Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 06 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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G eorges jobe (Kaw ) was third overall wit h a 32 tall y. Thorp e leads th e point sta nd ings with 2 17, foll owed bv Ma lh er be a t 2 12, a nd Eri k G eboers ( Ha n) wh o fa iled to sco re ineither mot o in Ho lland , th ird a t 165. Ron Naylor an d hi s Ho nda CR500 w on overa ll in t he June 1 6 AMA N ational Ha re Scram bl es in Haley, Idaho, beatin g second-place Brad Stro ng (Hus ) by over 10 m inutes. Ed Loj ak (Hus) t opped the 250cc class. Wayne Durtschi (Yam ) wo n 't he amateur race s on June 1 5 . The event w as sponsored by Coors U g ht and prom ot ed by Dirt M .D. The California All -Terrai n Vehicle Association (CATVA ) has established a n ATV Legal Defense Fund to fight u n fair go vernment regu lation of ATV use. Dona tions can be sent 10 CATVA at 401 Santa Ba rbara St., Sa nta Barbara , CA 93101 ; more inform ation is a va ila ble a t 805/ 965-9722. Freddie Spencer's f iancee, Sa r i Joubert, was on hand to w itness his 250 and 500cc GP victories in Austria , and is seen here hitching a ride at the Salzburg ring from Freddie. Ms. Joubert was third r u n n er- u p i n t he recent Miss U.S ,A contest , Kenny Roberts has also found sponsorship that may see hi m on a Harley-Davidson dirt t racker soon. PJ-1 Oils, Toshiba Cha in and Corning, a Japanese manufacturer of motorcycle parts, will back the Lawwi ll /Roberts Harley that Wayne Rainey has been ri din g in the Camel Pro Series. " If it ' s not compe titive, I won't ride i t , " Roberts said . " I don't have time to get it competitive, but Wayne has been riding it and it's coming along rea l well. " Roberts is seen he re ' testing at San J ose. a few more rounds of the series if he can secure sponsorship, and may make an assau lt on t he entire 250cc MX GP series in 1986. Li tt le kn ow n fact: Fa ncv Pu blica tions.Inc., wh ich publishes a nu mber of pet -orie nted m agazin es, includ in g th e recent ly-acq uired Today's An ima l News, is a lso th e ow ner of Road R ider magazi ne . • A new motocross track has been opened in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico; a race scheduled for July 7 features a $1000 Pro purse and $500 in amateur prizes, Inf ormation is available by calling 619 /429-7271 . Westwoo d Mo torcycle Racin g Club in Brit ish Co lumbia, Canada wi ll h ost a CMA sanctioned Natio na l Road Race o n Jul y 6 & 7. $ 12.000 in prize money will be ava ilable 10 riders in Superbike, Formula , Production, Ca fe a nd Sidecar cla sses, For more information co nt act An dy Smi th at 604/4635666 or Dave Smi th a t 604/733-4825. Randy Mamola and Jim Doyle are jointly sponsoring and managing 19-year-old motocrosser Ricky Ryan, who has been campaigning Kawasakis in the 125cc Nationals and supercrosses. As Mamola tells it, " W hen I was about 12 y ears old and flattracking, he (Ryan) was about five years old ." Mamola races for Team Rothmans Honda in World Championship road races and is tentatively scheduled to ri de the AMA Camel Pro Series road · race at Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey. Cal ifornia next m onth . Recent cra she rs include Mac Lea n Racin g 's Way ne Rai ney a n d Team H usky's Dann y La Port e. See H osPI T al STO P in the Resu lts sectio n of this issu e fo r details. Echelon Travel Center is offering an AMA -endorsed tour to the Six Days that offers air t ransportatio n by Ibe ria, 12 nights lodging at the Six Days and one night in Barcelona, a rental car w ith unlimited .m i leag e, breakfast and d inner daily, and a f arew ell party. The September 23-0ctober 7 tou r costs $1 ,195 per person, based on two persons sha ring accommodations and rental car. For a brochure , contact: Echelon Travel Center, 100 Woodcrest Center, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, 609 /795 2434, Terry Van ce set bo th ends of th e IDBA one -eighth -mi le Pro Stock drag raci ng reco rd in Louisville . Kentuck y o n J une 16. Vance, ridin g a Va nce & Hines Racing Suzuki GS 11 50 prepped by Byron H in es, went 5.28 seco nds @ 132,9 m ph . Vance beat " Pizza J ohn " Mafaro in th e fin al. The World Championsh ip Road Race Series reached its 1985 season halfway point with the r un ning of t he sixth round in Yugoslavia on Sunday, June 16. Defending World Champion Eddie Lawson (Yam) won the 500cc GP, f inishing 22 seconds ahead of fo rmer World Champion Freddie Spencer (Hon). Australian Wayne Gardner (Hon) was third, with Ron Haslam (Hon) and Christian Sarron (Y am) rounding out the top f ive. Spencer leads Lawson in the point stand ing s, 81 to 74, w ith Sarron th ird w ith 52 points. Spencer (Hon) won t he 250cc GP, with Carlos Lavado (Yam) second and Loris Reggiani (Apr) third. Engla nd 's Dave Thorpe (Ha n) was th e o vera ll winner of th e June 16 Dutch ro und of th e 500cc Mo tocross World Ch ampionship Series . T h orpe finished second in th e fir st mot o , th en wo n the secon d moto . Andre Malh erb e (Ha n ) won the ope n in g mo to, a nd fin ish ed fourth in th e seco nd race. to take seco n d .a vera II. The Ca lifornia Motorcycle Dealers Association w ill hol d its annual meeting at the Hilton Inn Resort in Monterey on Monday, July 15, following the Champion Spark Plug 200 at Lag una Seca, The CMDA is also offering a ticket and accomodation program for the weekend 's rac ing . For more inf o contact the CMDAat3972N. Waterman Ave., Suite 106, San Bernardino, CA 92404. BMW recen tly delivered 300 new RIOO flat- twin s 10 th e Egy p tia n police. an d built th e bikes at th e BMW fa ctory in Span da u , West Berl in . The RI OOwa s discontinued wit h th e introduction of th e K I00 inline-Iour, a n d since th en the Span da u pl ant has bu ilt on ly KlOO a nd R 80 800cc fla t-t wins. s "Seen recently at Willow Springs Raceway: Dunlop tire technicians testing new, rear experimental Sport Elites with several riders. The new t ires, sized 130/80V-18, are marked "X1669" and were found to be worth significant lap time i m provem ent s compared to the Sport Elites now be ing sold. Asked whether or not the new tires are Dunlop's . long-awaited radials, Jim Allen of Dunlop refused t o comment. Molson On ta rio Brewer ies L imi ted has co n fir med thei r support .o f th e fo urth a n n ua l Molson Su perbi ke Challenge on Jul y 20-21 a t Ontar io 's Sha n nonvi lle Mo torsp ort Park. T h e race is th e fifth even t in the 10 round $300,000 1985 Ca strol XL R Na tional Challenge Series. " The Yugoslavian Grand Prix marked the 26th consecutive 500cc World Championship road race t hat a Kel Carruthers-prepa red Yamaha crossed the fi nish li n e without breaking down . Of those 25 finishes, 21 have resulted in a topthree finish and 12 have been wins. Carruthers tunes for World Champion Edd ie Lawson. Fo rmer 500cc Road Ra cin g Worl d Champion Barry Sheene o f England recen tly broke h is a n kle in a car ra ce in Engl and. Si nce ret iring from motorcycle raci ng, Sheene has been comp eting in various typ es of ca rs a nd drives for th e OAF sem i-truck racing team ! Elmer Trett i s sc heduled t o take hi s To p Fuel drag ster t o England for races on J une 28-30. Trett and his titani um-fram e Kawasak i w ill com pete at Long M arston; Tr ett ho ld s t he Br it i sh To p Fuel record s. MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRYS CflANGE Moved H ar co u rt Brace J ova n ovich ( H BJ) Expositions and Conferences to Norwa lk. Co nnectic ut, effective on June 17. The new phone number is 203/853-0400 wh ile th e toll free n u mbe r 800/243-2815 rema in s th e same. Starting J u ly La new six -week co urse in motorcycle mec ha nics , at Wes t Valle y Occupa tiona l Center of Woodl a nd H ills, Ca lifornia; a u ni tof the ' Los Angeles City Schools Divisio n of Ca reer and Co n tin u ing Educa tio n; more informa tio n is availa ble [ro m 6200 Winnetk a Ave., Wood land H ill s, CA 9 1367, 818/346-3540. . CPSC ATV hearing in Dallas . Audience cheers idea of no S-tcitler By Paul Carruthers and . John Ulrich DALLAS, T X, J UNE 17 Mid-way th rough a hearing held on pressday, U.S. Co nsu me r P rod uct Safety Co m mission Commissio ner Stuart Statler h ad co ntinued h is o ne-ma n crusade against ATVs in Da llas, a ttacki ng th e vehicles aga in as being u nstable a n d pointed ly refusing to view video tapes and slides offered by wi tnesses in defense of ATVs, Sta tler said th a t AT Vs ma y be " . . . inherently unst able and unreasonably dan gerous a n d so many users a re wholly unaw a re o f this . .. in order 10 opera te th e vehicle prope rly th e rider m us t in duce instabi lity . To turn a th ree-wheeler, one o f the rear wh eels must br ea k tract ion with th e gro u nd , ca usi ng the vehicle to be p recariously ba lanced o n two w hee ls, one fro nt a n d one ba ck ." In a sha rp exc han ge during th e hearin g , C PSC Chairma n Terrence Sca n lo n re bu ked Statler , saying "I feel it unfa ir for a fell o w Comm issioner to i mply th e Co m m ission is not doing any th in g . . ," Sta tler started to interrup t Sca n lon, who cut him o ff. sayi ng " P lea se don' t interru p t. le t's do it in a j udicious ma nner , . ." Sta tler interru pted anyway, saying " In a yea r a nd a h alf I' ll be off th e Com missio n (referrin g to the expi ra tion of his cu rrent term )" a n d th e hearing room broke into app lause. The current focus of Statler 's a ttac k on ATV s seem s to be his desire for a shorter seat (to p reven t carryi ng passengers ) and his belief that th e fact th a t four-w heeled AT Vs ex ist pro ves three-wheeled ATVs to be unsafe. Statler also perked up at th e claim by a n afterm arket ma n ufacturer of steering dampers (Ra m Indust ries) tha t h is product ma kes ATVs more sta ble. Commission er Carol Dawson urged Statler 10 withhold judgement u nt il a ll the data gathered by the CPSC's investigation are in. Lo ok for a fu ll report on th e hearin g in next week' s issue. ' . ' - . 3

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