Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 06 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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in Toledo, O hio. T he thi eves go t away wi th a 1985 250ASE (fra me n u m ber 8529000023) a nd a 1985 250 MX LC (fra me number 841700000 1). T he 250 MX LC had a prot ot ype 42m m from fo rk a nd disc bra ke. Sm ith ca n be co n tac ted by calling 218/ 628-2881. Jones Opt ical Company , manufacturers of Jones Goggles, reports that sales for the month of April established a new record in sales f or the company at approximately $ 110.000. ...... ...... For the second week in a row• Honda's Freddie Spencer won both the 250 and 500cc road race GPs. Spencer's lat est accomplis hment came on Sunday, June 2, in the Austrian ' Grand Prix, run at the Salzburg ring . Heavy rain brought the 500cc GP to a ha lt and it was restarted after the rain subsided and scored as a two-leg race . Spencer won the first leg and de fending World Champion Eddie Lawson (Yam) the second, bu t the overall win and 15 GP points went to Spencer whose aggregate t ime was 3 /100ths of a second less than Lawson 's. Ca na d ia n Supercross Cha mpio n Ross Pederson (SUl) to o k ho rne a o ne pou nd bar o f g o ld (wort h a p proximat ely .'> .000) for h is win in th e J une I "'10m rea l S upe rcross, Ov er 62 .000 specta tors saw Pederso n to p Doug H oo ver (Ya rn) a nd Ohi o 's J eff H icks (H o n) in the fin al o f -the Ca nadian even t. Harl ey -Davidson's Scott Park er bet Honda 's Ricky Graha m $ 100 that he wo u l d qualify quicker than Gra ham f or last Sat urday night's Loui svill en N ati on al Half Mile . Pa r k e r wa s $ 1 0 0 r ich e r after qu al ifying. Speed bo ys a nd th ei r FZ750 wo n th e \\' ER A Nat ional End ura nce Series eig h t-ho u r road race a t Sum mi t Po in t Racewa y in WeSI Vir g in ia o n June I. Tea m Hammer led u nt il su ffering en gine fa ilure; Cycle T ech cra she d ; Ham mer was credi ted with 3 1s t p lace, Cycl e Tech with 28 1h. CG Racin g (FZ750) fin ish ed sec o n d . wit h ZP Racin g (FJ l IOO) thi rd . Jim Vreeke leads AFM /Kerker West Coast Superbike Series po ints after three ro unds, w ith 42 ; Todd Brubaker and Earl Ro loff are t ired f o r second with 36; Walt Nitto and Bob Reinen are tied for t hird w ith 29 poin ts each. The Honda 500 Int ercept o r Series . run concurrently w ith the Kerker ser ies. is now led by Joe Solis w ith 48 points. followed by N igel Gale w ith 39. Richard Moore w ith 37. Don Biava w ith 30 and Whitney Blakeslee w it h 2 7 . La rrv H u ffma n 's Mo torcvcle World radio show will ex pa n d 10' Sa n Diego a nd Sa n Fran ci sco starting on June 91h. KSO N 1240 AM in San Diego a nd KTI l\1 100.0 FM in San Francisco will beg in broadcasting the weekl y show o n Sunda y. June 9 at 10 p .m . T he o ne ho u r prog ra m ca n still be h eard o n KO L A 99 .9 FM in the Los An gel es a rea . Contrary to what we printed in last week 's issue, Stuart Cooper was mounted on a Reno Leoni -supplied Cagiva en route to his th ird place overall ride in the Sears Point Battle of the Twins race. and not a Yamaha V is ion-based machine . 2 A pa ir of Ca n- Arns were sto len from Ca n -Am product m anager Jeff Smith and develo pern eru rider J ohn Martin 's van which was parked outside a motel Armstro ng's J o hn Lampk in wa s a noshow a t th e June 2 Wo rl d Champi o nship Tria ls in R hode Isla nd . Lampki n is report ed ly in vo lved in R&D work in Engla nd . Saturday, June 8 . is the scheduled date for the Nissan American Speedway Finals at Long Beach Veterans Stadium. Long Beach. California. The Finals will ru n-off American riders. with the top five go ing on to the Overseas Final set for July 14 in England. lead ing u p to the World Individual Speedway Championships August 31. also in England . TIckets for the N issa n American Speedway Finals are available th rough local Ticketron o utlets. or by c alling 714 /492 9933 , L i u le kn own fact : Ala n C hris tian 's G ;\I speedway bike is made in Ita ly: mos t speed way riders use ei rlu-r Czech-built j awas or Wesla kes a nd C oddeus from Eng land . Interested OR V activity o rganizers have until J u ly 3 1 to sub m it applica tions f or special recreatin permits t o th e Burea u of Land Management. Perm it s are required for c ommercial O RV events and races planned f or 1986. Application forms ca n be obta ined f rom the BLM offi ce. For fu rthe r information or t o send permit applications. contact the Bureau of Land Managem en t, Ca liforn ia D esert D istr ict Off ice . 1695 Sp r u c e Street. Riverside. CA 92507 , ' T h is seaso n . S ilk o lene Lubricant s is putt ing up $30,00 0 in co n tingen cies 10 be awa rde d to riders co m pet ing in the Al\IA Na tional !\IX Cha mpi o n sh ips , Si l ko lene is a lso used by Iacto r v KTM rider a nd 500cc MX co n tender Da n n y Cha nd ler. To fin d OUI ho w 10 q ualify fo r th is program. co n tact Answer Prod uct s, 27967 Beal e Co u r t. Va len c ia . CA 9 1355 , 805 1 257-44 11. backcountry of ,Idaho . Rides can be scheduled any day of the week. for durations up to two weeks , Personal arra ngements ca n be made. and bikes can be provided if desired . Membersh ip dues are $100 pe r year. For more informat ion . write P.O . Bo x 1140. Twi n Falls. 10 83303~ 208 /733 -1315 . Road ra cer Wes Cool ev was tra n sferred bv air a m bu la nce f~om Sonoma Va ll ey H osp ital toSt. j osep h 's H o spi ta l in O range. Ca lifo rnia o n Mo n day . j u ne 3; Coo ley is sta ble i n h is reco very from massive inj uri es su ffered whe n he h it a di n em ba n kmen t o u tside a fast turn a t Sears Poin t In tern ational Racew ay o n Ma y 19. bUI may h ave 10 u ndergo more su rgery . Ap pa ren tly information provi ded 10 Cycle N ews by the AMA a nd published last week rega rdi ng bloo d do na tions was nOI correct , bUI en th u s ia sts wi shing 10 donat e blood for Coo ley ca n do so th rough th e Ame rica n Associat ion o f Blood Banks H osp it a ls a nd sp ecif y th at th e bl ood be credi ted to Coo ley a t SI. j oseph 's H ospita l. Local en th usiasts can a ttend a specia l blood donati on da y bein g arra nged by Cooley's sponsors. Starfir e Racing , in th e nea r fut ure in Irvin e. Ca liforn ia: to dona te, ca ll 7141 380- 1900 and as k for Cath y I\IcCl isler. The Pro Rider Benefit Fund will be in v ol v ed in ra ising money to he lp cover t he deductible and no n- covered expenses in Cooley 's already huge med ical bill . For m ore inf o rmat ion ca ll D ic k Hamer at 7 141 979 - 1498. The j u n e I nited Stares ro und o f th e Wo rld Cha m p io nship O bserv ed Tri al s Seri es was held in Exeter. Rhode Island , and won by Thien', Mi chaud (Fa n) wi th a sco re of 68. Gi les Burgat (Yam ) fin ished a d ista n t seco nd wi th 90 ma rks. whil e defendi ng World Cham pi on Ed dy Lejeun e (Ho n) was th ird with 9 1. To p Am eri ca n in th e eve nt . which m o st corn peri rors felt wa s ver y d iffi cu lt . wa s SCO ll H ead (Bel) w ith a sco re o f 120. H ead 's 68.6 wo n th e prev iou s da y's Na tio n a l Champ io ns hip Seri es ro und. with j ack Sti les (Yam) a close seco nd wi th a sco re o f 69.6, Cu rt Co mer (Bel ) fin ished thi rd with 83.2 mark s. Inl a nd Mo to rcycle Speedwa San Berna rd in o . Ca li forn ia, wi ll be havin g stude n t di scount n ight Wedn esda y, j un e 5. Stude nts with c urren t school LD . ca rds will be able 10 sa ve $3 o ff reg ular ad u lt ad m issio n a t the trac k. Ca ll 8 18 /+16 -0969 for de tai ls. In t he first of f ive scheduled U.S . Consumer Product Safety Com mission (C PS C) public hearings into ATV safety. held May 30 in Jackson . Mississippi , Commissioners Terrence Scanlon and Carol G . Dawson went further to dista nce themselves and the CPSC from Comm issioner Stuart M . Sta tler's repeated ca lls f or a ba n and reca ll of a ll three-whee led ATVs. In h is opening remarks. Scanlon told the hea ring aud ience " At this point . we still do not k now enough about ATVs to decided what i s most appropriate . an d we certa in l y do n o t have enoug h data t o justif y a ban o n A TV sales or a recall of those ATVs already in use." Lat er in the hea ring. Scanlon sai d " There is no CPSC p lan to ban o r recall A TVs." In her opening remarks. Dawson said " Regard less of what you may have heard or read in the press. the Consumer Product Safety Com m iss ion has not made a decision on how best to address the ATV situation." Interested tra il ri de rs look ing for new cha llenges and pl aces to ride. may w ant t o check out Zeke 's Backcount ry Fraterna l Association, The association allows limited rid ing groups up to 25 members for g uided rides t hrou g h the rugged In co n tras t to previ ous hearin gs in to AT V safety. th e CPS C hea ring in j ackson saw 3 1 p ro -A'TV wi tn esses testi fy a nd eig h t a nt i-A'T v wi tnesses testify. including one crasher and h is law yer. Among those tes tifyi ng wer e 13 representatives o f reta il -level motor- The Ta nkslappers M .C . seco nd ann ua l Summer Remedy GP is sc heduled for July 7 at Ca rlsbad Raceway . Carlsbad . Ca li forn ia . A MA D istrict 38 po in ts w ill be awarde d at t he event . w hich w ill inc lude c lasses f or A TVs. Vets and Se niors. and a tea m race , Entri es are $15 pe r c lass; 0 -38 ca rd requ ired . or ride Expert. Write 2207 lIe x Ave n ue . San Dieg o . CA 9 2154. or ca ll 6 19 /427 -575 9 f o r details. cycle!ATV busi n esses , five ATV riders o r club re prese n ta t ives . th ree indus try n -p resen tar ives. and IwOkids . H a yley U lr ic h , 7. ed ito r o f th e A T I' News Kid ' s Pag e . drew th e o n ly a ud ien ce respo nse o f th e day - a sta nd ing ova tio n - for her testimo ny o n th e abili ty of kids 10 safely opera te ATVs, Th e next C P C hearin g is sc he d u led for Dalla s o n Jun e 17, fo llowed by a hea rin g in Con co rd . N ew H a m p sh ire o n J ul y 25. Perso n s in rer ested in testif yin g shou ld co n tact Sh eldon Bu us of the CPSC a l 301/ 4926800 or 800/638 -2772. Lexington Hotel Suites. in Carlsbad. Cal ifornia. is offering special rates for those attending the June 30 U.S. MX GP at Carlsbad Raceway. For more informat ion. con tact Ms. Kathy Lini. 619 /4382285, or write 751 Macadamia. Ca rlsbad , CA 92008. L ittl e kno wn fact: Wh en CPSC sta ffers p UI to g eth er a mem o o n ch oice of ci ties fo r CPSC p u bli c h earin gs o n ATV sa fetv, " fac to rs for selectio n" in cluded sales o f ATVs in the a rea , death s in sta les, a n d whethe r feed s to a ll th ree T V n etwo rk s are available. Little known fact II : According to knowledgeable sources, costs for one Commissioner to attend CPSC hearings range from $4360 to $5620; if all four attend. the cost escalates t o $5215 to $7 105 per Commiss io ner. Th e U.S. Forest Servir« is n -qu iri ng rh.u O R\'s must ht, equipped with spa rk a nt'stors a nd Gf"t't'n Slicke rs for Ust' at R o wl u-r Flal in rhe P yram id Lak e area , near Connan . Ca liforn ia. Yamaha of Cov ina (California) w ill sponsor a go lf t ournam ent o n J uly 1 4 at t he Marsha ll Canyon Golf Co urse in LaVerne. A $23 entry f ee incl udes green fees.' cart and d in ne r w ith prize s be ing awarded for low net. low g ross and c losest to the hole on par- t hrees. MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRYS "ANGE , . C , Quit Cycle News Advert isin g M an a g e r M i ke S p encer . af ter 18 months. 10 work with his wife, Lesley. in h is o wn agency. pe ncer and Space. R ired Arden t motorcyc le and AT\' ra cer a nd rider Mark Thome. 23. as Cycle New.' Ad vertising Ma nager; grad ua ted fro m No rthern Sta le College of Ab erdeen , So u th Dak o ta with a B.S. in Business Adm inistratio n l\Ia y 12; got ma rr ied Ma y 18; sta r ted a t Cycle News june 3. Appointed As a distribu tor of Rock O il in No rth ern a nd Cen tr al Ca li forni a , Bryson Bak er Di st rib u tin g , Appointed As P resid ent of H ayn es Publ ica tio n s. In c., in N ew bu ry Park. Ca liforn ia . Peter O ' Donohue. A ppointed As N a tional Sa les Rep resen ta tive for Champion Mo riwaki- USa. Marcus Fa lley: Fa lley is a lso a n AF;\ l and ARRA road racer.

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