Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Wynne wins Spillway Pro MX By Jim Pluhar SANTA MARIA , CA, APR. 2\ Spillway Par k returned to racing after a five-month winter la yoff. O n an overcast but pl easant day, ov er 70 riders in .' Toland leads the Willow Superstreet start, ahead of Mazur (8 2), Tecza (3N), Van Zuyle (239 ), Rosa (1 3 1 ), Gale (1 7 0), and Hill (8 0). .Hill wins 600cc Carr doubles at Superstreet LodiST/TT By John Ulrich By Ann Carr ROSAMOND, CA, APR. 28 Malcolm Hill came from behind on his RZ3S0 to win the IS-lap Lockhart 600cc Superst rc et ra ce, at th e Will ow Camel P ro rookie Expert Chris Carr doubled the L odi M.e. semi -pro sh or t track a nd scrambles event today at th e Sp ri ngs AMA P ro-A m, in th e pro cess sto p p ing th e win streak s o f Doug T ol and a nd Paul Van Zuyle. Tola nd had been undefeated in 1985 AFM 600cc Superstreet and Stork Production races a t Will ow o n hi s J im Lahin e-tuned La H abra Yamah a . FJ 600; Van Zu yle ha s won every AFM RZ350 Ser ies race 'II Will ow in 1985. But in hi s best ride this season, Hill fought off Van Zuyle, the n caug h t, passed and left T oland behind. Afterwards, H ill cred ited tuner Ed T oomey with the victory. The race looked to be T oland 's o ff th e stan, as he jumped out front a nd strea ked ahead of the pack, bui lding upa JO-secon d cush io n a nd turning I mi nute, 35-second lap times. It took Van Zuyle, the n Hi ll a few laps to get through traffi c and gel a shot a t a clear track: the two qu ickl y were turn ing I:34s and gaining on Toland. It was clear that Hill had th e most power, and he used it to pa ss Van Zu yle lap-after-lap going into wid eope n turn eig h t: Van Zuyl e mad e up th e time aga in into turn nine a nd by gelling into turn one harder a nd ca rryin g more speed around th e corner, a lacti c th at proved even mor e effective one lap wh en Ihe pair c.lug h t a lapper in th e middle oh urn one: H ill balked a nd Van Zuyl e pulled ahead. . Bu! Hill 's power advantage mad e up Ihe di slance a n d more, a nd as Ihe race went on, Hill was gelling into lurns one and nine harder, 100. Hill ca ugh l Toland entering lurn three. following Toland and then driving underneath a l the ent ra nce 10 lurn eig h t. Ihe same place he 'd passed Van Zuy le so o ften before. Toland lOok a Sla b a l making up Ihe ground by really going deep into lurn one th at la p , and lurned a 1:34, bUl th en Hi ll was accelerating away on Ihe ligh ter, quicker Iwo-slroke. Toland finished second a few seconds behind, with Van Zuy le Ihird, a na lher IWO seco nds back. About 30 seconds behind Van Zuyle came Ni gel Gal e o n his slOck FJ600 . • Lodi Cycl e Bowl. Threat en in g prerace weather co nd itions del ayed competition slightly. bUl1 33 din trackers and 92 TT en tries joined for ces for an excelle nt specta to r sh ow on a da y which even tua lly became warm a nd su n ny. Carr, aboard a recentl y-built Wood-R ot ax sponsored by S hoe il Blendzalt /Hi -Poiru, dialed th e start o f bo th the shan track an d TT 500 Expert main and moved a way from th e field. In his third set of co nseculive wins, Carr bested Mark Key o n the nat track and Bryan McDow ell on th e scra m bles course. In the only 250c c Exper t class action, Aaron Hill borrowed Jaime .Ag u ila r's Honda a n d to p ped Key in the 250cc Expert shan tra ck main in a wir e-to-wire win. Agui lar placed seco nd behind Charl es McClea ry in th e 250cc Junior TT. Veteran class ac tion featured the return of former D-36 number one All en Yarrow , wh o o u td ista nced th e field in th e TT' ahead o fJ ohn Taylor . Paul Warner aced Ro y Fish er in a very competitive shan track feature. Results 600 SUPER ST: 1. Malcolm Hill (Yam): 2. Doug 38 Toland (Yam); 3 . Paul Van Zuyle (Yam); 4 . Nigel Gale (Yam); 5 . Fra nk M azur (Ho n); 6 . Tony Mathews (Yam) ; 7. Ru ss Miquel (Kaw); 8. David Morris (Kaw); 9. Henry Tecza (Yam) ; 10 . Seon Johnson (Yam) . CA, AP R . 21 Results ST PEE WEE: , . Sammy Sabedra (Yam); 2. "'lIen Yarrow (Yam) . 60 NOV: 1. Chad Mc Bride (Han); 2. Jake Zemke (Kaw). BO NOV: 1. Ronnie Knight (SUl); 2. Paul Polhe· mus(Kaw). 80 EX; , . Matt Wa it (Kaw ). VET: 1. Paul Warner (Han); 2. Roy Fisher (Rot): 3. John Taylor (Ma i). 125 NOV: 1. Kris Kiser (Han). 20D NOV: , . Dave Keil (Bul) : 2. Lee Lancaster (Yam). 25 0 NOV: 1. Bob Bacosa (Han): 2. Rick Gerow (Bul); 3. Steve Raymond (C-"') . 25 0 JR: , . Kelley Fischer (C-...): 2. Charles McCleary (Hon); 3 . Dant e O'A m b r u$o (Yam) . 250 EX; 1. "'aron Hi ll (Han); 2. Mark Key (Yam). 50D NOV: 1. Joe Pinada (Yam); 2. Curtis "'costa (Han): 3. Ja mes Hodgin (Yam). 50D JR; 1. Joe Carrera (Yam); 2. Danl e D·...m · brousa (Hon l: 3. Woody Rogers (Yamt. 50D EX: 1. Chris Carr (WR): 2. Mark Key(Yam) : 3. Adam Sabedra (Hon); 4 , Dan M cDon nell (Hon). TT BD EX; 1. Sean Plymde ISUl). VET: 1. "' lIen Yarr ow (Yaml; 2. John Taylor (Rot ): 3. J ames Hodgin (Yam). 125· 2ODNOV: , . Dave Keil (Bul); 2. Harold Gep· ford (Yam). 250 NOV; , . John Holland (C· ...): 2. 2achary Tay· lo r (Hon), 250 JR: 1. Char les McCleary (Han); 2. Ja'me "'guilar (Yaml. 500 NOV: 1. Tim Kenny (Ma i); 2. Brad Spencer (Yaml: 3. ...rt M itChell (Yam). 50D JR: 1. Dante D·...mbruso (Honl; 2. Joe carrera (Yam ). 500 EX: 1. Chris earr (WA) ; 2. Bryan McDowell (Han); 3. "'lIen Yarr"", (Yam). a l l turned o u t 10 tak e o n th e tri ckv riverbed course for th e California Racin g Club even t. The day went smooth ly until th e first 250cc Junior mot a wh en three riders tangled in th e second turn , Wh en th e eigh t-la p even t was over , Jim Vaughan had grabbed hi s first o f two victories in the class on his Yamaha. and easily took fir st for the day. Joe Torres (Han) was second with a seven point total for the two events. Third went to Jay Robb (Yam ). T he most excitemen t occurred in the 250cc Int ermediate/ Pro race. In the Iirst of Iwo even ts, Pa ul Villa dumped his Honda whi le running second in the Pros: by the lime he restarted he had dropped 10 last . Keith O'Neal gal his Honda around the Suzuki of Ton y Toste on la p five of the eight-lap skirmish 10 tak e second , whi le Sh awn Wynne was pushing his Yamaha to th e winner's circle in the Pro portion o f th e even I. In the second round, Brad Toms, riding a Kawasaki in the Intermediate cla ss, got th e hol eshot on the Pros, bUI was on ly abl e to hold th e lead for half-a-lap. He retired in lap six wh ile running second in hi s cla ss. Wynne got hi s second win in th e 250 Pros, but it took him unt il th e while flag lap 10 gel by O 'N eal. O 'N eal wa s second for th e day a nd Toste third. In th e 125cc funior class, David Noel rode hi s Kaw asaki 10 victory in th e first even t for hi s division , bUI failed 10 cap ita lize on his advantage the second lim e a ro u nd. Noel ran into trouble on the last lap and dropped from secon d 10 fourth. That pl aced him third for the day with a 100ai of five. Craig Ka thary on a Kawasaki was second, a lso wi th a to ta l of five , bUI with a better second mota fin ish . Todd Yor k's Suzuki was the winn er with a th ree poin t tally, Results 60 BEG: t . Tom my Har per (Kaw); 2. Garry "'shbrook (Kawl. 80 BEG: 1. Tidus Gut ierrez (Yam); 2 Daniel Fisucriedo (Hon); 3 . M ar sh all Wi lcox (Hon). 80 JR : 1. Torey Row land (Kawl; 2. Torey A yl esworth (Ka wl; 3 . Kurt Hop ewell (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Mathe w Miller (Kaw); 2. Mark May nard (Hon); 3 . Se ane Call ihan (Han) . 125 JR: 1. Todd York (SUl); 2. Craig Kathary (Kaw); 3. David Noel (Kaw). . 250 BEG: 1. James Landberg (Kaw); 2. Steve Cordero (Yam); 3. Ric hard Roger s (M ai). 250 J R: 1. J im Vaughan (Yam); 2. Joe Torres (Han); 3. Jay Robb (Yam). 250 tNT: 1. Paul Blomquest (Han); 2. Randy Titttern tre (Suz); 3 . Brad Toms (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Shawn Wynne (Yam); 2. Keith O'Neal (Han): 3. Tony Toste (Suli . OPEN VETtNT: 1. Rick Gill (Yaml; 2. Dave Howa rd (Suz). OPEN VET EX; 1. J im O'Neal (Han). OPEN JR: 1. Joseph Gonzalel (Ma i): 2. Kim Goodch ild (Han); 3. Dale Tittlemier (Yam). OPEN INT: 1. Russ Cracknell (Ma i); 2. Sam Furlin (HanI. OPEN PRO: 1. Jon Ortner (Yam). Surrattsteals CMC Ascot night MX_ By Larry Cravens GARDENA, CA, APR. 19 Willie SurraH displayed h is tal ents at lOnight's CMC Ascot motocross by lOpping both th e l2Scc and 250cc Pro classes: Th e 250cc Pro class had two qualifiyin g he;Jt races and o ne co nso l;J lio n r;Jce 10 get 10 th e fin al. In the firsl qualifi er J eff Mmi asevich (Kaw) gal the hol esh ol , foll ow ed by Ron Turner (C;Jg) a n d S ur ra tt (Han). On Ihe seco nd lap, Surratt roosted by Turner th en weill aft er Mal iasevich. Surratt was on the gas and right behind Matiasevich when the whi te flag came OUI. In the last few turns Surratt Sluffed it under Matiasevich to take th e win. Turner was third. In th e second qualifier Rob Trone (Han) took an early lead over Brent Sherrnak (Han) and Donn y Fish (H a n). Pet e Murray (M-S) started OUI ofthe top five. but by th e secon d lap had cha rg ed hi s way into second pl a ce. Trone ga\'e Murray no chance 10 ca tch him. and went on to take the win , foll ow ed by Murray a nd Ed Arn et. In th e 250cc P ro consola tio n round Rob Engel (Han) blasted o ff the startin g line followed by Jerry Black (Suz) a n d Brian Paquett e (Han). Chris H einrich (Ka w) gal a sixth place stan, and by th e second lap had charged hi s way into thi rd p lace behind Black. On the third lap , Heinrich roosted by both Black and Engel to lake command of th e moto, When the checkered nag came out it was Heinrich with the win , followed by Engel a nd Black. In the final John Posca (Yam) got the hol esh o t, followed by Surratt and Murray. Posca then went down on th e first la p , leaving Surratt in first, fo llowed by Murray and Turner. Surrau pulled a quick lead over second place Murra y, but the real rac e was between third pla ce Turn er and fourth p lace Trone. Turner and Tron e di ced their way pa st Murray on the second lap, th en went o ff in pursuit of Surratt, But Surratt was untouchable and look the win , with Turn er seco nd a nd Trone third. In th e first I25cc Pro mala, Turn er holeshot off th e line, foll owed by Trone an d Surratt. Surratt cha rged p a st Tron e a n d ca u g h t up with Turner. Turn er held off Surratt unti l th e last lap when Surratt pass ed Turn er o ver a set of double jumps. Wh en th e chec kered nag came OUI, it was Surra tt in first followed by Turner and Trone. In th e seco nd moto, Surratt had th e holeshot , followed by Heinri ch and Ken ny Clifton (Suz), Turner was 'in four th Irying to di ce aro u n d Clifton, and Surratt was starting to pull a sm a ll lead over Heinrich . On the second lap, Turn er passed Clifton to lake over th ird p lace. By the th ird lap Turner got by Heinrich to take second behind Surra tt. On the last lap Hein rich dropped back to fifth , leaving Clifton and Trone to di ce for third, with Trone coming ou t on top. When th e checkered nag ca me out, it was Surratt firsl, Turner second and Trone third. In th e fir st 500cc Pro mo to Arnet (Ya m) took th e lead . foll owed by Turn er and Murray. Arnet dropped OUI of th e race on the first lap, leaving Turner in first followed by Murray and Dave Fohz (Hon ). Mike McMillen (H a n) sla ned o u t of th e lOp five and cha rged hi s W;J y Ihrough the pack and, by Ihe Ihird lap. he had moved illl o Ihird pl ace. On Ihe founh lap, McMillen pa ssed Murray to lake over second place. Then, on Ihe same lap, Mike Baker (Ya m) passed Murray 10 move inlO th e lOp Ihree. Turner gave McMillen no cha nce 10 ca lch him, and when Ihe ch eckered nag came out il was Turn er with the win, followed by McMillen and Baker. The second maIO saw Turn er gel th e holesh ot over Murray and McMill en . Murray Ihen passed Turner 10 ta ke over Ihe lead to the fin ish. McMi ll en co u ld nOI get aro u n d Turner, h o weve r , and when the checkered nag ca me OUI il wa s Murray, Turner ;Jnd McMillen. In the first 500cc Intermed iale mOlo. Don P;Jslell (Ha n) took the lead, follow ed by Jason Coolbaugh (Cag) and George Collins (Han ). Coolbaugh fin all y got around Paslell on the founh lap 10 lak e over Ihe le- d, bUI d

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