Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 03 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ed victory, etc., etc. Th e ultimate key to fame and glory fo r a m in i rider is to g o on and win mo torcycle races, perhaps ending up as successfu l and famous as former min i-racers Jeff Ward and Edd ie L awson . . . Edito r. Grand Marshall Mann I want to than k the peop le from Camel Pro and Pace Man agem ent for their effo rts in maki ng the H ouston Nationals so enjoya ble. The races were exciti ng and p ro fession all y run . It wa s hard to beli eve the y co uld get a ll th e former n u m ber o nes togeth er a t o ne time a nd it was great to see a ll of th em . ' I a lso want to tha nk everyo ne , regardless o f h ow the y voted, for sendi ng in their ball ots to Cycle Neuis. ~ 00 0') WEST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clay to n . Pu blisher Mik e Klinger. Comptroller Skip Johnson , A ssocialr Pu blisher! N ationa l S alt's Man agrr . Caroline Gm dry; Exe cu tive Secretarr to th e Pu blisher DICKMANN R ich m ond , CA Former cham pion Mann was elected Grand Marsh all at th e H ouston races by Cycle Ne ws readers . . . Editor. Editoria l J ohn U lrich. Editor Kit Palmer . A S.'o ci alt' Ed itor i Matt Hil genberg. Associate Ed itor Jim Wolcott . Associate Edito r Rex Reese, Featu re Ed itor Advertising T er ry Pr att . Sales ManagrT Mik e S JXn~r . Salt's M anagn Ti m R yan . Sa les Mana ger L inda Brown . Advertising Coo rdinator Nancy WasldJ . Adoenising t Editotia l Assistant Graph ics and Productio n Lo ri Tyson. Grap hi c Art ist Larry G ill. G rap hic Artist G in ga Devau l. A.r;socinu G raph ic Ar tist Marion Ha tash ita, T vpeseu er Shei la La rsen . T yp rst'tlnDenn is Greene. La b. Yu h. Accounting / Da te Processing Donna Brya n. Accou nts R eceivo ble Coordinator Geneva Repa ss, Auislant Fran Ham wev. Cr~dit Circ ulation Rh e ba S mi th. Md nag~r Sarah Tay lor. Assistant Lyna Hood. Auistant Dealer Sales and Service Bob Ellio tt . Dealer Sales Ma nagn Wa nt Ads Judy H ilgen berg. lVanl Ad Sales Service and Support Ch ri s Ait ch eson. R eception ist G regory Hamon . 5&5 West 2201 Cb errv Ave.. Lon g Beach . CA 90806. P.O. Box 498. Lol1J: Be ch . CA a 9080 ).(}198. (2 13) 427·7433; L. A. Line (213) 636-8844. e ast ~ 4190 First Ave.. Tucker. G A. 30084. P.O . Box 805. T uc ker. GA 30085-0805. (4(H) 934-7850. Cycle Nows/W<>t (USPS 141-340) is published weekly excep t th e [ir st and la st week o f th e ca len da r year for $25 per yea r by Cycle New s. In c.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach . CA 90806 . Seco n d class posta !\<' pa id at Lo n g Beach . CA. POSTMASTER: Send fonn 3679 to Cycle News. P.O. 8ox498. Long Beech. CA 90801 -0498 . Subscr iption ra tes: One year. seco nd class ma il. $25; two years. seco nd cI~ss mail, $45; th ree years. seco nd class mall $68; 25 weeks. $ 13. Foreign rout'S availa ble o n req ues t. Cvcte Xews welc omes unsoli cit ed ed itorial mat eri al in cluding stor ies, C'd TiOOnS, p hotos. etc. Such mat eri al, if publi sh ed, becomes th e exc lusive propc:rty o f Cycle S ews. Such accep ted ma terial is sUbj' ret to rev isio n as is necessarv in th e sole ( iscretio n o ( Cycle News. U'nsol icilt'd mat eri a l wh ich is n O I used wi11 be: returned if acco m pa nied by a self-addressed stamped en velope. All u nso licited m a ter ial will be handled with reasonabl e ca re. ho wever. Cycl e News assu mes n o respo nsibil ity (o r th e safety. los s o r damage to such ma teria l. Rep rin tin g in whole o r pan o n ly by per mi ssion or the publisher . Advert ising ra tes a nd ci rcu lat io n in formatio n will be sen t upon req uest. 5« S.R.DS. Copyright Cycle New.. Inc. 1986. Trademark Cycle New. reg istered U.S . Patent Office . All righU reserved. ON THE FRONT PAGE : Matt Hilgenberg attempts a log section on the new Yamaha TY350 trialer. Test begins on page 19. Photo by Kit Palmer. 2 .. ,.. Bold Pole I a m em bo lden ed to wri te to yo u because I am qu ite dea r tha t you will rea ct to m y letter sin cerely. I a m co nscio us that my req uest may be th rowed away a nd I co ns ider wr itin g to yo u r firm s an honour. For many years I am a collector and a fana tic o f motorcycle and accessories ad vertising mater ial. My co llectio n rised th roug h m an y foreign firms' kin dness a nd pe rso na l persons which are co n nected with th e mo torization industry. Pl ease to accla im m y letter in your magazine. T he co llector o f mo tor cycle adve rt ising materi a l (magazines. posters, decal s, patches, pendants. tsh irts, caps , hat s, etc., etc.) to seek friends in your midst. PIOTR SZYSZKA U I Ba bick iego 4 M . 44 BL 139 94-056 Lod z Pol and Sense of humor? I al wa ys enjoy the " Advent u res of Sm itty," in Cycle N euis, ATV Neurs andAll T errain Vehicle Industry, H e always shows th e situat ions we offroaders encou nter in o ur day-to-day tr ia ls a nd tr ibulations. T he sh ot recently on th e Navy withdrawal was grea t, but if Smitty is evo lving into a polit ical cartoonist, h e had bette r ge t hi s facts stra ig ht . In a recent Cycle Neuis, Sm itty sh ow s th e " la n d police" being supported by " green sti ck ie " m oney. Come on now, Smitty, if yo u had done yo ur homework, yo u would see that th e legislature proh ibits th e spe nding of OHV grant monies on law en forcement. Even if th e law provided for law enforcement grants, the funds would have to get by th e Off Highway Motor Veh icle Recrea tion Commissian, a majority of whom ar e avid off-road motorcyclists. Ri gh t now, we are usi ng green stic ker money to open up opportunities, not to repress the needs of the users , as the ca rtoon suggests. It really hurts to donate around three hours each da y trying to provide fo r the u ser s o f the state, only to . .. . .. . - . ... ... . ... . be ridicul ed in yo ur forum . Keep th e mo torcycle cartoons co m ing, Smitty, but when you get into land use or political areas, be responsible a nd do n 't destro y wh at we ha ve wor ked so hard to create. We want to mak e Ca lifo rnia a sh i ni ng exa m p le of h ow govern me nt ca n be co ntrolled by th e ci tizens it p ro vid es for. MICHAEL BISHOP Chairman, OHMVRC Sa nta Barbar a , CA Disappointed Our family looks forward to receiv ing Cycle N ews every week to read what is going on a ro u nd the a rea an d how our competition is doing. But to our dismay, yo u r issu e dated February 20 was a great disappointment to us o n th e coverage of th e Amateur Supercross at Anaheim. You mentioned every race division exce pt the minis! These kids work hard to be able to go to an even t suc h as this a nd get absolutely no recognition at a ll. After a ll, some of th ese ri de rs may one day be great pros. Wh y is it th e minis seem to ge t less recognition th an a nyone else o n th e track? Th ere are man y tim es when th ey have hi ghly-competitive races th at are very exciting. I'm su re I' m n ot o n ly speaki ng for our fam ily, but many o th ers as well. Ma ybe it would help th ese kid s if yo u co u ld dedicat e half a page to them o nce a month j us t so th ey won't feel com p letely left ou t. Would that be as king too much ? Thanks for letting m e get this off my ches t. • SHE RON LAYE Whittier , CA Ah,the mini dilemma. It is impossible to cover every class at every race; at th e event in question, the Mini Pee Wee class was covered. Beyond tha t, it is our experience that is it im possible for us to mention on e kid without drawing complaints from the paren ts of dozens of ot her k ids w ho wnen 't mentioned, w hether they won or got fourth or should have won but some great misfortune or injustice prevent- No tracks So now Indian Dunes is closed. I liv e in Westl ak e Village, California, a nd sta rted racin g in 1970. Times have rea lly cha nged since th en. On a ny gi ven week end yo u co u ld have yo ur choice of wh ere to race. Back then th ere wa s Valley Cycle Park in T ho usa n d Oaks. Ro ugh R ider's p ark in Si mi Valley, a n d as Ake J on sson once sa id, "T he best tra ck in th e co u nt ry," Bay Mar e. Du ri ng th e week yo u co u ld n ight race a t Lion 's or Ascot. And do n't fo rget In d ian Du nes which ha d both day a nd n igh t raci ng. You could see th e fastest rid ers in the Los An gel es area at a ny o f th ese , places. Ti m H art, Bill y Payn e, G reg Ro ber tson, Dave Rog ers, Tom Rapp, La rr y Watkins, Eddi e Col e, Danny LaPorte, Dave Wil son, J ohn DeSoto, ' Rex St a ten . a nd Kenn y Zah rt were j us t a few . Now all th e parks are closed. There is nowhere left to ride. You ca n ' t even rid e in th e hills without getting chased o u t by the police. Most of the p laces to rid e in the hill s have been tu rned i nt o tra ct h omes. . So m ething must . be done if the sport of motocross is to su rvive. 1 T OM BARNETr Westlake Village, CA Can't believe it Afte r th e grea t ba ttl e we had a t th e Road Atla nta Four-hour last yea r, I can ' t bel ieve J ohn Ulrich is quitting T eam H a mmer. After riding with h im o n th e track I ca n tell yo u I trust h is sta teme nt s a n d j udgements in a . road test . T hank yo u J ohn for th e great time; it was a lot of fun on th e race track. Whil e we're a t it , I' d li ke to th ank Russell Performan ce Products, R .C. En gineering, Na va, Lockhart , Dyn a S, Cas tro l. Su perTrapp, Stanley Chan and Peter Dim m ick fro m Du n lop and Ken T aylor Racing for sup portin g m y rac e effort in 1984. LARRY SHORTS Long Beach , CA Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Letters for publication must be typed and double-spaced; short, concisa letter. stand a better chance of being published; due to the volume of mail no letters cen be returned or acknowledged. Send letters to Voices, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801.

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