Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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California, and is AMA District 37sanctioned. For details, call Jim Catseles at lakewood Honda, 213/860-1354. Co ngressma n Larry Cra ig of Idah o'is one o f 10 members o f the H o use Subco m mittee on Commerce, Consumer a nd Moneta ry Affai rs, wh ich is schedul ed to ho ld h ea rings on AT V safety and how the Consu mer Product Safety Commission (C PSC) is h an dl in g the ATV safe ty issue. Craig ha s exp ressed an interest in inp u t on th e CP SCIATV issu e before the May 21 hearin g; Craig h as p rom ised to pass on in put he receives to th e rest o f th e co mmi ttee. Here' s your ch an ce ( 0 com me nt o n th e C PS C 's " Le t's ban 'em" approach as expr essed by Com mi s.sio n er St ua rt Sta tler. Send co p ies o f lett ers yo u 've a lready sent to the CPSC o r co ngr essmen to Crai g, or send him a new lett er telli ng him what yo u th in k o f Stat ler's approach. T im e is sho rt; rus h yo ur lett er o r no te toda y to Co ngressm a n La rry E. 'C ra ig . Commerce, Co nsumer a nd Mo netary Affa irs Subcomm ittee, 2158 Rayburn H o use Offi ce Bldg., Washi ngton, DC 20515, attn. SCOll Fish er. After several recent seasons of wet weather. the current outlook for Utah's Bonneville Salt Flats is reportedly good for 1985. Racers planning to set speed records at Bonneville can look forward to using 10 to 15 miles of runout on the flats. Speed Week is set for August 18-24: tl1e Utah Salt Flat Racers will stage runs July 19-21. September 20-22, and October 25-27. Call 619/268-0192 for · Speed Week information. 801/ 734-9424 for the other dates. Defendin g World Champion Andre Malherb e (Hon) was the overa ll win- . ner of the fourth round of th e 500cc Mot ocross World Championship Series in Ruskeasanca , Finland, on May 12. Malh erbe's 1-2 topped Erik Geb oer s (H o n) 2-1. Dave Thorpe (H on ) was th ird overall with a 4-5 ta ll y. Fl u-stri cken Danny Ch andler (KT M) fin ished third in th e first rnot o after leading, but DNF th e seco nd. Fell ow Californian Dann y LaPorte (H us ), th e forme r 250cc MX World Champion, was 20th in th e open ing mo to and fourth in the second . Malherbe leads G eboers in th e point sta ndi ngs, 122 to 120. T horpe is th ird wi th 11 2 and Ch andl er founh wi th 89. The fifth round of the World Championship 250cc MX Series in loov. Belgium an May 12 saw Arno Drechsel (KTM) take top honors with a win in the opening moto and a second place finish in the second moto. Gert Van Door (Hon) was second overall with a 2-4 tally. Constru ction o f a new 8000 -seat grandsta nd faci lity is being com p leted for Sp inner's Air port Ra ceway, in Port ervill e, californ ia. T he grandsta nds wi ll a llow spectators to see m ot orcycle a nd ATV races . Comp letion is expec ted May 23. For in formation . ca ll 209/587-5113. 2 A reminder: The "lake TahoeCarson City Turnabout" is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend. May 25-26. The run is sponsored by Lakewood Honda, of Lakewood. Th e Sac ramemo.Ca li forn ia. cha p ter o f the Paci fic Intern a tional Trials Soci et y (P ITS) has set May 25-26 for its Mem orial Day T rial s meet. Sat u rday will be " Fu n Dav:" Class A tri al s wiil be h eld Su ndav ·. T he event will be held a t Fa ll Riv er, Ca liforn ia, north o f Oroville. Entry is 9, 57 for PITS members. Call 9 16/678-5900 for detai ls. Responding to charges that the Superbowl of Motocross track layout was too dangerous. Stadium Motorsports ' Jeanne Sleeper said that the track layout was approved 30 days prior to the race by the AMA'sWayne Moulton, who asked for no changes. For a full race report. see pages 6-7. Two for th e reco rd books: Jay Spring steen's win at th e Ma y 4 .Sa n J ose Short T rac k Na tional wa s hi s 39th Na tional career victor y. Bubba Shobert's win at the May 5 San J ose Mile Natio na l ma rked h is 14th Nationa l career wi n, an d h is 11 th wi n on th e mil e. Shobert n o w ran ks beh in d Spri ngs teen' and H an k SCOll in Na tiona l mile wi ns. who ha ve 12 eac h. Yeah, yeah. we know. Jimmy Carter thought about banning ORVs to conserve gasoline in 1 977, not 1974. The recent misprint is what's called a typographical error; the point that floods of mail can halt drastic government plans (like Consumer Product Safety Commission member Stuart "Ban 'em" Statler's proposed ATV ban and recall) is still valid . To letthe CPSC know how you feel about Statler's grand plan. write 1111 18th St.• Washington, DC 20207. After an absence of six years , th e Far Wes t M.C.'s Big Boo t Enduro is returnin g, set to run May 26. T h e 100m ile-l on g, AMA Dist ri ct 36-sancrion ed even t will start a nd finish at th e Redw ood Acres Fairgrounds in Eur eka , california. For in forma tion, ca ll 7071443-8031 o r 707/ 668-5554, even ings. Final recommendations for the proposed interchange of 983.000 acres of National Forest land and 1.796.000 acres of lands controlled by the Bureau of Land Management in California have been made by officials of both agencies and have been sent to Washington. D.C. for review. According to Forest Service and BlM representatives. off-road area use will not be affected by the massive move. The changeover is scheduled to be completed later this year. J a y Spri ngsteen a nd J im m y Filice went wild boar h unting near Coalinga . california betw een th e San Jose Mile and the Ascot H alf Mi le rounds of the camel Pro Seri es, and Springsteen bagged a 250-pound boar wi th a huntin g kn ife! As Springsteen to ld it a t Ascot. th e boa r was run dow n and attac ked by a pair of h u nt ing pit bu lls; w hile the dogs kept th e boa r busy, Springs teen ra n in a nd sta b bed it. T h e result wa s boar omelette. . . . Metcalf Motorcycle Park, in San Jose. California. has been renamed Metcalf Off-Road Vehicle Recreation Area. The park is under new management. the Central Counties chapter ofthe National Safety Council which has been renovating its trail system and other riding facilities. SVIA ATV rider training courses, motocross racing. and off-road events are planned to be run at the park in the future . Call 408 /297-3033 for information . Ca li fo rnia As semb ly Bill AB 412 (Alle n) wi ll ra ise money for mo torcycle rider ed uca tion a nd ca r driver a wa reness programs by in crea sin g m ot orcycle vehicle regi str ati on fees 52. Courses esta blished by th e legisla tion wo u ld provide sta tewide voluntary rider training , co urse p romo ti on, a n d a n a dvisory co m m ittee. Simi lar efforts were vetoed la st vear by G overnor G eorge Deukrneji an , who went o n record say ing th at rid ers d id n ' t wa nt o r need ed uca tio n. Letter s regardi ng A B4 12 sho u ld be immediately sent to loca l california sta te legisla tor, or Govern or G eorge Deukmej ian. St a te Capit ol Bldg .. Governor's Office, Sacrament o , CA 958 14. Contra ry to some rum ors, th e bill does n ot includ e m a ndatorv helm ets. ' . ABATE of Nebraska is looking for riders interested in becoming Motorcycle Safety Foundation-certified Motorcycle Rider Course instructors. For information write ABATE of Nebraska. Inc.• P.O. Box 30332. Lincoln, NE 685030332. Severa l cha n ges are being made for this year's Ju ne 5 runn in g of the Isle of Man TT. Ent ran ce a nd exit la nes to th e pit a rea h ave been modified and widened . trees have been removed from some co rne rs , a nd havbales are bein g in stalled wh ere needed . Hotquote: From U.S . Suzuki Motor. Corporation's R&D Division Director. Mr.· T. Shigenoya, in Richmond. Indiana on May 11 during the U.S. Press introduction of the Cavalcade touring bike. "Next year Suzuki, as a factory, will compete in all forms of motorcycle racing. road racing, Superbike, and motocross . . . all forms ..And next year, 1986. Suzuki will sign Kevin Schwantz to ride for Suzuki for this new effort. " So urces inside Suzu ki say that th e co m pany's 1986 roa d racing effo rt will incl ude a two-man team, with th e co m pa ny act ively look ing for a seco nd rider to tea m up with Kevin Schwantz, w ho, a t press tim e, wa s on the verge of sign ing a two-year,1 9861987 co ntract with th e co m pa n y. Sch wa n tz is a lrea dy co nt rac ted for 1985 by Yosh imura R&Do fAmerica . which races with su p port from Suzu ki. Meanwhile sources inside Ameri.can Honda say the company will expand its road racing team in 1986 if any other factories get back into U.S. racing. With Suzuki already announcing its plans. Honda 's program is certain to include a second rider next year, the sources say. J eff Fred ette ( Kaw) ca p tu red hi s second AMA Na tional C hampionship Endu ro wi n in as man y week s in th e Ma y 12 Bu rr O ak National in Rose" law n. Ind ian a. Fredett e, with a sco re of 29, was follow ed in th e overa ll sta n d in gs by J o hn Marrin (C-A) a t32 points, wi th Gary J oh nso n (H us) edgi ng Kevin ' H in es (H us) o n tiebreak er scores a fter each dropped 38 poi nts . Defending cha mp T erry Cu nnin gham (H us ) fini sh ed fifth, wi th . 39 points. Husqvarna's Larry Roeseler was . the overall winner of the 15th annual Virginia City Grand Prix in , Nevada. May 12. Roeseler rode a 500XC to victory, having taken over the lead on lap six from Anthony Pasqualotto. Pasqualot- to finished second. Billy Grossi (Yam) was third, Shawn Gerber (KTM) fourth. Husqvarna press relations man ' Charlie Halcomb rounded out the top five. Doug Noell finished sixth overall, first Sportsman-class rider. T he phone number for Saber Cycle Accessories, appeari ng in an ad on page 33 o f th e :\

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