Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ren YEARS AGO ~ HONDA. 500cc ~ INTERCEPTOR BOX STOCK ROAD RACE SERIES ~ 1985 L!") 00 O"l ...... ~ C{j • Nego tia tions were fin alized for th e sale o f th e western d istribution ri ghts of Penton /KTM pa rts a nd mo tor cycles, with those ri ghts so ld to th e man ufacturer o f Penton moto rcycles, KT M o f Au stria . Former o wn er John Penton an nounced tha t he would co nce n tra te fut ure effons o n hi s H i Po int mot or cycle accessory p roducts. >...... ~ ~ " Over 33,000 fa ns a ttended the six th ro un d o f the 1975 500ccWorld Mo tocross Champio nsh ip held a t Ca rls bad Racewa y in Ca liforn ia. Pr e-race favor ites Roger DeCoster a nd H eikki Mikkola mad e a poor sho wing, with DeCoster cra sh ing o n th e firs t lap o f the second moto , a nd Mikko la putting together a n 8-4 tall y for a founh p lace , finish . Gerritt Wolsink took th e Carlsbad victory for th e second year in a row, and his win moved him . into third p lace a hea d o f Ake Jonsson in the 500cc World Championsh ip poin t sta nd in g s. T heir respective p lacings at Ca rl sbad left DeC oster a nd Mi kko la tied for the Wor ld Ch am pio nsh ip, with 131 points each. Russ Co llins' triple-engined H onda broke its dr ive belt befor e makin g a run in th e Top Fu el class a t th e AMDRA/NH RA National Motorcycle Record Championshi p a t Bowling Green, Kent ucky. Collins' breakdown gave th e first-round ' win to T.C. Christens on and hi s double-en gi ned Norton. In th e seco nd round , Ch ri stens on back ed ou t at th e lights, fouling him ou t of com petitio n and passing the ove rall victo ry to Ma rion Owens . Terry Vance clocked a 9.0301 155.97 to cla im first in th e Top G as class, besting runner-up J im Bernard. Willow Springs Raceway Sunday, June 30 .t.(lif1j~.,~ G This weekend make your plans to attend the , . ' HONDA SOOcc INTERCEPTOR SERIES ROUND #4 ~ ............. Plus! See 12AFM Club Races from 250cc GP to Full Blown 750cc Superbikes! BE THERE! , See A Full Day Of AFM Road Racing Action! Gates Open 7:00 A.M. Admission $6.00 HONDA. FOLLOW THE LEADER C ycl e N ews Calendar · W here, W hy , When &: H o w to get th ere. Gary Scott was never cha lle ng ed during th e 20-lap Nationa l final a t the AMA G rand Nation al Cha mpionship l Ca me l P ro Ser ies ha lf mi le race a t the Ohio State Fairgr oun ds, and h is victor y led a H arl ey-Da vidson sweep o f the top seven positions. Sco tt's arc hriva l Ken n y Roberts failed to ad vance ou t of hi s heat wh en a condenser wire bro ke. ' Mick Gran t ro de a water -cooled Ka wasa ki 750cc tri p le to sha tter Mike H allwood 's 1967 la p record a t the Isle of Man TT, posti ng a 109.82 m ph la p and besting Ha ilw ood 's mark by 12 . seco nds . Ho wever, Grant threw a chain on the next lap, ha nd ing the victory to . Joh n Willia ms (Ya m). G ra nt went on to cla im th e 500cc Senior TT, giving Ka wasak i factory th eir first 500cc Wo rld Cha mpion sh ip race victor y. Wes Cooley had th e O pen G P race a ll . to h imself in the AFM ro ad race a t Ontario, California , a nd built a lmos t a one -mile lead over seco nd- p lace Reg Pridmor e. Prid mor e brought h is BMW back to win O pe n Prod uction . out-ridi ng Mike Pa rriott a nd h is 900cc Kawasak i. Mike Hailwood announced his re tiremen t fro m co mpetiti on , based o n his slow recovery fro m leg in j uries receive d in a cras h at Ger many 's Nu rburgring. _ 31

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