Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 04 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Daytona Your Daytona covera ge was excellent. It is good 10 see Bob Hann ah o n th e winning track aga in . I hope h e goes o u t in style by w in n ing a championship th is season , h is last. It was too bad to see th at Freddi e Spen cer h ad no co m pe ti tion in a ll th ree of his cla sses. It is my hope th at Yamaha ha s buil t Eddie Law son a lighter , bett er-handling bike to co m pe te with Spencer a nd Mam ol a. This may be Marnol a 's yea r to win th e title if a ll goes righ t. J EFF PESTKA Rio Ranch o . NM WEST A m erica 's weekly motorcycle newspaper Daytona Supercross Sharo n Clayton. Publisher MiLa" Klinger. Co mptroller Skip j ohnson . Associate P u bl isher / Na tional S ates M an agn Caroli ne Oendry. Exnu l;t 't' SlY'Tt'l ary 1o th r Publisher Ed itorial John Ulric h. Edi to r Kit Palmer. Associatr Editor Mall Uil J.."t·nbcr~. Associate Ed ito r Jim WoTe-OIt. Associate Ed itor Rex Reese . Feature Ed ito r Advartising T erry Prau, Salt'S Ma ,ragt'T Mikl' Spence r. Salt's Mana gn T im R yan . Salt's M ana grr Linda Brown. Advertising Coordinator Nan cy w asrell , Advertising !Ed itorial A s.tistant Graphic s and Production Lar ry Gi ll. Graphi" A rtist G in xrT [)(oVaul. G rllphi€' Artist Mal col m Wilson . Gra phic Ar tis t Mari on Hatasbna, Ty~y tlt'T Car ol yn Branham. T Yl"sd tt'T Dennis Gree ne , 1.46. T ech, Accounting /Data Procassing Don na Bryan . A cco u n ts R u t'n oab lt' Coordinator Ge neva Repa ss, Assistan t Fran Harnwey . Credit Circulation R he ba Smith . .lfanag " Sarah Taylo r. A ssi:.tant Lyna Hood. Assistan t Dealer Seles end SelVica Bob Elliott. Dealer Sales Manag" Went Ads 51(""(, I am trying 10 find o u t wh ere I can purchase " C lover't le.u hers and mot o• cross sh ins. I have seen th em o n so me Eu ro pean riders a nd th e drummer backing up Elton j ohn even had th em o n! Are th ey so ld in th e U.S.? Ca n I purch a se them in Canada? JERRY DeCOLLIB US Ashl and, MA (;runt'r . Want Ad Sales Service a nd S upport Chris Aitrheson, Receptionist Gregory Hanson. SbS West 220 1 Che rrvAve.. Long Beach. CA 90806. P .O. Box 198. Long Beach. CA 9OROI ·IH98. (2 \3) 127·7433; L.A. Lin e (213) 636-8844 . East 1190 Fir.. Ave.. Tuck er , GA. 300&1. P .O. Box 805. Tucker , GA 30085-0805. (1M) 931 ·78 50 . C yde Ne ws/We" (USPS H \·310) is published week lv ex cept th e [irst and 14151 week of the calendar yrar for S25 per year by C vcle N ew s. In c.. 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Bea ch. C\ 90806. Second d,,,s posLi'~ Exot ic leather pa id Beach , CA. POSTMASTER : Sand form 3679 to CycIa News . P.O . 8ox498. Long Beach. 41 ulOJjt 1 Can an y reade rs help w ith th is one?... Editor. Labels We would like to th ank you for n ot plastering our address la bel over your tri ck cover p hOIOS. jAY E. KEARNEY PAT CASELLI JOEL ALLSUP GARY FITCH Mountain View . CA But th en how unll you get th e paper?" . Ed itor. a rea? For most of us th e weekend is a ll th e tim e we have to ge t OUI riding . It's reall y too bad a bo u t th e Dunes-that pl ace had 'a ll th e facilities to acco rn m odate t wo- , t h ree- a n d Io u rwh eelers. STEVE BOBROFSKY Long Beach , CA De.Anza Cycle Park in Surmymead has motocross races roery Sunday and has open /rail rid in g six days a we ek (closed !Ifon days );[arther.north th ere's plenty of open /rail riding in Gorman; there's rna/across every Sunday a/ Perris Racewa y in Perris, Corana Raceway in Corona. Carlsbad Raceway in Carlsb ad; Friday n ig ht rna/across began April 5 at Ascot Park in Ga rdena, Corona Raceway is still runn ing Frida y nigh/ rna/across. A new motocross track opened up M arch 31 in Hungry Valley (near Gorman) and another ma y open up soo n in L ion Country near I rvine." Assoc. Editor. CA 90801 -0498 . Su bscriptio n ra tes: One rear. second daiS mail. $25: tw o years, secon d class mail. 515; three years , seco nd class ma il $68; 25 weeks . S I ~ . Foreign rates avai la ble o n request. C ycl r N(""o\'s we lcomes unsol ic ited edi to ria l ma ter ial in cl ud ing stories. car toons , p hotos, ere. Suc h mat erial . if publ ished, MOffit'S th e exc lusive propt;r ly o f Cycle Nt"Ws. Such accep ted mat er ial is subjert to revision as is n er essarv in the sole discrelion o f Cycle New s. Unsolici ted materia l whi ch is n OI used wi ll be ret urned if accompa nied by a self-addressed stamped en velope . All unsolici ted ma teria l i ll be handl ed with reasonab le care. he ever. C)" Nt' \'o' s assumes 110 rt'Sponsib ilil y for dl' th e S;l re l)'. Ios s o r da ma ge 10 such mat erial . Reprin ting in wh ol e or pan only b)' pt'r· m ission o r th e publisher. Adveru stng ra tes a nd circu latio n inf o rma rion will be scm upon req ues t. See S.R.D,S. Copyrigh t Cycle News. Inc . 1985. Trad am ark Cycle News reg istered U.S . Patent Off ice . All rights resarved. 4 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Kit Palmer ju mps M-Star's new water-cooled GM250. First test on the 1985 M·Star. and a KTM 250MX comparison begins on page 10. Photo by Nate Rauba. Where to ride Viewfinders GP Since the closing of Saddleba ck a nd Indian Du nes cycle p arks. I find m ysel£ a t a los s for a pl ace to ride motorcycles, I don 't ra ce, but enjoy riding on closed circu it tra cks. Local racing clu bs adv ertise even ts a t places suc h as Corona raceway or DeAn za Cycle Park, but are th ese parks open during th e week lor p lay rid ers? It would reall y be h elpful if Cycle N ews would publish a m ap li st ing the m ajor ra cew ays a nd riding areas along with th eir hours o f o pe ra tio n. There mu st be many cas ua l rid ers lik e myself who a re unaware o f th e riding opportuni ties whi ch are ava ila ble 10 th em . I hope th at Cycl e N ews will tak e so m e time and help us o u t. DO UG BROWN Canoga Park. CA In yo ur article covering th e Viewfind ers GP you referred 10 th e name originall y being th e Great Bear GP. This is sim p ly not true. The Great Bear was th e name used by the O range Co u n ty Mot orcycle Club for their a n n ua l GP held a t River sid e during th e la te 1970s. This cla ssic is no longer being held. T he Viewfinders GP was held long before th e Great Bear and is still alive. The Viewf'inders are preserving a classic. JOE T URNBAUGH Chino, CA Ditto Since th e closure o f Indian Dunes (a nd oth er parks). co u ld you pl ease give some informat ion on parks a nd legal places 10 ride in th e Los Angeles Bill Foster's Cycle Tech Contrary to wh at yo u rece ntly primed (C ycle News. March 27), I own a nd operate Cycle T ech. Dave Aldana a n d Wes Cooley are riding for m e in th e 1985 WE RA Nationa l Endurance Ser ies. Thank yo u very much . BILL FOSTER Rancho Dominguez, CA The AMA has don e it agai n. No o ne ca n blame Mike Goodwin this time. The AMA ran th e Daytona Supercross race with onl y o ne 12-lap ma in in stead of th e regular two- heat main. Also th ey o nce again doubled the number of riders in the m ain - 40 instead of the reg ular 20-rider lim it. Does major league baseball sometimes allow only IWO stri kes and a player's out in stead of the regu lar three strikes? Or footba ll limit o n ly three downs 10 try for a first down instead of four downs? Then in the next game allow four downs? How about th e number of p layers? Does baseball in some games allow nine pl ayers out o n the field and then in the next ga me a llow 18? How a bo u t basketball? First a gam e with five players th en a ga me of 10 pla yers per team on th e co u rt? No . So whydo it in th e m aj or- league su percro ss series ? Wh y th e change in th e point system , in th e middle o f th e seri es? Why didn 't th ey go back a n d rescore the points of th e whole series? Why start at th e time th e new point system took effect? Does anyo ne realize th e unfair ch an ges it made in the point sta nd ings? If you go back and rescore the ra cers ' finishing positions with this new system the standings would be different and more fair. Bro c Glover might ca re if he loses this year's series by two or less points. Also Ward and Lechien wou ld be tie d a fter Daytona. Something Lechien and h is sponsors might ca re a bo u t at the end of the season. Two poin ts m igh t nOI seem like much. but th ey did to Ba iley and Barn ell in 1983. G .K.SCOTT Newbury Park. CA 0-37 desert We or Desert M.C. would like 10 th ank Cy cle N ew s for their conrinuing cover of AMA District-S? desert age motorcycle ra ces. Larry Langley does a su pe r b job of covering th ese even ts, In add itio n to intervi ewing th e Experts. he also ta lks to the Novi ces, and tells it lik e it is. We look forward 10 receiv ing Cycle News each week, and I a m sure a ll desert clubs would agree. Keep th e co ver age coming. Thanks aga in. MARK SROMALLA President Desert M.C. Buena Park . CA Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News. Inc. Letters for publication must be typed and double-spaced; short. concise letters stand a better chance of being published; due to the volume of mail no letters can be returned or acknowledged. Send letters to Voices, P.O. . Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 .

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