Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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--=.,SpeedlNav _ . H arris took seco n d with Mark Hateley th ird. Results SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Sam Ermo lenko (Wes); 2. Alan Chri sti an (GM); 3. Lance King (Wes); 4 . M ike Curoso (W es). HAN DICAP: 1. Tony Brigg s (GM ); 2. Tim McCasland (Wes); 3. Alan Chr is"a n (GM); 4 . Andy Nor· thr up (Wes ); 5. Dubb Ferre ll (Jaw); 6. M ike Ma zza· cane (Jaw) . SECOND DIY: 1. Jimmy O'Dall (Wes); 2. Guy Wa te rson (Wes); 3 . Pat Hawle y IGd n); 4 . Lou is su th (M ae); 5. Ronn ie Corr ey (Jaw) ; 6. Jordan Duncan (Gdn). THIRD DIV: 1. Oscar Salinas (J aw); 2. Wa yne Harris (W es); 3 . Mark Hat eley (W es); 4 . Joh n Edwards (Jaw) ; 5. Kurt Markham (J aw ); 6. Kev in Krugh (J aw). xes- Ott, Hancock take Tuesday wins By Bill Locey VENTU RA. CA , APR. 30 " Showtirne" Bob Ott, th e peopl e' s if not the promoter's choice, won his first-ever Scratch main a t th e Ventura Raceway, And 20-year -old Dav id H ancock wo n th e H andicap ma in in only h is thi rd week in First Division . H andicap racing began in a fog thi ck enough to bring visions of En gland to mind , a nd si nce a num ber o f rid ers scratched, th e program a lso brought up so me Seco n d Division ride rs to try th eir lu ck agains t th e h ot guys . That's exactly ho w H ancock got h is shot three wee ks ago. Mike Mazzacan e, back from an a n kle inj ury, came out blazing and wo n h is h ea t off th e4 0. Ott pulled speedway's n eates t trick by win ni ng hi s heat off the 50 in a flurry o f wheelies: o ld-timer Guy Wa terson. who rode for the Ven tura Chargers back in 1972, was a robust seco nd. Don Bu tler a nd Greg Ayers were th e o ther h ea t winners. H ancock . w ho was seco nd in hi s heat . did it agai n in hi s semi , follo w- ' in g Ma rk Dwyer across th e lin e. 1981 Track C hamp Steve Lu cero won the ot he r semi o ff the 50, no sing O U I Ott a nd Mazza cane. T he m ain wa s a m icl imactic co mpared to ea rlier races. With three ride rs off th e 30, Dwyer 's bike brok e, a nd H ancock o u tg ted a Ayers' a nd led fro m start to finish. Lucero, one o f th e hottest ri ders around , ourgat ed Ott in th eir scra tch h eat race a nd won - it was to be Ott's o n ly loss o f th e n igh t. C urre nt tra ck C hamp Kell y Mora n was o ff the pace a n d fail ed to su rvive hi s h eat race. In h is sem i, La nce Kin g got th e gate, but Ott got a n unreal driv e co m ingarou nd turn two a n d passed Kin g on th e back stra ig h t o n th e o u tside, somethi ng th a t doesn't o ften h ap pen. To p rov e it was n o fluk e, Ott go t a grea t sta rt fro m th e fourth sta rti ng spot (hi s favorite) a nd cu t a round a ll th ree rid ers in turn o ne o f th e ma in . an d led it from sta rt to finis h. Ott loomed across th e finis h waving h is fist in th e a ir as th e crowd went nuts. Ott is o n th e wa y - he's ge tti ng three rides p er week when la st yea r he was getting one. .. Former flat-tracker J eff Johnson got a chan ce to ride Seco nd Division a nd proved to be 10 0 good for th e zero- yard-line, winning the m ain in convincing styIe. Steve Donovan passed Wayne Selman on th e first lap to of the main to take D-3 honors. (From left to right) Lance King. Mike Faria. Wayne Leutz and Dave DeTemple in First Division action at Costa Mesa. Speedway (Con tinued from page 26) .. took hi s sixth main event wi n o f th e season on the circu it. Lou is Kossu th put his Maely across the li ne second, wi th J oe Kreisberg third. Steve Donovan (Fast La ne Trucking/Newport Surf &Sport Jawa) made it two -wi ns-in-a-row wh en he took top h on o rs in the Third Divisio n main . J oe Kreisberg 's you nger broth er Lo u got second, while J ohnny Walk er took th ird . Results SCRATCHMAIN: 1. Alan Christ ian (GM); 2. Sam Ermolenko (Wesl; 3. John Sandona (Wes): 4 . Kelly Moran (Gdn). HANDICAP : 1. Tom Burba(Jawl~2 . Mike Mazza· can e (Jaw); 3. Steve Lucero (Wes) ; 4 . Greg A yer s (Wes): 5. Mike Faria (Jaw); 6. John Foster (Wesl. SECOND DIV: 1. Jeff Johnson (Wesl ; 2. Louis Kossuth (Mael; 3. Joe Kreisberg (Wes): 4. Jimmy O'Dell (Wesl; 5. Doug Nicol (Wes): 6. Shane Hawley (Wes). THIRD DIV: 1. Steve Donovan (Jaw): 2. Lou Kre is· berg (Wes); 3. Johnny Walker (Jaw); 4. Wayne Se tman (Gdn ); 5 . Ron Swenson (Wes) ; 6. Oon Jackson (J aw). MATCH RACE: 1. Lance King del . Brad Oxley. Ermolenko sudden at Ascot By Scott Daloisio GA R DE NA, CA , MAY 2 " It's m y wife's birthday, and I'm just glad that I won this one. It was for h er. " Those were th e words of " Su dden 30 Sa m" Ermolenko after h e def eated Alan Christi an , Lance King a nd Mik e Curoso to win th e Scratch main event o n a fantastic n ight of racing a t Ascot South Bay Stadium. Th is Thursday night th e track h ad some extra dirt on it, a n d th e racing wa s th e best yea t a t the new facilit y, with Ennolenko (Pi ck Your Part Auto Salvage/Pacifi c Coast Laminating/ Arai /J on es G oggl es /Ameri can Mikuni /STP /Q&E /R .K . R a cing Chain/AI Reed 's Polishing/Frame Sh op/Car Tunes/Kal-Gard Weslak e) ' being th e sta r. After winning h is h eat, Ennolenko was defeat ed in h is semi by Lance Kin g . but he go t sweet reven g e in th e ma in. Ermolen ko took th e lead a t th e rise o f th e tapes as C hristia n - who has been uper hoi ove III iali kr . - wheelied at the line. Ch ris tian recovered quickly a nd set up cam p on Errnolen ko's rear tire . Christia n looked high and low in his quest for the lead spot. whi le Curoso did the same in effort to ge; by King for "th ird. Christian remained directly behind Er rno len ko until the back straightaway o n the final lap when Errnolen ko opened up a two bikelength lead that he carried all the wav to the chec kered. Christian staved in seco nd , with Kin g and Curo~o breathing down h is neck. Tony Briggs (Ocean Paci fic/ Scott Goggles/Fitzpatrick Racing/Bel -Ray GM) held off a th u nd erin g herd of riders to take home a ll the bacon in a wil d a n d wool y H and ica p main. Briggs, o ff the l O-vard-Hne, took th e lea d at th e o u tset over T im McCasland a n d Mik e Mazzacan e. Andy Northrup moved up to challe nge Mazzacane for the third spot o n la p two and a fter o ne la p of int en se p res. sure he shot by. Christi an , rid in g like a m an possesed, mad e hi s usu al fierce cha rge through th e p ack an d bega n to reel in Northru p. T hey mad e hea vy co ntact as they ex ited turn four, h eading fo r th e wh it e flag . Both recovered a nd th ey contin ued th eir bailie, wi th C h ris tia n preva il in g as h e took ove r th ird in th e next bend. C hris tia n th en bega n to stal k McCa sland a nd Briggs; bu t it was too lat e as Briggs record ed h e wire-to-wire win by two bikeI~ngths ~>ver McCa sland and Chrisnan. Jimmy O 'Dell (G urney-C ur b All Am eri can R acers/White Bros/KRW/ FrameShop/H.P .S.lOakley/ An swer Produ ct s/Ca st ro llMAD R ac ing / Cycle Tune Weslake) co nt in ued to show hi s much -improved ra cing tal ents by taking home th e hardware in • th e Division Two ma in . O 'Dell took o ver th e lead after in itial lead er j ordan Duncan a nd Ronnie Correy hamrnered on eac h other in th e first turn . Once in front, O 'Dell ran a way and h id from th e pack a nd scored a co n vin cing win. Gu y Waterson raced home seco nd with Pat H awley third . O sca r Sa l i n as (Rona ld Brower Att orn ey a t Law / 3 P Racing ) had ta o borrow th e J awa of R ich ard Per kins a fter hi s o wn bik e was damaged a fter the chec ke red flag in h is hea t race, but it mad e no d ifferen ce as he Results SCRATCH MAIN : 1. Bob Ott; 2. Lance King ; 3. Steve Lucero; 4 . Keith Larsen. HANDICAP MAIN : 1. David Hancocll; 2. Greg Ayers; 3. M ike Mazzacane; 4 . Steve Luce ro ; 5 . Bob Ott: 6. Mark Dwyer . SECOND DIV: 1. Jell Johnson: 2. Doug Bowers; 3 . Bobby Tocco ; 4 . Ronnie Correy; 5. Joe Kre isberg; 6. Gary McDona ld. THIRD DIV ; 1. Steve Donovan; 2 . Wayne Sel man; 3 . Greg Nelson; 4 . Archie Pere z; 5. Tod Bertrand; 6 . I'IQI\loheJliiul.Qi.\;i~Il. ~ilynr . . . . .IIi. ~ II • • . . . . .. . .. a a a • • a • • • • •• a a .. .. \ '. .. "" • • • • San Jose Mile (Con tinued f rom paee 8) th e .Iead bike in th e train , pulling Bood y. Jorgy a nd Maitland in h is draf t. Go in g in to turn three, Maitland drov e in to first, but Sh obert overtook hi m in io o ne. T he en d o f th e la p saw Sprin gsteen pull off wit h a poor-ha nd lin g bike. a nd Ma itl and drop back wit h engi ne tro u bles, a lmos t sim u lta neously in turn four . Wh en Ma itl an d dropped ba ck , Parker clai med seco nd behi nd Shobert. Sco tt. Boody, Filice a nd J orge nse n fill ed th e. top six. On abo ut lap 18, two riders co lli ded just aft er p assing Boody, o ne on th e o u tside. th e o ther o n th e in side. Bood y h esitat ed for jus t a moment, th inking th e two woul d crash . T hey didn 't , and th e sma ll a mou nt of time he wa s o ff th e throttle was eno ug h to drop ihe H onda rider o u t o f th e lead draft . and into th e second group o f rid er s. When lap 21 en ded, th e leaders were Parker, Shobert, Scott, and J orgy. In fifthwas Chandler , who moved up to ch a llenge for the win. A lap lat er . Chandler went by J orgens en and the _ lead four ran nearl y side-by-side into three. Shobert, Scott, Parker and . Chandler was th e orde r at th e end o f lap 23. It was four abreas t aga in on lap 24 in turn three. Sho bert h eld th e lead , with Chandler second and Parker th ird; Sco tt ran fo urth . Chandler took th e lead for the first tim e in th e main go in g into turn one on th e white flag lap. H e was pa ssed by both Sh obert a nd Parker going down th e back stre tch. but go t ba ck by Shobert between turns three a nd four - th en Chandler 's chai n fell o ff, j us t a hal fstra ig h t fro m th e checkered flag. Th e three lead ers pulled o u t to run a lo ngside eac h o ther tow ard th e flag. Sh o bert wo n it bv half a bike ove r Parker . wh o had' j us t a wheel on Scott. Jorgens en fini shed fo u rth , with Filice fifth and Pear son sixth . j ust a head o f Bo od y. Cha ndler was 13th. " O n th e las t la p , I was wh ere I want ed to be. b ut wh en Doug Chandl er blew u p in turn four, I had a run o n him a n d hit hi s bik e a little bit. a nd it a lmos t stuc k me in th e wall. I had a good dr aft o n Bubba and Scott, but I had to let off an d it didn 't work o u t," sa id Sco tt in th e winner 's ci rcle. Shobert sa id , "1 wa s chec ki ng o ut everyone else's line, th en I sa w that Tom my Maitland had a good li ne. I jumped o n h is lin e an d it was reall y workin g. I was racin g with H ank a nd Parker, th en so me body else wa s th ere ra cing with us. I didn' t reall y kn ow wha t was goi ng to happen, I j ust · kind of held mv breath o n th e la st lap. Wh en I bobbl ed co m ing ou t of turn (o ur, I th ought so me body would get me. but I g uess th ey bobbled too. It was o ne o f th e to u gh est m iles I've ridden ." • Results 25 -LAP NATIONA L: 1. Bubba Shoben ( H on~ 2. Scott Parker (H·D); 3. Hank Scott (Hon); 4. Alax Jorgensen (Hon) ; 5, J immy Fil ice (H- D); 6. Scan Pearson {Hon ~ 7. Ted Boody (Hon); 8. Ricky Graham ( H on~ 9. Chris Carr (H·D); 10. Randy Go.s (Hon); 11. Ronn ia Jones (Hon); 12. Ganh Brow {H· D); 13. Doug Chandler (Hon); 14 . Don Howard (H·D); 15. Gary Scott (Hon); 16. Tom Ma itland (H·D); 17. Jay Springs teen (H· D). 12·LAP JR NATIONAL: 1. Brian Athenon (W-R); 2. W inkie Fre itas (Hon); 3 . Ted Tay lor (Arx); 4. Aa ron Hill (H·D); 5. Tim Skov (W ·R); 6. Phill ip Theroux (C·A); 7. Roben McDonnell; 8. Otto Jorgenson (H· D~ 9. Larry Staggs (Yam); 10. Dean Brooks (H·D); 11. BruceJohnson (H-D~; 12 . Adam Sabedra (Hon). AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP/ CAMEL PRO SERIESPOINT STANDINGS: 1. Bubba Shobert (71); 2. SCOII Parker (59); 3. Alex Jor gensen (47); 4 . (TIE) Doug Chandler /Randy Gass (45); 6. Ronnie Jones (43); 7. Scott Pearson (41): B. Chris Carr (36); 9. Steve Eklund (35); 1O.(TlE) Terry Poowy/Jey Springsteen (33); 12. Ted Boody (32); 13 . Pete Hames (31); 14. Jimmy Filice (24); 15. Freddia Spencer (20); 16. Rich Schlachter (18); 17. Mike Baldwin (16); 18. Hank Scott (13); 19. (TIE) Keith DaylTim Menens (12). JUNIOR NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP POINT STANDINGS : 1. Winkie Freitas (108) ; 2. Brian At henon (89); 3. Aaron Hill (55 ); 4. Cunis Cannon (41); 5. Ted Taylor (29); 6. (TIE) Randy Roose/Keith Gregoire ( 27~ 8. (TIE) Adam SabedralTim Skov (2~): 10.. ~r!"!,, ~2:'l ' J.I ' ,,1 ? nJ ~ I I ( l'J£) 1ic_"!'

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