Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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« lXl ::;) « a: ILD! w ~ Z >lXl ~ ::c 0. DO SOMETHING WILD this Summe r! Join Russ Darn ell's Nationwide tour of training and racing . Tour price is $8500 all inclusive. W e provide bikes, parts, mechanics, protect ive gear, food, lodgi ng, transport, video tap ing, 65 days of intensive trai ni ng, race entry fees, racquetba ll, mind prep ping, bike set - u p and ma int tenance. We even pay you race bonuses. Entr ies are nearly full , so don 't miss out ! Call Today for the m ost rad ica l Summer of you r life! AMERICROSS TOURS 1985 P.O. Box 910, Alta Loma, CA 91701 (714) 980-3212 L.A. SUZUKI-KAWASAKI (formerly 3-Star Sport Cycles) 1 5 2 5 South La Cienega Blvd . Los Angeles . CA 90035 Open Tues. - s~ . 9 -6 (2 13) 655-5101 (213) 655-8766 (213) 652·1885 license To Steal ' 84 GS1150 ES3 ' 84 GS550 E GS550 ES GS700 E GS700 ES $3699 .00 $2500.00 $3099.00 $3099 .00 $3399 .00 10TD = Oul The Ooor l OTD OTD OTD OTD (plus FRT and OST Tax & Licen se) Head Spinning deals on all RM's Huge stock of all E & ES models Good credit - No down payment Bad Credit - No Credit - No Problem FlIC10ry Rebate llJ Attention . . . . . .! DId)'OU know IIIOI'e • nd more schools .........& C)'cIe Na_ • • re adl n& material In thelr re ....&d..... bac:ausathe.tudenb anjo)' the .ubject matt... - motor- c:ydH1! out. subscrtptlon tocl.)' .ndhelp)'oursonord.u&ht... ...mto ...eL Vou ml&ht anjo)' re.lln& It too! Cal tocl.)' - 213,'427-7433 Weal. or 404/934-7850 E. .t (Effi~.-"" CITY CYCLE YAMAHA Parts and Accessories UPS d irect to your door Ill! FOR TOP QUAUTY RIDING APPAREL lIlIG W. 16thSt.l.lmg BeacIl (213) 4356551 48 for more details see Dealer-SeMce Directory under IlIdIng AppIqI in-the back of this issue. C'! . : -' .~ 8423 _ (213) 861-6217 (213) 861-5278 (213) 861-4139 ....d Bhd. I . D•.....,. CA !OlIO In the 1 2 5 c c Novice c lasses, Tim Howard (3 2 ), John Garcia (6 ) and Robert McCay mix it u p at Coron a . Garcia finished thi rd in division two. , blew it in th e second set and let Wh ite by. Hurd a lso had so me trou ble in the whoops a nd dropped back 10 last. It took Lopez a co uple o f la ps before he could get by th e big bo re, but once he did he qu ic kly moved in o n H an and the two left the ot hers behind as th ey ba ttl ed C th e lead. Lopez ga ined or first on the fo urth la p , but n ea rl y crashed when he flew too C ove r a ar ju mp. T h is a llowed Han 10 pull a lon gside, bu t Lopez bea t h im 10 th e ins ide o f th e nex t co rner. After d ropp in g back slig h tly, H an go t o n th e gas whe n th e white flag ca me o ut an d was cha lle nging Lopez C th e lead. or When th ey ca me o u t of th e h ill s Han was in front, having pa ssed Lopez in th e same turn in wh ich he fell in th e firs t mot a as th ey ran into 250 traffic, and went on to lak e the win . Keveryga was a di stant third, and after swapping p ositions several times White ca me o u t on top o f th e Open class bailie. Results HIGH SCHOOL WOM EN: 1. Ja ime Kirltpatrick (Arl). M INI SR: 1. Mike Wiese (Art ); 2. Steven Foster (Tus ); 3 . TIm Wells (Cer). 100: 1. Steven Foster (Tus). 12 51NT; t . Carl Benjamin (Arl ); 2. M ike Svendsen (Tus); 3 . Jeff Dean (Per). 175 NOV: 1. M ike Svendsen (Tus); 2. Billy cnempion (Hem); 3 . Mondo Duran (Hem) . 250 NOV: 1. Jeff HayesIPer); 2. Guy Cortner (Arl); 3 . John W illiams ICer) . OPEN INT: 1. M ike Rambo (Per). UNATIACHED PEE WEE: 1. Jason Len tz tKaw ~ 2. Jimmy Wi lliams(Kaw). MI NI BEG 12, : t. Jeff Grafton (Yam); 2. Jarrett Austin (Ho n); 3. Jason M an i n (Yam). MINI BEG 13 +; 1. M ike Cox (Kaw); 2. John Pet erson (Kaw); 3. Casey O'Neili (Yam). MINI NOV: 1. Charlie Brown (Kaw); 2. Guy Deck· ert (Kaw ); 3. Ronnie Martin (Kaw). MINIINT: 1. Donn y McGlau gh lin (Kaw); 2. Adam Fitzge rald (Yam); 3. Robert Sh ipm an (Kaw). 12 5 BEG I: 1. M edardo Ju arez (Suz); 2. Rat Suit (Yam); 3. Steven Char les (Kawl. 12 5 BEG II: t . Ron Sc haffer (Kaw); 2. Paul Qu inn (Suz); 3. Car los Graton (Kaw) . 12 5 NOV I: I .Jerry Litte~al(Hon); 2. Bill A uber len (Yam); 3. Charles Gonzal es (Kawl . 1 25 NOV II: 1. Bryan Petrie (Kaw); 2 . Rob ert M cCay (Kaw); 3. Jo hn Garc ia (Han). 1251NT: 1. Gen e Baldwin (Han ); 2. B.J . Millspaugh (Kaw); 3. Bill y Nie lson (Han ). 125 PRO: t. Chu ck Hart (Suzl; 2. Al ex Lopez (Kaw); 3. Cliff Keveryg a (Han ). 250 BEG I: 1. Micha el M ats on ISu z); 2 . Rau l Casillas (Yam): 3 . Travis Stake (Hon ). 2 50 BEG II; 1. TIm Forbes (Suz); 2. Ron Lathrop (Han); 3 . Shaw n Heit (Yam). 2 50 NOV: 1. David Emmerson (Kaw); 2. J ohn Carter (Hon ); 3 . Jo h n Wall (Yam). 25 0 1NT: 1. Kenny M addu x (Yam t 2. Steve Piat · ton i (Han); 3. Tom Brown (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Go rdo n Ward (Yam); 2. Darr en Shar · uga !Yam); 3 . Don Turk (Han). OPEN BEG: t. Chri s Chapman (Ha n); 2, Robert Johnson (Han); 3. Stacy Cox (Kaw ). OPEN NOV : 1. Br ent Pert er (Hon); 2. Dan Cukar (Su z); 3. Todd Schaffer (Han). OPEN INT: 1. J osh Dean (Yam); 2. John Peterson (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. Chr is Wh it e (Han); 2. Roger Hurd (Han). VETS : 1. Steve Ballmer IK aw); 2. Wa lt Foster (ya m); 3. Lynn McGr aw (Honl . Hettinga, lange hook up at Albany Supercross By Clay light ALBANY , OR, MAR . 3 R e tu r n i n g warriors Da vi d Heuinga and Do ug Lange came home to stormy wea ther in O regon after racin g in Califor nia and won the Pro classes at Albany's District 28 AMA Supercross. Hettinga went 1-2 to win the 125s, while Lange took th e 250cc and O pen Pro classes with I-I tallies. Fourteenyear -old Pa u l Winn al so went I-I in th e 125cc Intermedi at es. H euin ga (Mt. Valley Cycle/Kaw) rode a rampant pace in the 125cc Pro 's first mota a nd cha rged into the lead followed by Kenny Ol son (Yam), Keith FoideI (H a n), Ri cky Gunderson (Yam) and KTM-supponed Grayson H an. H euinga was on the gas, riding like a madman leaving Olson with a lonely second ahead of an onth e-move Gunderson. Heuinga shot into th e lead in th e second contest wh ile Malcolm Smith's Tim Michlitsch (Yam ) hounded from behi nd . Mi chlirsch fis hed for an ope n in g for three laps and finally displa ced Heuinga for the lead and rode th e rem a ining 10 la ps in th e lead . H euinga co u ld n' t rind a wa y arou nd and settled for seco nd , which was good for the overall due 10 Mich litsch 's DNF in moto one . Han took third ahead or O lson a nd Gunderson. The 250cc Pro class was dominated by Lange, who pushed hi s Mo to-X Fox Yamaha into the lead, whi le J ohn Woodley (H a n) , David Fox (Ya m) a nd All en Pitts (Suz) made up a three way fren zy for third after Michlitsch (Ya m) moved into second.

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