Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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18' Smuggler 1982 Honda CB900F '73 fully se lf-contai ne d. sleeps 6 . seats 9 . car ries 2 Spa n control kit, Kerker, 3500 miles. good condi· bikes. Excell ent condition. 63000/0BO . (8 18) 285 5220. (317 1201 ti on, 82000. (818) 574-181 1. New ' 8 2 RM125 $999 Shipped ANYWHERE UPS. 24 hour onsworing machine.We 'lI call backl PHILIPPESERVICES (714) 843 -8340. (234/NW/TFN ) 1984RMI 250emo·s 6899.1 983RMI25 Demo's 6699 . 1984 RM250 Oemo's 6999. 1983 RM250 Oemo's 6899. 1982 RM46 5 new 61199.1983 RM500 new 61599. 198 2 OR250 new 61099. 1983 RM500 Demo 6999. Verv li mited suppl y. Call nowl SUZUKI OFVAN NUYS, 1614 1 Sherma n Way, (2 17TFNI (8 181994·2 800, (8 18)994-2 882. Fuel Fender '85 Husky in Stock 250/500XC For Honda CR's 1984·8 5 models 1251250 / 500 . Replaces the rear fender. Uses stock mo unts and cap , Petcock and all hardware included . 1,2 gallon, $49.95 p lus post age. RM and KX m odels about 30 days. (503) 829·21 56. Ontario Mota Tech CB900F 1985 SOO XC and 25 0X C i n stock for i mm ed iat e '84 Yamaha TT600 Oyna- 3. Koni, M ikuni smoot hbores. Lockha rt , Eli tes. delivery. 1984 250CR's 61799 . 1984 500cR 62195 . 1984 400WR 62699. All bikes are new. SUZUKI OF VAN NUYS, 161 41 Sher man W av,( 8 18) 994·2 882, (81 8) 994 -2800 , (818) 988 -406 8. (2 17TFNI (115 /1 8NWXI 970ce. 10 .5 pistons. cams. pan ed. rodsworked, For Rent or For Sale 600 miles . has brake light. m ainten an ce manua l. On e bed roo m mo bi le home. S' x 4 0 ', ad ult park. s e rvice manu a l. tool kit. $16 00. (8 0 5) 397 -3863 Bakersf ield, CA. (31 7/ 181 Long Beach area. (619 ) 323-0193, (6 191346 -8996. (31 7/ 191 ' 79 YAMAHA XSl l 00 SF: Fair ing. bogs, box. $2000/ 0 80 . '68 Triumph Bonnevill e. 5600 or iginal miles, $2000/080. '73 Triumph Hurrican e. 62000/0BO. (2091583 -0538. (117 /20) VF1 OOOR fast Australian model 2000 miles. legolly registered. 65900. (7071 579 9253. (115 / 181 '83 Yamaha IT250K $999 Lou 's Leathers Exce llen t condit ion . fr esh piston. M eu el er . Answer A ll types of competition & st reet leathers. New l Ready m ade RR leather s. Cata log avai lable . Lou 's pipe. (7 141593- 3247. Leathers, Rt. I , 80x 176A, Elkhorn , KY 4 273 3. ) 60 6) 787.50 29. (115/TFN/ NEXI (117 / 18) * * * * Hodaka Parts **** (318/191 SUPERBIK E SUZUKI GS7 50ESD : And r ew s, M ikuni. W iseco . Fox Sh ox, EPM . Spondon. Ferodo. crank bala nce d. plus m or e. M an y frame and en gi ne spares. never raced or crashed. 8000 miles. W ill sacrifice. (8 18) 357·4045. (318 /19) BMW K100RS For Sale M an y extras. l ike new, 2000 mi les. be st offer . (7 14 ) 756 ·8739. (117 / 18) Triumph 750 Dirttracker New mo tor . Mikun j's. Car r illo rods. new pain t . eMS fr am e. mony ext ras. 61800. (408) 683-2582. (117 / 18) Kawasaki Triple Crankshafts H2 's rebu ilt . 8 17 5 exch ange; Hl 's and all others. 6150 exchonge. Coli (205) 677 -7141 afte r 4 p.m. CST or write: Damon Kirkland. Rt. 3 Box 224-A . Dothon, AL 36301 . (3·16 /EOI/NE/22) NEW FORK SAVER. STOP FORK SPRING SAG: FULLYADJUSTA8LE, 619 .95 AT YOUR DEALERor direct . ATLAS RACING PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 828 , Lake Els inore, CA 92330. (7 14 ) 674 -4335 . (219 /TFN /NW) '83 Tri-Hawk - Serial #10 A s featured in CYCLE NEWS. Silver color. or iginal t hroughou t, very clean, well ma intained. $9500. (7 14) 493· 1384 . (117 / 181 Also . Suzuki GS1000 Yosh imu ra engine. lockhe ed brak es. EPM w h eels. Both bi kes ready to ra ce. Mu st sell, ne ed cos h. Coli Oon , (9 14 ) 359-5862. (1-17 / 20NE) '83 Honda CR250 $800 Excell ent condition, never raced. No offers. Tom ot (805 ) 486 -8787 evenings , More Grunt For The RZ From RSC! Best Cover Under The Rain Blac k, waterp roo f , nylon taffeta m at eria l. Very com pa ct, on ly we igh s on e pou nd . Elastic bottom , m et al grommets and travelba g is i ncl ud ed for Team USA Helmets $49.95 629 .95 . Coli wi th size of motorcycle. (20 1) 941 8606, (118 1201 lncludes goggl es/ visor . Brand new SuperMoto (left) 1983 Honda CR480R rac ing. Ch ild / adult sizes . Stat e color. Vis a/ M as - 659.95 or two for 6119 .90. Stonda rd Mota (right ) 649 .95 or 2 fo r 691.90. DOT a pproved Legal for ter Card. TEAM USA, 737·A Third Ave.. Chula Vista, CA 920 10 . (6 19) 691 -8 600. 100% g·uara n tee. (2 121 25 / NWX/ ALT) 300 mil es. i m maculat e, many ext ras, $1350. (4 15 ) 726-27 13. call (116 ·18) (316/1 8) Our six petal ree d cage has 33% mo re flow are a and is LEGAL FOR THE RZ SERIES. It's 0 simple bolt in job and onl y 699 .95 per set. RSC, PO Box 14644, At lanta , GA 30324. (404) 98 2-o138.(ZI5NE/ TFN) ' 8 4 YZ250 $11 95 '81 RM465 Super Clean $695 (8 181360- 9773. (217 /18) I Ride a Genuine Rice Burner " Japan ese Bikers" Here's your a nswer to all those Harl ey T-Sh irts . Hanes Beefy -Ts, adu lt size S,M .L.XL. Colo rs -black, navy, blue. burgandy, red. 69.9 5 plus 61.00 hondling . SHY·ANN ENTER· PRISES, 80x 10426, Cheyenno , WV 82003. (303) 635-5255. (118NWX) '83 Husky 250CR Two tanks, tw o pipes, excellent condit ion , $850 or tr ode. (7141987-0500. Cycle News P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 213/427-7433 WEEKLY RATES (Multiply by number of weeks ordered) REGIONAL RATES NATIONAL RATES (Cycle News/West only) PRIVATE PARTY (Cycle News/West and Cycle News/East) PRIVATE PARTY Per w ord • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 25C Headl in e in bol d type •• •• • •• '• • • • *3 . xtr. Ph oto • • •• • , •• _ • • • • • • • • • • • • .4 e xtra l One photo per ad 1 h ig h . 2 " " w id e.) COMMERCIAL AND HELP WANTED lOne photo per ad high. 2 14 w id e.) Pr inl ed im age si ze limited t o 1 112" Prmted Image size limited t o 1 Y,r" lOne photo per ad 1 high. 2 " " w ide .) Bli nd Box Serv ice Char ge • • •• • •• •• $5 .00 Signalure _ Card Exp i res British Bikes & Tons of Parts 1965 Triumph 500cc noosc, high pipe model, st ock. or iginal. excellent, $750. 1969 BSA 441 Vic · tor Spec ia l, class ic t h umper, excellen t . $7 50 . 1971 8SA 850T 500cc .ingle, on/off reed, only 4700 mil es. superb ! $850. BSA, Tr iumph. Norton eng ine parts, sh eet metal . wheels. su spension, etc . M ust be 2 to ns of 'eml $ 1500 aUI Whatta barga in ! Serious inquiri es onlV. (818 ) 342-8637, (118 /19) 1984% Husky 400WR Ultima te woods bike , new DID a ·ring ch ain an d brake s, Me tzeler front, very fast, onlv 1 100 miles. 61850. Kon at (713)876-9600, or (7131440-1 002. (118 /19NWX) Very good condition, bought in '8 1, Works Perfor- monce shocks, '500.(213) 841 -57 51. Per word • • ••• •• •• •• • • • • • • •• •• • 95C Headline i n bold type • • • • • • • • • • • * 8 . xtr. Photo (No larger than 5 x7 ) • ••• •• •• • • _ .12 M IZ5S5I Is:&ZJ (118/ 191 1980 Suzuki DR400T COMMERCIAL AND HELP WANTED Per w ord •• •• •• •• • ••• • •• • • •• •• • 50C Headl in e i n bold type • •• •• • • • • •• $5 extr. Ph oto ••••• ••••• •• •• •• • • • • ••8 extr. L~ CREDIT CARO LIM IT MINIMUM 85 .00 PLUS ,60 POSTAGE ond HANDLING Per word : ••••••••• •• • • • • •• •• •• 45C Headl ine in bold type • • • • • • • •. • • $5 ex tr. Photo s (No larg er tha n 5 x7 ) • • •• • •• • • •• $7 l O ne photo' per- ad -.; Prin t e d i ma ge s ize li mrt ed t o 1 V2" hIgh. 2W' wide.) WANT AD DEADLINE A ds a re accepte d o n a fi rs t come hrst served b aSIS . Cyc le 0 News reserves the t igh t 1 edi t copy. Any dlscrepe nc le s M UST BE REPORTED WIT HIN ONE WEEK OF PU BLIC A · TIO N to receive a ny adj us t me nt . No cancella tio ns IIher 5 • p.m . Th ursday Friday noon for th e follOWin g Wed nesd ay 's issue. Fil l In the Visa / Master Cha rge blank o r send check or _ mo n ey order to : Above Address . Printed i m ag e siz e limited t o 1 'h " Please fill in your complete eccount (118) 1984 HONDA CR250 : New tires. Bovesen reeds, number and expiration date The Issuer of Ih e card IdentifIed on th' $ ti e"; IS authotl l ed to pay I he amo unt show n as TOTA L upon proper pre senlatlon I promise 10pay such 10lal together With any othe r charges due thereon lubl8C! to and In accordance WIth the egree menl govermng th e use 01such card cha in , spr ocket s, piston and rings. Bored once, tr icked shock, 61350/0BO. 1983 Honda XR350, looks ond r uns w ell , 6900 / 0 BO. (7 14) 835-6834. • (1181 ***'84 Suzuki RM 125 $799*** Excellent ccndition, must sell fost. Coli (213) 489· 8731, or (2 131484 -7 137 for infor moti on. (118) Name Address PRINT BOLD HEADLINES HERE a.", HeNIIrM• • IHtt COII.t to ..."" . . .t .~ State City EXTRA (Ieava spaces) tin"" eou.t Zip Want Ad minimum •.. $2' 50 . 3 8 I. 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 2' 22 23 24 25 2. 27 28 29 30 31 32 _ 33 34 35 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 37 38 39 40 43 44 45 4. 47 . 42 15 KTM of San Jose ATK Can-Am North ern cal ifo rn ia's number 1 KTM deal er. 500 GSs in stock, Also foct ory demo 504s, 6189 5 OTD. M oil order part s doily. (408 )258-0750. (217TFNI ' 8 3 Maico Sandspider 490 4' 49 5-spe ed. tr ick sus pen sio n, dia led , Hi-Fl ite seat, f ly - w heel. low hours. $1395 / 0 8 0 . (4 15) 228 -8307, (117/1 8) GPz Owners-Seeking Revenge Convert your GPz i nto a Turbo or Nin ja look alike fo r a fraction of t he cost . Call or write for Cl P's Sport Fair ing catalog . CYCLELINE PRODUCTS, 27 Warre n St., Hackensack. NJ 07601 . (20 11487- 5577. (21 8/2ZNEX)

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