Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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---- ------- _-.~'. ----- -- --- _.- - ~~ -- .... -.,~~u r--------------~===~~---------------r--------------------------------------------------------- I '•• •• ~--~...--.-~ -.-.. ~ I CAL CITY G.P. Entry Application CLASS ALL SATURDAY RACES: ' . ALL SUNDAY RACES: so CAL M.C. 12418 GLADSTONE SO. CAL M.C. 19717 RONALD AVENUE SA N FER N A ND O . CA 9 1342 · -.-. : D ·' SEND ENTRYAND CHECKTO, ~ TO RRA N CE. CA . 90503 ( FCN $0 c.l Uw l ~LEASE PA INT . FILL OUTCOM PLETElVI DISTRICT 37·SRA RIDING NO. _ RIDING CLASS (Check One) o BEGINNER 0 INTERMEDIATE o NOVICE 0 EXPERT AND A PHOTOCOPY OF YOUR RIDER CLASSIFICATION CARD (DISTRICT CARD' CMC. AME. CRC. SRA. ETC.I RIDING DIVISION ENTRY FEE: Mail 527 - Post 537 - Unclassified add S2.00 D ISTRICT 37 POINTS. AMA SANCTIONED. SRA POINTS DESERT. MOTOCROSS. SCRAMBLES POINTS • ALL AFF tLiATIONS ACCEPTED • IRRC WILL BE THERE • PLENTY OF GAS AVAILABLE LIMED FROM HIGHWAY 14 AND CAL. CITY TURNOFF DANCE JULY 6th. LIVE BAND PARTICIPATION GOODIES '0% Trophies POINTS DESIRED 0 0- 17 5 0 17 6- 2 5 0 o 251 -0PEN o WOMEN (Check Onel o SEN IOR o 4 -STROKE o PUSH ROD 00-85 o V ET • IMPORTANT: STARTING PJSITION OETERMINED BY POSTMARK ENTRIES CLOS E JUN E 28t h with this ad Ga to r's L on g 43 m m fork wipers a re designed for 43 m m forks wi th the extended sli de r tops. They have a double-lip sea l design and co me in black , red , blue and yello w, whil e the retail price is $ 14.95 p er pa ir . From yo u r deal er or co ntac t Gator Product s U. S.A.. Dept. CN, P .O. Bo x 240, Phelan , CA 92371. IMPORTANT: ALL ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE 3 SEL F ADDRESSED STAMPED LEGAL S IZE ENVELOPES o o o o Name of Entra nt .... AMA NO . _ I -" RACE SCHEDULE . m . bonII ti . ~ ber o f _ _ S .... Zip _ S . . . -·Club All Sr./AUWomen ~.ofM .Cyc .' _ the _ SAT.JULY 6, 1185 8 :00 • . m . EXPlAfS Add,... City l o ATV o ODYSSEY o SUSPENDED o UNSUSPENDED o HA CK o HVWT o LTWT o UNCLASSIFIED DESERT MX SCRAMBLES SRA EnoineNo. .. - Cu .Cm _ , 0 :00 • .m . 0-175 C .....fied /O-8S Minis , 2 :00 Noon ...·Stroke OHC/Push,od 2:00 p.m . All Unclasaified w. aN .ntering .. a t1Nm: V• • No SUN.JULY 7,1985 8 :00 •. m . All VeU 10:00 • .m . All ATC tOdya••yt /Sidehecka 12 :00 Noon 250 Novice 2 :00 p.m. 250 Open Am /Ex The undersigned emrent by atfllti ng h is Inlt,al s betow. acknow led ges that he assumes the risk of any loss fro m injur y or property da ma ge to himself or to others. d ue to hiS parttetpa tlon In thi s eve nt and he here wi ~ h specifica lly holds. ha rm le ss from any sad loss the Am er ean Motorcycle Associa hon . Spo~s Com mittee. Drstnct 37 AMA. Inc.. the Sponsor ing Club or Organizat ion . and the owne rs of ~he rea l prope rtYon wh t('h s~hd event s hall take p lace . (entrant's and/or parent's ini tia ls ) _ oPen EACH RACE 1' 0 Hour START. FINISH AND PITS IN 1 " DO WNTOW N" CAUFORNIA CITY • FREE CAMPING • FREE SPECTATING • FREE FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY If e ntra nt IS under 18 and does not have cu rrent District 37 Card IndICating notanzed con sent is on file . Parent or Guardian muSI Sign here acknowledge h is or her ccesen r to the terms of entry . SIGNATURE, _ PAR TICIPATION HATS. FIN ISHER PINS The ~ d on e-trfy thai he is. d uty quahfied lCirct- 0 _ 1 a . r -r N ovice Inlermediata hP"1 or Enduro A 8 C. rider hr.Iing been.o q uetified by . competent OI'gIonintlion . a.. FOR INFORM ATION CALL: underslOOd and agreed mal in t he _ . lam in;ured f rom wtM . aoewr C8wa d ~ 'IN ~. coweNd by.he appffca~. I t.r.with e onaen. to and a&rthori ,. fin. atct and ambu&linca Mnl'M::e • • prov'ded by the 11fa TANK: (818) 362-8607 Eves. ai, ~ club or ptOpefty owner. a nd tunher hotel penta. he"".... from any c on MQ...-nc:. . of uOd Mel Under the rule. and unction. of the A meric8n Mo torc ycle Auoc:iIItion. I hereby -VNa to conform and compty wi th .". rule. g ~ tN. con..... 4 -STROKE & PUSH ROD CLASS ATC - DEAD MAN SWITCH MANDATORY L.. FIREWORKS - fu~ ENTRYVOID WITHOUT Oete : ILLEGAL - LEAVE THEM AT HOME • _ ~~T2!'=~~~~c:.~_A_~~N..~!'2~~~~~~ Custom Cycle A'H'ssori es has ch ro me air scoops for 19&1-85 Harl ey-Davidso n FLT and FL HT mode ls. Th ey co me w ith a ll mounring hardwa re, including a clamp for relocating th e horn . Fro m yo ur dealer or co lli an C us tom Cycle Accessori es, Dep t. CN, P.O . Box 182. C levela n d, O H 44092. SHOWA BOW Kit For '85 Hoada CIBORF ME125W Kit For '85 . . . CIl125RF .E250W lilt for '85 HoadaCR250Rf Mugen works hard chrome elloy cytinder. Very good c ooli ng . low trictionel lou. S imp" bolt on componlM'lta . Fentutlc mid ... nge t orque boort. M ~ H .P. et: top A I new d• • gn ' Hard chrome cytinder. 1010... H. P• • torque et middle to top R.P.M . Naw port ahe pea for wide powerb8nd. Ultr aljght cyl inder. More cootent including pipe. Mugett W ~ . .t_ c ooled Super Pro ICit:wrth new Honda ATAC . .heuat ay...m . Complete uPJ*" end lilt R.P.". cepaclty. ME250 Ell_" Cbmber For '85 CR250flF ..... 510• • ForillUt .18' 510• • W,rIlI R•• r 5Ioeck Mug... We.'" chamber .xh.wt pipe. Simple bott on. l ~ued H.P. at top R.P.M . Cartridge unit which ~I you ' fo rlll work ' " "'THE WORKS ." Umited quantity for 1985 CR250 end CRIlOO. damping edjuatment. Exploeiye pow...l ~ For 'a& Honcbi CR12& /2&ORF. New wadta.typeQlWlI _COO,,," . ,_~.o;a .............. ORDER THROUGH YOUR LOCAL DEALER Cont.ct Sudco for technic.' tntormstion. .....Iii.· a=. •...... ~ ..... .-.. .....:: INTERN'ATlONAL CORP. j . . . . . 1824 E. 22nd St.. Los Angeles. CA 90058 (2131747·5173 Find it fast in the Cvcle News Dealer and Services Directory. T he Marsee Monza J acket fro m Bell is m ad e from black lea th er with g ray trim a nd burg undy pi p in g. It features a zip-o u t p i It: linin g, four ou ter pock ets, a n d . a n ad j us table m an da rin co llar. Padded el bo ws, zi ppered cuffs and a heavy duty n ylon zipper ro und o u t th e $219.95 package. Check i t out a t yo ur Bel l H elmets dea ler. 1 0% Off Sale WHEEL WORKS end Dirt 50% All Parts and Accessories 12787 Nutwood .Garden Grove. CA (714) 530-6681 Ad must be prnented fo r discount 1lACI1'IG UJBIlJCAIfTS Std.. D-Ring & Pro Series ..,,"' '-_.. t:xpirn June 30. 1986 .444 _ # 7 . EI c.joft. CA aa20 Ph""" Onkr Onl (619) 4n-9nJ , , " BELLFLOWER YAMAHA l0c0 l AIoedra, Bellllowllr. CA (213) 925-5097 37

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