Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ATVJrell1$® Covers it al/! Points Standings Baylands MX Fremont, CA As of May 22, 1985 [Co ntin ue d from last ri.,,.,,k) OPEN JR Sk ip Brossard Patr ick Vacch ierl James McMa nus Bi ll Bloomf ield Lor en Barrett . John Ccreqe Kir k Smith Merlyn Frank Robe rt Long Craig McLean Mar k Sar ic OPENINT Jesse Ochoa Ph il Dou gla s Chri stopher Neu Todd Radach Ji m Owens Glenn Harrison OPEN PRO Devon Joos Dieter Klausing Craig Christian Eric Mashbir Greg Raub Bre tt Cary J ohn W ell s Gle nn Zett erquist Todd Tem an Jack Hubeer Jim Dom en ig hian Dennis Stapl eton Ja ck Hul se Dean Brock Scott Long John Oau th Andy Tresser OT Geo ffrey FOJt Ron Ma zzager i Paul Bostrom Glenn Pru itt Car l Tresser SPTSMN Bob FOJt Bob KosoviIka Carl Tresser VETS Mike Lan e Phil Gnbnau Duane Hughes Larry Baker Rick Sou za Jerry Caton Ben Ram os M ike Hernandez Dave Burgess Wes Broby SPTSM N Ken Johnson Jerry Spildorl J . Wylme n Tom Qui ek Bubba Tay lo r Craig Patt erson Craig Watts Jerry Lozier Mark Arthur Bud Roberts Rick Awes Monterey Fairgrounds Flat Track Monterey, CA June 1, 1985 By Jack Barton M INJOO Jake Zem ke W ill iam Luk er Robe rt Steven son MINI SO Eric Ha nze lka BobbyGoad 125 NOV Kr is Kiser Ricky Sm it h David Strickland 250 NOV Dean Vinc elet Allan Ma im Marty Agl ibot 250JR Brad Spe nc er Todd Br idges David W oodward 500 NOV Dean Vincele t Bob Spear Gary Cord eiro 500JR Craig J ohnson Brad Spencer David Woodward 250 EX Dan M oo re J on Nu nez Frank Garcia Steve Raymo nd Steve M ayf iel d 500 EX Da n Moore Th om as Carriger Ste ve Raym on d 13 4 4 3 3 ·3 2 2 2 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 22 21 17 16 ' 16 15 . 13 10 9 B 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 1 4 2 1 11 11 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 14 12 5 5 4 z 2 1 1 1 1 PEE W EE 5 YRS Car y Nea l A rt hu r St ilwel l J ef f Gabh art Eric Martin PEE WEE 6 YRS A.J . Kirkpa trich Speedy Gonzal es Aa ron Baker Sha ne Fransc ione PEE WEE 7 YRS Brian $ ghe iza Curtis Peebles Gary M iller Ross Downs MX Co lleyville, TX May 31,1985 MICROMINI Brandin Lea Trip Samples JE B Stuart M JNJ BEG Brad Paye ur Mike Dill ard Chr is Pechal M INIJR Kevin Ree se Mark Pierce Erik Thoden M JNISR Ch ris Nile s Kris Carr La nee Tipton 125 BEG Er ic Bu ch anan Kerry Zimmerman Jeff Hilliard 125 NOV Scott BrodnsJt Richard Reeve s J eff Harr is 250 BEG Charlie Gal uben sk i Buzz Bass Bret Hobgood 250 NOV Chr is Scogg in s Tom Eller Jack Hollada y OPEN NOV Jack Yost John Nienkamp Michael Pie rce COMB EX Kirk Spencer Dea n Lan e . Dennis Hawthorne OVER 30 Tom Eller Chester Czajkowki David Folmar Kaw Kaw Hon Han ' Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Yam Kaw Kaw KTM Yam Kaw Hon Yam Hon Yam Yam Hon Yam Hon Kaw Hon Yam Yam KTM Kaw Yam Yam Yam T.C .C.R .A. Race #1308 Rocky Ridge Ranch Decatur, TX PRO Dean Lane D.L. Wood ' Marty Layland OPEN EX Greg Edgert on Kir k Howet h Kell y Georg e . 250 EX Larry Dods on Barr y Call oway Terry Ma son OVER 30 EX Bill y Sm it h Tommy W eek es Ed Terr ell OVER 38 EX John Paynter Joe Panne ll Rick Denn ey 12 5 EX Bobb y Thomasson Glen Boyett Russ Murph y 200 EX Ray Grippin Tod M yers Tra cy Ander s 250JNT Dav id Connell Dar in Sh ir ley Tom Hayes OVER 30 INT Gage Hopk in s Crai g Hoernke Curt Von M osch MIN I EX Br ian Hen sley Lanc e Friend Sea n Redd ish MINIAM Steven Erick Ray McGhee Matt Ki rby LADIES OPEN Kathy Boddy Pat M illiken Pearl Tull ou s OPEN AM Ron Sprat len Don ald Tuckness Kirk H ul slander 250 AM AI/ that's happening in the world of aI/terrain vehicles. Every month. All for only $8 a year. ATV News, America's A 1/-Terrain Vehicle Newspaper M ike Brown Jackie Mercer Darryl Howet h 125AM Dee Ann Wood Tim Liga Brad Brown 200 AM Scott W i lli ams Er ik Nielson Duane Horton OVER 30 AM larry W rig ht Richard De Somer Dave Hennessy OVER 38 AM Tom Osborn e Pa xton Vaugh t Don Kl inker BIG BIKE OVERALL Greg Edgerton SM BIKE OVERALL Ra y Gr ippin Subscribe today! DBCSA Hare Scrambles Series Round Three San Antonio, TX June 2,1985 By Mark Lynch 50 Jason Moses Brand Dic ke rson 60 Mark Savo ie M ichael Moses Brian Harper BO Billy Ham ilton Jason Baverst ock Ma rk Ja sper 12 5 A nt hony Bra uch izio Steve Brathmann Mike M unn 250 W iskey Fox SCOtt Zetner Steve Br idges OPEN Steve Kotara Gerald Huegele Tony Averbach WOMEN Lynda Ledlow OVER 30A Sam Wal kup Andrew Trott OVER 30 B Max Ross Dale McCulloch Mike Dickerson OVER 40 Charles Hamilton James Langford Dolph Nesloney EX Steve Br un ell e Mike Br adsh aw Charlie M art i n Yam Yam Kaw Yam Kaw Yam Hon Kaw Kaw Hon Yam Yam Yam Hon Hon C-A Hus Yam Kaw Hon Kaw Kaw KTM Yam C-A Hon Hus Hus KTM CVRG Championship Vi ntage Se ries Points standings as of June 9 , 1985 8 y M ichael Green M . Green C. Qu in n F. M ork J . Schmidt D. Troetsch ler M . Canepa C. Lynaug h D. Rope r H. Deato n T. Rieneck er K. Heuser M. M oo re G. Hubbock M . Bisson J . Coop er 8. Riddle 21 19 10 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 4 2 2 Tro~hy Pie up Prospectors M.C. Gold Rush Enduro t r op hie s w ill be availab le for p ickup at the June 23 FR A Pi n e Tree Enduro at Big Bear. O r call (B0 5) 9 4 2 -7 1 5 8 d ays , (213) 676 -6049 nights for information. (125) For listin g in th is department, pl ease mail [n formalio n with 51.00 per week tha t it is r u n to: Cycle News T ro ph y P ick- u p , Bo x 498. Lo n g Rea ch , CA 90801. AMERICA'S MONTHLY ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLE NEWSPA!ER ...................................... o YES! Send me one full year (12 issues) of ATV NEWS for only $8~00! o I want to SAVE MORE! Send me two years (24 issues) of ATV NEWS for only $13.00 - $11.00 off the newstand price! NAM E (please p rint c learly) ADDRESS C ITY STATE _. _ ZIP-'-- PHONE _ _ --,--- _ _ plea se c hec k b ox o Payment e nclosed o Ma stercharg e 0 Visa Charge Customers: We must have complete account number & card expiration date Card expires Date o f this order _ Sig na ture The issue r of the card id e ntifie d on th is Ite m IS authorized to pay the amoun t shown as TOTAL upon proper presentation . I promise to pay such TOTAL (together with any other charges due thereon) subject to and in accordance wi th tt1e Agreement governing the use ot such card . . ATV News Please mall to . P.O. Box 1030 Long Beach, CA 90801·1030 or call ( 213) 595-4753 CIRldlind Mnico (1 ytll) 2nd clan 113. Olb, r fortign rites .",il,bl, ~on Chick and Mon,., Orden pay.bll in U.S. funds. 57

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