Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- --- --.~"' -- ---- -- -- ,I. . ...... -----.,~ ...u -~-------~ f t •• ~- •• ~ ~ ~~-~-- .''Winning on a Husqvarna CR takes only one thing · YOU!" Danny LaPorte Take it from Danny LaPorte , former National and World Motocross Champion who has ra ced everything from a 125 to a 500. The new 1985 Husqvama 250CR is missing onl y one thing to make it a winner and that's YO U! " The re 's a new frame which The Pro-Honda Full Prot ector fro m Hondal in e o ffers u pper bod y protection a nd is fu lly adj usta ble to fit ne arl y a ny ride r. In red, wh ite a nd blue, th e vented design keep s ai r . flowing. Manufa ctured in Fin la nd by Sin isa lo, th e unit sells for $59.95 a t yo ur H onda dea ler. get a lot more. Like an Ohlins rear shockstandard equipment. Metzeler tires-standard equipment. Magua levers-e-standard. Super narrow seat/tank combination-standard. Long-lasting forged aluminum pistonstandard. Magnesium center cases-standard. Husqvarna's limited warranty-standard _equip ment. Add it all up and you have a crass w inner in both performance and value. Danny says it best. " I wouldn't ride the new Husqvarna CR unless I thought they could win." The 250CR will take you as far as you want to go. From local hero to world champ. Hurry into your Husqvarna dealer and check out the 250CR. The motorcycles won 't be there long. They'll be out with the winners. Husqvarna Motorcycle Company 4925 Mercury Street San Diego, CA 92111 is three to four pounds lighter," says LaPorte. " It's simpler, stronger and easier to corner than the Japanese bikes." After a factory visit in Sweden, Danny said, " The 250CR is handmade. They're pretty close to factory bikes but they last longer and are higher quality." , What more could you ask for? Well, yo u Husqvarna TH E FIN AL S TEP UP Th e Vette rLite II from Vetter features a she ll that 's inj ection-mol ded fro m ro nfa lin p las tic, whi le the interior is lin ed with a plush terry cloth; the sh ie ld is scra tch resista nt , an d th e helmet has DO T a pprova l. In black or wh ite, it sells for .$59.95. Fro m Vet ter Prod ucts , In c., Dept. CN , Rantoul , IL ? 1866. When AU Is Slid and Speci a lly formulat ed for th e demands of on - a n d off-roa d hi gh perfor ma nce cha i n, Ma x ima C hain Gu ard is compou nded from petrol eum bases a nd re in forced with additi ves. Find it in aeroso l ca ns a t yo ur deal er or co ntact Max im a Racing Lubricants, Dept. CN , 1444 Pi oneer Wa y #7, £1 Cajon , CA 92020 . • • Arai Congratulates TEAM HAMMER On Winning Round Three the AMA Championship Cup U.S. Endurance Series 27.

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