Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ ~ -~ '. ~ 00 O"l ..-. ~ ..-. ;>~ :E Jimmy Button won 83 Stock/ Mod : titles. ROC riders included (from left. standing) Langford. DeVane. Mike Craig. Gordon. Thomson. Terry Bostard, Kalos, Rod Hillmer; (crouching, from left) Jeff Emig, Stephenson, Atkins. Karcher, Hogan. Brown. - Willie Surratt placed second behind Ronnie TIchenor and Billy Frank both times out to win the 250cc Stock Pros, World M ini GP (Co nti nued from pag e 16 ) 18 attack ; but Kal a s' ma neuvers almost backfired once w hen h e a lmos t fell in front .of T homson in a turn . Towa rds . the middle of th e pack, De Vane was a pparent ly srr uc k with mech an ical p robl ems a nd d ro p pe d 10 th e back , even tua lly cr u is ing to the fin ish. Brown a nd .S tep hens o n engaged in a fu rio us ba~tl e for fi fth pl ace, as both yo ung riders banged ba rs fro m corner to co rne r. Brown eventua lly got the up per h and , with Stephenson sett ling for sixth . Back u p front , Thomson fina lly blitzed by Kal a s in th e back sectio n o f the track to ca p ture th e lead, Eve n though Thomson wa s leadin g, he was having no peace as Kal so co n sta n tly dogged him to th e fini sh lin e, try ing to reclaim his lead. But at th e checke re d fl ag , it . wa s Th omson, Kal a s, J ason Langford, Rob Go rdon, Brown a nd Stephen son. First moto w in ner De Va ne fini shed last. At th is p oint in th e ac tio n; i t was time to go to th e sco recards and 'figure O U I who h ad the best chance o f winning th e Ra ce o f Champions. Thomson 's 1-2 gave him three po ints; Kal a s' 3-2 ga ve him five; and Brown a nd L angford were tied a t nine points eac h . Theoreti cally, a ll Thomson h ad to do was fin ish no lower th an third to wrap it a ll u p . As far as Kal a s' cha nces were co ncerne d , even if h e won, h e still wouldn 't be a ble to beat Thomson , unl ess he fin ished fourth or lo wer. Kal a s bl asted into th e lead of th e fina l m o to , a nd Thomson was ri ght o n hi s rear fender. For th e rest 0 1'th e m ot o, T homson co ns ta n tly menaced Kal a s, but th e leader a lwa ys managed to just keep o u t o f reach, On lap th ree, T homson a lmost pull ed even with Kal a s, but Kal a s got o n th e gas to hold th e lead. On th e whi te n ag lap, it was Kal e s-T h o m son a ll th e wav , T he n , in th e back section jumps, T homson pa ssed Kal o s. Two turn s later, Kal os re-passed . T he n , just a few co rn ers away fro m the fin ish , both riders co ll ided a nd tangled theirb ikes. For the ne xt few fra nti c mome nts, it appea red th at th e mo to win, even th e cha mpionshi p. h in ged o n who cou ld ge t back u p first, re-sta rt h is bi ke, and cross th e fini sh line first. After finally getti ng th eir ma ch ines unpaned , Kalos hoppe d on hi s KX and wa s a ble to ge t a fir e li t. Thomson got o n hi s bike and kicked it over - on e, two , three tim es - before it buz zed back to lif e. Wi thin m icroseconds, T hom son was o n ly ya rds beh ind Kal a s; but ' it was too lat e - Kalas had wo n th e m ot a . Thomson took seco nd , however . and wah th e cha m p io ns h ip . T h ird -was Langford, . who wa s th ird overall behind Kalas. " I would 've lik e to ha ve won all three motosr" sa id a so ft-s p o ke n T hom son aft erwards. "TIle last moto we just passed eac h o ther. When we cras hed , our bik es justlocked together, a n d I had to get h is o ff me befo re I co u ld get going again ." 83cc Modified Expert Thomson topped th is class by eas il y winning h is quali fyin g rnotos, th en putting in a second pl ace rid e in . th e fin al run-off. The fin al was taken by De Vane (Ya m). a nd Thomson's second was good en ough for th e o vera ll win . De Vane's first, ' with a sixth in h i's qualifier, gave h im seco nd o vera ll; Kal a s finished sevent h in the run-off for third ove ra ll. . 83cc Stock Expert T homson cl eaned house in hi s qualifying m ot os with ano ther set o f wins, th en rode o n for seco nd in th e run-o ff to cl i nc h o ve ra ll h on ors. Yamaha-mounted Mik e Pascarell a wo n the fin al ; co u p led with second in h is qualifi ers. hi s first gave him seco nd overa ll. T hi rd in class wen t 10 De Vane. 105cc De Vane did claim top hon ors in th e !OScc class. with a 1-4 rid e o ver R ick Simmet (Han) . Brown got th e h ol eshot in th e first moto on hi s ult ra-trick, car bo n fib er component eq ui p pe d Honda CR80R, with De Vane, Kyle Lewis (Han ) and Thomso n in tow. Within a few laps, th e agressive Florida-based Yamaha rider sa iled by Bro wn to tak e a n uncontest ed lead to th e finish. Brown ca me in for seco nd , an d Lew is wa s third. Brown wa s leading th e seco nd mota agai n , with T ho mso n, De Vane. Kalas and Si m me r beh ind him. A few laps lat er , Brown bailed, send in g him 10 th e back o f th e pack, g ivin g th e lead to Kal a s. Kal a s mo tored o n 10 cla im th e checkered fl a g . with S im mer seco nd a nd Th omson third . De Vane pl a ced fourth , a nd w ith hi s fir st moto first , he gal th e overa ll. Si m me r was second for th e d a y; foll ow ed by Thomson. • Results PEE WEE STK: 1. Jimmy Gr iego (Yaml ; 2. Jeff Willoh (Yam); 3 . Gregory laraligui (Yam). PEE WEE MOD: 1. Jose Ponce (Yam): 2 . Jimmy Griego (Yam); 3. Jeff W iUoh (Yam). JR evcSTK 6-8 : 1. Shawn Morgan (Kaw) ; 2. 8rad Schultz (Kaw); 3 . David Ochoa (Kaw). JR CYC STK 9 -11 : 1. Ezra Lusk (Kaw ); 2. Sean Thornton (Kaw); 3 . Brock Bullard (Kaw) . JR CYC MOD 6 -8 : 1. Shawn Morgan (Kawl; 2 . Tyler King (Kawl; 3 . Jose Ponce (Kaw). JR evc MOD 9 -11 : 1. Sean Thornton (Kaw); 2. Ryan Huffma n (Kaw); 3 . M ichael Walling (Kaw). 83 STK 9 ·1 1; 1. J immy Bulton (Han); 2 . 8utch Smith (Sur) ; 3. Ronn ie Densford (Kaw l. 83 STK NOV 12+; 1. David Griego (Han ); 2. Mark Easl ev (Hon); 3 . Erich Broe sel (Kaw). 83 STK INT 12+: 1. Br ent Wh ite (Kaw) ; 2. Damon Bradshaw (Yam); 3 . Rich ard Saxton (Kaw) . 83 MOD EX 12+: 1. Lowell Thomson (Kaw) ; 2 . Vince De Vane (Yam); 3. Shaun Kalas (Hbn ). 83 MOD 9 -11 : 1. J immy Button (Han ); 2 . 8u tch Sm ith (Suz); 3 . Ronnie Densford (Kaw). 83 MOO NOV 12+: 1. Chr is Pocino(Kaw); 2. Kevin Martin (Kaw); 3. Lance Taylor (Han) . 83 MOD INT 12 +: 1. Damon 8radshaw (Yam); 2. Buddy Atunel (Sur); 3 . Robert Flores (Kaw) . 83 STK EX 12 +; 1. Lowell Thomson (Kaw) ; 2 . Mike Pascarella (yam); 3. Vince De Vane (Yam) . 105 12 +: 1. Vince De Vane (Yam ); 2. Rick Simmet (Hon); 3 . Lowell Thomson (Kaw). 125 STK NOV ; 1. David 8ress (Kaw); 2. Chris Ward (Kaw) ; 3 . Todd Sweaney (SUl). 125 STK INT : i . M ike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 2. Larry Ward (Kaw) ; 3 . Sean Blanchard (Kaw). 125 STK PRO: 1. Eddie Hicks(Yam); 2 . 8i11y Frank (Kaw) ; 3 . Willie Su rralt (Honl. 125 MOD NOV : 1. John Clark (Suz); 2 . David 8ress (Kaw) ; 3. Chr is Ward (Kaw). 125 MOD INT: 1. Kirk Thomas (Kaw) ; 2. Frankie Brundage (Kaw) ; 3. Larry Ward (Kaw) . 126 MOD PRO: 1. Ronnie Tichenor (Kaw) ; 2. Wil lie Surratt (Hon) ; 3. Bade r Manneh (Kaw). 250 STK NOV : t , Jim Ryder (Han) ; 2. Br ian Sweaney (SUl); 3 . Aaron Ginn (Hon) . 250 STK INT : . Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw) ; 2 . Jeff Mabery (Kaw); 3. Frankie Brundage (Kaw) . 250 STK PRO: 1. Willie ,Surratt (Hon) ; 2. Ronnie Tichenor (Kaw); 3 . Billy Frank (Kaw). 250 MOD NOV : 1. Andy M ichner (Yam); 2. J im Ryder (Hon) ; 3. John Lunis (Hon) . 250 MOD INT: 1. Frankie Brundage (Kaw): 2. Jeff Mabery (Kaw); 3 . J im Perry (Kaw). 250 MOD PRO: 1. Ronnie Tichenor (Kaw); 2 . Tyson Vohland (Kaw); 3. 8ryan 8runer (Kawl. RACE OF CHAMPIONS: t , Lowell Thomson (Kaw) ; Shaun Kalas (Kaw); 3. Jason Langford (Kaw ).

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