Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~. Vl Z w > <{ II: U > e II: II: ~ > a:l 0 .... ~ 0 :I: 00 O'l 11. ....... ~ ~ ...... ~ C\l ~ ... Ed Arnett didn't have very good'luck in the 250cc and Open Pro classes at Ascot. Even though he made the Open main, he dropped out after lap one. Collins d id not rail o rr th e pace a nd passed Pastell o n th e next lap. Coolbaugh took th e win , [allow ed by Collin s a nd Pastel l. In the seco nd moro Marc Peters (Kaw) led, by Pastella and Coolbaugh. Pastell th en q uic kly passed Peters to tak e over the lead . As Pastell streched h is lead ove r Peters, Peters was busy hold in g Coolba ugh back to third. The order stayed the same, wi th Pa stell wi n ni ng over Peters and Coolbaugh. Results 60: t . Rich ie She rman; 2. Brad Schultz. 80 BEG DIV 1: 1. Danny Fontayn; 2. Cary Flint: 3. Tom Grelle. 80 BEG DIV 2: 1. Mike CalC 2. Derek Meyer; 3. Jason Krikor ian . . 80 JR: 1. Mike Farzanch; 2. Rusty Somers; 3. Sheryl Fedorow. 80 INT: r . Cra ig M iller; 2 . Kev in Bu ssey ; 3 . Bran- don Sperling. 125 BEG DIV 1: 1. MichaelBuchanan; 2. Cameron Flint; 3 . Steven Abbott. 125 BEG DIV 2; 1. MikeLucas; 2. Timmy Fonteyn; 3 . M ichael Clemen t. 125 BEG ON 3 : 1. Julio Miranda; 2. Dar ren Fred ri ck son; 3. Randy Yarak. 125 JR DIV 1: 1. Perrin Perez; 2 . RandyMenighan; 3 . David Wodaszewski. '25 JR OIV2: 1. Charl ie Brown; 2. Matt Wallace ; . 3 . Jon Berg. 1251NT: 1. Rob Gordon; 2. Br ett Manley; 3 . Frank Pilato . ' ~ 125 PRO: 1. Willie S urratt; 2 . RonTurner; 3 . Rob Trone . 250 BEG OIV 1: 1. TrevisStake; 2. ManeoGeun n us: 3 . Douglas Brooks. 250 BEG orv2: 1.Jim Dom inici; 2. Brian Thomp~ son; 3. Ed Alvar e L 250 JR: 1. Da';d Jennings; 2. Tom Kirkley; 3 . Me rle Hammer. 250 INT: 1. Harley Hall; 2. Steve West: 3 . Craig Westergaard. 250 PRO: 1. Willie Su rratt; 2. Ron Turne r; 3. Rob Trone. SOD BEG DIV 1: I . Ron Baker; 2. Steve McClellard ; 3 . Mark sabre. SOD BEG DIV 2; I . Darryll Sullada; 2. Rod Lee; 3. Jack Evans. SODJR: 1. Dana Hale; 2 . MarkAnderson ; 3 . Jo hn Perry. SOD INT: I . Don Pastell; 2. Jason Coolbaugh; 3 . Marc Peters . SOD PRO: 1. Ron Tumer; 2. Mike McMillen; 3 . Pete Murray. VET JR : 1. Rich Hansen; 2. David Laun ius ; 3 . James Harrison. VET INT: 1. Karel Kramer ; 2. Franko Surridge; 3 . Barry Phillips. .VET MSTR : 1..BiII Hanley; 2. OeWavne Jones; 3 . Steve Van laot. ... OT ~R : 1. Garry Weaver; 2. William Hopkins. Henricksen, Mafiasevich crank at Corona . By Cathy Barbacovi CORONA, CA, APR. 14 Kurt Henricksen made a comefrom-behind rid e in the first 125cc Pro mota, then backed it up with a second pl ace score, to take the overall wi n a t th e Ca lifornia Ra cing Cl ub's (CRe) final race at Corona Ra ceway. Cl a im ing second wa s Greg Vowell ; th ird was J eH Mari a sevich , wh o wen t o n to win th e 250cc P ros. Vowell held the first l25cc P ro mota lea d a head or Mike Kell a nd Matiasevich. H enrickso n was way ba ck in fourth p lace, but it didn 't look po ssible Ior him to catch up. Ma riasevich was o n th e move and adva nced to seco nd p lace over a set o f jumps, bu t he dropped h is bike o n a co rn er an d ended up in la st p lace. H enricksen was th en in secon d pl a ce a nd pressuri ng Vow ell fo r th e lead. As th ey di ced through a corner, Hen rick son ou t-rna n uevered Greg and took ove r the to p spot. Kell a nd C h uc k H a rt follow ed th em across th e fin ish lin e in third and fo u r th . . Wh en th e pack h ead ed down th e sta rt ing hill for th e seco nd mo to , it was Vow ell, Mar iasevi ch a nd H en ri cksen . Matiasevich made a m istak e, a llowing H enricksen to work into seco n d pl a ce. H en ri ck sen th en swooped past Vowell in a sweeper to beco me th e leader. Matiasevich the n passed Vowell to la tch o nto seco nd place a n d set o u t a fter th e lea d , to sett le the ma tter against H enricksen . Mar ia sevich p u lled orr the pass o n Henrickson in a turn a nd took the mo ta win. But Henrickson held steady in seco nd p lace. kn owing that the overa ll wi n was wired with h is 1-2 tall y. Vowell was seco nd wi th a 2-3; Ma tiasevich still took third wi th a 6- 1. , T houg h Mat iasevich had a disappoi nt ing 125cc P ro race, he was the victo r in th e 250cc Pro affai r, In the Iirst m ota , Mik e Baker ass u med th e ea rly lead a hea d or Kell y, Mark Decker, Juan Posca and Mat iasevi ch. The Kawasak i-rno un red rider th en passed Posca over a jump to ta ke fourth, Then , over another jump a nd a ro u nd a turn, Matiasevich squeezed out Decker Ior th ird . Mat iasevich exercise d a Iew other tri cky mo ves to become th e moto winner. Kell wa s th e runnerup a head or Bak er and Decker. Ken Zahrt, h ad th e holesh ot d ialed in th e seco n d round. Decke r was in seco nd pl a ce, a head or Matiasevich , Kell an d Bak er. Mat ia sevich began putting pressure on Decker Ior severa l la ps; th en over a two-level jump , he passed Decker for second. Mat iasevich set out a fter Zahrt but tim e • Cycle News Ad Hotline 213-427·7433 , I YAMAHA '82 SECA 65DRJ $1499.00 '82 XS 40DSJ $899.00 '84 6Dee 3.Wheeler$499.00 '84 125ee3-Wheeler $799.00 CALL FOR PRICES TOOLOWTOPHIIIOI MAlY OTHERMODELS FJll00 and V-Max IN STOCK! "Pw ' AccesswIes DiIceaIJt WItt nil Ad.• -I nternationa l Moto rcycle C ompa ny, Inc. 7233 Canoga Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91303 (8181 346- 3700 The best way10 expllinsomething is to showhow it's done. That's e"Clly willi we did. '"Building a High-performanCl! Engine- is lorty minutes of video that lids youwilen building e performance engine. Byron Hines narrates the entire show • staning with the cases split and continuing until the valvecoveris boiledon.Theconlusionofcam degreeing is eliminated wilen Byron iIIustrales step·by·step iusl howto install and degreecams 10 theirpropar spacs.'"Buildinga High·performance Engine" canbe applied tomostin-line fours andis a delinite must for those installi ng larger displacemenl kils lor high-liIl cams. Available in VHS and Bela tapes, hrt" OeIcripuon 16080 Building A High Perform ance Engine Retail Price $69 e00 Orde r By .,~. Pho ne Or Meil . . . . . . . 14010 Marquardt Avenue Sanla Fe Springs. CA 90670 L...--(213) 921-7461-....1 39

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