Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ih~ N~ii~nai. sh~bt;ri ch~s~ ihe' middi~ of the front row of the 6-6-4 three-row start for his pole position. On the turn of the green starting light, Pearson was off like a rock et. " I feel better than I have in three seasons," said Pearson earlier. " I'm riding better and I'm thinking mor e. There isn' t a minute I'm o n the track that I'm not thinking a bou t the race. Befor e. I used to depend on the throttle too much, now I depend o n my savvy and experience." Pear son kn ows wh at it's like to be pressured, but to be pressured by som eone with more power and/or a better set up isn 't fun and Chandler wasn 't helping Pearson to have a good night. As the lead duo headed into the infield on lap four, Chandler made his mov e with a clean pa ss and zipped by. " Do ug was faster, that 's all there is to it," said Pearson, " I co uldn't hold him off. He made a good move and got by," "Scott was fast , but I was goi ng faster," said Chandler of his move. "I knew I had to pas s him early or I'd get caught in a pa ck and som ebody might do something fooli sh a nd we'd all go down . I had the room to get by Scott and I'did." Once out front , Chandler quickly began to put rea l estate between himself and his pursuers, Pearson was being pressured by Jones, Hames, Shobert , Graham , Jorgen sen, Eklund and Poovey, with Carr just behind in a long stri ng going for second. It was a nine rider weaving sna ke with plenty of probing and challenging going on , but very littl e passing, . By lap 10, Ch andler was secure in the lead and Pearson had broken away from the group for a solid second. Goss, after a crash exiting the infield, was way a t the back , as was Estep after going down and taking a long time to restart a stalled en gi ne , Hames crashed off the second infield jump and spent a good bit of time getting going. He joined the tailenders. The halfway point saw Chandler and Pearson secure out front in the one-two positions with Jones and Shobert going at it over third, Graham was moving up from his fifth place while Jorgensen had a bit of room over Carr. . Before practice began, Jerry Griffith of Freddie Spencer/SuperTrapp Racing had said, " We' ve got to put some pressure on Shobert, Doug (Chandler) needs to beat him and gi ve him something to think about. " It was a prophetic remark, The grin on Griffith 's face got wider and wider as the laps counted down and Ch andler ap peared more and more in total com mand , In the closing laps, Graham, riding like he had never broken hi s left femur 13 weeks earlier, sliced hi s way past Jones for third in the tight righthander in the infield and the participants in winner's circle wer e set. Shobert dropped Jones another position - to fifth - on lap 22 to lock in the top five. The rema ining laps were uneventful. "I just kept going for it once I got past Scott ." said Chandler after happil y taking a cha mpa gne shower ,courtesy of both Pearson and Graham. " I didn't look back. It was one of those nights where everyth ing was spot on ." Griffith, Ch andler' s team manager and tuner. sat o n Chandler's bike a short distance from winner's circle and savored th e mom ent. "We needed thi s," said Griffith. "and it came at j ust the right tim e. The win , the point lead. and now abou t a l2-hour drive to Pocono for the road race. It's a heck of a night," " I rode the race I wanted," said Pearson. " I kept a steady pa ce and it was worth second whi ch isn' t too bad , Doug was faster a nd once he got pas t it was hard to reel h im back in. The (Continued to page 3/S) ...... . . . ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --; .1 CHAiPlONI [~,:e(.] ~~ LlU::1 ~ 00 O'l ~ eo = .;>- ~ ACAMEL PRO SERIES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP JULY13and14,1985 LAGUNA SECA RACEWAY MONTEREY, CA THE BELL SUPERBIKE CLASSIC ON SATURDAY W have a better racing sdledule for you this year, The second e annual Bell Superbike Oussic will feature Saturday's racing and qualifying, which will include Bottle of the Twins, divided into two groups. Avintage exhibition will also highlight Saturday's activity, T Champion Spork Plug 200 w continue os a poir of 100 . he ill kilometer heats, with the V High Mileage Contest Finals os the etter contrasting break. The popular F ormula-2 final is sdleduled as the lead-off main event on Sunday, TIckets will be available at BASS, Tickelran, TicketMoster, L aguna Seea's regular oudets, Participating Yamaha dealers w have L ill aguna T '85 tickets. our ' Questions/Information: The Sports Cor Racing Association of the Monterey Peninsula (S CRAMP) office is open w eekdays from 9 u.m, to 5 p.m. Call us at (408) 373-1811. ROBERTS VS. MAMOLA . " THE TRADITION CONTINUES! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TICKET ORDER NO, ADVANCE PRICE TOTAL Addres'- 5unda y City 2.Da y -j 5 13 Adm ission 520 Admiuion -,- 5Iale ---j Zip ., 2.Day Super Fkker Adm iss ion~ 2.0ay VIP Admission, Paddock Reseryed Grandstand 540 Children 6-12 yrs. Event Admission 5 5 Camping Friday & 5atur day 520 Cars 516 Bikes Saturday only 510 Cars 5 B Bikes Paddock 525 . Expiration Dote 5 i9 na lu re Camping TOTAt · -1 -1 Nale : We Accept Visa o r MasterCard O nly . 5 Child ren un der 6 years of a ge free w ith pare nt . Nissan is the Official Ca r and Truck of Laguna Seca Raceway. 19

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