Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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three-wheeler , say ing it co m pa res to roller ska ting; to turn o n ska tes yo u put o n yo ur wei ght o n yo ur o utside foo t an d lea n towards the tu rn. T he sa me is tru e fo r co rne ri ng a th reewh eeler. fo ur ant i-AT V witnesses testified . T he first was Dr. Joh n Coppedge of Lo ngview, Texas , wh o spoke on the " big p rob lem " of ATV injuries. He said the re is a n epidemic of injuries goi ng u nreported. The seco nd testi mony ca me from J ohn Spain of Bat on Ro uge, Lou isia na , wh o to ld o f hi s so n losing hi s a rm a t th e elbo w in an ATV acci dent. He sa id h is son, whose cras h was featured in an ABCT V 20/20 seg me nt , was being supervised by th ree ad u lts a nd it wa s not ca used by rider error. Spain claims th at ch ildren have problem s shi fti ng weig h t and co ntro ll in g ATVs. Jerry McKenzie of Lo ngview , T exas told of h is so n wh o is in a co ma due to a n ATV accide n t. McKenzi e sa idv we need regul a tion ." Lynn Da u l testi. fied that her 12-yea r-o ld son turned righ t o n a 12-inch incli ne and ca psized. " H e sha ttered his righ t leg and if he d idn 't lunge away fro m th e ATV he wou ld have been crushed." Dau l said TV ad vertiseme n ts encou raged the famil y to p urch ase th e ATV beca use every body was hav ing suc h a good time. Late r in th e hearing a p ro ATV witness, John Reid ha r of Des Arc, Arkan sas, sa id it was lu cky Daul was n' t wa tchi ng a Mill er Beer co mmercial or she'd be an a lco ho lic. ATV deal ers from a ll over Texas a nd its neighbori n g sta tes testified at the hearing with all agreeing o n one th in g: the ATV manufacturers are thinking of sa fety and every new three-wheeler is made as safe as possi ble. The dealers relayed to the Commission that th ey rel y on repeat business and wo uld no t sell an yth ing dangerous to thei r customers. At one point Statler sai d. " I h ope it never becomes necessary for the government to ban these veh icles." H e later added " I can assure yo u . there are no timetables for ba nning an d whoever told yo u that b u ll a rch y doesn 't know what th ey're ta lking about. I'v e not u rged a ban o n th is com mission. yet. There has been no repea ted ca ll for ba ns and no timeta ble for ban n in g: I have seen it in one publication." When o ne witness held u p a co p y o f A T V News , Statler commented " I' ve rea d th em . T hey don 't q uo te me correctl y a nd I just hope th ey tak e th e words I say." Statler's co m me nts about a timetable for ba nn in g ATVs referr ed to a restricted CPSC mem o. recently exposed by Cycl e News, tha t incl uded a timetabl e for in itia ti ng liti gation to force a ban a nd recall of ATVs. prior to th eCPSC even begi n ni ng an investigation into ca uses o f ATv-relat ed inj u ries. Statl er has o n numerous occasions called for a ban and recall o f ATVs. in printed documents and sta teme nts. a t CPSC a nd Congressional hearin gs. and on television; those sta teme nts are a mailer o f public record. Reports of hi s dem and for a ha lt to ATV production a nd a reca ll o f ATVs a lrea dy so ld have a p pea red in severa l issu es o f Cycle News a nd A TV News. bo th . published by Cycle News. In c. Observers suggest that Statler 's references to articles publish ed in Cycle N ews a nd A TV News reflects th e stro ng criticism - stim ula ted by those a rt icles - th a t hi s position ha s received recen tlv fro m the other CPSC Commissionc'rs a nd fro m Mem bers of Co ngress. - I CAN YOU TAKE THE CHALLENGE OF... SIX DAYS OF MICHiGAN "THE ULTIMATE TRAIL RIDE" 750 Miles and Six Days of the Most Beautiful and Challenging Forest Trails Anywhere! Aug. 18th - 24th, 1985 Combination of single and two track, some secondary road. Fully mapped and marked trails. Primitive Camping Provided . Lis~ing of area motels available. Truck available to carry your equipment. Advance Sign-up ONLYI You will be checked out each morning and in each night. During the day there will be check points along the approx. 125 miles of trail. Bikes must be licensed, have USFS approved spark arrestor. and be capable 'of 50 miles between fuel stops. Upon approval of your application we will provide a map of the route and a list of the motel and campground facilities available. APPLICATION Name: Sign-up Fee $125.00 includes CCC membership eee Members _ $115.00 Address: City: •Jacket included with fee. For more info call (616) 857-2917 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ State: _ _ _ _ _ ZLOip _ Phone: Jacket size _ Please Enclose Check. Send Check and Application to: SOM Comm. 26 North State CCC of Mich Hart. MI 49420 Presented By the Cycle Conservation Club 01 Michigan. An organization commined to the preservation of our Wildl ands while promoting the sport 01 motorcyc le trail riding. SHOE!. The Choice of Champions :;.: SHOEI SAFETY HELMET CORPORATION ,. !; 2228 Cotner. Los Angeles. CA 90064 (2 1 3) 477-6051 •• 23

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