Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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--------------- ~ ~ TRAKMASTER w '" « "" ~ ~ Winner of the Spring Classic Series a II: Hale reigns at '" SoydST a .... « Special Price "" > Thru July a :I: 0.. $29.95 -, A & A Racing Sure Fit (415) 368-6259 (714) 623-3414 .. East Coast Distributor RACETECH (607)74~8690 N ' _ _ - '-- - - - - - - - - - Co«! No, _ E.pqtIOflOete ' _ -~,------------ M(JT(J~ O OLEVI [)E (JY P.o . BOX 0550 o Bet. LAKElAND. Fe 33lm-0550 [1 VHS SiDl TIlE AUlYEW Q4RlA BOOI' Al l new with extended plastic shin g ua rd. plast ic ankle plates and sh ift guard. New Sldl ratchet sole s lides easily y et grips w hen y o u need traction. Sidl's one p ull lacing and VelcroS fasteners for quick g eta w ays. As worn by Kbrld Olamp Hakan carrqvist; pop ular sizes In red/whlte. blue/white. and btack/yellow. Ust $169 pair. Cosmopolitan Moton Inc:. 301 Jacksom.riUe Road Hatboro, Pa. 19040 (215) 672-9100 Got aD OplalOD1 Write a letter to the EdItor ! KDX 200 BIG BORE KIT ALL 3-PLY RATED 3:00,,21, 3.oOOll21R, 4: 101l14 R, 100/110, 4: 101l1" 4:5O>t1" 4:5O"n, 4:5O>t11 R 5oOOll1" S:OOlln HI.POINT RACING PRODUCTS 50 (Eastl 3709 West Erie Ave.• Lorain. OH 44053 (West) 2650H Mercantile Dr.• Rancho Cordova . CA 95670 125 EX MOD : 1. Ron Yonekura (Kawl; 2. JOhn Yonekura (Kaw) . 125 OPEN: 1. Jim Chamberlain (Hon); 2. John Yonekura (Kaw); 3. Ron Yonekura IKaw). at Perris MX PHONE : 1 8131686-9380 .. Keith Senn j umps his KTM to vic tory at Perris. Senn takes bounty M()T()~ (lY(lLE YI[)EO SUPERSTAR SHOWDO By M. Orr BOYD. T X. MAY 25 The 125cc short track action is heating up at Mike Kidd 's Boyd Racewav with Mike Hale and Jack Suiber battling each week. SOFT~NlPOUND Racers contact the following: West Coast Distributors of the Novi ce portion at fifth overall , with Hanson secon d Amateur. in sixth. By Sue Anntee . PERRIS, CA, JUNE 2 The California climate produced favorable conditions at Double Cross Racing (DCR) hosted the Neo Oil-sponsored Bount y Hunter II at Perris Raceway. T en of the 50 riders in the I 25cc combined race started on the from row . Expert-class rid er Keith Senn (Pro Cycl e/Malcolm Smith Products /Z Products) won th e overall of part one. after a midpack start from the from row. As Senn approached the doubles on lap one, he tried to clear th e jumps, but came up short , landin g on th e skid plate, cen terin g the second hil l. Senn control led the situation , but discovered a pile of riders taking soi l sa mp les below him. He bypassed th e tangl ed mess which put him in a positi on to tak e th e lead from Gary La cy. . Running in th ird place, Ken Campbell needed a good finish to ma intain hi s DCR points lead over Senn. Sen n performed £lawlessly a nd the £I agman mad e the switch from wh ite to checke red, d ecl a rin g Sen n th e win n er. Lacy was first Am at eur in seco nd o vera ll while Ca mpbell finished second Expert . good enou g h to mai n ta in hi s points adva n tage. Part two was a repeat of part o ne in the 125cc race. T h is tim e Qu inton Smi th (H on) a nd Lace sho t o ut front , leavin g the pack beh ind. By the fourth o f seven la ps, KTM-mo unted Senn had taken th e lead . T he tri o began lapping Beginners a nd th ey turned fou r-mi n u te laps. Meanwhile, second-row sta rter Ri ck Weaver had moved into th e top five, a nd began to di ce with James Hanson (H o n), On th e last lap, Senn was doing wh eel ies and acknowledging the specta to rs with friendly waves as he took th e checkered £lag. Behind him, though , La cy and Campbell were showing strong determination to the finish. Lacy came up second, (first Am ateur) with Campbell third, and second Expert. Chris Craft rode his Yamaha to an easy fourth overall, and third in th e Expert class. Weaver , who from a ll appearances will change his class before long, was the winner . H al e still ma intain s a 19 point lead. with 109 to Surber's 90 points in the Distri ct 4 1 ra ce. H al e a nd Surber dic ed for th e lead throughout th e heat race to finish with H al e in front and Surber and Ed Meyer very close behind him in second a nd third. Chad McCracken got the hol esh ot in th e main event, followed by Surber and Hale. Hal e went inside Surber in turn four and came out in . second place. but Surber surged aro und Ha le in the numbertwo corner on lap two. Surber execu ted the same move o n McCracken on lap three to take the lead, but was not able to move away from McCracken and Hale until lap five, th en began to stretch out a lead for the win. McCracken held onto seco nd with Hale pressuring him until th e final turn , when Hale went o u tside in turn four and held th e throttle on for a drive to the finish line for second place, just half a wheel ahead of McCracken. Meyer won the 250ccTTheat race, followed by Shane Jolly and Bobby Shaw. Kregg Bentley led out of the first corn er in the main even t, with James Harris and Gary Prochaska on his heels and Shaw in fourth place. . By . the time th e pack had gotten through the infield, Bentley had been dropped to fifth , with Harris taking the lead. Harris got off the groove in sweeping turns three and four of the short track, and Prochaska stayed low to take over the lead. On lap five , Sh aw passed Harris coming off the high jump, but Harris led out of the right hand turn. Shaw took over second place for keeps in the hairpin turn on the infield exit to the back straightaway and started pursuing Prochaska. He closed on Prochaska in th e sharp fir st turn on lap five. but Prochaska pulled a way as they headed for the jump. Prochaska rode high in th e cus h io n . but go t a little too hi gh in turn three a nd clipped a haybal e a nd Sh aw stayed o n th e in side a nd too k over th e lead. Prochaska di d n ' t gi ve up. though, a nd pa ssed Sha w in th e hai rpin turn on th e final lap, th en led Sh aw in a dr ag race to th e flag , tak in g th e wi n by three feet. Harri s fini sh ed in thi rd pl ace, with J oll y in fourth. Results SHORT TRACK 50: 1. Trey Glasco (Yam). 60: 1. Bill Richards (Han); 2. Der ick Wh itener (Hon). 80 JR : 1. Derick Whitener (Yam ). 80 SR: 1. Clayton Hull (Kaw ); 2. Bill Richards (Hon); 3. Sconie Wi lli am. (Hon ). 125: 1. Jack Surber (Kew); 2. Mike Hale (Kaw); 3. Chad McCracken (Yam). 250: 1. Gary Prochaska (Hon); 2. Trace Polson (Hon ); 3. Alan Powers (Yam). OPEN AM : 1. Alan Powers (Yam); 2. Melvin Clay (H· D); 3. Trace Polson (Hon). OPEN PRO: 1. Bill y Orr (Hon); 2. Freddie Debrick (Hon); 3. John Gladw ill (Hon). TT OVER-30: 1. Eddie Kauf man (Honl; 2. Freddie Debrick (Hon); 3. W ayn e Ratlifl(Yaml. 50 : 1. Trey Glesco (Yam). 60 : 1. Deri ck Whitener (Han); 2. Bill Richa rds (Hon); 3. Jeb St uart (Hon). 80 JR : 1. Der ick White ner (Kaw); 2. Kevin McGlackli n (Yam). 80 SR: 1. Clayton Hull (SU1) 2. Bill Richard. ; (Hon); 3 . Chad McCracken (Yam). 125: 1. Ed Meyer (Kaw); 2. Bi lly Wells (Kaw); 3. Jack Surber (Kaw). 25 0 : 1. Gary Prochaska (Honl; 2. Bobby Shaw (Hon); 3. Jame. Harr is (Hon). OPEN AM: 1. Kirk Tyer (Yam); 2. Melvin Clay (H-D). OPEN PRO: 1. Bobby Shaw (Hon); 2. John GIIIdwill (Hon); 3. Shana Jolly (Hen).

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