Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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zales rode only on Sunday, zeroed the co urse, copped th e gold in h is class and even beat fearless J im Farnham (Yam) somewhere along the line. One famil y act th at sh owed up was th e Kouba cla n with Mini A ri de r Charlie Kouba (Kaw) blitzing h is class for th e gold. An unsch eduled " hi t sto p" put la st year 's Idaho City winner Curt H ar- . pham (H us 500) o ut o f it this ti me. After a good ri de o n Sa tu rday, H arp ha m bai led on Su nday and fo uledu p his fro n t brake and body - a second day DNF fo r the SID RA O pe n Expert nu m ber one plat e. Also o ut o f th e action thi s year was q uali fier-threa t Reed Brigh t (KT M). who signed-up but didn 't start . Brigh t is sti ll recovering from a twea ked knee a nd didn't want to ch a nce it before ridi ng his nex t Nati onal. Ho u rin g o u t was the problem fo r Suzuki Tech Rep Steve J o nes (Suz) who contested the Senior A division and , a lon g with a select b u nch of 10 o r so g uys, mi ssed some ta pe o n Sa turday 's seco nd loop. J ones' fellow Suzuki "1 85 PM " rider, trac k race r Lar ry Cow les, fell victim to nast y leg cra mps (as befell him last year ) a n d li kewise retired, L&M Cycle 's Bob Carlbe rg (250 Ka w) a nd Ca rl's Cycle's J ack Struth ers (250 Kaw ) di dn ' t ha rd ly re tire . Ca rlberg rode a super race right from hi s third minute start to be, a lo ngs ide Struthers, the firs t bi kes in a t the finish . Carlberg was seco nd 250cc A rid er a nd th ird overa ll. Strut he rs lost some ti me on Sat u rday when h is ignitio n went away and he push ed h im self sick into th e chec k. Carlberg held back Idaho ORV planner Chuck Well s on ly a little. Well s did ha ve so me p roblems but had built u p eno ug h cus h io n that the Senior A cla ss wi n went to h im in h is first ride on a new XR- 350. Results DAV2 MINI A : 1. B. ZOOn (Kaw): 2. S. Meredith (Kaw ). MIN I B: 1. S. Wh ite (Kaw): 2. D. Kouba (Kaw); 3 . C. Nickahm IKaw). WOMEN HEADS UP; 1. M . Lees (Suz). SPORTSMAN HEADS UP: 1. B. Larson (Hon) ; 2. R. Troy (Yam); 3. M . Cullen (Hus ). 125 A : 1. L Zoon (Honl: 2. T. Brown (Honl ; 3. B. Perkins (HusJ. 125 B: 1. T. Chandler (Hon); 2. C. Case (Kawl. 200 A : 1. K. Hunt (Vaml: 2. S. Henry (Vaml; 3. W . Krug (Yam I. 200 B: 1. S. Kaskel (Hon l: 2. S. Gu th er ie (Kawl. 250A: 1. J . Lyngar(Hu s): 2. R. Dillon (KTM ); 3. B. Carlburg (Kaw) . 250 B: 1. M . Thul een (KTM ): 2. G. Becker (H us); 3 . S. Robert s (Suzi . OPEN A : 1. R. Boyd (Hus); 2. R. Dooms (Hon); 3 . M. Lang (Hu s). . OPEN B: 1. K. Carlock: 2. S. Ac arr eq ui: 3. B. DoughertY (Honl . SR A : 1. L M ered it h; 2. R. Van Dyke (Hus ); 3. T. Englesby (Yam). SR B: 1. A . Gon zales (Ka w) ; 2. J . Far nh am (Yam); 3 . P. Wh it e (M ai). VET HEADS UP: 1. D. Compton (Hu s); 2. E. lombard (Hon); 3 . B. Kask al. 4 STROKE B: 1. C. Dice (Hon); 2. M . Wood (Hon); 3. D. Wood (Hon). OPEN BEG: 1. Gra nt Vearsley (Yam ); 2. D. Thornas (Hus); 3. Gary Years ley (Vam). 250 BEG: 1. J . Zuck (Hus ); 2. S. Gleason (Vam); 3 . SLiP-ONS for Both the 900 & 600 models $199.00 Complete 4 into 2 system $319.00 ==IIEilIlEil 1-800-423-5246 (Calif. 1-800-382-3689) 7900 Deering Ave., Canoga Park. CA 91304 ... . -:- MICHELIN HI-SPORT 120170 V 120/80 V 100/80 V 110/80 V 110/80 V 160/60 V 130/70 V 140/70 V 160/60 V 160/80 V and MICHELIN SLICKS 12/60-16 11 09P Softest 13/60-16 1144 3 .50" wide rim 11/64-18 SF12 Softest 14/68-18 1238E Softest 16170-1811450 Softest 18/72-18 1145K Softest 18/72-189450ragRacing 18/67-164.50" wide rim NS/RS 500 16 TF11 16 TF11 18TF11 18 TF11 19 TF11 17 TG22 18 TG22 18 TG22 18 TG22 16 July D.G.T. Approved Street Legal IIghest Performance 800-628-4040 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED UNBEATABL-E .A '" ~MII"'II ' .. TR.C.~ P BOX B61 • WILBRAHAM . MASSACHUSmS 01095 .O. 413-734-6211 - Outs ide Massachusetts 800-62B -4040 r---------------- ------------- --l When You Move... Public Lands belong to all of US . . 1. For FASTEST service attach old ma il ing label in space below If mail ing label is not available, pr in t your old name and address in th is box . (Ride Sharefillly) ~ HONDA & KaWasaki Please allow 3 weeks fo r change to t ake effect. PARTS. ACCESSORIES 2. Print you r NEW address here. NAM E ~------------ ADDRESS C ITY J . Grant. DAV 1 MINI A : 1. C. Kouba (Kaw). MINI B: 1. R. Babcock. SPORTSMAN HEADS UP: 1. J . Powell (Hus); 2 . B. Sims (Hus); 3. M . Hassinger (Hon). 125 "'- 1. B. Perons (Hus); 2. J . Russall (Hus). 125 B: 1. C. Case (Kaw); 2. R. Hab ig (Hon ). 200 A: 1. J . M iller (Kaw); 2 . H. Reimann (Vam) ; 3 . T. Ogden (Kaw ). 250 A : 1. R. Bright (Hus); 2 . R. Dillon (KTM); 3 . B. Car lsburg (Kawl. 200 B: 1. J . Browning (Kaw); 2 . D. Drake (Yam). 4 STROKE A : 1. N. Kouba (Hon ); 2 . R. Carlile (Hon). 250 B: 1. M . Thuleen (KTM); Z. T. Kowallis (Hon); 3 . D. Forbes (Yam). . OPEN"'- 1. C. Harpham (Hus); 2. M . Lang (Hus) ; 3. D. Obendot'f (Hus) . OPEN B: 1. B. DoughertY (Honl; 2 . J .W. Frasier (KTM ); 3. G. Evans (Hus) . SR A : 1. D. Chr i stia (Hus) ; 2. S. Jones (Suz) ; 3 . L Cowles (SuE). SR B: 1. D. Stavens(Hus); 2 . J .L Sm ith (Hus) ; 3 . T. Inouye (Suz). '. VET-HEADS UP: 1. D. Jen (Hon); 2 . P. Burright (Hus) ; 3. B. Drake (Suz). . 4 STROKE B; 1. lasche Streib (Hon); 2. V. Kouba (Hon); 3. S. Woods (Hon) . OPEN BEG: 1. J . Grant (Hus); 2. J . Frasier (Hu s); 3. D. Richardson (Hus) . 126 BEG; 1. K. Merrill (Kaw). 250 BEG; t. K. Lee (Hon) ; 2 . M . DoughertY (Hus). 2 DAV OVERALL: 1. Ron Dillon (KTM ); 2. Jell Miller (K_l: 3 . Bob Car lberg CKaw); 4. R. Dean (Hus); 6 . Jack Struthars (Kaw) ; 6 . Edsal Stallings (Yam); 7 . Henry Reiman (Yam) ; B. M . Lang (Hus); 9 . P. West (SWM); 10. Tim Bossart (C· A). = See your local dealer or call STATE ZIP _ 3 . M ail ta : Circulation Department L UPS CYCLE NEWS. INC. P.O . BOX 498 LONG BEACH. CA 90B01 -049B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JI Next Day5ervice Available --=0-=- ' - ~'.: . Call Toll Free 1-800·524·1184 (In NJ. Coli) 201-561·1260 WE SHIPANYWHERE! Dealer Inquiries Invited Computerized Porta lilt Available WALKER'S DAJJL. holeshol perfomuuace 31 J Chestnut St. .s.nt. Cruz. Ca. 95060 PRODUCTS 1_)427-3625.. ... ELECTRIC OWER IFTER Used I?f DIIe ""~ holder d 30AlIA Drag lIu NIItJoMI RecOIds and W8sfllm Division " lip Fuel Plate • Fulllhrotthl/ighlning shlffs without usingthoclutell. en • Momentarily killsthoignllion wh tho sIlIttlllvar Is pulled torsmooth MgagBmBnt. ·:::= • BuIlt-in rev limiterprevents costly ovetmingenginedamage. . ... J; bypasses unit tor $179.95 """""""'''''''''''' Easy inst>/4lIion. Loave tho competition behind. A Ia1Jj lor: v~: .~~ 900, QIoN, /I Inp KZ• ' ~ ' ... ncrit': _ 900. 1000. 7SO. 55IJ SuzukI lISO 1100 1000 7SO. . . . Y amahaFJ 1100 _""'uPS""'''' ~CA • !Zl 49

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