Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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necticur 's Mike Baldwin (H on). G ardner wit h 74 a n d Baldw in with 69 ro u nded out th e to p th ree poi nt posi tions. The' 35th runni ng of t he Cal Poly Penguins' High Mounta in National Enduro is set for April 21 . A reu nion is also being held at the event for f orm er members. For informat ion, call 8051544-9407. The Motorcycle' Safety Foundat ion's new rider education program is called " The More You Know, The Better It Gets. " The 20-hourlong' prog ram is for the f irst-time or novice rider, includes eight hours of classroom instruction and 12 . hou rs of riding under controlled conditions. Call 800 /447 -4700, toll -free, for the location of the nearest MSF safety co urse. Fo u r-strokeAT'Vs are in vited to participate in th is year 's ann ua l Dirt Diggers Din osa ur TT, at Perris Raceway May 19. ATVs are guaranteed to run two heats minimum. Entry is S16. Ca ll 213/829- 1138, da ys, for information. The AMA District 37 Sports Committee is holding a logo and slogan contest for this year's Barstow-toVegas desert race. The winner gets $100, a B-V tee-shirt, and a free entry in the race; deadline is April 30. Send entries to Jim Main, 21056 Chatsworth St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 . Dr. Stefan ·Bau er, the man w ho was responsib le for deve lop me nt of the Norton Commando , was kill ed recent ly in a n ice ska ting accident near h is home in Derbysh ire, Engla nd. Dr. Bauer was with Norton from 1967 to 1975 a nd headed th e Commando p roj ect; he d esigned the mo torcycle's frame and Isol astic engi ne mountin g system . H e was 76. Former Formula 750 Road Rac ing World Champion and factory Yamaha rider Vietor Palomo recently died of a heart attack at his home in Spain, Palomo was the world slalom skiing champion before switching to motorcycling rac ing. He was 36 . J u ly 20-21 is the schedu led da te for the CMC Skoal Bandits Western States Motocross Championships a t the Fl y-N L D Ranch in Zion, U tah, near Zion N a ti onal P ark. Events will include th e Skoal Band its GolfTou rnament in nearby Carmel , a wo me n's motocross cha lle n ge , and AT V races. For mor e detai ls, call 714/261-61 16. The EI Centro area BlM office will be holding public workshops to develop new management planning for the Imperial Sand Dunes in California's Imperial County. Meetings are planned for: EI Centro, April 15; Yuma, Arizona, April 16; San Diego, April 17; and Riverside, April 22. Call the BlM EI Centro office at 619/352-5842 for exact times and locations. 2 Th e April 6-7-8 Ea st er week end Transatl a ntic Mat ch R ace Seri es a t Engla nd 's Donington Par k ro ad ra ce co urse saw the 'British tea m top th e American team by th e score o f 336 to 254. Aus tralia's Wayne Gardner (Hon) won three o f th e six races, but it was Ca li fornian Randy Mamola (Hon ) who too k home th e $10,000 prize for accu m ula ting th e mos t points, 78. ' Mamo la wo n two races, while th e sixth and fin al ra ce }V;i$ won bvCon-, April 27-28 is the sched uled da te for th e L or ett a Ly n n Nationa l Cham pi onsh ip Hare Scram bles a t Hurri cane Mills, Ten nessee. Entran ts will ha ve a chance to wi n a Suzuki RM 250 and a Quad Ra cer wh ich wi ll be give n a wa y in a dr awing o f rider numbers after the event s. For more infor mat ion , ca ll 304/594-1157. " Get It On l " is the theme of the new campaign by the Motorc ycle Safety Fou ndat ion to encourage increased helmet useage by motorcyclists. Ads for the program are expected to appear soon in both motorcycle and active-lifestyle publications. For a free brochure about helmets, write Motorcycle Safety Foundation, P.O . Box 5044, Costa Mesa, CA 92618. T h e dat e for th e \VER A regi on al sp ri n t races a t Roswell Raceway in Ro swe ll , New Mex ico h a s been cha nged to Apr il 27-28. Ca ll 80317843105 for detai ls, The Nationa l Hot Rod Association's (N HRA ) National Motorcycle Racing Associat ion (NMRA) motorcycle drag rac ing branch has ceased operation, and scheduled NMRA all-bike drag events have been cancelled. In a program put together by Terry Vance, the NHRA will hold fou r Pro Stock bike drags with their car events. They are: the Cajun Nationals, May 25-26, at Baton Rouge, LA; Summer Nationals, July 13-14, at Englishtown, NJ; U.S . Nationals, August 31September 2, at Indianapolis, I N; and the NHRA World Fina ls , October 19-20, at Pomona, CA. Saturday, April 20, a t B.C. P lace Sta d iu m in Vancouver, British Co lu mbia, is the openi ng ro und of the five, race Ca nadian Mo torcvcle Associat ion Su percross C ham pions h ips . C urrent CMA Supercross C ha m pion Ross Pederson wi ll be th ere to defend h is title. T ickets sta rt a t $6, For in formation, wri te VTC/ CBO , 630 Ha m ilt on St., Vanco u ver, B.C. V6B 2R3 , Ca nada, 604/280-4400, The Continental Tire Points Fund has been established for Production-class teams competing in t he 1985 WERA Endurance Series. A total of $1305 is currently in the non-contingent fund , includ ing a bonus paid to the highest-scoring team using Continental t ires in the series. For details, w rite WERA, Drawer H, Bluffton, SC 29910. In p ut is needed for th e BLM 's Ca li fornia Desert P lan 1985 Am endment process, which is ope n to p roposa ls until April 30. P ersons interested in su bmi tting a n a me nd me nt proposal ca n wr it e to 1985 Am endments, Bureau o f Land Managem ent, Californ ia Desert Distr ict , 1695 Sp ruce s.. Riverside, CA 92507, or 714/ 35 1-6394. Harley-Davidson 's Trihawk division has vacated their Dana Point, Cal ifornia, headquarters.!n a letter ad- . dressed to their dea lers, Harley explained that a market exists for the .three-wheeler, provided t hey ORV group says Navy misled public LONG BEACH, CA, APR. 8 The San Diego Off-Road Coalition has accused the U.S , Navy of " not dealing in good fa ith" in statements that its proposed land withdrawal in southern California's Imperia l Valley had been modified to allow public riding access. And , according to one off-road source which asked not to be identified, the Navy forced the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to remove a statement from a joint press release saying that the N,vy would allow two popular riding areas to stay open and even provide funding for BLM patrols in those areas. The reason for the de letion, says the source, " is because the Navy doesn't want to commit itself on those areas." The charges come as part of the latest round of a controversy wh ich was supposedly settled February 15 in San Bernardino, Californ ia, when the BLM and Navy issued ajoint press release announcing t hat a " co operat iv e agreement" had been drafted allowing public access t o the 315,000 acres planned for withdrawal in the Imperial . Valley, east of San Diego. But, according to ORV sources, references t o the status of the San Felipe Corridor and Superstition Mountains were dropped before a formal statement could be made . According to BLM EI Centro Resource Area Manager Roger Zo rtman, t he statements were dropped because there was not enough t i m e for both agencies to agree on precise word ing . Zortman said that no agreement had been reached on how the San Felipe Corridor and Superstition Mountain areas would be used, and there was no agreement on BLM ranger funding. " W hat the San Diego Off-Road Coalition says is a matter of interpretation, " says Zortman, who takes issue with the Coalition's all egations. . "There were two statements made by the commanding officer of the Naval Air Facility," explains Zortman . "One was that cu rrent uses which exist in the B zones are expected to continue. And the other is that there would be some curtailment of off-road recreation near the A zones." Zortman said that this applies to areas adjacent to A zones and areas where there is very low recreational demand. But, according to Lynn Brown of the San D iego Off-Road Coalition, "the Navy won't come out and say yes or no" about the status of the two areas in question. . . And , in a letter written by Brown on behalf of the Coalition, " it was never the Navy's intention" for B zones to be open to public use . Because of t his, co ntinues the letter, the Coalition "has no alternat ive but to request that Band C zones be removed" f rom the Navy's withdrawal program, because it did not " d eal in good faith" on B zone designations. The Navy's reason for the restrict ions, according to Brown and Mike Bishop, Chairman of the California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission , is safety. B zones serve as approach areas to targets in the A zones they surround; military aircraft arm their weapons in the B zones, but a mechanical failure, p ilot error or t ur b ulence may result in an accident which may affect anybody on the ground. "But the Navy admitted that there have been four plane crashes in the last 40 yea rs," says Bishop. Brown adds that two of the accidents involved members of the Navy's Blue Angel stunt flying team .near Salton Sea, several miles away from the San Felipe Corridor and Superstition Mountains. At the present time, Zortman says that " v ery de licate negotiations" are being conducted by the BLM and Navy in order to work out their differences. He adds that ORV enthusiasts have no reason for panic, since there will be a series of public meetings to allow public input on the matter. No final decision on the BLM California Desert Plan Amendment will be made until June, Zortman says. Once that has been agreed upon, a further series of meetings will be held to discuss the environmental ·impact statement (EIS) on the Navy w ithdrawal. "We still see no commitment from the Navy, " says Brown about the situation. "The BLM tells me thatthere's nothing to worry about, but I won 't believe anything the Navy says until it's down on paper in writing." To let the Navy know how you feel about its withdrawal program, . write to the following people and addresses: Captain Emil Graham, U.S .N .. Commander .NAF EI Centro, EI Centro, CA 92243, 6 19 /339 -2401 . Bureau of Land Management, Riverside District Office, Mr. Gerry Hillier, District Manager, 2695 Spruce St. , Riverside, CA 92507, 714/351-63941 Honorable Duncan Hunter (U.S . Congressman), 366 South Pierce si.. EI Cajon, CA 92020. 619/579-3001 . San Diego Off-Road Coalition, P.O . Box 1687, Chula Vista, CA 92010. . Your local member of the House of Representatives or U.S . Senator. can back the effort with effective advertising, promotion and distribution networks. Since this would require diversion of motorcycle operations capital, Harley has suspended Trihawk production, and . reassig ned Tr ihawk personnel to other divisions. Harley is currently seeking funding for the project from the State of Wisconsin, and f r,om other private ~esClu rc es . Northern Ill in ois U n iversity is the reci p ient of th e Mot or cycle Safety Founda tion' s Outstanding Regio nal P ro gram a n d Medi a Recognition . awards for the universit y'S mot or cycle sa fety p ro gr am s. T he N IU Mo torcycle Sa fety P rog ram was giv en th e reg ional a wa rd; th e second awa rd wa s for the universit y-produced ed u. ca tio na l film , " Safe Ride." I • (Con ti n ued t. .pag,e,I,5) o