Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Malcolm Hill came from behind to win the Lockhart 600cc Superstreet race during the Kerker 100 Pro-AM road race weekend at W illow Springs April' 27-28. A full report on that race w ill appear next week. For a look at the Superbike. Formula Two and Endurance events. see page 8. ...... . H onda -m ounted G er t-jan Van Doon sco red I-I for th e overa ll w in a t th e Aus tr ia n ro und o f th e 250cc World MX Championsh ips. April 21. Suzuki's M ich ele R inal d i was second o vera ll wi th a 2-4 ta lly. The Italian round of the 125cc World MX Championships went to Cagiva's Corrado Maddii. who won both motos. Second overall in the April 21 event was Maddii'steammate. Pekka Vehkonen. with a 3-2 finish . The Ca li fo ria Racin g Club (C RC) will hold a " Kid -d uro" near R ed Mo unta in . California . Saturday May 18. th e day before regul arly-sch ed u led T enderfoot Endu ro May 19. The kidso n ly event h as cla ssed for tw o -, threea n d four-w heel ers; sta rti ng tim e is I :30 p .m . Ent ry is $5; a ll fin ish ers receive (sma ll) trophi es. sta rt ing ribbons a nd stickers. Kid s under seven w ill go o ne five-mi le loop; th ose over seven w ill go two loo ps. Ca ll th e CRC at7 14/ 689-6114 fo r in forma tion. The original Superbowl of Motocross returns to the ' Los Angles (California) Memorial Coliseum 8:00 p.m .• Saturday. May 11 . The Miller High Life-sponsored spectacle promises a new track layout. designed to be rougher than last year's track. Included in the festivities are the Suzuki Quad Racer Championships. an 80cc Expert and Pee Wee exhibition races. Fr ida y n ight. May 10, is D isco unt N ight at Costa Mesa Speedway. at th e Oran ge Cou nty (Cal iforn ia) Fa irgrou nds. Every bod y w ho sho ws their m otorcycle d rivers licen se wi ll ge t a do llar o ff regu lar ad m iss io n to th e speed way o r swap meet. Swa p meet ho urs are from 6:00 to 10:00 p .m.; gates to th e speed way track open at 6:30 p .m.. racing beg ins a t 8:00 p .m. Whil e yo u 're at th e swa p meet, stop by the Cy cle N ews table a n d sig n a letter to h elp fig h t agai ns t the CPSC ATV ban . T h ere will be pre-printed lett ers supporting rider ed uca tio n rea dy for your signa tu re - Cycle N ews will do th e ma iling. H elp us show th e gover nment tha t we ' re serio us abo u t keepi ng our righ ts to o wn and opera te ATVs! Fo r spe edwa y informatio n . ca ll 714/492-9933 ; 714/ 495-2542 fo r th e swapmeet. San Bernardino's (California) Inland Motorcycle Speedway (IMS). will be closed until May 8. due to the Orange Show Fair. Alex Czaj kowski. We ldon No mura and Chris Meissner were th e w inners of th e Cycle N ew s "Desig n a Subscrip tio n Ad" contest. Each received SIOO and a credi t line o n ad s th ey designed. The firs t of the winni ng ads ra n in the May I issu e. Larry Huffman's Motorcycle World radio show. broadcast in southern California every Sunday from 10:00 to 11 :00 p.m .• is now on KOLA-FM 99.9. The show. beamed via satellite. is scheduled to expand into other areas soon. For information call 1-800/228-5249. toll- free. May 12 is th e correct date fo r the Ca lifo rni a Mor o sp ort C l u b's a n n ua l Four-Stroke Cham pi onsh ips. slated to run a t Carl sbad Racewa y in Ca rlsbad. Ca lif orn ia . T he Cycle N ews Ca len da r sec tion h ad accidentall y listed th e event for May 5. Input is required immediately for the U.S. Forest Service's longrange management planning for the Cleveland National Forest. which extends from Riverside to San Diego counties. The official title of the study is The Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Proposed Forest Land and Resource Management Plan; included are several management alternatives. some of which may affect ORV use. All comments must be submitted by midnight. July 5. Write to: Forest Supervisor. Cleveland National Forest. 880 Front Street. Room 5-N-14. San Diego. CA 92188. Ame rica n J eff Hick s (Hon ) wo n th e open i ng round o f th e Ca nad ia n Supercross Championshi p Series held April 20 in Van couv er . Briti sh Colu m bia 's BC P lace Sta di u m . Dou g H oo ver (Yam) a nd Ca na dia n Supercross Cham pion Ross Pederso n (S u z) foll ow ed H ick s to the finish . Kevin Hines (Hus) won the April 28 f ifth round of the AMA National Championship Hare 'Scram b les Series in Hurricane Mills. Tennessee. A broken radiator hose put last-lap leader Ed Lojak (Hus) in the DNF column and handed Hines the victory. Randy Hawkins (Hus) edged John Martin (C-A) for second overall on the final lap of the 100m ile race . Bob Shillinger (KTM) and Mike Keen (Hus) rounded out the top five. Gu y Bertin . Ph ilippe Guichon a nd Bernard Milet rode a Suzuki G SX R750 to win th e 24-Hours o f LeMa ns World Champi onship End uran ce ro ad rac e. co verin g 2.058 mi les at an average speed o f 85.74 mph in th e April 27-28 event. Onl y 22 o f th e 55 sta rt in g teams mad e it to th e fin ish . Holland's Davy Strijbos (Hon) won the April 28 Belgian round of the World Championship 125cc MX Series. Jon Van der Berk (Hon) was second and Corrado Maddii (Cag) third. Back in Europe: Husqvarna' s Danny La Po rte was a n o-show a t th e April 27 Orlando , Florida . S u perc ro ss. L a Porte was in Swed en . wh ere h e will ride th e May 5 Swedish round of th e Wo rld Championship 500cc MX Seri es a boa r d a fa cto r y Hu sky . La Porte will also co m pete in the May 12 500cc G P in Fin la nd , a nd is expected to be back in th e U .S. for the May 26 Mt. Morris. Pen nsylvan ia . National MX . . The State of California Department of Parks and Recreation is offering a discount program for regular park facility users. The annual dayuse vehicle pass is $40 per vehicle and allows unlimited entry to all state park units which charge vehicle fees. Passes are available by mail order only. For details writa Qepartment.of.Parks and Recrea- tion, P.O. Box 2390. Sacramento. CA95811. park locations . For detai ls. ca ll Mike Bishop. 805/965-9722. J oe Win ston o f Mot or cycl e City USA in Mission Viejo. Californ ia has sta rted th e Nathan Peters Reco ver y Fund to h elp nine-year-o ld Nathan . wh o was cri tica ll y injured in h is fir st 60cc d irt tra ck race a t Corona Racewa y in Corona . Ca liforn ia o n Saturday. Ap ril 27. Na tha n is expected to rem ain in intensiv e ca re fo r a week a nd to be h ospita lized for severa l m o nt h s wi th serio us leg in j u ries su ffered when h e was lapped an d st u ffed in turn th ree by a n older 80cc rid er , ra n o ff th e q uarter -mi le tra ck , kep t the th ro ttle wid e o pe n in panic. crossed th e in field a nd th e half- m ile track a nd h it a wall. Hi s fa th er is un emp lo yed and with o u t major med ical insuran ce; Na th an h ad attended th e ra ce a t the invitati on of Wi n ston a n d hi s so n . Cards a n d lett ers sh o u ld be d irected to Nathan Peters. c/o Mi ssion Commun it y H ospita l. 2780'2 P uer ta Rea l. Mi ssion Viejo, CA 9262 1: donatio ns to the Nathan Peters Reco very Fu nd sho u ld be di rected to Da na Miguel Bank. 34180 Pacific Coas t Highway. Da na Po int . CA 92629. More in fo rma tion is ava ila ble from Winston a t 714/ 495-3352. The Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation Department has begun charging a $2 fee for vehicles using the San Gabriel OHV area located northeast of Los Angeles. Vehicles transported into the area (such as bikes on trailers) are charged $1 each. Spark arrestors are required on all motorcycles and A TVs. Call 818/969-1012 for information. Mickey Fay won the 31 st Annual Northwest Regional TT held at the Owyhee Motorcycle Club's Peaceful Cove track in Boise. Idaho on Sunday. April 28. Randy Green and Scott Pearson followed Fay across the finish line. all three on Hondas. The Expert motocross portion of the TT weekend. Phil Larson won in the Open class. Joe Wright topped the 250s and Mike Larson won in the 125cc class. Full report next week. Ma lco lm Sm ith has kicked off th e Nathan Peters Reco very Fund (exp lain ed a bo ve) with a donation o f $ 100 a nd has cha lle nged h is fri ends and dealers to ma tch th e dona tion. AMA District 37's Enduro division now has a Super Senior class for riders over 50 . Rules used in the Senior class are used. Riders can enter in the new class at the UEA's Not- So - Tuff-E-Nuff Enduro. May 5. at Red Mountain. California. For details. call 0-37 Enduro steward Art More. 805/4923595 . C h airm an Dou g Barn a rd o f th e Commerce Consumer a n d Monetary Affa irs S ub- comm itt ee o f th e U .S. H o use o f Rep resent a tives Com mi ttee o n G ov ern ment O pe ra tio n s has scheduled a hearing o n ho w th e U .S. Consumer Product Safet y Commissio n isdea lingw ithATVs. T he hearing . tenta tively set fo r May 2 1. will be held in Washi ngto n . D.C . For m ore in forma tion ca ll 202/225-4407. The sixth annual SMX Spring Classic series begins May 5 at DeAnza Cycle Park in Sunnymead. California . Round two of the series will be at Perris Raceway. May 11; the final round returns to DeAnza May 19. Sponsors include Answer Products. Silkoleneoils. and SunWest Cycles. Amateurs will receive $5000 worth of contingencies; Pros receive regular paycheck. Amateur entries are $15. Call 714/831-3482 for details. A grou p of Ventura County (Ca liforni a ) moto rcycle deal ers ha s formed Ventu ra County C it izen s fo r L eisure Act ivit ies. to promote th e creation of a co unty motorcycle pa r k due to th e closure o f In dia n Dunes. The co u nty has been a lloca ted $85.000 in state G reen St ickie funds to study possible Little known fact: You can ta lk to th e Consumer P rod uct Safet y Commissio n. Free l Th e C PSC's to ll -free number is 800 /638 -2772. an d th e C PSC's o ffices are open from 8:30 a. m. to 5:00 p .m. eas ter n time. Mo nday th rough Fri day. Now read this: The 15th annual Virginia City Grand Prix. scheduled for May 11-12. will feature a steep downhill section as part of its 21m ile long course. The downhill is located on a treacherously soft surface consisting of mineshaft tailings - just the thing to keep you from getting bored . Over $15.000 in contingencies and prizes will be awarded to sportsmen and Pro riders. Entries are still availablelor this classic event. For inf orm at io n. call 702/358-2407. MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRYS ClfANGE Adding N ew wareh o use faci lities to h elp m eet in creased dem and for their leathers a n d ra in sui ts . N el son-Rigg US A, Inc., U .S. importers o f Fieldsheer lea th ers and Atlantic rainsuits; add ress remai ns 5082 Bol sa Ave.• #109. H untington Beach . CA 92649 . 714/891-8111. Purchased By Fred Fox 's Parts Unlimited co m pany , under his L eM ans Corporation banner. a p latin g p lant in Corona. Cal iforn ia , to be named LeMans Plat in g. Inc. Featured In th e J une issu e o f Sport Fitness magazine. " Mu d an d G u ts. " a si x-page sto ry a bo u t motocross. by J eff Spencer. a u thor of "Total Training fo r Mo tocross" and guest host on L arry Huffman 's Mo to rcycle World radio sh ow; Spen cer says that he di d no t chose th e article's title. Appointed by Johar of Cal iforn ia. a Gardena-based manufacturer of motorcycle and bicycle p rod ucts. Slope and Associates as th e company's n a ti onal a nd in te rn ationa l sa les representatives. Signed By ATKLeilller. Wa rren R ei d . to com pete on an ATK 560 four-stroke in selected world champ io n shi p a n d U .S . n a tional M X events. To Be Published " Ga ry Bailey T eaches R ider T ech n iq ue. " a rider train i n g manual by Gary Bailey; a su mmer release is expe cted. Cancelled The J une 8 Chicago round of the AMA Supercross Series; the even t will not be rescheduled.

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