Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wiseco tOO-Miler Hare Scrambles Series: Round 2 Lojak cools Fireball 100 By Larry Bell TARENTUM . PA . AP R. 21 Ed Lojak, riding an Autolite Spark Plug/Bel-Ray/Hi:Pointi Smith Goggles/Rocky Cycle/ Metzeler-supported H usqvarna 250 won th e Fireball 100 for the fifth co n secu tive time ov er Stan Lojak, . al so on a Husky. The approximatel y IO-mile long course was punctuated by near vertical climbs and descents, narrow rock trai ls which bord ered cliffs a nd tightly sp aced passages between trees. Complicating the day's race was ex tre me heat for this time of year. N ea r record-setting temperatures approach i ng gO-d egr e e s we r e recorded . Stan Lojak pull ed th e holeshot a nd led th e first wav e from th e open field start to th e forest a nd demanding trails and mountains of Pennsylvania; th e rest of th e classes were sent a t minute interva ls. Ed Lojak was right behi nd Stan co mi ng o u t of th e fores t an d both made th e dra g ra ce across th e o pe n fiel d to th e barr els. Ed mad e it th rough o ne secon d befor e Sta n a nd was gone. For the rema inder o f th e race Ed was not cha lle nged. Samm y Bosn ic, on a Husky 250 a nd winn er of th e o pe ni ng ro u n d. foll ow ed Stan th rough th e barrels by a sca nt n in e seco nds. J im Maltba, riding a KTM 350. wa s secon ds behind Bosnic. . Barry J effri es. o n a Dirty H arry's/ H i-P aint-sp onsored KTM 350 was runnin g hard behind Maltba an d Bosnic. Jeffri es got by both of them near the middle of th e race. The h eat and torrid pa ce set by t h e front-runn in g Loja ks was beginning to take its to ll. a nd Bosnic was on e of th e lead ers affected . Wh ile a ll this wa s going o n. Ed Loja k was leading th e field a nd co n tinuall y tr yin g to beat hi s previous lap time. The o n ly p ro blem he had was wh en he fell co mi ng into hi s pit. H e took th e win by nea rl y eigh t minutes. Aft er th e race. Ed said. " I seldo m ride the trai l aro und here. My next race is Loretta Lynn 's. Rea ll y. though. I' d ra th er rid e th e Blackwat er 100. " Th e winn er of th e XT 175 Yamaha do na ted by Loj ak' s Cycl« was Elm er H urst J roo of New ma ns tow n . Pennsylnn ia . • Resul ts OVERALL: Ed Lojak (Hu sl . SR B: 1. Joseph Hu ll (KTMI; 2 . Don Adams (Yam); 3. John Kub IlIKTMl: 4 . James Seib ert (Yam) ; 5 . Joe Cycle News Calendar> Where. Why. When & How to get there. Stagnato. 250cc A: 1. Ed Loja k IHus); 2. Stan Lojak (Hus); 3 . Sam Bosnic (Hus); 4 . Allan Mark (Yam); 5. J ames Gunselman (Hu s), OPEN A: t . Barry Jeffri es (KTM); 2 . Tom Harris IHus); 3 . James Maltba (KTM ); 4 . Jeff Bonasera (Yam); 5 . Todd Poirot (Hu s). 200cc B; 1. Paul Suppa (KTMI; 2 . Dave Stuebgen (Suzl; 3 . Robe n Janesk i (Yam l; 4 , Ed Thompson lYam); 5. Be n Ham rick (Yam). OPEN B: 1. Jeff Fisher (Hon) ; 2 . Denn is Cheran (Yam); 3. John Rutherford (Hon) ; 4, Marty St rouse ; 5. l ee La ve ly (Hus). 4· ST ROKE : I . Fra nk Gallo (Husl; 2. Robert Ruby (Honl; 3. M art v Da ubert (Han ); 4 . Ray Huth (Han) ; 5. James Mill er (Ha n). 200cc A: 1. Scott l est er lHon); 2. Pau l lemon (Kaw); 3 . Unknown; 4 . Jeff Calli han (Yam ); 5. Frank Janocha (Kaw). 250cc B: 1. Amos Bennett (Yam); 2 . Dav id Sant i (Yam); 3 . Dan Sag ath (Hus); 4 . J oe Geit h er (Yam ); 5 . Eric Kleven (Han). SR A : 1. Ron Bo hn (Yam); 2. Scott Wolfer sberger (KTM ): 3 . M er le Stan k ien icz (Hus ). SUPER SR: t , J ohnny Lee IKTM); 2 . Charles Hyde (Hus); 3 . Herb leppe lme ir (KTM ); 3. Bill Hartsell (Vam); 5. R.Predmore ISUl). MONEY - SAVE BIG MONEY! .• A ll ' 8 4's must go • Choose from one of the largest selections around • We won't be undersold • We are one of the oldest and most dependable dea lers around ~ I 6525 SANTA MONICA BLVD. I PHO NE (213) 466-7191 I

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