Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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z o o Z a: w :r >:r 5 >- '" o o ... :r 0.. (Kaw) : 3. Ricky W hite IKaw ). 125 PRO: 1. Bren Cahor s IKaw ). 25 0 BEG: 1. M erl yn Frank (Hon ); 2 . Sean Hum me ll (Kaw); 3. Dan iel Guer rero (Yam) . 250 J R: 1. J im Delu cch i (Ho n); 2. Ron Schreier (Hon); 3 . Graham M ill er (Vam). 2501 NT: 1. A la n Carls on (Vam); 2. Steve Machado (Vam). 250 PRO: 1. Bren Cahors (Han) ; 2 . Howie Ross ISulI. OPEN BEG: 1. Ken Corlson (Kaw); 2. Steve Silvestr i IHon); 3 . Mark Saric (Hon). OPEN J R; 1. Skip Brossard (Yam); 2. Bill Bloom field (Hon); 3. Craig Mclean (Hon). OPEN INT; 1. Jim Owens (Vam) . OPEN PRO: 1. Bren Cohors (Han) ; 2. John Wells (Vam). VET SPTMN : 1. Je rry Sil sdorf (Vam). VET MSTR: 1. M ike Lane (Henl. OT; 1. Ron Ma uagerr i IVam) . Cook, Simmone, Holcomb zero CRCHobo 100 By Bill Hern don cA, AP R. 11 On a course tha t th e Cal ifornia Racing Club (CRG) believed was virt ually unzeroable, Mark Cook took hi s Yamah a YZ250 to LUCERNE. Former National motocrosser Bryar Holcomb took first 250cc B honors and f ifth overall at the CR C Hobo 100. He was one of sev era l to zero t he event. didn 't all o w hi m to reel him in . gi ving Zahrt th e win . H av ing a 1-2 tall y, Mar ia sevi ch wa s th e top money w inner; Kell a nd hi s 2-3, won seco nd . Zahrt 's first moto performance sho t him down, bUI he still took third overa ll wi th a 6- \. Results PEE WEE: 1. Robby Hamm ond (Yam); 2 . Pabl o Lara (Yam); 3 . Chris Wheeler (Yam). PEE WEE EX: 1. Jeff Willoh (Vam) . 60 0 -8 : 1. Jeff Willoh (Kaw); 2_Pablo Lara (Kaw ): 3 . David Ochoa . 60 NOV : 1;-J eran Gamby (Kaw); 2. Jeff Lewis (Kaw) . 60 INT: 1. Joey Curt is (Kaw). 80 STK BEG: 1. Levi Noble (Yam): 2. Da ne 8roesel (Kaw) : 3. Derek Natv ig (Kaw). 80 MO D BEG: 1. Kenny Som mer IKaw ): 2 . Nor man Gaumond (Yam); 3 . N ick Ma rrcse (Yam) . 80 STK NOV : 1. Eric k Broesel (Kaw ); 2. Guy Oeck en (Kaw); 3 . Bria n Gipson (Yam ). 80 MOD NOV : 1. Guy Deckert (Kaw); 2 . Brian Gip son (Yam ); 3 . Kev in Martin (Kaw) . 80 STK INT: 1. Bubba Erickson (Kaw) : 2. Dennis Urba n (Vam). 80 STK EX 1. Chr is Lara (Kaw) . 80 MOO INT: 1. Bubba Erickson (Kaw); 2. Dennis Urba n (Yam); 3 . Jason Collier (Hon), 80 MOD EX: 1. Kyle Lewis (Hon); 2. Chr is Lara IKaw) , 125 BEG: 1. Jeb Brock (SUl); 2. Stan Hase IKaw); 3 . EOdyKellogg (Kaw). 125 NOV : 1. Bryan Petr ie (Kaw) ; 2 . Jo hnny Clark (Suz); 3. Steve Wamboldt (Yam). 1251NT; 1. Robby Go rdon IKaw ~ 2. Mike Voung (Yam ); 3. Mike McLain (KBW). 125 PRO: 1. Kurt Henricksen (SUl ); 2. Greg Vowell (Kaw); 3 . Jeff Matiasevich (Kawl. 250 BEG: 1. Reg ie Kenny (Yam ); 2. Mi ke Simons ISuz); 2. Steve Mass (Sud. 40 -. . 250 NOV ; 1. Robe rt Wethern (Vam); 2 . Greg Roybal (Kaw) ; 3 . David Bagw ell (Hon ). 250 INT: I .Jeff Rutt(Vam); 2 . Tom Stout (Hon); 3 . Paul Tomorie (Hon) . 250 PRO: 1. Jeff Matiasevi ch (Kawl; 2. Mike Kell IKaw); 3. Ken Zahrt (Hon). 500 8 EG: 1. Tom M ad son (Hon); 2. Tim Ma lco lm (Hon ); 3. W ill iam Lawton (S Ul). 50 0 NOV: 1. Dan Stilwell (Ho n); 2. Deven San tangelo (Vam): 3 . Don Abdella 1M-S t. 500 INT: 1. Patr ick McBride (Vam); 2. Al an Coats (Yam); 3 . M ar k Jones. 500 PRO: 1. Ruben Falcon (Vam). WOMEN AM : 1. K.O. Halfhill (Kaw); 2. Tina laM IHont 3. Laura Warnecke (Yam) . WOMEN EX: 1. 8renda Conner IHon) . VET JR: 1. Greg Rogers (Hon); 2. Kevin Sexton (S Ul ): 3 . Mick Mistrena ISUl). VET INT: 1. Robe rt Cooke (Han ); 2. Bill Dennis IHon ). VET EX: 1. Marino Bast ionell (Suz); 2. Ken Kulluson ISu zl; 3. Ken Eh lers (Yam ). Cahors blasts Baylands By M ike Vancil FREMONT. CA . APR. 17 Brett Ca hors too k the checkers ahead of a ll comers in eac h of his six motos in the I25cc. 250cc and Open Pro class es to sta r t o ff th e 1985 sea son in sty le a t Baylands Racewa y Park . OUI o f a ll th e riders en tered in th e P ro classes. Ca ho rs was the o n ly o ne entered in al l three. Followin g him home in th e 250cc Pro s wa s H owi e Ross (Suz); J ohn Well s (Ya m ) was seco nd to Ca hors in th e Open Pro class. Ca ho rs borrow ed a well-used Kaw asa ki KXI25 fo r th e I 25cc P ro ro u nds, a nd in eac h insta nce he had to work har d to get arou nd ha rd-cha rg in g Sea n Conley (Kaw ), Conley was o n th e gas a ll around th e track . but at th e halfway poi nt in th e mow Ca hors wa s a ble to use hi s beuer choice o f lim's to tak e th e lead . In th e two o ther classes, Cahors wa s o n his more-fam il ia r, beuerprepped Hondas, a nd nobody els e co u ld touch him . Th e onlv threat to Cah ors was in th e second 250cc Pro mot o , when Sam Nava (H o n) bers erk ed off the start ing line first. Nava th en be~1I1 building u p h is lead, bu t he th en bailed ~I t he halfway point , giving the lead and win 10 Cahors. Results 60 PEE W EE: 1. Bria n Gouveria IKawl. 80 BEG: 1. Kennie McGrath (Hon l; 2. Mike McCloud IHon ); 3. Scott W illiams IHon ). 80 JR : 1. Matt Seeves (Yam); 2 . Shawn Robert son IKawl; 3 . Matt Furman (Kaw). 80 EX; 1. Todd Hicks (Kaw) . 125 BEG: 1. M itch Cook (Vam ); 2 . J im Jacobs (Yam); 3 . Ricky Peixoto (Kaw ). 125 J R: 1. David Rogers (Honl; 2. Jessie Brit ain smoke just abou t every body in the H o bo 100 enduro. Coo k n ot o n ly zeroed the AMA D-38/ CRC combined points ru n , h e a lso dropped just six ยท seconds, Don n ie Sirnrnone, firs t 200cc AA and third overall , thought he had th e o vera ll win, " bu t Mar k's six was just too hOI; I co u ld n ' t h ave beat en it." H eath Hibbard (Yam) vaulted himself up to seco nd o vera ll, first Open AA Vel ; tying with Simmone for third was R ick Daniel (H us) , first Open AA -.The Dani el/Simrnone tie wa s the fir st of several in th e H obo, which al sosaw four more riders sco re zeroes , Most a mazin g wa s th e performance o f B cla ss rider a n d former National m ot ocross ra cer Bryar H olcomb. H e rode hi s Husky to fir st 250cc B, fifth o vera ll, and a zero on the course! H olcomb's ride earned him a n immedi at e transfer 10 th e A class . H onda XR250-mount ed L owell "S poof" Spiva finished behind Holco m b in six th overall . but h e once aga in ex pe rienc ed a one-second disa p po int ment . " T h ey mis-rnarked my ca rd in the third loo p spe cia l lest," ex p la ined Spiva. The error cost h im a cha nc e a t ge ll ing a zero. T he su rprisi ngly hi gh n umber o f sco re ties incl uded Mike Sm ith (200cc B) a nd J ames Bor tre e (O pen AA) . 1.108 . at II th overall ; and Pau l Eddy (200cc A Vet ) a nd Bill Postel (250cc AA Fo u r-stro ke) , 2.108 , at 16th overa ll. Most remarkable o f a ll was a double three-way li e for 18th: J er ry dCY Sm ith. Mark Anderson, and Tr Lewis. All tied for 2.112 dropped , and a ll Open A clas s! A to ugher- tha n -us ua l loop o ne sta rted o ff south into Lucern e Valley at 21 mph. cha ngi ng eas tward to Fl ower Canyon six m iles o u t. Fourteen miles _o u t. P jJSI the Bessemer Mine P it a rea. riders had 10 really j u m p o n th e gas. Suddenl y. in a 24 mph sec tio n , yo u were th ere : The fir st loop special test , through lots of tight rocks a nd eleva tio n cha nges, had a 17.8 mil e check- in, followed by a 21.8 mile check-o u t a t Johnson Valley Ridge , The extraordinary early Ap ril heat was alread y affecting many rider s; most wer e happy to see th e four mile reset and an easy pace a ro u n d the n orth sid e of Windy Can yon . back to the pi ts, and a tooshort" 19-minute break . Overa ll loo p o ne winn er was M ike Chamber la in, at 1.49, on his Ya ma ha YZ80. With the h eat in cr ea sing, loop two h eaded across Anderson Dry Lake, and soon cha llenged riders to a gnar ly ca n yo n . At 6.3 mil es wa s the first specia l test , which ended a t 9.5 mi les . But th ere were so m e surprises left. After dropping into Johnson Valley a nd over Boulder R idge for fou r mi les . th e second specia l tes t bro ke at 18.8 m iles] Further, it in cluded bo th 24 and 30 mph speeds . The exci tement was over at the22.6-mi lecheckOUI. Many riders wer e heat-sinking by now , and gratefu l for th e finish run through Red Hill Can yon , an d back to camp at 21 mph. for a too-short 17-minute break. Larry Mason took his KT M 250 to a \.54 , a nd the overall loop two win to take th e C class. There was another tie, this time in eigh th place between Dana Bell (first Woman A) and Bryce H a ssenst uck (th ird 250cc C) , at 3.98. The bruta lly ho t loop three u tilized th e first seven miles of loop one. It then veered right to Sandhill I then over 10 H o lco m b Mine, then wes t across th e so ut h lip of Flower Canyon . T he n ex t I I mi les passed Tombstone Quarry. At 14.5 mil es, times got tight, speed dropped to 24 m ph. and the day's biggest cha lle nge awai ted a t Cougar B u tie . A lo n g six mi les la ter brought th e check ou t to th e big specia l test o f th e day , a nd ex ha us ted r iders wer e glad for th e four-m il e rese t and speed reduction. Even th e 21 m ph speed saw r iders too used -u p to mai ntain th e pace to the finis h . It was in th is -Ioot rock cl iff sec tio n that a blind I O dropoff found Doc Stirling and Spiva at its bottom. Miraculously, neither wer e injured . This area had been h eav il y sta ked with danger signs, whi ch a n earl y rid er all edgedl y knock ed down when h e crash ed . It wa s again heavily sta ked; they again di sappeared . O 'Neal USA 's Jim O'Nea l carne out for hi s first en d u ro , taking second 250cc B on hi s n ew Honda CR250. " T he third loop wa s a real cha llenge,' '' sa id O 'N eal, ''I' ll be back." Entr ant Chris Reyes sta ted: " T he second loop was great, too. Just when yo u thought th e sp ecia l test was over, th e real o ne started." Results 1. Mark Cook (Vam); 2 . Heath Hibbard (Vam); 3. (TIE) Rci Dan iel (Hus) Donnie Si m mone (Kaw); 5. Bry ar Holcomb (Hus); 6 . Lowell Spiv a (Han) ; 7 . Scot t 8 ristol (Kaw); 8 . Pete Post el (Han); 9 . Brad McKay IKTM); 10 . Greg W in kel (Hon) ; 11. (TIE) M ike Sm ith (Yam)!James Bo",ee (Hus): 13 . Randy Daug hterly (Hus); 14 . AI Horvat h (Vam); 15 . J im Boll ingmo Jr . (Vam) : 16 . ITIE) Paul Eddy (Vam)!Bi ll Postel (Han); 18 . (TIE)J erry Sm ith (Hu s)/Mark And erson (Yam)! Tracy lewis (Han ). McCoy pounds Prairie Hills By Larry Johnson H U DSON , CO, AP R . 14 Brant McCoy needed two points to advance to th e Pro class and got them both today in the inaugural ra ce at P rairie Hills . Last yea r's 80cc Expert S ta te Champ rook hi s Vicker y Yamaha YZ 10 easy victory in th e 125cc Amat eur class, then borrowed a H onda CR500 a nd did the sa me in th e Open 'Amateurs. Earli er in th e day, the Mini clas s attacked the deep sand track, which provided a ver y different cha ll enge for Colorado riders, who are accus torned 10 dry, sli ck hardpack. St eve Keck took. the fir st 80cc Ama teur m oto lead ha lfwa y through la p o ne and stre tched it to 30 seco n ds bv the ch eckers. Jason Clark claimed second on lap tw o and held it to th e flag , ahead o f Mitch Eck hard t. C la rk took the early lead in rnot o two a head of Keck , who lost th e spot 10 Ec khardt before la p o ne was coJ!lplete. Then Keck bailed.Ieaving Clar k and Eck hardt to bail ie for the lead. Eckhardt pa ssed C lark two circuits later . whil e Keck wa s crash in g again . Eckhardt began 10 pu ll away as Clark crashed twice, allowing Keck to close the gap. As Eckhardt cruised to vic-

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