Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 06 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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! ~P4I 6Y WfflLfY O"l ........ Honda's Freddie Spencer won both the 500cc and '2 5 0 cc races at the May 26 It alian Grand Prix 'in Mugello . Defending 500cc World Champion Eddie lawson (Yam) finished second 9.2 seconds behind, with Wayne Gardner (Hon) third, Randy Mamola(Hon) fourth and Christian Sarron (Yam) fifth. Mike Baldwin finished 11 tho Spencer leads 500cc World Championship points with 54 to lawson's 47; Sarron is third with 36. Carlos Lavado (Yam) finished second to Spencer in the 250cc World Cham- . pionship race at Mugello, with Fausto Ricci (Hon) th ird. West Germany GP winner Martin Wimmer did not fin ish . Spencer leads 250cc point standings with 41, followed by AnIOn Mang (H on ) with 38 and Lavado with 35. Mang finish ed fifth a t Mugello. U.S . F-1 Champio'n M ike Baldwin will skip the June 16 Yugoslavian GP and return to America to compete in t he Road America (Elkhart Lake ), Pocono and Loudon Camel Pro Series Nationals. Cycle T ech Racing's Da ve Alda na a nd J oe y O sowski (Suz) beat Tea m H amm er 's Ru ss Paulk a nd Da ve Sch losser bv seve n seco nds in th e seco nd ro u nd of WERA Nat ional End ura nce Series . a six-hour road ra ce h eld a t St. Louis Intern at iona l , Raceway May 25. Team H am mer led until Sch los ser cra shed in th e seco nd hour, th en ca me from a lmos t three laps beh ind in the rem aining four h ours. Team Ha m m er leads Cycle Tech Raci ng in seri es points, by a margin o f two points. During th e race, which was started by 75 teams, Pau lk lowered the tra ck record by nine seconds. 0 , Motorcycle Industry Magazine has named the Kawasaki 600 Ninja as it s 1985 Motorcycleofthe Year. A nation-wide poll of non-franchised motorcycle repair centers and ac-' cessory shops provided Kawasaki with the crown for the second consecutive year. The 600 Ninja edged out a t ie between the Yama ha FZ750 and V-Max. Bimota is dev e lo pi ng a Du ca ti powere d mod el which is sched u led to be p resented in Monza , Ital y at th e first rac e o f th e Endurance World Cha m p io nship. . Li ttl e known fact : South Bay Speedway in Gardena bought its bleachers , flag po les , te nts , columns, f lags, t urnstiles and seats at an LA. Olympic Committee auction of everything left over f rom the 19 8 4 Olym pics. 2 T h e Fami ly Rac i n g Associa ti on 's (FRA) J u ne 23 Fa mily End uro has been moved fro m th e desert to Big Bear, California . Wor king with the Big Bear Tra il Rider 's Cl u b, the FRA h as a 70-m ile enduro la id ou t 'with tra ils, jeep ro ads, wat er crossings and fire roa ds. G reen Stickies an d spark arrestors are manda tory and there will be a 500 rider limit. For mo re info co ntact FR A at 714/7 77-2969. , , • • • • ' . ''' • • ,~. -• .. . . . The Umpqua National Forest postponed the May 22 review of the Analysis of Management Situation (AMS) until June 17. The purpose of the AMS is to describe current management and determine the range of goods, services and uses that can be produced under different management intensities, and to project future demand for these goods and services. For info contact Umpqua National Forest, P.O . Box 1008, Roseburg, OR 97470 503 /672-6601. To get o n th e m ailing list for Newsbeat, a Bureau of Land Mana gem ent (BL M) monthl y information al newslett er , send you r name and address 10 Newsbeat , BLM , 2800 Cottage Way, E-2841, Sacramento, CA 95825. The Viewfinders M .C. will have their annual trophy presentation at 6 :30 p.m. Friday, May 31, at the Howard Johnson 's in Monrovia , California . For more inf orm ation, call 213/256-8578 . 'T h is year's 24 H ou rs of Nelson Ledges in Ohio, has been resch eduled 10 August 10-11, from August 3-4. Nel so n L edges is a ro und of th e WERA Nati ona l Championship Endurance Road Race Seri es. It happened one night: Ted Boody's Camel Pro Series Half-Mile May 11 win at Ascot Park in Gardena, Californ ia is the eighth National victory of his career. David Bailey ' s w in at the S uperbowl of Motocross in Los Angeles the same ~ night marks his seventh career supercross w in. Th e J u ne 1-7 Isle o f Man TT roa d races ar e threatened by a strike in vol v-, Ing gaso line tanker tru ck drivers who are as ki ng pay pa rity wi th m ainla nd drivers. In respon se to inc reased int erest by women riders, t he Continental Motosport Club has sc heduled t he following events for its 1985 Women's Motocross series: June 14, Ascot Park, Gardena, California; July 21, " Fly -N" LD Ranch, Zion, Utah; August 16, Ascot Park; September 1, DeAnza Cycle Park, Sunnymead, California (or Perris Raceway, Perris, Cal ifornia), as part of the CMC Four-Stroke Championship; December 1, Carlsbad Raceway, Carlsbad, California, the 1985 Women 's MX Challenge. Forfurther details, call Ga le Webb, 714 /656 -5750; Debbie Matthews , 714 /754 -7305 ; or the CMC, 714/261 -6116. Th e Ca li fornia O ff-H ighway M~lOr Vehi cle Recreation Co mmission has recently reco m me nded the acq u isition ' o f Ma rt in Ra n ch in Fr esn o County, in cent ra l California. T he ranch covers 46 ,000 acres and would be designated as a sta te veh icula r recrea tion area. P u rchase is p lanned for fiscal year 1985-86. Stroh 's Breweries ' $50,000 St ro h Miles po int fu nd w i ll award .$2 0 , 0 0 0 to the rider who gets t he most Camel Pro Se ries po ints in the nine AMA m ile Nat ionals which comprise t he series. Seco nd pla ce w ill be awarded $ 10,000; third receives $5000; 10th place gets $1000. Kaw asa ki Team Green's fleet o f service van s will be a p peari ng a t the foll owing dat es and p la ces: Western Region - J une 2, National MOIO, sport Assoc ia tio n qualifi er. Su nrise Cycle Pa rk , Adela nto, Cal iforn ia ; J une 9, NM Aqualifier, Ba rona Oaks, Ra mona, Ca lifornia ; J u n e 16, Sp ill;._ _ .. , I, t I ~ 4 . - 1\0 I way Park ; Santa Maria, California; J une 21-23, Mammoth Mo tocross, Mammo th, California. Central Reg ion - June 8-9, AMA Amateurl Youth MX qualifier, Byron, Illinois; June 22-23, AMA Am at eur regi onal MX, Soringville, Iow a: June 29-30, AMA You th regi onal MX, Mit ch ell , In d iana. The f irst of two scheduled ISDE qualifiers is set f or June 8-9 at Rose City, M ichigan. Riders who wanttomakethisyear's U.S.ISDE team must submit a letter of int ent and $10 fee to the AMA by June 7 . Send letters to Hugh Fleming, Amateur Activities Department, • P.O . Box 6114, Westerville, OH 43081-6114. Also, Intent class riders must use FIM-mandated " ecology tires" on the rear. Metzeler currently has the largest available supply ; call 1-800/ 433-3960 for details. If you 'r e looking for someplace different to take a motorcycle vacation , co ns ide r New Zealand. Former GP road racer Graem e Crosby is offering packaged motorcycle tours o f New Zealand, beginning a t just o ver $200 (American ). Included in th e price is rental o f a 550cc street bike, riding gear, hot el accom m od a tions, an d a dm ission to popular tourist a ttrac tions. Fo r deta il s, co ntact Graem e Crosb y Mot orsports Ltd., Rental Divi sion, P .O. Box 2769, Au ckl an d , New Zealand. or call 0 II 164/9/7 62-711. Saturday, October 1 3, i s t he scheduled date for the 34th annual Checkers M ,C. Check Chase World Championship Hare and Hound . The start will be at Camp Rock Road in Lucerne Valley: Califor- . nia, and w ill include a 30-mile loop before t he f inish at Parker, Arizona 270 m iles lat er. A ll licenses are welcomed; there w ill be a Pro class for bikes and ATVs. Entries cost $35 by ma il , and are open September 1-25. Call Checkers president David Wasden at 818 / 576 -0930 for details. (Co n tin ued to page 37) CPSC schedulesATV hearings WASHINGTON , DC, MAY 21 The U.S. Consumer Pro duct Safety Commission h as an nounced additional pub li c hearings on ATV safet y. Along with h earin gs a lrea dy schedu led for J ackson , Mississip p i Ma y 30, a nd Dalla s. T exas June 17, the CPSC will h old h ea r in g s i n Con cord , Ne w Ha m psh ire on Jul y 25. H ea rings wi ll a lso be h eld in Milw au kee, Wisconsin a nd Lo s Angeles, Californ ia la ter thi s yea r, wi th dates to be anno u nced. Accordi ng to ' Ja ni ce L. Mitch ell , Complia n ce Invest igat or with th e C PSC's Los Angeles offi ce, th e Los Angeles hearing wi ll be held in October . 1985. Persons wishing to a p pea r a t th e Los Angeles hea rin g ca n con ta ct Mit ch ell a t 3660 Wil shi re Blvd., Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90010, 2 13/ 688-7272 . Perso ns interested in a p pearin g a t o ther regi ona l hearin gs ca n co nt ac t Sh eld on Bu tts o f th e C PSC, I I II 18th St. , Wash in gt on, DC 20207, 30 1/ 492-6800 o r 8001 638-2772. Peo ple wh o ca n ' t per so nally attend a hea ring can sub mi t a letter or written sta tement to Mr. Bu tts a nd as k that it be incl uded in the officia l record of o ne or more of the hearings. " ...- I "1 'J 4 S , i l ' Feds 'trade flies with p-roduct lIabillty-la~ers CPSC aids ambulance chasers By John Ulrich LONG BEACH , CA, MAY 20 U ride r a n agree me nt between the Association of T ri al Lawyers of Am eri ca (ATLA) and th e G en er al Coun sel of th e o U.S. Co nsu mer Product Sa fety Commi ssion (C PSC), th e CPSC helps law yers su ing man ufacturers of allegedlydangerous products even before CP SC investi gations have determ in ed that the products are definitely a t fault in cases o f co ns u mer injuries. The October 30, J 980 agreem ent, signed by Mich ael S. Starr, Gen eral Co unsel a nd Director, Professional Resea rch and Devel opment for th e Ass ociati on of Tria l Lawy ers of Am er ica a nd by Andrew Krul wich, Gen eral Counsel for th e CP SC, sta tes " It ha s been agreed tha t members of th e CPSC sta ff will be p erm itted to per iod icall y visit th e o ffices o f th e ATLA Excha nge a t mutuall y co nve ni ent times for discu ssions with th e legal sta ff o f th e Exchange an d to , view Excha nge files conce rn in g dan gero us a nd defecti ve co nsu mer p rod ucts." T h e agreem ent a lso sta tes th a t "T h is understan ding has been entered into in th e h ope th at it will assist the C PSC in it s effo rts to red uce prod uctrela ted inju ries, identify and elim ina te defective products and promote' public sa fety. It is a lso h oped that th e coo pera tion of o ur staff a nd o ur memo bers with th e C PSC will ena ble th em to more effectively rep resen t th e in terests o f tho se wh o have been inj ured by defective or da ngerous products a nd to p ro tect th e public from such' hazards in th e Iuture. We view th is understanding as being in furth era nce o f these shared prin ciples and o bject ives." , Nowh ere in th e agreeme nt is th ere a ny m enti on o f du e process or factu a l, without-a -doubt determination o f a p roduct 's defectiven ess before th e , CPSC acce p ts ma terial from or provid es mat eria l 10 th e lawyers' associ ation. . Members of the ATLA mak e th eir liv in g su ing manufacturers of various products alledg ed to have injured a co ns u me r o r co nsu mers. A findin g by the CPSC that a p roduc t is defective m ak es it easier for a p roduct liability a tto rn ey to eithe r negotiate an out-of-co u rt sett leme nt with a manufactu rer or else co nvince a jury th at a produc t is in deed defect ive and ca used an injury. 0 CPSC ATV Task Force Engineer Roy- Dep-p-a: ,No ATV udefinable design inadequacy" By John Ulrich LONG BEAC H , CA, MAY 20 A rest ri cted U .S.Consum er Prod uct Safety Commission in- . ternal mem o recently acq u ire d by Cycle News indicates th a t the • \ • • 4

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