Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_~ 1~_ · 8~ ~ THRILLERS SPEEDWAY RAC ING SOUTH BAY STADIUM EVERY - PIUSSATURDAY. J ULY 6th Lic ENSE REQUIRED (213) 538- 0520 SWAP MEET Open 9 a.m. ENTERTAINMENT 12Noon RACE PRACTICE 4 p.m. AMA 0 -36 Sanctio ned HILLS FERRY SPEEDWAY 130% PRO PAYBACK EVERY FRIDAY CMC 7 f!M. INFO: Track Ph. (408) 463-0548 (209) 862-3453 VERMON~ RIDE AWARE GARDENA COMPARE-HI....r OUR PRICE O'Neal •••• " •• • ".. *99.00 JT- Kids & Adub •• ". *99.00 $76.50 $65.00 MXPANTS BOOTS Hi·Poin Pro Adult - • • •• Sl55.00 $139.00 l Hi-Point Kids ." •• •• " *99.00 $76.50 AXO Rinaldi ••••••• "Sl IO.OO $153.00 r:L~Vert 5uJM:r Races Held on the rlrst Sunday or tach Mo n t h Beginning In february ~ch Year or fRt t OVtRN IG NT CA M PING Spid; Gloves. • • • • • •• $44.00 AXO Kidney Bell • ••• • *34.95 Rey Road Race Boots • • • $115.00 $38.95 $27.95 $ 98.00 Compltlttl Lintl of Off·Rotld tl n d Road Race Accessories G••r " ~-Ifi.lJIIIIIC"'""S....,. _ Pit , _ . DISCOUf:R ICES fOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT. WILLOW SPRl rtGS J l'n ~Rrt AT IO rt A L RAc e WAY TOYOT O FFICIALPACECAR A DOuaLl CROll RACIIlC July2J Perria Recewey G.P . " RoaebowI O.... Iif"ler.. Aa,_JaPer ria Receway G.P . Info: (714\ 371 -1333 ~ N '"A U TiOI At MO _ YO ASI OClATIOI MINICYCLl ::g~g~~~~~' IT NAnO N A L & R EG I O N ACTIVITIES SA NCTIONS M EMBERSHIPS CONTACT NMA P.O . BOX 41 NORWALK CA _50 12 1 31 BIIB-iI1 12 RACER'S CHOICE 2701 Orange, Un it P San ta A na. CA 92702 One Block East of Main St.• off Dyer Rd. ..._(714) 540-2911_... • SAT. AUG. 17. 6:30 pm. PASADDlA, CA - 110$( BOWL A Stadium Motoraporh Production 22IM I Mil C. - Driva. &..0.... Hi'" CA 92653 (71 4\ • • I -a _ auo_ , TEXAS STATE SUPERCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Local Qualifier - July 21 Swa n MX - Tvler. TX Informa1ion (214) 882-4215 On ly 1 Oua lifier Requi.... LOcal Qualifier - July 21 Rio Bravo MX - Rio Bravo. TX Infonn.ltion (713) 458-0090 Only 1 Qualifier Requi.... li\ ..... 29/30 - WoIIow S, rioIp ...., 7 - Surs P_ ...., 28 - WiIaw S..... 1 3423 Stana taad 52 Norwa lk. CA 90660 (2 1 31 864-0704 lima. OH Monterey. CA OuQuoin. Il lexington, OH Peoria. Il Indianapolis IN . Brainerd. MN Springfi.ld. IL Syracuse. NY San JDSIl . CA Gardena CA . Sacramento. CA Bueha.. n. MI &nghamplon. NY Mill~II •. MN WlShougoL WA 1985AMA Superbikel Pro -Am RR C'ship Series 7/ 13 8/3 "8117·18 '8 /25 ·26 8/31 "10119-20 Speedway June 28 Costa Mesa 6/30 716 7/7 lo.ington. OH Portllrul. OR S....mL CA &Iin.rd. MN OoytonI8.och. Fl 'Pre Am Event National NHRA Drag Rac ing Championships 7113·14 8/ 31·9/ 2 10119·20 National Drag Racing Championships IDBA 7113·14 8110·11 9114·15 10112·13 11116·17 1985 AMA National Enduro Championship Schedule 8/11 8116·18 11/8 ·10 1216·8 8/ 18 Moorestown. MI Lynn~ lIe.IN McAnb~. OH 8.... DE 1985 AMA National Hare Scrambles Series Schedule Sl Johns. PA Millvill•• MN Sug G .. ,o... OH AMA/NATC National Observed Tr ials C'ship Series Donn.r PI'" CA Butt./Iloztm... MT Sail LIk. City. UT AMA/ Dragbikel National C'ship Series Frtmonr. CA Medlor4 OR Cod.. hilL IA Ill... WA Syrocuse. NY .CoILIllbus, OH Un Grow WI ion . Stu'll L SO i Ridding. PA C0rtsb04 CA arl inerd. MN Byron. IL 101lClS1. ,. NY Pr."'ott. AR Fremonl CA Pllmdll•• CA P.l m Bol ch,Fl Atmorl . Al Houston. TX Glintsville. fl Ph.. ni~ I>Z • ~·mil. tria "Nation ll C'ship Finll s 1985AMA Gold Cup Series 6129 Birmingham. Al Riverside. CA Boil 1000 Frontier SOO 7113 10111 loudon. NH (6 h'l Nelson lodgtL OH 1241w) 1111-10 &ISlhon. GA (6 hr) 8/24 8.loit. 1116 hr) 9/7-8 RoSlmond. CA 124hrl 9114 hulhill•• GA (61w1 10/5 Colleg. S.llion. IX 181w1 1111-10 Bros.llon. GA (6 hrl 8/17 -18 Sandy. OR Green Vall.y R,ctwly N Richlln4 IX Olk Hill Roc...., Henderson. TX Green Valley Raceway N Richland.TX 10/5·6 TIxas WorldSpeedway Colle ge Station. TX 10/2 6·27 O Hill Raceway ak Henderson. TX MRA Road Race Series Schedule 117 1121 8117·18 9/ 7-8 9/ 28 9/29 Asp.n. C O 0. ..... CO A.p. n. C O(6 H,) SI.lmb.., Spring•. CO Pueblo. CO 16H,) Pueblo, CO AMA Amateur1 Youth MX National Fina ls 8113·17 HurriCOnB Mill•• 1loI CMC Four-Stroke C'ships 911 P.rris.CA CMC Four-Stroke Nationals 1211 C.,ts1ll4CA FIM World C'ship Road Race Series 8129 7/7 7121 8/ 4 811D-ll 911 IIoDIAd Bolgium F,onc. E Ad "IlII Swe d.n San Morino World C'ship Endurance Road Race Series 7128 8/ 17·18 9/7-8 9114-15 J.pan Belgium Wist Gll1NIny FrlnC. 713 8110 9/2 10118 Ooytonl Boldl. Fl Flinno,," City. IL loudon.NH Ooytonl BoKh. Fl , World C'ship Motocross Series 125cc San Marino Holli nd Finland Portugal 6/30 7/7 7114 7/28 8/ 18 8/2 5 Ar gentina Brazil 250cc 1114 1121 8/ 4 8/11 UNAOIUA. NY Holll Ad Soviet Uni n o West Germany 500cc 6/30 7114 8/4 8111 8/25 CARlSBAD. CA EngIoAd Belgi... luJ.mbourv SwiuerllAd Sidecar 8/18 9/15 Austria blly World C'ship Trials Series 8/25 8/31 9/8 9/1 5 Fllllond Swedon Swilmrtand W." G ....."! 8/10 Tu m Sp..dWlY C'ship Fin.. s LONG 8EACH CA . 8/31 Indi•. Spdwy. C"ship Finol. Brldlon!. E"IlIIAd 9/8 Mo tocroSi diS Nations G.ildorf. WISt Germany 9/15 In long Trock C".hip Fmlls di•. K orskro. Dem ark 9129 Trial di S N ations Canzo. haly 9/30 ·10/6 IIoIlIAd Ponugol Spoin Nonhom InIIAd 81ll1i lln W.II G. rml ny ISOE La Molina. Spain .NM A Grand National Final 8/4-11 Ponco C OK ity. 1985 AFM Road Race Schedule 6/30 7/7 1128 7127·28 8/17 ·18 8117·18 9/8 9/22 10/6 10/27 11/9-10 11/24 RoSlmon4 CA Sono.... CA RoSlmon4 CA SonomL CA Ro.....ond. CA SonomL CA Sonoma. CA Rosamon4 CA Sonoma. CA Sonoma. CA RoSlmond. CA RoSlmon4 CA 1985ARRA Road Racing Schedule 1I4(6-hourl 118 8/ 3-4 8/ 31·9/ 1 10/5-8 1112·3 11/30-1211 Kerker Superbike Series and Honda 500cc Interceptor Series Road Races 6/ 30 1128 8118 9/ 22 10/2 0 World C'ship TT Road Race Ser ies 6/29 7/7 1113·14 8/17 911 9/2 8·29 AMA/C 'ship CUp Endurance Series Other Major FIM Events 9/14 ·15 SpeedslIille. NY W." Budd'. Cro.k. WY NOIWIIk. OH TBA Gulfport. MS 1985 SCOREI HDRA Off-Road Series 7120·21 8/17 8129-30 7113-14 1113-14 1121 1I2D-21" 7127·28 8/ 3-4 817-9 8/17 ·18 8/25· 9/ 2 9/8 9/1 4-15 9/ 28·29· 10/6-7 10113·14 10121 10/27 ·28" 11/2·3 11/16 ·17·· 11 / 30·1211 EIl\lIi.htown. NJ IndilnlllohL IN pom.... CA WERA Road Race Schedule Series 1985 AMA Supercross Schedule 8/24-25 8/31 9/2 OlympiL WA McMiMvillL OR WoshougolWA WERA National Endurance Series (RR) Mon tl,.y. CA 6/30 911 10113 TEXAS STATE SUPERCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Road R ace Schedule . 6/29 7113-14 7/27 8/3-4 8111 8124-25 8/31 ·9/1 9/1 9/8 9/15 9/21 9/29 9/15 10/2 0 10/27 Ro..m on d. Calif omia (8 0 5) 258-2471 A me ri can R~ d Rac ing A..ocilltion 1806) 968·6700 Support the dealers who support your newspaper . 1985 AMA Camel Pro Series Schedule 7/7 1128 8/11 8/25 ~URPRICES I eo " .r.d. $Un"IWKC: T""'IL lS • OtILU · S"Ll S CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS 1985 AMA National MX Schedule LICENSE REQUIRED (71 4) 26 1-6116 1~ Calendar list ings are a free service lor C yc le News readers and race promoters. All informati on is the responsibilty of the promoter . We suggest calling to confirm details 'before traveling to an event , MOTORCYCLE EXPO AND SWAP MEET Admission $6 .00 Buy. Sell or Wat ch THURS. 8 f!M. AMA 1 /4 Mile SHORT TRACK RACES RoSlll1Drld. CA Rosomond. CA Ro_rul. CA Ro.....ond CA . Roumoncl. CA 1985 Hi-Point Golden State Enduro Series 11/2·3 CEA Enduro 10·37)

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