Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 04 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ ~Y PflPfi WfflLfY '"""'" Wo rld Champion Eddie Lawson won the Imola 200 run on the Dino Ferrari Circuit in Imola.ltaly. on Sunday. April 14. Lawson handily won both 1 OO-mile legs and he was followed across the li ne in each race by Californian Randy Mamola (Hon). Japan's Takazumi Katayama (Hon) returned to road racing after a lengthy absence due to injuries and he f inished third with 3 -3 finishes. The Apri l 13-14 IDBA Spri ng Na tio nais a t Mississip pi 's G u lfport Intern ational Dragwa y saw Sa m W ill s (Kaw) to p Elmer Treu (Kaw) in th e Top Fuel fina l. Wi lls tu rn ed in a 7.29 second, 194.80 miles pe r h our run 10 T re tr's losin g 7.567 /1 97 .36 . Terry Vance (Suz) was th e Pro Stock winner with a n 8.30 / 160.85 fin al ru n after Randy Mason (Kaw ) had ig n ition . proble ms o n th e sta rting lin e. Vance ,a lso scra new P ro Stoc k record a t 8.28 sec. a nd 161.80 m ph. Th e Funn y Bike fin al betw een George Bryce (Suz) and Bo O 'Brochta '( Ka w ) was rained o u t and will be run during the May 18-19 Sunsh in e Na tio na ls a t Edgewa ter. Sports Park in Cincinnat i, Ohio. Defending series champions Team Hammer (Suz). with ,Russ Paulk and Dave Schlosser doing the ridi n g ; opened the 1985 WERA National Championship Endurance Road Race Series with a w in in t he April 13 round at Clermont. Indian's Ind ianapol is Raceway Park. Team .Hammer covered 191 laps on the 2.5 mile course in the sixhour race to top David Aldana and Wes Cooley of Cycle Tech Racing (Suz) by f ive laps. H arl ey-Da vidson P roj ect Man ager Mik e Hi llm an is quot ed in for eign rnot o-n ewspaper s th at th e Nova V-4 projec t " de fini tely fig ures in to o u r futu re. We just h ave 10 find th e right p lace 10 build it , and yo u ca n bet you r ' life we're go ing ahead." The second round of the World Championship 250cc Motocross Series was won by Jacky Vimond (Yam ) with 2-1 moto performances . Michele Rina ldi (Suz) was second cveralt with a 1-4 score. Defending World Champion Heinz Kin igadner (KTM) was third overall with a 4 -7 day. Vimond leads the series with 72 points. So u the rn Cal ifornia I25cc Pro mot ocross rider Taylor Marcell has received a jun ior co llege certifica te in sports medicin e. The Costa Mesa. Ca liforniabased rider has been aid ing severa l top riders, in cludin g David Bail ey a nd J eff Ward. Mar cell plans to a tten d med ical school. ' 2 Local rider Ronnie Naylor. riding 8 CR500 Honda. claimed round four of the AMA National Championship Hare Scrambles Series in Red - ' ding. California. Second went to Kevin Hines. while D uke Dowell finishe d third . Ser ies points leader Geoff Ballard finis hed f ifth in his class despit e suffering a serious thro at in fection that f lared up the night before the race . ' Tve had th is iUness for a little over a week. now, " said Ballard in a phone conve rsation Monday following the race . "My throat swelled up Saturday night. and it got a little scary when I was riding . because I ' thought I was going to choke . I really fe lt m iserable. It was the worst day of my lif e." T he Hook an d Ladder End uro h as been revived by th e Fam ily Racing Associa tion a nd th e Los Angeles Ci ty Firefigh ters Association. an d is sched u led for Ma y 12. A special o ne- loop co urse will be run Ma y II for ATVs, wom en a nd ch ildren. Ma lco lm Smith' will be the even t's officia l starter; a ll p ro fit s will go 10 the Alicia , An n Ruch Burn Fo u ndation. For infor ma tion. ca ll 714/777 -2969. Anybody who wants to express their feelings about the CPSC's approach to ATV safety should write Commissioner Stuart M . Statler, CPSC. 1111 18th St.• Wash ington, DC 20207. Send copies of your letter to: Your local Congressman or Congress woman; Congressman Doug Barnard. Rayburn Office Bldg .• Room B-377. Washington. DC 20515; Mr. Terrence M. Scanlon. Chairman, CPSC. 1111 18th St.• Washingt on. DC 20207; Specialty Vehic le Institute of America. (SVIA ). . 3 1 5 1 Airway Ave .• Bldg. P-1. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Ga le " Mo tocross Mom" Webb w ill br in g her Sa fety in Sports sho w 10 a Sco ut-a- ruma held at the Del Mar Fa irg rounds in Del Mar , Ca lifornia , o n April 27. Adm ission 10 th e SCOUla-rarna is $2.00. The June 8 round .of the AMA Supercross Series in Ch icago. Illinois. has been cancelled . Reason for the cancellation is unknown at this time. Los An geles-ba sed KHJ-T V C ha n ne l 9 will broadcas t two su perc ross sho ws th is mont h . " Due l in th e Dirt," Ieaturing th e 1981 Kan sas Ci ty ba ttl e bel ween Mark Barnell an d Mik e Bell, will a ir a t 10:30 a.m. o n Apri l 20. ," Challen ge o f a Cha m p io n " will fo llow Kent Ho werton 's charge on th e 1980 Su perbow l o f Mot ocross in Los ' An geles a nd will a ir April 27, aga in a t 10:30. The 1985 Superbowl of Mot ocross is sch eduled for the Los An geles Co liseum on May I I. - Jay Gleason and a Yamaha V-Max will highlight a motorcycle drag rac ing exhibition during t he HighRollers (car) Drag Nationals at Las Vegas Speedrome in Las Vegas. Nevada on April 20. The racing starts at 7 :00 p.m.; Gleason will be trying for an ultra-quick time on a V -Max prepared by Nevada Yamaha. More information is avail able from Lee Seifert at 702 / 3842353. O ctob er 5 is th e dat e set for th e La Carrera Internation al roa d race, a 145-mile-Iong run from 'San Felipe o n the eas t.coas t o f Baj a Ca lifornia , 10 Ense na da o n th e west coas t, T he re are ope ni ngs for 160 entries. an d on ly fo ur -stroke, d ua l-p u rpose bik es ca n he en tered . For mor e in fo rm a tion , w r ite La Ca rrera Coas t- to-Coas t; Mo ntevideo 303-408. Col. Li ndavista, . CP 07300, Mexico D.F. The Off-High way Motor V ehic le Rec rea t io n Division of t he Ca li forni a De partment of Parks and Rec reation . along with American . Postmaster General explains newspaper delays NEW ORLEANS. LA . MAR. 18 , I . Postmaster General Paul N . Carlin admitted that t he U.S . Postal Service is responsible for delays in delivery of weekly newspapers such as Cycle News. Speaking at the National Postal Forum South in New Orleans. Carlin said that the post office made a m istake in rout ing all second -class mail throu'gh the long-established preferent ia l publication network system previously used only to deliver timecr itical mail like weekly newspapers: The change was made January 1 . " Reg ardi ng our cu rrent performance on time-critical second class mail." Carlin said. " t he fact is - in retrospect - we moved too fast in ,m erging all second -class mail into the Pref Network. The transition period was too brief. • . "As a consequence. at the turn of the year. the system was simply overloaded . We were caught short of equipment and short of trained personnel. The resulting de lays - I regret - have been damaging to weeklies and to daily newspapers. " Carlin continued. saying" . .. we are dealing here with physical limitations: enormous volumes of mail and inadequate processing capability. That calls for physical remedies - plant, personnel and equipment. And they can 't be brought online overnight. " How ever. let me make this very"clear. I view the Pref N etwork , overload as a major challenge . Our credibility is di rectly at stake. " A nd I assure you, we are giving it the highest priority. We .w ill continue to do everything we can to resolve this problem as rapidly as possible ." . • Carlin 's remarks are included here in response t o many recent complaints of late delivery from Cycle News readers ..The delays are caused by t he U .S . Postal SerVice and. if Carlin is to be bel ieved. w ill be resolved soon. - ' Honda and ' SCORE. will be con,duct ing a symposium on the future of ORV recreation in California. The program is scheduled for May 9-11, in conjunction with SCOR E's annual trade and consumer show at the Anaheim Convention Cen- ' ter in Anaheim. California . Anybody who is (nt erest ed in the wei- . fare of off-roading is encouraged to attend; cost is S85'per person. Call ORV Horizons Un limited at 916 /443-0450 for information . Th e su bject o f acc ide n t-rela ted ridin g park closures was di scu ssed at a Ma rch 17 meet in g o r lh e Sacra me nto Co u nty P ra iri e Ci ty OHV Park Advisory Co m m ittee. " In light o f th e accid ent situa tio ns wh ich closed In di an Dunes a n d Sadd lebac k park s," sa id Palmer Slack, co u n ty Chief o f Parks Services, " we're p ut ting cl u bs o n notice th at Sacra me n to co u nty wi ll be tigh tenin g up o n safely enfor cement a t Prairi e City." Slack noted th at th ere has n ot been a serious acci dent at the pa rk in severa l years. Former World Trials Champion Bernie Schreiber 'h as reti red . Schreiber's decision came after he made a poor showing on his f,actory Garelli in t he opening round of the World Tria ls Championships in Spain. in February. Accord ing to family members and friends. the 1979World Champ is looking forward to marrying Yannick Burgat (sister of former trials champ Giles Burgat) th is July in France; a decision to return to competition may come at the end of the year. Schreiber. 26. was w ith Garelli only a few months after riding for Fantic and Bu ltaco. Wo rld Champion Andre Malherb e (Hon) won both m oto sof th e o pe ning ro und of th e World Cham pi on ship 500cc Motocross Ser ies o n Su nday, Ap ri l 14, in Siuen do rf, Aus tria. Qavid T horpe (Hon) was second overa ll wi th a 2-2 day, while J erem y Wh al ley (Kaw) too k th ird ove ra ll wit h 3-3 motos: finis hes . Ca lifo rnia n Da nn v Chandler (KT l\l) finis hed fourt h i~ the opening moto but DNF the second. Super Team owner Tom Tuc ke r is keeping the Y amaha FZ750s that , J immy Filice and Gary Scott rode in the Daytona 200. Tucker will be using the machines to back Filice and Lance Jones for the rest ofthe season. 'G ary Nixon remains as team manager. Litt le kn own fact: Powell H assell , former o wner o f H arley-Da vidson o f Atla nt a, Georgi a . used 10 pl ay pi ano for th e O ak Ridge Boys and Many Ro bbins. April 28 is the date for AM P( D 38's Buzz Bomb 100. The race will be held east of Plaster City in the Imperial Valley. near EI Cen-tro. California. No memberships are required . For information. call (619) 427-5759 . Cent ury Mo torcycle in Sa n Ped ro , Ca lifornia, will ho si th eir an n ua l Father's DaylBSA Ow ner's Club party J line 16. T he party will he locat ed at th e shop; Iestiviri es beg in ai 1:00 p.m . • Everybody is in vit ed. Ca ll 2 13/832 6 190. Mert Lawwiil confirmed that Kenny Roberts and Wayne Rainey have recently tested a pair of Lawwill framed Harley-Davidson XR750s at San Jose. "Nothing's formal yet," said Lawwill. about the t est session, adding that Roberts "just wanted to cut some laps. have some fun and see what it was like . . . Kenny wants to do something for dirt track .. . so, if we can get some sponsorship money. maybe a plan can be put together ... But nothing 's been decided on yet." T he June 29 ro u nd o f th e Ca me l Pr o Ser ies a t Lima . Oh io , will ha ve its marketin g a nd p ub lic relati ons d u ties hand led by P roT ac, 'Inc., head ed by Doug Gonda . In celebration of their 25th an niversary in the motorcycle oil business, Blendzall will be co-sponsoring the Freddie Spencer/SuperTrapp Rac ing Team of Randy Goss and Doug Chandler. headed by Jerry Griffith . A lso on their spo nsorsh ip list are 1984 J u nior N ational Cha mpion. rookie Expert Chris Ca rr, and Houst on double Junior winner Win kie Freitas. -

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