Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ber of pos itio n cha nges , . T he 250cc Bclass found Pro-Ca liber Yama ha rider Les Womack manhand li ng th e tough Roseburg co urse to tak e th e win o ver anothe r co m pe ti tive class. Womack fini sh ed seco nd 10 Klamath Fa lls Ho nda rider Ron Milliga n in the first stanza with Idah o 's Many j amison, Eastside Kawasa ki's Kell y Welchel a nd Pro -Ca liber's o wn Bria n Hall (KT M) th ird th ro ugh fifth . Womack turned th e tabl es in the seco nd race tho ug h, rak in g th e win a nd overa ll with Welch el , Mill igan, jamison and H all second th rough fifth in the mota. Mill ig was second an o vera ll. T he O pe n A class found so me tough riding a lso . Portl a nd H onda 's Steve Hi ersch e found himself with the overall win a fier he turn ed in a runnerup to Lynn wood Yamah a 's Dale Bar ker in the first ro und ' and score d th e seco nd mo to win o ver Husky mounted , Charlie Mitchell . and Bar ker wh ose 2-3 ga ve him second o vera ll. Dave Eaki n look s to be th e terr o r o f the O ld Timers A class as he has been terrorizin g the nort hw est for months now. Eak in scor ed a noth er double moro sweep over Yamaha of Roseburg 's R ich a rd Sm ith, Ken Kulli son (S ill) and Mi ke H o lb rook (Hon) . • Espnt' fits you like a glove Fits your riding style. Fits your standard of quality. Esprit has lightweightvented or fingerless gloves for the fair weather sport rider, padded and reinforced gloves for the racer, and insulated, Grade A leather gauntfets for the street or snowmobile rider. Uke all Esprit products, the gloves are covered by a sixmonth limited warranty against defects in materials or workrnans!tip. Fits your taste. Fits your budget. Esprit gloves range in price from $9.25 to $39.95 a pair. Choose from featureslike Velcro'" or zip closures, elastic wrists, chamois patches, extra padding, pre-curveddesigns, ribbed backs - Esprit offers a huge variety of styles, . colors and sizes to fit you right. Other styles also available. With all these choices, there's one Espritglove that will fit all your needs. And that's the way a glove should fit. Ask for Espritat your local dealership, or write for a free brochureto Esprit, Dept. CN, P.O. Box 11591, Portland, OR 97211. ) Unlv.....1Knit Results 125 PRO: 1. M ike Larson (Kaw) ; 2. Steve Oster (Han ); 3. Ma rv in Waldo (Kaw) . 250 PRO: 1. Phil Lar son (Kaw) ; 2. Tim M ichlitsch (y am); 3. St ove Ost er (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. M ike Lars on (Kaw ); 2. TIm M ich· l itsch (Yam); 3 . Ron laPointe (Yam) . WEE PEE WE E; 1. Kevin Eakin (Vam); 2. M ichael Pau llin (Yam); 3 . M an he w Will iams (Yam ). PEE WEE A : 1. Ryan Hu ffman (Kaw) ; 2. sh ane Wes t (Kaw) . PEE WEE B; 1. Dan Ulven tKaw) ; 2. Trav is Berry (Kaw) ; 3 . Eric Balshaw (Kaw) . PEE WE E C: 1. Chr is Pate rson (Kaw ); 2. Dale Rund (Han); 3. Roby Leach (Kaw). MINI A : 1. Pau l W ino (Yam); 2 . Br ian Thomson (Yam); 3. J eff Daily (Kaw ). M INI B: 1. Terry Sw an son (Yam); 2. M on ty Spa lding (Yam); 3 . Lou is Aaron (Vam). MINI C: 1. Chad Berry (KX); 2. Justin Harrow (Vam); 3. Don Ul ven (Vam). 12 5 A : 1. Larry Ward (Kaw ); 2. Or en Bray (Kaw) ; 3 . Srven Fr iesen (Hon). 125 B: 1. J ason Norton (Kaw ); 2. Curt Cunn ingham (Kaw ); 3 . Ed Port z (Su z). 125 c: 1. Darcy Lalon de (Han); 2 . Virg it Boh en kamp (Kaw); 3 . Bob Stein er (Kaw) . . 250 A: 1. Troy Stew art (Yam); 2. Oren Br ay (Kaw) ; 3 / . Tony Fox (Han ). 250 B: 1. Les Wom ack (Yam ); 2 . Ron M ill igan (Han); 3. Kelly Wh elchel (Kawl. 2 50 C: 1. Dan a McKee (Han) : 2. M ik e Francoi s (Yam); 3. Chr is W alker (Vam ). OPEN A : 1. St eve Hi ersch e (Hon ); 2. Dale Bar ker (Vam); 3. Cha rlie M itch ell (Hus). OPEN 8 : 1. Patr ic k J or dan (Hon ); 2 . M ike Burke (Han); 3 . Rocky J awad (Han). OPEN C: 1. Don Pet erson (Hon); 2. M ike Ha m ilt on (Han); 3 . J amie Clou ser (Han). 30-40 A : 1. Dave Eakin (Hon) ; 2. Ric h ard Sm it h (Yam) ; 3 . Ke nneth Kull uson (Suz) . 30 -40 B: 1. Ken Bail ey (KTM); 2 . Ted Tnnigkie t (Han ); 3 . J im Russ (Han). 30~40 C: 1. M ike A nderson (Kaw ); 2. Eric-Brown (Han): 3. Jo h n Broadw at er (Vam). a T A : 1. J im Lamk in (Han); 2. Ken Sha ndrow (Han); 3 . Charles St and eford (Han). OT 8 : 1. Elm er Reim er (Kaw); 2. Fred er ic k Par ia ni (KTM); 3. Charles A kin (Yam). OT C: r . J uloe Hi er sche (Hon ); 2. Eric O'Brien (Kaw) ; 3 . Dia nn a Holb rook (Hus~. . (~111')II~'(.NI~ '1'lll"TI~I .. FRANCE A a ar c elona • ~ ISDE TOUR ESPANA '85 JOIN THE SIX-DAY TOUR FOR THE EUROPEAN VACATION ' · OF YOUR LIFE! - - - - - - - - -The Racer Package i ncl udes ro und -tr ip airfare from New York to Barcelo na; 13 n ig hts accomm odation in A lp , he adq uart er s of th e 1985 ISDE ; 14-da y ca r renta l w it h unlim it ed kilometers; f ull bre akfa st and din ner dail y; a f ar ew ell party i n Ba rcelona ; and a USA Support Te am jacket . ----'-' .-The Spectator Package in cl ud es t he famous Costa de l So l before picking up your ren tal car and j oini ng th e rest of the group at th e ISDE. A ll accommodations. air fare . gro und tra nsportat io n, bre ak f ast da ily an d Tea m j acket i ncl uded i n the pr ic e, as well as eight -day car rental and dinner da ily wh ile at th e IS DE. ; DON 'T MISS OUT ON THE BEAUTY OF SPAIN AND THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS OFF-ROAD EVENT OF THE YEAR IMAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW LIMITED SPACE/FIRST COME , FIRSTSERVEI Sept. 30· Oct. 5. 1985 LA CERDANYA. SPAIN Motocross and Trophee Des Nations Tour Also Ava ilable! Contact Gigi Penton At Champagne For More Information. Strong dominates I!.-------' Bellingham 'FT By Clay light BELLINGHAM, WA, J UNE 15 Seattle H onda 's Kirk Strong and his 500 H onda proved to be bad news fo r the competition a t Bell ingham 's q uartermi le oval fla t track a t H annegan Sp eedw ay. Strong po u nd ed th e Open Pro main event as he has severa l times th is season whi le young times Da rrell Davis top ped the 250cc P ro main . Trophy dashes had Shaw n Ven nebles claim ing th e 125cc A portio n. Davis rook the 250cc class with a wi n over Ca nadian Steve Aselti ne (Yam) and Mike McClain (C-A). Randy Roose d id a num ber o n th e O pe n Pro tro p h y dash contes tants tha t inc1ud ed Mike Kearney a nd Aseltine, who rod e BROC GLOVER uses PJl lubricants to win the Denver Natiorial and stretch his lead in the SOOcc National Champion MX Series to 26 points. Speda' Thanks to Broe'. Mechanic Jon Rosenstlel Askfor PJI, the exac hi-perf rmanc blend ofoilsand lubricants thatfactory t o e race teams use on their ui nning race bikes _ . e- 39

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