-107.78. Jim Van Dillen of NW Imports on a 1325 Kawa saki Turbo bumped off Lowell Brink of James Racing on a 1325 Suzuki, 5.58-130.05 to 6.47-1 16.12. In the final , Lynn pulled out a ll the stops with a 5.32-1 37.61 to Van Dill en 's 6.006-128.75. In th e Funn ybik e semi finals, a n odd turn of events made th e semi th e fin al when David Eas ter o f Cycle Performance an d Struthers' Suzuki o f Des Moines o u tra n T eddy Green , 5.79- 122. 10 to 10.23-48.75. The number o ne qualifier Pete Fecurka went 10 make h is bye run into th e fin al s but a fter bl ast in g o ff th e sta rt lin e, Fecurka crossed the cen ter line a nd was di sq ual ified. In Pro co m pe tition, Sam Oskin of Georgetown, Indiana on a Kawa saki kn ocked off Stu H amby's Orlando, Florida based Cycle T ech en try, 5.88911 8.57 to 6.245-116.42 in th e gas dra gste r division. Jim Dodich blasted to a new PC.B na tional record of 5.479127.29 mph . In th e fin al , Dodich blasted th e record aga in w ith a 5.44128.93 win over O skin. In th e Pro Stock semis, Mik e Phillips o u tran th e number one qualifi er Marty H a y in an all Kaw a saki battle by a n arrow, 5.875- 122.78 10 5 . 960~ 120.64. J ack O sbornon hi s ZIR Kawasa ki m anaged to ou tru n Jim Beatty, 5.772- 122.28 to 7.12-108.69, In th e fin al , Ph illips pulled a grea t ga te job o n O sborn and beat th e Iowan with a slo wer ela pse d time, 5.759- 124.65 to 5.677-222.61. T he P ro Dra gster class was won by Ri cki e Mathis on h is H arlev over th e Na tiona l Cha m p io n Harley of Kevin Cl eary. Clear y was a n o-sh ow . Scott Wall won the Supergas class on his Kaw asaki with a 6.56-106 .13. Brian Capps a nd hi s S uzu ki 500 Titan rook th e Production Eliminatorclass ah ead o f Malcolm Sch la for. Turner turns it on at Ascot night MX By Chris Boice GARDENA , CA, J UNE 7 Cagiva factory rider Ron Turner worked hard for his money tonight a t Ascot. He would have made a six-mo to sweep excep t for an unavo idable tangl e with Willie Surratt in th e first turn of the seco n d 250cc Pro race. In th e first 125cc Pro moto, Turner j u m ped into th e lead right from th e sta rt. H e wa s followed by Kawa sak im ounted T im Rutherford and Malcolm Smith Products-sponsored Brian Manley (Hon ). On lap four, Surratt (Hon ) passed Manley in the rockers to move into third, only 10 DNF a hundred yards down th e tra ck with a broken machine. By lap five, Turner h ad a seven -secon d lead and Manley managed a nifty pa ss on Rutherford in th e ro ckers. Turner won easily, with Manl ey fini shing.. secon d. Rutherford was third ahead of Mike Beier. In th e second rnoto, Manley storm ed o u t of th e ga te with Rutherford a nd Turner righ t o n h is rear fender. Turner go t by Rutherford on lap three. yet th e first three riders were separa ted by o n ly inc hes. On th e fifth lap, Turner took th e lead over the plat eau ju m p a nd Rutherford went down bri efl y, letting Kenny Clifton (Suz) move in to third. The overall w in went 10 Turner , with second and th ird go in g 10 Man ley and Clifton. Th e women had a special race, bringing a turnout of nine riders. Mercedes Gonzales was not the only ill ustrious rider on hand - the top two women en d uro rid ers, Candy Hand and Dana Bell , were a lso there 10 test their motocross skill s. Hand and D&D Racing's Joy Ames elected to ride minibikes while the rest of the ladies were on full-sized bikes. Hope Broselow (Hon) was in first place around turn one in the first moto, but Kawasaki-sponsored Gonzales eas ily moved into th e lead and before th e third lap, she wa s 20 seconds a h ead of seco n d. Jan Murray (Yam) passed Broselow a nd they diced closely for th e rest of th e race. Gonzales cruised across th e finish line first , with Murray an d Broselow coming in second a nd th ird. In moto two , Kawasaki-mounted Sheryl Fed orow wa s first out of th e ga te. but it wasn 't long before Gonzales agai n took command. She increased th e length o f h er lead each lap while Fedorow a nd Murray sta yed in seco nd an d third throughout the moro, The ov erall went 10 Gonzales with h er two runaway wins. Murray took seco n d w ith a 2-3 and Fedorow (4-2) was th ird. . The 80cc Beginners turned out in force tonight. Div ision two was led early by Kawasaki rider H arry Leitner. Danny Fonteys (Ya m) clos ed in on . th e third lap , and by lap four, had pa ssed Leimer , pushing him back 10 seco n d , with Eric Mytys (Suz) running thi rd a nd Jason Kirkoian (Yam) fourth . They took the chec kered £lag in th at order. In th e second round Leimer got the holeshot with Fonteys agai n right on his tail , wa iting for a n o p port u ni ty. The fir st two riders pulled out from th e rest o f th e p ack . Kirkoian held on 10 third u nti l right before th e fin ish line wh en Shane Scarapiello (Kaw) shot p ast h im and took th e Ilag, That

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