Rainey and his RS500.
AndinFormula II, Rainey
Raineyfloat to victories at
_ watched 35 more racers gounElkhartLakeRoadRace.
der-as hesailed tohis second
The competition treaded
back-to-back Formula I/Formula II victory.
wateras long as they could. But it didn't help.
. Anotherfirst.
42 guys started in the Superbike race, but
127 guys went tothelakeonJune8, butonly
againstTeamHonda's Merkel and his Interceptwo camebackwinners.
tor;" 41 were sunk. Merkel came out on topfor
Which just goes toshow:
his 14th Superbike win. Nobody's everdone that.
Race againsta Honda, andyou're in way over
50 riderstried outfor Formula 1. 26 made
thegrade. Then 25 took the plunge. Thanks to
Fred Merkel and UUyne
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