Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~O~Elf JO~ UM£~'r ..... Two '80 XR750 National #37 2-'84 Honda CR250's Ready for '85 season . Too muc h to list . mu st selll Also Honda 600 engine built by Eng ine Dynamics. One w ith Ohlins. Race -Tech forks and standard bore. One stock. Both very good condition, $1450 Call J eff evenings and weekends at 1714) 875 · 3519 or (714) 877 ·5118. days (714 ) 822 ·8737. (116 / 119NWX ) and 51200. (818) 782·2407. Parting outtotaled '84 Yamaha European Cycle Specialties 1984 1200cc Venture. Cases and crank destroyed, most other parts OK, heads. cares. trans, complete rearene. unharmed swingarm, mcnosncck. wheel. t i r e . cal ipers. rotor . etc. (619) 753 ·4166 . The name. says it all . Specializing in European moto rcycles , sal es. service. parts and accessories. Laverda . Ducen , Morini , Benelli. BMW. NonDn. and Tr iumph. 10301 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove. CA 92643. (714) 530 ·2712. (318 /19) (118) (216123) ** $249 U.S. ** '84 Suzuki RM250 6S750S Katana lower fairings available through Excellent condition. new top end, tires, sprockets, ch ai n. plastic and shock. Very fast. Need money for tax es. no reasonable offer refused.·$125010BO. VANCOUVER SUZUKI (604 1734 -4 762. (218NWX) *** KTM Parts *** Huge select ion of pa rt s in stock at Performance (7 14) 830 ·3060 days. (714) 770-6091 evenings . (31B1211 Cyc le Works. Sh ipp ed UPS da ily. Call (213 ) B61·9957. (212TFN/ NWX) '83 Suzuki PE175 ** Power Wrthout Noise ** A llspeeds offer RZ's and RO's more torque AND higher rev range. bu t with low no ise levels . Superior cone con st ruction t hroughout. durability pl us t Race Replicas (shown) $209.95 . ceramic black. S189.95 . RSC PERFORMANCE WEST. P.O. Box 4302. 58n ta Rosa. CA 95402. Call (7071575· B31 2. Western dealer i nq ui ri es i nvi ted . (217/18) 1984 KTM 495MXC Like brand new, on ly 2900 miles. $4000. Will consider tr ade fo r good 'h m i le ra ce bike. (9 13) 266- 3667. (3 1B/ 19NWX) Just r ight for your tool box . Truck. Van. Tra i le r. icebo x, girlfriend. or bo yfr iend; or maybe it's yo ur wife. h usband, or kid that needs a CYCLE N EW S STICKIEI A ll you h ave to do is se nd a S.A.S.E. to CVCLENEWS W EST. P.O. Box 49B. Long Beach. CA 90801. ATTN: FREESTICKlE OFFER. (509ITFN) 1983 Honda XR350 Super clean. hardly ridden, mu st sell . 61(X)() fi rm . (213 ) 861 ·9957. (2 17TFNI (318/19) '83 550 Jet Ski Stock 550 with extra Kerker pipe. good condition. (11B/191 '83 Kawasaki KDX200 . (3 17 / 20) Exc ellent condition. rebu ilt shock. h eavy duty fork spr ings. a -r ing cha in , ch rome moly bars. S695. (8 1B) 366 ·5657. . Freddie Spencer Rothmans replica . 50 m iles. NCM.' /317 /18) RZV500R,GSX750R,NS400R RG400. New In crates, most models available nowl! Limited supplyl! (415) 853 ·B553. (117 /18) Wtd. CB11 OOF83 blown motor Sell me your bike . Must be uncrashed and i n fine shape . No road rash . M ileages no matter. Hello Cypres5,let'5talk real prices . Days (619) 744-2324. (117 /18) (6 19) 379 ·3444 weekdays 7·3 :30 p.m. '84 FJ11 00/'82750 Shadow (118/191 Both five K miles. Excellent condition. 82 /83 CR2SO new and used pans. (7141841 ·4066. (3171281 Call (2091524·1493 or /209) 578 ·1187 after 5 p.m. (115 /18) ~ Simons Forks UDX Honda '8 1, '85, All tools. manual extra. Seals, pans. $500/0BO. (213) 567·7736. (117 /18) RSC West and Johnson Ent. ,~\ . Now offering street and race engine building. chas sis modifications. and complete bike preparation in Northern California. In -house machining and custom parts fabrication, qualityguaranteedl Call (707) Fjj 545 · 1306. or (707) 575 ·8312. $$$ The Best Get Richerll $$$ (118 / ,191 New Ninja 900 Announcing ou r AFM Contingency Program for RZ350 racers . $50 cash for 1st place in the RZ350 Yam ah a Cup Race , $25 for 2nd place. Racers must use our pipes. air cleaner , ba ttery box . and jetting kit complete. If you don't have it now. order today! $399 complete I We pa y freight I Use M /C . Visa . Amer Ex. or COO. Call Todayl 1 13) 639 ·6542. 2 (213) 539-4324. Or wr ite : TOOMEV RACING USA. 25901 Bellepone Ave.. Harbor City. CA 90710· 3394. (2 14NWXITFN) (117/181 '79 XRSOO f ram e or rolling chassis. Call John at "" ".!!!"" ~ '85 MS400R 54 District 37 club formi n g. Racers Under The Son. (7 141540-4286.(619) 348 ·1476. Short track and TT set up , National Qualifier, the best of everyth ing, $5500. Also 560 motor, $2500. All brand new shape with Krauser bags. Ask for AI • TAFSSON. P.O. Box 356 7. St. Augustine. FL320B5 · 3567. (904); 824 ·21 19. (2 13ITFNNE) Christian Desert Racers Knight-Lillie-Rotax '72 BMW R75/5 $4500.(415)492·1158. ES11SOESE Vamaha's FJl l00 and Venture. Also. Hon da 's NS250 , Kawasaki' s ent ire GPz se ries . and th e 900 Nin ja. Tr y our FJ 1100 w it h spo ile r or th e Nin ja in smo ke or colo r-mat ch red . Looki ng forward to hearing fr om you soon l FAI RING SCREEN GUS - 1982 Yamaha XV750 Virago and 19B2 Vamaha XT550. Call80ULOER VAMAHA·BMW. (3031447· 9559. (1· 18 / 19NEX) Wantedll! Excellent condition. very clean, stock bore. fresh Callafter 6 p.m. to (714) 831 ·2536. Loo king for repl acemen t or custom windscr een s? W e make over 360 modelsl Most are ava ilable in cl ear. light blu e, or sm oke. Specia l cu stom colors ar e available. tool Tour ing, sport. or ra c ing, we have you cover ed . Ou r n ewe st m od els fi t S uzuki 's Parting Out Free Cycle News Stickie • (1 18NWXI Fairing Screen Gustafsson senior rider. $950/0BO. (714) 830-3060 days. (7 14) 77 0· 609 1 evenings. (318 /21 1 ring s. Must sell . $1600/0BO . (2 13) 861·9957. (2 17TFNI at (714) 637-4240. or.(714) 653 ·8521. (714) B28 ·9589. Showroom condition. low miles. t rail r idden only by Do You Have Room For A '77 Harley-Davidson CR 10007 ~ Complete Your MV Collection? 1968 M .V. Augusta 600 /4 : EJl;cellent running con dition, serious inquiries only. Call Rich evenings at N ~w '8 4 Ninja 900. Jeff Ward contract giveaway product. Never ridden, $3600. Contact Roy at (714) 540·1600 ext. 545 , or (714) 637 ·6960 aftar 6 p.m . (41BI ** $599 U.S. ** Honda VF760 full fairings ava ilable through VAN- COUVER SUZUKI (604) 734-4762. (21 BNWX) California City GP July 6·7 Dance Saturday Night July 6 Information - (818) 362·B607. (318 /191

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