Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SMJ( CAUfOIllllIA MOTOCROSS 0...... C ycle P .... Sunnym, d. " CA. 10 mil. s .Ut of Riversideon Hwy. 60 to Th,odorl Ixit. AUdISHS. 33% trop/I. to Sptsmn, cull •• Pro•. 3D minute motol. G IS open 7 am.prat It 9. M.mb. rtqd . Info 8. fir'll 714/831 ·3482 or 643·1722. f'C' OKlAHOMA TUlSA MJ( Tuili. OK. S.UIll of TulsaInleml ' ti. nll Rl ceWlYoH Hwy 169 N& Nonll 36'" St An elllll' 33%" opll. 150% Ex pb. Gill 8 .... prl' 9:30. riel 11. &my Sptsmn, 112 Ex. 14 gol• . sa lu lu Ar.. Motosports. Inc mfo . 918/ 266·6136. ·TEXAS MOSIER MJ( M....r Vlley MJ( Pl ft. from ~30 ... 157 ...rtII to Moiur V III.y Rd . _ to Jimision Uno. M-, between DIIII. 1fldFt WortII. IX. An e11111. in morning. tnt and Up . in afmnoon . Split _ . Tro¢lstllru6. beginners tIIru 8"'. 1400 bet....n 10 rid. ... 1500 15 riders. Pr-.c:tic. deily 9 am. G.II opens 7 em prac 8. ri C, 9. Int Ifld Exp . prot 1 pm. rice 1:30. Ent y l 115. 15 gole. Inl. 8171540·3813 IBin lMvl· TEXAS CONROE MX Conroe MX Part. Conroe. TX. J mi. southof townto SanJacimoA . All iver daUlS. Troph. or gih ten . to 8th in No". d Ulls. Concessions. showers & bethrooms. Split schedule. Prat. 8 am. . 10. InIlEx. ri ce 1 pm. Entry 18, 115 Ex. Gill 14. Inl. 712/ 756-4114 or 273·2336. rIC. CIIC CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Sunris V e alley Cycle Park. Ad , tlnto. CA. 2 mi. north oftown on Hwy 395. All d ill" . 3lJ'11, ""pb• •• I II d ...... Clsll pb to Pros.noco,ll pb to V ts. Gill ' op.n 7 lot prot 8:30. . rIl:I 9:30. 1n1. 619/ 245·7339. CMMC CAUfORNIA MINI MX Biron O . aks Race_y. Ramona. CA. H 67 to Lakeside. ,ast on wy Mapll "ew. north Oft Ashwood. up Wddcll Clnytlfl Rd II mil... 8e ~ _ d lSl DIN camping 6 CClaWonS. Sillnup ,loll' 7:30 sllorp. EntJy110. YOlrly momb 120. Inf. 619/565 · . 2406. CMC tAUfORNIA MJ( ClrlslllCl IIocewey. Clrtsllid. CA. l-5 to PMomirAirport Rd. east 3 mi. to lICIWIy. ADellllll_30% tropII. Gill 8·9. 7 .... Jign.." 7:30·8:30. _ rIl:I 9. &my 110 Sptsalo. 115 Pro. Inf 7141261-6116. o CMC CAUfORNIA MOTOCROSS Qulil CInyon. CA. 1 to HUIlfl -5 VIII.y Rd. turn-off. AD e11111•. Gllel op.n 7 l ot pro' 8. rl CI 9:30. CMC 1 il:.nlllOqd. &my 112 Splsmn. 115 Pro. Inf 7141261-6116. o NO RACI THIS DATE CMC CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Ktrn Co unty Race . 35 minull$ way h.m 81k1rsli.ld. CA. Hwy 58 to Bu.· tonw'lIow, follow signs for 5 miles to ttack. 3Dt1 mph s. CMC hcensl reqd. ates May bl p'urchasld al Irad. G open 7:30 am. prac 8. racing 9:30. En.1y 113 Spllmn. 115 Pro. Gale III 15. Inf. 805/325 ·5531. SOUTH DAKOTA SHORT TRACK S'urgi••SO. AMA Pro Am 250·500 Sptsmnd anlS. Minis and ATV. 1500 Pro Am purSl , cash in odler classes. Gatel open 12 noon. prac· l :30 pm . rICI 2. Entry115 Pro Am. 110 St>lImn, Jllipine G ypJi.. M/C.lnl. 605/341 · 4243. WASHING TON MOTOCIIOSS V akima County DRY Park. Yakima. ·up WA. AU clasHs. Sign 8 am. prac 9·10. ..cing sun. 10:30. Ently 420 Pr 112 Sp.smn.lnl. 5091248·1573. o. CAUfORNIA MOTOCROSS Sind Hill Ronch. Br.ntwood. CA. fr.m Hwy 580 take Vasco Rd. nortll 17 miles 10 awner of Camino Diablo and Vasco Rd tum right. All classes. s. 30%" .phs, 100% Pr. pb. Entry 115. 120 Pro. Inl. 415/634 ·3328 . r 634-6596. ID AHO HARE SCRAMBl£S Smetterville. to. Eixl48 on thl air·90. port sidl oft 1 Alldasses . Sign-up 9 lot rlci~ IIIltS IUntry 115. 110 for trail riders I nd beginntrs. Mooo· lein••" M/C. Inl. 208/682-4386 or 556-6515. • CAUfOllllllA MOTOCROSS Lad Cycl. 1Iowl. lJJdi. CA. A i ll 19tII I nntIIl Archi. CII.. . m.monll. Sign·up I 0·11 lot prlC10. rICO noon. Entry 110 Sptsmn 113 . Slmi·Pr•• 12 pit paIL 14ip not IOqd. Porod illp 8 ... Emly 120 Pr. ... Sptmsn moil 125 Pro I ndSt>.... poIl lnf.213/83O·7519. NEVADA MOTOCROSS FemI; y Sp• .-y pi....- F.miii - - NV. lnl. 102/912 ·8816 or 575-6034. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Waco MO locross Ttlck.Waco. lX. R . "130 7. Stal1 9:30 am. Info IC l 8171265·9596. MRA COlORADO ROAD RACE Second Creek Riceway, D enver. CO . Prod. Superbika. Formula dasses . l11 oopurs.l ..·3nI 7 ellss... Gill fie $5. G~IIS 0pl n 8 am. sign·in "'rougll 11:15. rice 12:30 pm. Enlly 125 1st 110 lIell Idditi. ..I. Inl. 303/499-4434. CAUfORNIA IT Perris RICIWIY. Perris, CA. ~15 to Hwy 74. left I... 8 mil .. I. h ... EIti . , 51 right on Bu .. rton to h"acl 4·ttrobs onty. All claSSIS. Short tolnl for vi... 1.IgI. nd na bibs. So uvenir caps to aU I ntriIS. Gites optn 7 1m. ptiC 8. race 9. Entry S16. minimum 2 heats. Dinosa ur n . Dirt Diggl rs. Info 213/829-1138. CA. Just off Hwy 17 al Durham Rd . I xit. USI south Intrance. All classes. Gates opl n 5 pm. races 7. Info 415/6 51-2545. CAUfORNIA SPEEDWAY Inland Motorcycl. SplldWIy. 898 S. Arrowhead A San Be ve.• rnardino, CA. NatiOlllllbngeShow Fairgrounds. I GallSopen6:30 pm. first rl C 8. Programs $.50 each. Toets at the track s or Ticketmaster. Admi sion $6 adults. $2 child. Entry$7 rider. S7 mechanic. 1nf. 818/ 446-0969 0< 714/ 884-4092 IrlC' dl y onlyl. May~3 OREGON MOTOCROSS W.II Oohl P.... Ponll nd. OR. 0.110 PI " oH 1 All dllS... -5_ 3~ Irophs. 1OO~ Propb. G atl opens 4:30 pm prac 5:30. raee 7. Enlry $4 . glte. 15 Sp.smn. 110 Pro.•P.nland Inl. Roce WlY 1n1. 503/2 85·6635. . CAUFORNIA SWAP MEET Santa AnaHarleyDlYidsonMotors. 2131 E. Is. SI.. SIOlI Ani. CA. Ch ili Co O and Swap Me . 25 1 ok ff et. 0 sponsor a chili team. 1151011 0110 IWIp meel spaci . Ad missionis mi lo thl public. Vrndors andcGOb mlYHI up al 8 am. open10public 9 am. Cash prize for first in cook off. Info 114/835·914 1. CAUf ORNIA SPEEDWAY Ba ylands Raceway Park. Fremont CA. Just . 11 Hwy 17 II Ourtlam Rd. uit. 111 mill oval. Good food. tree parking, dosa seats. Gates open 6 pm, racing II 8. Entry $7 ridlrs. $7 mechanics. $6 spectalors. $3 7-12. Inf 415/ 651·2545. . CRC CAUfORNIA ENDURO Rid Min CA. All classas includ. , spl cial Beginner class and ATV. TIn. d.rfoot Enduro. 2 loops. 8 am slart. 20%trophsand finisher pins. CRe piS. Mlil .ntry 120. 123 poll . N.n CRC m,mb,,,"dd 15.1n1.714/ 689·6114 WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS Bellingham. WA. Hannegan Speed·5. way ent 255 off 1 one mile east ., turn left on Hannegan Rd. 114 mile. Sign·up 5 pm, race 6. Enlry $6 AmeriCanadian. MBMC. Info can, 2061734·9505. SOUTH OAK.OTA MOTOCROSS 811 Hill. SpeedWlY Ropid Ciry. ek . SO. Track on Hwy 44. 1 mile east of Hwy 79. All dlss" ind ud. ATV. 33 113 Sptsmn tropfts, 67% Pr. pb. % l 33% of pro ' Oly •• pts lund. 8RA pt. nwa rded to all classes. Gates open 9 lot proc 10. ri ce 11. Ently 110 Sptsmn. .1 5 Pro. non members add 13. BRA. Inf. 605/9 23·1040. ell Bring your Class 4 motorcycle driver 's license to the t icket w indow and receive $1 .00 o~ the regular -+-+-adm ission.pricel · . The swapmeet opens at 6 p.m. The regular motorcycle speedway racing program . gets underway at B p.m. I-hr+ Free Secured Motorcycle Parking courtesy of Kawasaki Sign a letter to sav~TV 's and get a free copy of Cycle News or ATV News mailed to your housel CALIFORNIA SPEEDWAY Asc SoUlll8lyS,"dium. 18240 ot'. S. Vermont Ave Gardena. CA. Gates ., first raea 8. Tidlts at irick. Aduk, 16. ellild 10· 14 13. under 9 Ire• . Inf. 213/ 538·0520. MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS !lIj1 Acre 1· 75 to Bi cll Run exit s, r and go last 6 mil s to track. Milrllllle ton. MI.AllMRA dassel. Galls 0pl n 8 .... _ 10. rlCI 11. Entry 15 Idmis.ion. 17 sign-up. 00llb pIS 1e rIC• . Inf. 5171871·3356. NEW MEXICO DESIORT RACI 35 mil.. nortII ...11 of Alb", . NM. GUIfiOl ed cosll purs. of 11000 lor e Upon•. Trophs lor flYl plIce. in III d asses. Riden mllting 8:30 am.race 9:30. Entry 130.1nf. 505/299·2227. CIIC CAUfORNIA MOTOCROSS Spillway Plrk.Santa M aria. CA. U S. 101 and north Broadway exit All dllllS. 30% ""ph s, 100% Pro pb. G 6 am. pnu: 8. rICa 9:30. E atl ntry 115 Sptsmn, 120 Pro. 15 goll 100. 12.50 und."... Iv• . CRCliCln, " reqd. In 805/9 25·0055 . f. AlASXA MOTOCROSS K incaid Part. Anchoragl. AK. End •1W. Dimond 81vd. •• J.dphur Rd. All cellSSISplus 3·wheelers. 33%nophs. 100% Pro pb. AMRA blnefit race. GatlS open 81m. sign-up 9, pile 10. roce 11:30. Enlly 13 gatl . 115 roc• . Al ska MOlorcycle Racing Assn. Info a 907/3 33-5033. COlORADO MOTOCROSS Trinidad. CO 1- 25 10exil 138. elS1 on . Hwy 350 two miles10 track. southside of road. AllclasHs except Min,Experts d or III 125, . SRAC/Cycle Ri . Mot.· anss Pl rl. lnf. 303/4 58·1352. OREGONMOTO CROSS Tab 1 1 soulhMedford. ORu il. ·5 0 Followsignsto Jacksonvilli. OR. Slar onhwy 238 and lum righl onlO Jackson Crook rd. (Next ,. Moly Ann Or.). Follow signs. All classes. Trophs. Approl. 100 mile course. Timber Mounlain One Day. POSI entrysign-up 6 am. last impotMd call 7. first rider • .. 8_&my . 18 pre. 125 post MIY8 dudlin• . Inl. 50317 73·3 134 . r n9-8082. CMC CAUfORNIA MOTOCROSS IlIYIrfnmt PIft. Marsyvin, . CA. Pork entrance on 1SI streit. between ·T· and T · dowmown M arysville. All d asili . PIIC 7:30 am. tl CI 9:30. . Paru in pits, flush toilltl. food Entry 110 3-wfl••1. 115 Sptsmn. 15 plus 415 to purse forPro. info OI. rtie S. l ••n 916/695·2727 0< Mil. Emily 695·2088 . May 21 CAUfORNIA SPEEDWAY _~. IIVentUflCounry flirground•. OH Hwy 101 II Solword Closs A Speedwly M.. ATV also, Sign-inltarts 5 pm. galt optan 8. proe6:15. riCO 6:30. Entry 115 per do,,_ Inl. 805/656·1122. May 22 sa • Free Cycle News or ATV News sent to your home ~ May 24 • Discount admission (/"'t/L-- CAUfORNIA SPEEDWAY llnInge Co unty Fa;rgrounds. south • nd of Newport (55) ftwr. Colli Mesa. CA. Gales open 6:30 pm. first rice 8. Inf. 714/ 492·9933. CMC/SHR NIGHT MOTOCROSS SI nd Hin Rand1. - . CA. from Hwy 580 lIki VISCO Rd . nortll 17 miles to corner of Camino Diablo and VISCOAds..tum riohL Andanes. JlJ'II,t opllJ. l DO% Propb. Gl leOP' ns r 6 pot prlC 7. rice 8. Entry sl5.1Z0 Pro. Admi, Jion s5 . 415/ 634·3328. ZAP/ CMC NIGHT MOTOCIIOSS Santa Call PAL Raeatrack. Hwy 237 and Greal American Parkway. Sontl Clm. CA. A ell ss... 30% ll tr.phs, 100% pb. Enlly 115. Sp. ClI · tors 13. G 5 pm. prac 6:30, race all 7:30. Inf. 41181224-4989. RIO BRAVO MOTOCROSS Rio Bravo M XPall Houston. TX. 5 miles east on E. Mount Houston Rd.• off Hwy 59 N. All dassls. TrophIhru 6111 t. SplSmn. 100% Ex pb. Enlly 18. Swimming. showers. gameroom. Info 713/458·0090. CMC CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Asco Rac t eway Gardena. CA. All . classes plus ATVs. 30% trophs, 13D'I Pro ph. Gates opt n 5 pm sign· . up closes 6:30. prac 6-7. first ract 7:30. Entry S12 linclud.. gill til l. admission $5.50 adults. $3.50 Jrs. (13·17L II children (9·12). 8 Ind underlre• ..~f. 7141261-6116. TEXAS MOTOCROSS fromDallas. TX take Hwy 114 past D ·FWAirpon to Hwy 26 Ind turn left 3 miles from Ft. Worth. Allclasses and ATVs. Trophs thru5th place. gift tenit · teales. $400 ex;Jert purSi. Two large grand stands. Supertrossstyle ttacl Gates open 5:30. prac 6:30. race 8 Admission $6 adults. s4 child. Entry $15 Nov Ind Inl ' 20 Exp. Into 8111481·2804_ TEXAS MOTOCROSS Moster V alleyMX Track. Euiess. lX . All claUlI . EXpeI1 purse per class guaranteed. Gatl opens 5:30 pm.pea c 1. rice 8:30. Entry 15 gl' e. 110 N., I nd Int 115 E"". 1n1.8171540·3813 TEXAS MOTOCROSS R." Down MX Tritt. Hwy 28. Col · 'I yvile. TX. From Dallas tab Hwy 114 pasl D·FWAirportto Hwy rn lett 4 miles. A Udasses includ. 3-whll l. Ttophs gUl tintetd five plaa:s. 1400 comb Exp . purse. ISOO if ten or more . antries.&pen purJIgunnlled. Ga S tl open 5:30 pm, I"IC 6:30. rice. 8. En 415 SptlOIn. 120 Ellp!. GIIe 16 tly IdullS. 14 6·12.1n1.8171481·2804. •MICHIGAN MOTOCIIOSS Milln Cycle Cily. Mill. MI. US23•• Elil 25. Plank ROid and go Easl 4 mile 10Itlck. All MRA d aISes. PTac s everyTuesday 3 pm-clart. $5. Admission $5. lign-up11. Gill Sopen 5 pm. I"OC 6:30. rIC 8. Inlo 313/ 595· . 8262 or 439·7735. CMC CAUfORNlA MOTOCROSS Asc. t . Port.. ~.. dl nl •• ~A. C~I . _ 714/261 ·6116 fo< info . • Speedway racing . • Swapmeet ....d / For more info contact International Speedway! (714) 492-9933 Discount good May 10th only! G~!:IHIHGJRUCTOR. 1~PJIE AN AT'lIN ~ SE d fun. to • ewarding. andults the ~ . -" It s r 'dS and a . an teach kl .of riding . and outs d safelY · IA skillfullY a~ow yoU ~-N ils on _ For deta to be a ce r . can train 'nstructor • tified ATV ~41-9256 . call (71 4) I Do it todar-Ieasl 18 Must be a e and ears of ag r d ' ,,' " " .... ~oss~s~':e~~~' . driver s l E LEAD li\ T H al G R E ~ ~T A 13423 Stanstead Norwalk. CA 90650 (2131864-0704 (ill ~c::::::J[5 ~.:, 'Superbow l Road Race Schedule May 26 - Willow Springs June 9 - Surs Point June 30 - Willow Springs ""---'0 ' L.---"' _._ -_ .~ 'Of Motocross May 11 .~ . .. LOS ANGELES %2111 I_ · '-_ ..... CA12153 ~ P~~ - - - - - - - - - -

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